Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 796: The future is bound to have many twists and turns

Kane's words from time to time include "recognize mistakes and stand upright", as well as "cannot engage in double standards".

Therefore, after the Catholics launched this out-of-limits war, Kane could still realize that he was wrong.

Despite his experience as a lord, when he took over the Metropolis this time, there were many flaws that were true. Including the organization he represents, this is very characteristic of terrorists.

In the long history of civilization development in this world, it is not that there is no such big scene of changing the owner, but just like the secular civilization sums up experience in continuous frustration and loss, and improves, the extraordinary circle is also such an evolutionary process. , Which includes the 'hidden rules'.

Kane knew that breaking this rule would naturally pay a corresponding price for it.

But he chose to break for two reasons.

First, the spread of nightmares has led to the "superior crisis" coming early, and it will definitely be broken. It is better to be active than passive.

Second, without breaking or standing, his core plan is to rebuild tall buildings on a clean site after sweeping the site, rather than building new buildings on the ruined ruins.

Corresponding reason one is the concept of "extraordinary crisis". To put it bluntly, because of the rapid development of science and technology, the comprehensive strength of human civilization has rapidly increased, so that it has made the extraordinary groups with mythical races do their best.

The once-raised livestock had been strong enough to be able to fight against hunters. The competition for the ownership of livestock among hunters had to be put aside first, and instead focus on the livestock. It is tacit that the extraordinary group is actually some.

It ’s even harder to say that human beings are two different species from ordinary people. They also want to use mythic races or evil things to launch a blow to human civilization, so that it does n’t look like a horse. In general, the more joy you run, the more you cross country.

That is to say, in the face of the rapid development of secular human civilization, compared with the difficulty of the extraordinary circle in terms of technology, the erosion of the culture, or being influenced by the secular culture, the decision-making layer in the circle of the extraordinary has become less and less Confident.

Then since one's own growth is powerless, by slowing down the secular human civilization to achieve a balance of power between the controlling and the controlled, it has become an achievable and even the most enforceable option.

And all this combined is a ‘transcendental crisis’, triggered by the owners of transcendent forces, and a large-scale confrontation with secular forces.

Originally, this confrontation will take almost two decades. When the small amount of brothers circulating in the world becomes more and more popular mobile phones, and there are more and more satellites in the sky, and the missiles are more accurate, the military combat thinking is comprehensive. It only breaks out when it enters high information circulation.

But the nightmare appeared, stimulating the mythical creatures, and even human transcendentals, so the joint effect of one side movement and multiple side movements occurred, and the extraordinary crisis will soon erupt.

After all, the fleet lost on Sino Island represents 50,000+ naval officers and soldiers. This alone is impossible to explain in the past, and it is still noisy.

The nightmare is bound to create more and more evil things and affect the environment. This is no longer able to cover up the extraordinary circle.

To sum up, the transcendence of the transcendence from the recessive to the dominant is the last few months, and it can not be delayed for more than half a year. Kane even pessimistically thought that he could not hold off even two months. After all, in this era, the trend of high-speed information circulation has emerged. The biggest impact it brings is broad vision and quick response. The wisdom of the people has rapidly improved for this. The past game of making information iron curtains by regulating the media mouthpiece is about to go bankrupt.

Kane chose to break the existing rules and be the second reason to be the first person to eat crabs.

This is a revolution in itself, no matter whether it represents progress or regression, it will affect all aspects, all walks of life, and everyone ’s operations, and it wants to be completed in a very short time. What can be achieved, even if there is less bleeding.

When Kane decided to do so, from a rational point of view, he believed that no matter what kind of system-system path was taken in the future, in the revolution-life period, the dictatorship-level ruling model had more advantages than disadvantages.

At this time, there can be no democratic consultation, because that way not only fails to consolidate power and cause serious internal friction, but also misses the opportunity, and eventually fails.

From an emotional point of view, it is rare that this world has no East, only the Far East, and it will not evoke the too deep homeland plot in his heart, so he can get cold, even if the operation is rougher, it will lead to the displacement of countless people and the destruction of his home. Can be implemented without too much guilt.

In addition, many times, heroes are created by current affairs.

Even if I look back now, he still does not regret his choices, including provoking Catholicism.

It can be said that if it weren't for the outbreak of the Montenegro stronghold, Vlad the King of the Metropolitan Vampires, and Kamala, the strongman of the Sanctuary of the Hengyuan Society, would not feel the opportunity to jump out of the sanctity of the Atonement Only Andos 3 hit 1.

