Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 801: Beginning of the catastrophe, the lighthouse shines

Ferret von Stein is a noble named Junker.

Of course, this era is no longer so called.

However, many old Europe still care about the glory of their families and ancestors and take pride in it.

Ferret hasn't mixed well in recent years, mainly because he offended powerful people and was targeted everywhere.

Although it was gloomy in the past, it was like that. Until he witnessed the extraordinary existence through the news, he suddenly realized that he began to feel deeply annoyed. He realized that the experience of himself and his family was not unlucky or coincidental. It was the strong man he offended, who used extraordinary means.

‘It ’s not that I ca n’t do it, it ’s the opponent who hangs! ’

Once you have this idea, it is natural to be right and angry.

Intense emotions can easily be transformed into motivation, especially when you see the ladder of success.

For Ferret, the Huo Lao collar represents the beginning of success, so he took his family resolutely to the Huo Lao collar, with full demands, in order to realize his desire, he was willing to give everything he could afford cost.

The passenger plane he and his family landed in Ottawa had encountered a scammer before leaving the airport.

The other party took the initiative to make a thousand accusations, lied that there was a special channel to send someone to Huolai collar.

"It's troublesome to cross into Washington state, San Francisco is even more chaotic, regular hotels are overcrowded, and sleeping on the streets is very dangerous. The service we provide is one stop, and the boat directly reaches the fire. Of course, the cost is relatively high, 8000 per person Knife, don't bargain. "

Ferret is very moved, after all, his children are disabled, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

But Ferret is an adult after all, at least there is still some caution, he asked: "What can you prove credibility?"

The liar chuckled and glanced around, then veiled to Ferret the supernatural power of the flame in his palm.

"Look, with my ability, killing money is possible, and can even pretend to be the outside personnel of the Burning Clan (the name given to Kane Warm by outsiders), but I don't have it. Our idea is to use this The general trend is to take some small risks and make quicker money. The money earned is also worthy of your conscience. "

Although Chaofan was torn off the veil by Kane, he became known to the world. But the relevant details are still too few, and the torn war between the Catholics and Kane in the metropolis is relatively high-end, whether it is the light of judgment, the giant sea monster, and the short-distance jump of the soldiers. Fighting power, mutant demons and parasitic demons are very tyrannical. It can be said that this kind of invasion of the ordinary army is basically innocent, and there is no good response if you take it out.

This makes ordinary people not only fearless because of the known extraordinary information, but deepen their awe because of more ignorance and difficulty in judging.

Coupled with the seeming frankness of the liar, Ferret was fooled.

As a result, waiting for the thief ship is naturally involuntary. There are a lot of 8,000 knives per person, but how can you use hostage coercion to drain the hair from the target? Especially without going through the barriers, I just handled the matter in the Canadian waters. I really want to go south. There is a federal fleet in San Francisco. Submarines may not be able to drill the leaks, not to mention just ordinary big yachts.

As a result, the eyes will sink, and the savior will appear.

At the beginning, Ferret thought that he was the leader of the fire, and his extraordinary ability seemed to come from the wind. He fought with the person of the cheater. The cheater used firearms and extraordinary means, but the comer was too strong and was basically beaten. , Can't even take hostages. It is mainly manifested as super high speed, and when the ghosts are seen flashing, the cheater is defeated.

It was later learned that these people who rescued them were vampires. They were the major behind-the-scenes forces in the metropolis, and even the emergence of Hollywood was influenced by the cultural heritage of the vampires.

However, in their high-end battle, they lost to the salary king, and then admitted to lose, and the group withdrew from the metropolis.

The reason for helping ordinary people who are pro-Kane factions is because of interests.

There are no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests. After being taught to be humans, the Metropolis vampires and Hengyuan will soon adjust their minds.

They have a deeper understanding of the power of the Kane family.

They also did technical and physical transactions with Kane (Goliath).

Now, they are coveted by many technologies, such as shield technology, perceptual prism technology, flame beam array technology, even the hand of the giants used by ordinary people, wonder-level residential fortress construction technology and so on.

Huo Lao Ling also has needs, including materials, energy, population, and even logistics and finance.

