Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 803: Reconciling contradictions still inevitably tears

It must be said that France ’s official Sao operation was so amazing that Kane almost collapsed his embossed production.

After torn apart from the Catholic Church, Kane began to use himself as a big farm animal the next day.

Even if the technology is as high as he is, he can't escape the rules of equivalent exchange.

The more you want to get, the more you pay. The two have always been balanced, but the former is more fancy, while the latter is considered relatively cheap.

In order to carry out extraordinary production through the legal card system, Kane adjusted the time rate of the card system.

Simply put, each of his works takes longer, and correspondingly, it is possible to create a concrete material of the big spell, instead of being represented by energy.

For example, the Artifact Card-Storm and Sky Battleship.

If it is torn against other sanctuaries, then this faction does not need physical objects, only the key performance corresponding to the physical objects, such as offensive and defensive.

This is also one of the reasons that makes the legal card a more practical method of torture.

But now the territory has the need to lengthen the war. If Kane ’s enemies are nightmares, mythical creatures, evil spirits, and other supernatural beings, then now place the energy gem and put the summon into the battlefield. .

Then he has to adapt to this rhythm, or he can use this reality to do more small movements to improve himself.

After refining, he needs to build a full version of the Storm Air and Space Battleship. In addition to preparing to fight with the opponent's summons, he can do something else, such as pulling people to transport goods.

The price for wanting to play like this is that Kane has been in the state of deciding on the card system, playing the role of chief designer and chief engineer.

Therefore, Kane's wave of operations is also quite irritating. Under the circumstances of group enemies, forcibly farming, now if someone tries hard to attack, Kane will be tragic.

And Kane also inherits the consistent good tradition. The weaker it is, the more it is blown. Like this announcement news, it is equivalent to burying other extraordinary forces and using their Low to show their own cattle ratio. This is provocative!

But this is how he did it, and no one felt abrupt, because this is in line with his blockbuster style.

Zhenglian also wanted to learn Catholicism, shove the power of the world, and then add some material to the wave, regardless of the loss. Playing children on a rainy day, idle is also idle, and this is also the need for organized slogans and nominations.

But the new source of nightmare proliferation in Rouen, France, and the opening of the blue field of the Huolao collar made them really feel the imminence of the extraordinary crisis and the strength of the Huolao collar.

In the words of a holy domain, it is possible to confer the extraordinary properties of this secular substance, carbon monoxide, and standardize the extraordinary power within the entire region. This is the realm, and it is a powerful and delicate high-end realm. To put it in a more understandable way, Kane has established an earthly kingdom, attacking the kingdom, even if it is a holy land, first cut 30% of the combat power, and even under the holy land, he has no qualification to maintain himself. What the law is like, you have to suffer.

What does it mean to say more?

Miscellaneous soldiers are simply not qualified to enter the battlefield. Or to be more precise, those below the first-class transcendence will enter the battlefield immediately and become the extraordinary fuel for the operation of their kingdom.

Some people do n’t give up, “What ’s more common in the world ’s arms is that it can be organized to launch on a very large scale.”

As a result, most people are not optimistic: "Not to mention how powerful the flame-velocity array interception system of the fire-powered collar, even if it is not intercepted, do you think Kevin? Will Fox care about those secular buildings? Do you think ordinary thermal weapons can destroy the wonder level The extraordinary building? "

No, this person with a little common sense can understand.

As far as the technology known in this world is concerned, there is no pure material that can withstand the pulling force of spectacle-level buildings. After all, those buildings can easily calculate the size in kilometers and the weight in tons.

The legendary strong mutual dense atomic structure material may be able to do it, but the legend is a legend, even if it is extraordinary, Kane does not think that this level of technology, because if there is, even if you still need to compete for hegemony inside the planet ? It's been a long time since the stars kicked flying feet, and even played interstellar civilization.

Then the only explanation for the joint force is extraordinary energy blessing. Extraordinary energy is the most powerful bond, it is the ability to give the material to withstand super pressure.

And this structure itself means that it can be regarded as a magic array in a semi-eternal state.

With the energy throughput efficiency of such a super magic array, the highest energy in the unit area created by modern secular thermal weapons is simply not enough to destroy its structure.

Therefore, the advent of such a building itself represents an extraordinary force. Attacking with conventional weapons is a waste of energy and ammunition.

With this power and passion, it is better to start several rounds of secular wars and grab more survival resources.

The catastrophe is coming, anyway, many people will die. Dead friends do not die poorly.