If that is the case, even if Vlad and Kamala choose to retreat for a while, it is only a way of slowing down, admitting that they have underestimated the real strength of Kane and his men before, and then secretly united, it may not be necessary to continue to live and die, but it is absolutely It won't give up the Metropolis cake as it does now.

Because they were still more confident at that time, they didn't even think it was necessary to beat him to defeat him, but they felt that if they paid too much to deal with him, they would be picked up by other forces.

This means that their tolerance limit was much higher at that time. He proposed that occupying the metropolis would definitely be regarded as a lion's mouth. Without sincerity, then it could only be a fight.

He was confident to win the final victory, but only in time, he would not rush.

He estimated that if he wanted to normalize and win with those two, he would either play for half a year or make another third hundred-day adjustment.

As far as the fighting power in his hands was concerned, it was basically impossible to fight an outbreak with the other party. It could only be a normal line, relying on his explosives lower than the ordinary army, but much higher than the battle of the extraordinary forces. Strengthen the supplement and ultimately win (mainly refers to the production costs of fire eaters, bongos, and candle men).

The third hundred-day adjustment, the real growth point is that more artifacts are created, rather than an increase in front-line combat power. Because after the attack and defense of the fleet of missiles and shells, the power of the war insects has been exposed. He thinks that it is impossible to get rich, and the metropolis vampire and Hengyuan will inevitably be full power, while delaying his combat power like a method. Production, while taking advantage of its own connections and wealth, fully armed and integrated.

Therefore, expecting a hundred-day exploding soldiers, surpassing the other party in one fell swoop, a little bit floating. Of course, if he is willing to abandon the principle and indiscriminately slaughter the soldiers, that is another word.

It's just that, for him, it is a failure.

The growth point is an artifact. The reason is that more artifacts are created, which means that there are more imprints.

For example, now that the Catholic Dark Ark is bombarded 300 kilometers away, if he has an artifact of an air and space warship, if he puts in a crisis reserve, he can quickly print the air and space warship and tear it apart.

But no, no materials, no energy, no time, even if the sky-sky battleship is manufactured in the form of a spell model, it is still very difficult, involving more than 7 million parts, and like the hull, keel, etc., it needs to be built together Yes, there is no segmentation, which has extremely high requirements on the level and scale of the spell model. Not many are large-scale ceremonial levels. It ca n’t be done in one click, nor is it a small trip, a little tomorrow today. It can be grinded in a little.

There was no diamond diamond, and as a result, he took over the porcelain work. The result was slap in the face, recognized.

Kane will not be in danger at this time, nor will he allow his shadow-butcher to do it.

Because he knew that the Dark Ark must be a pit. The full version of the Dark Ark, even the first generation, can open the field.

To make him an individual, a tonnage complex like the Dark Ark, has a slim win rate compared to the energy output per unit time and the total energy.

If he can't fight in his own field, he has no confidence to challenge multiple Sanctuary strongmen at the same time.

Therefore, at this truly critical moment, he is clearing his core position, not to mention the destruction, that is, he is hit hard, that is everything, everything will happen immediately.

On the contrary, as long as he is okay, the Catholic Church has to calculate, die with him, and pay all the family members in. It is worthwhile.

Don't look at the destroyers destroying churches and slaughtering believers. In fact, the losses associated with the Sino Island and Montenegro strongholds were nothing more than grievous to the bones.

This can be manifested from this fierce attack and three dark arks in one breath.

This major military operation is indeed retaliating against him, but is it not showing muscles to the heroes of the world?

He estimated that the core plan of the Catholic Church should be to build an ark to deal with the extraordinary crisis.

The Ark is strong enough, it has first-class shelter, and it is also maneuverable. The extraordinary crisis is bound to pass, and after the disaster reconstruction, who can take the lead and take the lead? Mostly it is the one with sufficient preparation in advance and the highest comprehensive wealth after the war.

A 10 million factory and a workshop of 100,000 yuan are different from each other in the beginning. If you grab the first, you can better absorb the scattered power after the war. When other people are still accumulating start-up funds, they are already **** here. ...

He feels that even now, the senior Catholics feel that they still have a very big advantage. They prepared early enough and have accumulated relevant results.

Although the plan for further superiority accumulation has gone bankrupt, isn't the extraordinary crisis erupting ahead of time? Others still lag behind them.

In this context, they are reluctant to be arrogant, but they really fight all the people with their family.

It is nothing more than the fact that the hypocrisy face has been torn by him all the time, and the accumulation of wealth has been severely frustrated. So, while the situation has not been completely eroded, while the credibility accumulated over the years is worth a few dollars, it is squandered.