In this case, the Super League decided to take the initiative, start with yourself and win the favor of Kane. This is also one of the main reasons why they chose to be a neighbor with Huolao Ling.

In fact, Huo Lao Ling has always been a vane for many interested individuals.

The new territories of the Huo Lao regime have created a pattern that people who are interested in basically understand it. They dare not say they fully agree with it, but they also have a corresponding preparedness.

Because this is similar to the conclusion they derived, except that the singing decay rate is higher.

To be more specific, in the next few years, wilderness erosion will become the main tone of the world's environmental changes. Mortals want to open up the wilderness and turn it into a mature land suitable for human life and production. The cost will be high.

This means that mankind must rely on shrinking a lot of land to feed a large number of people.

This is no longer possible with modern technology (industrial planting represented by cost and agricultural machinery), but can only rely on extraordinary technology to fill holes.

The problem is that for most of the world's extraordinary systems related extraordinary technology, whether to fill the hole is still unknown, because there has never been such a large-scale application.

This is not to support tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands more, but to support hundreds of millions or billions more.

Many transcendent forces thought it impossible from the beginning, which is why building a refuge, but obviously did not intend to shelter mortals.

Rather than being more greedy, it is better to streamline and do a good job, consolidate the contents as much as possible, and leave enough seeds to wait for the future.

Kane's operation in the fire led the interested person to realize that the future situation might be worse, so he began to adjust his own policies.

Some people would say, if this is the case, shouldn't it be further streamlined? Why did it start to absorb?

The actual change of thinking is like this.

The original plan was for me to take refuge in the essence of the world, and the rest would spontaneously die.

The plan now is to squeeze the bones and **** the bones, and do everything possible to plunder to increase their thickness. In this way, the abandoned mortal existence is not nine deaths, but ten deaths. If you want to live, you can only seek extraordinary asylum, and the extraordinary can use it as a peripheral cannon fodder, using very few resources in exchange for the mortal shield, so as to survive the dark period.

Therefore, it seems that they have become kinder, opened their arms, and promised to grant more mortal asylum. In fact, they can grasp real wealth better and more, and then continue to lower the supply standard according to the deterioration of the environment, or Adopt the dual management strategy of temptation and coercion to force mortals to consume with external erosive forces in order to achieve the purpose of protecting their own core strength.

Therefore, this strategy represents more despicable and no lower limit.

In Kane's eyes, the real difficulty actually included the mortal who was abandoned.

The increase in resentment, hatred, and negative emotions will lead to an increase in the blackening rate. The large number of mortals who have been struggling in suffering will easily breed more demons. Another way of not leaving a trace of life for mortals will increase the demons.

Therefore, after the global nightmare has turned into a special evil racial demons, the fear of a sudden emergence of the army, when a large number of demons play human sea tactics, will be a severe test for any organizational forces.

This is the truth behind his creation of the fortress. He can see from the world's extraordinary human powers that they cannot unite and deal with the spread of the nightmare of Sino Island as early as possible.

He would not hold up the butcher's knife for this reason and kill the mortals in advance. He also retains some fluke mentality, including the smooth development can save more people, and his territory can block the tide of demons, and other forces should also pay the price for their inaction or even despicable.

In this state of mind, his main idea is to eliminate hidden dangers as much as possible, madness, unwillingness, and sensitivity to horns ... These will be blackened first in the harsh environment of nightmares.

Eradicating them can degenerate the demonization process of abandoned mortal groups to a considerable extent. Because this is also a **** process, a high base in the early stage means that the snowball is big enough to roll early. On the contrary, if the original accumulation is not enough, the impact will be limited, and accumulation will require more time.

As he is basically a zero start in every world, the most precious thing is time. A few days later, the more you can save, that is not tens of hundreds, but tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, or even more. After all, his development is also a semester.

But as of now, few people can understand his thinking. Coupled with the hard connection of the Metropolis, which caused a serious setback in the number of people, and other powers of bad accusations, his start was really not very good, holding only a small piece of snow.

Fortunately, Lin Zi is big and has all kinds of birds. The base of 7 billion mortals makes his fans a little bit. No matter what their purpose is, these people come to cast thousands of miles, so naturally they can't chill their hearts. We must also use it to attract more people to join.