Such profligacy can at least convert a considerable portion of energy from reputation to power.

The psychology that humans chase up and down, and respect the strong, is easy to get a group of licking dogs, a group of rebuke on the mouth, secretly eyebrows, and a group of people who think that death knocks are not good, and choose to avoid.

In this way, it is actually okay. After all, the Catholics play good and evil twins. The good can be believers, and the despicable can also become believers. Opportunists are here, and they can also contribute to their own homes.

This is the popularity theory. It is not a problem to play evil, and no one is taking care of it is the real big problem.

So it seems that Catholicism is a stud, and it has played out many years of contacts, secular power, and even some hidden cards. In fact, it is not really smashed into it just to relieve the bad breath, but in Earnings in other areas are a type of profit and a variant of wealth.

There is no doubt that this extraordinary attack that requires technical compulsion and technical compulsion, and requires audio-visual effects and audio-visual effects is regarded as a fueling act based on his sweeping operations, which opened the eyes of the world and saw What kind of tearing the extraordinary war has completely detonated the panic in the hearts of mortals and opened the curtain of the extraordinary crisis.

At this time, no one can cover their ears and steal bells, deceiving themselves.

This is also Catholicism, and even what he wants to see, otherwise other city-level forces will take the opportunity to dress up and invite people to buy, and the accumulation of wealth, including population and resources, will be more effective.

However, the problem is that his superior has subverted many rules. Hong Guoguo told everyone that his fist is the truth, and he is hard enough to be king.

Not to mention that this has given many people who are ostriches a heavy blow, and more importantly, this gameplay is too wishful thinking, ignoring the feelings of the people, and grabbing the highest authority without killing, and killing the heads when they come up.

If it were only self-respect, if the second person could not be found, it would n’t matter. Many people could hold their noses to recognize that they lived under the rule of God.

But it did n’t take long for the challenger to appear, and he also understood that human beings are visual animals. The sound and light effects of this big offensive, not to mention his “I said that there is light”, would definitely be able to It is reminiscent of the fight between the gods and the innocence.

And actually broke the "I want to have light" trick to a certain extent. You are so hot, dare to call the day and night to change at will, let the sky burn, but now there are three spaceships, so I can only watch. They ruined the city, what was it that you were n’t a super magic before?

The new boss seems to be powerful, but he was beaten in less than three minutes after being oxen. The hood is not between the hood and the hood. It is spicy and kills the whole family. Can't afford to wait, slipped, slipped ...

Once people have formed such a cognition, it is definitely a distraction.

He was not really a terrorist, but he did not take the people under his hostage to restrict his personal freedom.

Well, a new wave of migration, and even a real wave of escape, can already be expected.

No one likes to live in the battlefield. Even if the future blueprint is as beautiful as it is, it is just a pie that draws people to risk life and death to wait for the pie. It is not impossible, but it must have enough prestige and credibility. He is prestigious now, but he has not achieved dominance, crushed sentient beings, not to mention popularity and credibility, so why let people take risks and wait for a promise that I do n’t know if I can fulfill?

It must be said that this plate connection is really a bit of a collapse, the eyes are big and the belly is small, the beginning is expected, but the middle is not expected, let alone the end.

To some extent, he might as well settle down to start in Quebec and Newfoundland.

Although there are half of the land, there are populations. The nightmare is his best ally. He is fierce, and certainly not as rampant as the evil things caused by nightmares. The demon rages on the fierce. After all, he is reasonable, traceable, and orderly, and the evil things and demons are killed for abuse and destroyed for destruction. .

When the two phases are compared, a sense of well-being is immediately generated. The excessively tyrannical means of tyranny on the side of the metropolis also seem less fierce, and may even beautify into a necessity for dealing with difficult times, which is called so-called chaos Heavy code.

After the good reputation spreads, when the nightmare continues to expand in the future, and the extraordinary forces are sweeping away from the door, the mythic race is reaping crazy, let alone he is in Quebec, is in Antarctica, or Greenland, is also the legendary hope Ground. Still afraid that no one will come? The march of death is still rushing, OK?

How can it look like it is now, it looks quite ready-made and quite delicious, but there are too many sayings, if one fails, it will become sloppy pork, should this be eaten or not?

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine sold in the world, and his public profile has been put on the shelf, so it can only be sold like this.

What made him most regrettable was not that his own personal grades had fallen, nor was a card that had the opportunity to win a lot because of his quick success and profit, but it was such a toss that a large number of excellent industry elites would be wasted.