For this reason, the candle people and the bonfires were almost all sent out and put into related work.

He also changed his previous strategy of making fire eaters mainly, changed the center of gravity, and made a large number of bongos and candle men in a short period of time. At the same time, he also agreed to the technical changes of the blood witches in the south and the super union in the north. The implementation of policies, market opening, and human-assisted trading schemes, when implemented to specifics, led to the deception and timely rescue of Ferret.

The Justice League, and even the Catholics, are naturally striving to destroy, so San Francisco and Tijuana have instead become a quasi-war zone where multiple forces secretly confront each other.

The Justice League threw the extraordinary people who need to trade names here, earning no money.

It's not that there are no extraordinary people who see the Justice League routine. It's really difficult for thieves to get on the boat, and they have a fluke mentality. Kane does not accept people there. Super League also looks at the dishes to place orders and does not pay for money.

But the Justice League is not a silly match, it is really valuable, and it is also treated differently, so most of the first-line work is ordinary goods, and there is rarely such an eye-opening situation that mistakes the Golden Dragon as a loach.

The moment passed in mid-May.

Twenty days have passed since Kane took over the metropolis.

Thirteen days have passed since the operation of Catholicism's poison wave.

Ten days have passed since the second wave of migration.

The migrants stranded in San Jose, San Francisco, and even the smaller cities of Jochira and Madeira, with their actual performance, wrote about their two sides and three swords, hesitating.

These two small cities are adjacent to Fresno, and Fresno is the northern border of the fire-holding division divided by Kane.

Although time hasn't passed long, there have been significant changes in geographical features.

Kane is capable and self-willed. He does not hesitate to make use of extraordinary skills to draw deep lines on the border.

As for the specific implementation, many people have become witnesses, and it can be said that people watching the mysterious fortress cut the earth.

The large cutting blades with twelve magic rune sword arrays as energy gathering cones spewed out the scary white high temperature, melting the gully with an average width of 30 meters and a depth of 300 meters.

It can be said to be a gully or an artificial river, because he was eventually connected to the ocean, and the sea water was poured back, and the Haihe River naturally formed.

The cutting efficiency of the Mysterious Fort is not full, it can advance 3 meters per second. The King ’s Canyon east of Fresno and the mountainous terrain of the Death Valley further east cannot stop the cutting of the Mysterious Fort.

Basically, Mystery Fort cuts a circle according to the boundary line between China and California, and then arranges unique magic equipment on the water to form a 20-meter-high energy water curtain to complete the real enclosure.

Although this operation cost a lot of money, but this is a super magic world, Kane's advanced technology gives him a very powerful extraordinary power throughput capacity, which consumes and waves.

The actual effect and impact it brings can be said to be just now.

In Kane ’s own words: “If you want to make the IP of the leader of the fire bigger and stronger, the simple way is to burn the money, build it, and work hard to make news hotspots, and through the information network that is currently cheap. Channels have left a deeper impression on humans around the world. "

Indeed, with the further spread of nightmares, the window period of cheap communication will soon be closed. Although the traffic will not be used and the connection will be dependent on the roar, but the cost of paying thousands of miles away will be higher than it is now. The geometric multiple is improved. This is the last widely known time, and even a little bit is appropriate for this.

In order to attract attention, Kane even launched a migrant compensation program.

Those who have moved away will receive a certain amount of monetary compensation for their real property held in the fire.

What's more interesting is that Kane and Huolao Ling are very friendly towards mortals above middle class.

The middle class, like lawyers, dentists, company bosses, celebrities, etc., cannot get any compensation.

Other technical types, such as engineers and doctors, are compensated.

Kane fans therefore called Kane a refuge for the people, and middle-class people from all over the world have nothing to do with it. It is generally believed that Kane's mentality is distorted, discriminating, and even hating dignitaries and social elites.

Of course, it must be branded with racial discrimination. After all, Kane ’s disapproval of blacks and Mexicans has been reflected in all aspects.

But Kane and his fire leader are a highly self-sufficient transcendent country. They don't care about those sour comments and verbal abuse, and they really don't welcome these people to surrender.

Within his territory, the Obelisk of Magic has all been in place, including the one that had been destroyed by the Catholic Invaders during the torture.

It was put in place, but the barrier function has not been activated. It is in the deepening stage of the underground network connection. The ultimate goal is to form a huge magic rock disk with a thickness of tens of kilometers, which can even be understood as a super-crustal giant ship.

If it is necessary, Kane does not mind going further, throwing it into space and transforming it into a super space city.

The progress of the central city is much more stable. Up to now, there have been twelve sets of spectacle-level fortress towers in three sets (three sets). Construction is expected to be completed in 45 days. By then, it can accommodate ten million people for a long time. Life, after all, every building is a super residential area with complete supporting facilities.

The priority is higher than the super residential area is the super force field generator, and super geothermal mine. ,

Needless to say, the super force field generator will be the first barrier to the nightmare prevention of the entire territory. The Mysterious Fort draws a clear watershed and a major reason for setting the energy water curtain is to better cooperate with the force in the future. Field cooperation establishes a force field margin, which makes the effect of the shroud more tight and saves energy consumption.

The shape of this facility is very similar to the spectacle fortress tower, overlooking from the sky, it is also a nuclear symbol, but the center of the independent center is much longer than the energy core of the super residential area. It rises 3300 meters and is called Living in the sky is not an exaggeration.

In fact, the energy core of all super residential areas has a close relationship with the force field generator, just like a nuclear power station integrated into the power grid.

Speaking of which, there is indeed a part of nuclear fusion electrical energy in the aspect of energy. Electrical energy is combined with extraordinary power in the form of high-energy plasma. This system is called a solar furnace.

It is closely related to Kane Zhao ’s solar furnace technology obtained from the Protoss of the Dark SC Universe, but the deity does not let Kane of the world know about this.

Since there is nuclear fusion, nuclear fuel is needed. Kane's plan is to produce deuterium and tritium, both of which are isotopes of hydrogen. The former is also known as heavy water, which is produced by distillation, and the latter uses thermal diffusion.

The material for the preparation of these two fuels is seawater, and the energy is geothermal, which involves geothermal mines.

The so-called geothermal mine is the kind that uses extraordinary technology to directly drill a super-deep well with a depth in kilometers, penetrate the crust and part of the mantle, and reach the lava layer directly.

At this level, superconducting materials created by extraordinary technology can conduct heat energy, and can also collect metal elements in lava.

In this way, the problem of no metal deposits in the territory was also solved.

The location of the super geothermal mine, Kane's arrangement is the Channel Islands, that is, the three islands of Saint Nicholas, San Clemente, and Santa Caterina.

The first super-geothermal mine, arranged on the island of Catalina, is across the sea from Long Beach and is the closest to the Fire Holder. The nearby waters, including the Channel Islands National Park to the north, also belong to Fire Holder.

This is why Kane wasted power in the initial stage of construction where such capacity was required, and created an air and space carrier shell.

It is necessary to have a boat to take care of this sea area and related islands, and cannot rely solely on the mysterious fort.

The other is to deal with the Federal Fleet and even the Dark Ark.

The outer spaceship of Stormwind is similar in appearance to the airship ship created by Kane Zhao in Marsala under the name of Red Beard Mercenary Corps, but it is larger and simpler because it Not a mature product, no specific design concept, and basically no weapon system.

It is an aerial mobile platform. If it must be said that it is escorted by fighters, then the fire eater is its fighter. When it is opened, it is relaxed and the combat power is absolutely arrogant.

The Commonwealth, and even the secular countries, are very greedy for the Storm. Since its first appearance, there have been countless professional and non-professional people who have criticized and speculated about it.

In fact, the extraordinary people of this world, although it is difficult to come up with this kind of stuff, it is not so difficult. It ’s just that the extraordinary people of this world are not taking the path of the fusion of science and magic. The air and space ships they built look very retro, and they ca n’t even detect the steampunk wind. It is even more incomparable.

The dark ark like the Catholic Church is an example. Its external appearance is really very simple. It's nice to say that it's Gu Hou, and it's that it's super wooden raft.