To know that these industry elites are industry elites, to a large extent, because the skill points are all focused on professional capabilities.

In the troubled times, the easiest people to survive are those who put their skills in the survival profession. These people usually give people the feeling that they are often a model of "the industry is doing everything, and there is no complaint." But this kind of person is like a broad-suited grass seed, which can live with a little rain and dew, and the seed has a longer shelf life.

When he was a security guard, he moved the bricks and gave several people a command. When Ma Zi could laugh, he could bend down. No matter where or how such a person lives, unless it is a disaster, they will all die in the end.

But such people are useless to Kane.

He does n’t have the same appetite as the Catholics. He needs the industry elite, not the bottom layer, the middle layer, or the skill points all added to the ‘fighting with people’.

Conversely, most of the industry elites are not stupid. After all, they are too obsessed with the profession, so that they can't take care of themselves. After all, there are very few. Most even if the emotional intelligence does not look high enough, it is also a result of their own choice. Because wisdom is online, otherwise it is impossible to stand out and become an elite.

As long as IQ is online, your shortcomings and longboards will be clear, and you will often choose to hug your thighs early, because you ca n’t play your own value in turmoil and chaos, let alone survive with the whole point, compare with ordinary people There is no advantage, the body is tender and tender, the grains are indistinguishable, and drinking some raw water in the old forest has the risk of diarrhea and must be hospitalized. There is no capital for mixed life.

In this context, if he is strong, most of these people will not easily leave. Because they know that the superiors need their value, they also have enough wealth to resist the price surge caused by the confusion, otherwise, if they escape, it is not easy to say, it is unpleasant to say, even if no one grabs it, it is not enough to be fooled. Not guilty, no fake, no matter how valuable they are, they will soon shrink, and then have to sell themselves at a price of three worthless two, how long will it take to see the sun again? Perhaps this vicious circle will never come back.

But if his new elder brother couldn't cover it ... hehe! People are moving! Then there are people outside to draw cakes to seduce. These people will be lost quickly.

Then what is the use of a pile of only bricks and opportunists? How could he lack the bricks? There is really a need to use embossing to print puppets in groups like the production of floating disc machines. Do not need money, never be lazy, and can people compare?

Of course, the technical aspect should go further, he actually does not need any level of human practitioners.

He has a perfect production system, combined with science and magic, and is quite high.

In this world, he can make full use of the advantages of the super-magic environment. The magic is the main, the science is the auxiliary, the technique model is the factory, the scale is expanded, the mass production, the artificial soul replaces the computer AI, the automated production, the army, the warship High-rise buildings can be pinched out for anything, even if some people are needed, war bugs are basically enough, and human participation is not needed at all.

But if this is the case, it is to walk alone and sit back and watch the human beings in this world meet the great destruction in the catastrophe. He is fully capable of doing better, and even in the process of his own development and growth, he can bring out a human group that adapts to the new era, and will compete for the hegemony of the world and even the wider world in the future. Even if he is no longer there, human civilization Can also continue.

It was from this perspective that he felt that the ticket in front of him was a mess, and it was a pity.

Because he did not hesitate to break so many rules, in order to start earlier and start the snowball journey with the largest possible snow mass.

This is almost the only opportunity for him to compete with the old indigenous supernatural forces in this world in terms of talent acquisition. Taking advantage of the lack of self-confidence of elites in various industries and their human instincts to follow the strong, attracting high-quality populations, at least they have achieved a beacon-like light, giving people directions and even roads. In times of trouble, the scenery here is so good that it can attract a large number of people.

Then drag it back ~ ~ First of all, the inherent logistics system collapsed. If you want to come over like Xitian, you can't compare the efficiency.

"It's a pity ..." Kane couldn't help but sigh lightly from the wall-mounted imager in the Mysterious Castle as he saw the light of the trial light of the dark ark outside destroying everything.

No one can understand that he really got rid of the low-level fun and is willing to help the future of human civilization. This is called pretending to be too high-end, no one knows, and was beaten. In the final analysis, the pattern is there, the spirit is enough, the ability is not enough, and there is not much dry goods that can be generally recognized. It is reasonable to fail.

Can it? Could it be that the main channel could be closed, and the machine gun fired it to escape? It's not even clear who is the real industry elite.

Moreover, this is no longer a problem that is hard to bear, but you can't even understand the life and death of others. It is shameful to expect others to understand your great ideals and double standards of life.

So Kane knew that he had lost when he saw the scene of ruin and destruction outside. But the days have to pass. At this time, there is no concession. After all, his performance is directly related to how much talent is left in the metropolis.

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