This kind of stuff not only does not conform to the aesthetics of modern secular human beings, but also promotes the layout of the system. It is also unintelligible to see. What is unreasonable at first glance is its supernatural category. Naturally, people are unhappy.

The Storm is different. Its shape, propulsion system, etc., can be explained by the principles of modern science and technology. Some people with professional knowledge can even speculate that it is the truth of an experimental ship.

Compared with pure and extraordinary warships, such air-space battleships can be created in the future by the eyes of secular mortals. Even efforts can be made now, regardless of cost and under the background of technical authorization.

Correspondingly, the creation of such an air-space battleship represents a great leap forward in technology. According to people's estimation of the future through understanding history, once the technological take-off is completed, the power of scientific and technological civilization will increase exponentially, which will be of great help in dealing with the coming extraordinary crisis.

This is why the world ’s secular powers are jealous.

The huge benefits that can be seen can significantly change the future interests of the country and the nation, even the race. In the context of the catastrophe, how attractive it is can be imagined.

Even the straight-legged dogleg federation has some self-disruption. Many people have said that the relationship with the fire leader should be cooperation, not confrontation. Compared to these technologies, what is that 200,000 square kilometers of Central California?

Migrants who fled Central California but stayed in nearby cities have similar ideas, but they are lower-end and more simple.

Since its inception, Huolao Ling has been producing all kinds of shocking news, so as to firmly hold the focus of the news.

This allows even ordinary people to easily understand the information of many aspects of the fire.

And the more you understand, the more you feel that the migration was really a dog's stupid decision.

Compared with the technologies and actual performances displayed by Huolao Ling, whether it is a positive or a super union, the shelter plan it has developed seems to be worthless.

What is even more hateful is that even Low has nothing to do with these migrants because of their current refugee-like status, which makes them lose priority.

Only those who are rich, famous, and have excellent professional skills, such as scientists and stars, can be free from such restrictions.

Most people can find a temporary job that is more satisfactory to them, so as to provoke the burden of bread and butter to support their families, instead of sitting and eating, it is very good.

In fact, many people have already sat down, but when they had to become refugees and live on social assistance, a migration compensation from Huolao arrived.

Kane officially took over the Met from the vampires. The vampire's need for blood makes them pay attention to population data, so the relevant information obtained by Kane is very detailed and perfect.

With the help of Fort Ling, the payment of migration compensation can be said to be objective and fair.

However, many people would rather not have this file, because in that case, they may be able to return to the Huo Lao collar by revising their ID cards, files and social security numbers.

But now people can meticulously implement the migration compensation in everyone's hands, which almost means that the possibility of changing the credentials to pretend to be a non-Central Californian person who is back to the collar is simply not feasible.

This is tantamount to stabbing a knife called despair on a wound that many people regret.

The crying for hope to return, it really appeared, just a week after the second migration, I regretted it.

However, Huo Lao Ling was very unsympathetic and fully expressed Kane's original sting.

"Leave, don't come back. The opportunity for asylum is never cheap." The answer given by the customs officer is always this sentence. No more, the disruption of normal order will be punished, and the taste of being grilled by fire is really torture.

The request for return is in stark contrast to the one who ran away from afar. Let the latter feel that the choice is correct.

The latter's arrogance made more migrants realize their stupid choice and joined the ranks of the request to return.

Of course, there is no lack of playing evil, such as smuggling.

The 20-meter energy water curtain is flowing living water, but cannot pass through because of energy. It is definitely the most difficult wall to climb in the eyes of mortals.

However, there are still ways, such as building a flying platform on the other side, the acceleration of the motorcycle rushes to the flying platform, jumps over the wall curtain, and then pulls the umbrella to airborne. Or simply hire a small plane to parachute into the country.

There are also people who stow away from the sea, and even on the longest part of the road, they use diving equipment to carry out crossings.

Unfortunately, these attempts have failed. The monitoring system of the floating disk cluster is very strict, and it cannot escape monitoring at all.

Not to mention that every citizen will be stamped with a unique magic seal, which is much more difficult than counterfeiting banknotes.

The less you get, the rarer it is.

Fire prison leads north, east and south in three directions, each with five entrances and exits.

A few days later, there was even a situation where eating, drinking, and lasa went to sleep to solve the problem of not leaving behind.

An important reason for this kind of thing is that the spread of nightmares has finally exceeded the critical point of the second stage, opening the pace of global erosion.

This is the same as severe ulceration of human skin leading to sepsis and infection, and new ulceration points have appeared in other areas.

The new festering point appeared in Rouen, France, the capital of the Normandy region, 140 kilometers away from Paris, and its town population is about 110,000, and the urban population is 660,000.

As a famous city with a thousand-year history, Rouen has many monuments and is also one of the cities where the extraordinary are concentrated. After all, most of the extraordinary families have a long family history. They often have a lot of real estate in historical cities, which is very common in Europe, especially in Western Europe.

But this obviously does not prevent Rouen from becoming a new nightmare spread. On the contrary, a city like this coastal city with a long history and negative energy deposits has the trait of being a new probability of spreading.

Once the nightmare appeared, the most notable features were that the sky was dark and dark, the sun and the moon were dark, the wicked creatures were rampant, and the demons were dancing.

It was still afternoon, the sun was westward, and in May in the northern hemisphere, the sun already had a certain degree of heat and the temperature in Rouen was pleasant.

As a result, it suddenly became foggy, and it was a severe smog not seen by contemporary people. It was like a layer of black gauze in the sky, so that the light was dim and the temperature dropped suddenly.

The sun's rays, through this haze, scattered down the **** red light, and the sun itself was as red as blood, revealing ominous.

Immediately, people smelled the indescribable rotten smell, some like the smell of mud, with a tide, and the smell of rotten leaves, which is still very different from the smell of the sewer. You can see some illusions indistinctly.

Then I heard the screams of sorrow.

The attack began.

The first attacks came from stray cats and dogs on the street. They are more sensitive, pure, and have bad memories. Their deformed variants have a considerable degree of reincarnation characteristics, which is particularly monstrous, and more importantly, crazy. When they slay human beings, they obviously have revenge, and they specifically target the weak women, children, and the elderly.

This sudden terrorist attack made people who were already depressed by the sudden change of weather completely panicked.

Then the demons transformed by the blackened humans appeared. These people who are mentally unstable, sensitive, and cranky, are subjected to extreme fright, and their consciousness is immediately in an extremely delicate state.

The nightmare power entered while taking advantage of its emptiness, amplifying the negative emotions in its consciousness, and directly crashing it. After that, it continued to deepen and demonicize, which began under the erosion of the magical spiritual guidance and nightmare power.

They turned into twisted and deformed monsters, bloodthirsty and crazy, and killed when they saw people, and found aliens of the right age to forcibly mate with them.

This is the instinct of reproduction, and the demon is also a kind of creature, although its life and reproduction desires are abnormal.

The police have no way to take these monsters. The rifles or shotguns are concentrated in firepower, but it is possible to kill these demons. But only counter-terrorism or riots will the police be equipped with such weapons. It is usually good to have a pistol.

The result is naturally a tragedy, even if it is applied, shooting at close range, the final result is also cool, and it is brutally killed by the demon.

Completely messed up. Even hiding in a building or at home is not safe. Demons and evil things will randomly invade the house, and people around them may also become demons in the next moment.

Extraordinary existence is naturally shot. Comparable to the unpredictable and huge number of evils and demons, the limited extraordinary people who want to clean up the entire city are simply paying off.

Can only find a way to guide people, while waiting for the army to enter, contact more extraordinary people to come to aid.

Due to certain psychological preparations, the army and the survivors came quickly, and the clean-up operation started.

The man of insight quickly calculated that playing peek-a-boo street fighting with the housework and the demon, not to mention that it was less than 4 hours away from the darkness, even if it was given another 40 hours, it would be difficult to complete the task.

Then the worst way is to quickly evacuate people and establish a blockade.

The official performance of the French is still remarkable, the evacuation and blockade operations are very efficient, but even so, the nightmare and missing people are still estimated to have exceeded 10,000.

The authorities originally intended to search and rescue overnight, and there must have been survivors who hid and missed a mass evacuation.

At this time, the extraordinary came out and gave guidance, and it is not recommended to organize ground search and rescue.

The helicopter shouted, and then hanged the rope to rescue people to leave. This is considered a more risky rescue. It is best to have extraordinary people sitting on the helicopter.

The official quickly agreed, and the transcendental took part in the rescue operation.

Sure enough, some survivors were found, but the wicked creatures and demons were not low in intelligence and responded quickly. At least 40% of the survivors failed to rescue them, but were killed by the lurking evil creatures or demons who came or were nearby.

There are even powerful demons who have completed the first evolution because of enough blood to eat. They use spell-like abilities to shoot down a rescue helicopter. The extraordinary person on board was also killed by the demon because he was injured by falling at high altitude.

There was no way to cover the cover in this incident. After all, it spread to a city, and nightmares spread day and night.

Global uproar.

It is worth mentioning that this incident exposed some important information about the extraordinary.

1. The factions within the transcendental group are lined up and hidden with distinct hierarchical characteristics, with their own customs and norms, which is completely another society, not united at all.

2. Basically, the more high-end transcendents, the more mortals are regarded as ants. Conversely, low-end transcendental people often interact with mortals, have more affection for mortals, and can even treat them fairly.

The reason for this is that high-end transcendents often come from ancient transcendent families. They have the resources and heritage. They have systematically learned transcendent knowledge and developed potential since childhood. Accordingly, it is also alienated from mortal society.

Many of the low-end transcendents are awakened by chance. They were originally part of the mortal world, so they better understand the mortal world and are used to living in the mortal world.

However, after all, the extraordinary circle has existed for thousands of years, and it has been perfected. A generation of people who are awakened by the people will soon have a mentor, lead them into the circle, and warn them of the "hidden world" rules. Will be severely punished.

The special affairs bureau of the Transcendental Management Committee constitutes a large network that includes carelessness and concealment of the truth from the public. So for many years, the transcendental existence has not been exposed.

Even if he was barefooted, it was quickly covered up by the shadows.

Of course, mortals with a certain level of wealth are aware of the existence of extraordinaryness, and even occasionally hire extraordinary persons. This is more complicated, but the rules that keep confidentiality at least must be observed.

Due to the rules of the hidden world and the needs of reality, those extraordinary people who are unable to achieve success and those who are unable to succeed are gradually reduced to members of underground groups, and are involved in matters such as hacking and smuggling.

It ’s not that they all learned badly, but these camps written in the criminal law are often highly profitable, and these people belong to the toilet and night pots. They are taken out when they are used by the world ’s dignitaries, and thrown away when they are not used. They are not normally protected by the authorities, and the transcendents start to attack these people. The official opens and closes.

Over time, a dark ecology has formed, and the low-end transcendents often find money from these extraordinary businesses. Of course, they also cooperate with the underworld. The simple understanding is the set of Marvel Universe Hell Kitchen and the Punisher. The forcing is not so high, and the grudges and hatred from the interests are resolved through cruel and **** means.

The concept of the ‘poor bazaar’ of the extraordinary circle emerged on this basis, and it is far more complex and active than the circle of the celestial forces of the extraordinary city. It is a special circle mixed with dragons and snakes.

This nightmare incident in Rouen, France, let many people see the face of the extraordinary circle.

According to the rumored news revealed by the Transcendental, Rouen has "nobles", that is, Celestial-level transcendental forces, ancient families with family origins, and powerful factions guarding the factions. This is the basic requirement to become Celestial-level .

However, after the incident, Rouen ’s nobles did not save mortals, but opened shelters and watched silently.

Their choice is not difficult to understand. Nightmare is not a trivial matter for the transcendentals. More importantly, its influence is continuous and is likely to be deepened step by step. It can be sustained now, but it does not mean it can be sustained in the future.

This is reflected in the fact that the demon obtains enough blood to complete the evolution and become stronger. In a new nightmare environment, whether it is an animal or a plant, it is a temporary adaptation, stability, and thorough adaptation. Such a process will die if it can't be done.

And this transformation process is often forced, and there are various defects. This is also an important reason for the materialization and demonization of evil, and it is not prepared by itself. Whatever probability does it have to choose the best plan for the sake of survival? There is not even the best solution, only the worst option.

Tiancheng level extraordinary people have not low strength and background, naturally refuse to easily follow, they choose to shrink, and then adapt to the new environment at their own pace. It's best to wait until the most violent and violent storms have subsided, before orderly adapting.

Therefore, the nightmare is also a big challenge for the city level, which is why other than the Kane, other extraordinary forces are very conservative, since the sweep of the door, there is no big open mountain gate, Guangna A big reason for mortals.

After all, extraordinary problems still have to be solved extraordinaryly. If they are too low-end, even if a large amount of cannon fodder is organized, quantitative changes cannot replace qualitative changes.

The Lu Fei clan carried out this idea. They started the formation (magic formation) and closed the mountain (refuge), with a static brake, subtext: there is still a lot of oil and water outside, but I am not greedy. I have entered an internal loop, waiting for the state of the worst phase of the catastrophe to subside.

This choice is really not difficult to understand, but for the world, such extraordinary forces are worthless.

Usually these guys are the most blood-sucking, not only the secular wealth, but also some extraordinary wealth such as extraordinary materials through the use of secular channels. After all, in the underground market, quite a lot of extraordinary material and secular wealth can be exchanged. In other words, secular money can buy most of the extraordinary items, but it is relatively expensive, and the other is the channel problem.

The trenches that I usually eat are full of trenches, and disasters have emerged. These most powerful ones have shrunk. I ca n’t help them with a little help. I ’m afraid I ’m not happy if I sit in the perspective of a secular official.

On the contrary, it was loose repair, and it performed well. Take the initiative to assist the official.

Of course, the official also knows that these loose repairs also have demands. But the official is not afraid of appeals, but is afraid of being unreasonable. After all, these loose repairs are relatively professional, and their personal combat power is much higher than that of mortal mortals. With the same armed forces, they can play better, and the mundane soldiers are likely to die without waiting. High-end armed forces, in The transcendentals are even more powerful in their hands, but the worldly soldiers can't use them at all.

In short, the extraordinary existence of evil things, demons, etc., is more suitable for the extraordinary people with excellent combat power to fight, especially in urban jungles or wilderness jungles. In fact, except for the open wilderness that does not even have long grass, mortals Encounters of evil things and demons are basically all kinds of grief reminders. Those elite veterans with rich fighting and survival experience may be able to escape their lives. Others, hehe ...

In general, the nightmare incident in Rouen has touched mortals around the world, hastened the process of nightmare proliferation, and the disasters caused by nightmareization are one aspect.

What's more important is to see the faces of the extraordinary. Who are our friends, who are our enemies, who are the white-eyed wolves who have supported so many but are not familiar. After people have experienced and thought about it, they gradually understand it.

Happiness is compared.

People seemed to be awakened and found that the fire was good.

Kane and his burning team are currently the only powerful forces in the world who have sufficient responsibility, sincere willingness to shelter mortals, and sufficient ability to do and do well!

Compared with these, what kind of high **** management, what is a powerful and evil extraordinary opponent (Catholicism), what career has just started, it seems messy ... these problems are not big problems.

Take a look at Rouen, although the number of direct deaths is not large, but neither the official nor the extraordinary people in the region have an effective solution to the problem.

The historical cities have been reduced to the homes of evils and demons, and they will not stay there forever. They need to survive, they need to evolve, they need blood, they will hunt, they will become stronger at night, and mortals will encounter them No chance of surviving ...

Officials cannot quickly and effectively circle the entire Rouen, and the circle is useless. The nightmare is constantly expanding. As time goes on, more regions will be in danger ~ ~ and This is just the beginning. The second, third, and Nth new nightmare diffusion points will appear until the entire world becomes a nightmare world.

Potential evils and demons are beside people, or someone's pet dog, or someone (the conditions for demonicization have not yet been deduced, and mortals on the technology side are generally believed to be related to mutations caused by different genetic structures) .

How can I escape?


Yes, the only reliable option is to enter a safe haven with sufficient safety value.

So which shelter is the best?

Fire firmly lead!

An extremely large sanctuary built entirely by superpowers, with a rapid construction speed, and strong enough!

On the eve of the catastrophe before the storm, the only beacon-level country with a high-end force!

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