Zhenglian, as well as its dogleg federal official, is such an idea. For them, the cost of looting is low, the risk is small, and the harvest is okay. Then looting, although their reserves seem to be enough, this thing How much is too much? After all, no one knows how long the tide of environmental variation caused by nightmares will last. Prepare more, be prepared.

The way of man is not enough to make up for the loss. No problem.

While the need for Annei outside, the famous cities on the east coast of the Federation are obviously high-risk areas where new points of the next round of nightmare proliferation will emerge. Portland, Boston, Light City (New York), Philadelphia ... the population here is large There are also a lot of famous cities, and panic is inevitable. There is no way to say it.

In order to provide peace of mind for mortals, or better life, Zhenglian granted federal officials a showcase of several secret areas within the federal territory.

Some of the mysterious realms are like half-planes, which exist in the folds of time and space. Just like the gaps in the bark are more likely to hide dirt and dirt, it is relatively easy to build a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The subtext to show the secret is: Look, our background is deeper, and the choice is more abundant after joining. Although our shelter looks low in specifications, this kind of thing is actually enough. The lower standard is to reduce costs and build More, and the high-end, the secret realm is a better refuge than a fire-leader. If you work hard enough, you still have the opportunity to earn accommodation qualifications for yourself and your loved ones!

I have to say that this set of deceptive rhetoric still bluffed many people. The key is that the title of the federal official is strong, and the title of the world's only hegemony is not just a word.

Although the Federation took the lead in grabbing the metropolis and divided Kane in California, it is strictly true that the mistake is not in the Federation, not that the Federation is not strong, but that the enemy is too magical, especially after the Catholic Toxic Action, the worldly people have a basic heart It is acknowledged that the ordinary army attacked the fire collar is to die.

In addition, the stronger and better the Kane's performance is, the more people will be able to understand the federal's 'grief', so its credibility is not lost.

Now when it blows, many people choose to believe it, especially the federal people. Like the Americans in the original world, they often have a bad impression of the ruling party and politicians and wantonly criticize them, but they still love and pride themselves in this country.

So, Kane ’s unscrupulous sealing of the territories, although understandable in essence, actually hurt the feelings of many federals, called the thieves, terrorists, plus rough and **** brutal means, many feelings Of the federal people, they would rather choose Zhenglian Shelter, or even believe in the cakes painted by the federal government, and they would not go to the fire cell to take a luxurious cell.

That's right, many people are not lacking in the sour taste of the spectacle-level fortress tower, which is led by fire, as a luxury cell.

At this time, people with similar attitudes are still very popular all over the world.

It can only be said that many people are short-sighted, and their hands and feet are bound by factors such as face, self-esteem, fluke psychology, feelings, fear of adventure, etc., subjectively weakening the dangerous intensity, and achieving the cold bird's psychology, So missed the opportunity.

On this issue, the French are lucky.

After all, in Quebec, Newfoundland and other regions, Kane sent firemen to secretly clean up, and later an official Canadian organization evacuated, and it was also a sparsely populated area, so it did not show the terrible place of nightmares.

But France is different. Even in the early days, the city of Rouen was hit by disasters. Both evils and demons need blood. Especially after the mutation is completed, a lot of food is needed to make up for the consumption of the mutation. Therefore, it is very fierce and brutal. Their strength and hunting radius are beyond 50 kilometers, which is not surprising.

Not to mention the French official, that is, the extraordinary person of the country, he is not fully prepared for this.

After all, the Sino Island incident was mainly due to the participation of the transcendentals in North America. The vast majority of transcendentals in Europe looked lively. Even if they knew the intelligence, they were also those big city-level forces. Motivation to get the news in time, so I don't know much about it.

Now that it is a matter of knowledge, one or two evils or demons can harm a small town with thousands of people. These demons have no concept of saving or waste. As long as the conditions permit, they ca n’t wait to eat, such as a heart with a chewing head. , For example, protein-rich brains, and they have a hobby like slaughter of cats and mice. When humans meet such hunters, it's sour, from head to toe, it's painful.

After actually feeling the horror of evil things and demons, many French people began to tear their feelings and dignity rationally. The official rhetoric was simply to sleepy and give the pillow.

"Look, it's not that I have no bones, but after the analysis, the official came up with the most suitable plan, which just coincided with my thinking. This is the official caring for our parents, above the performance level, as for those high-end Transcendence, they are the real vampires, parasites! Should go to hell! "

French officials, even after the Rouen incident, won unprecedented support from the people.

Compared with Oolong, when they broadcast Kane ’s announcement of the super force field generator ’s round of announcements and added private goods, they claimed that the country would select outstanding people to go to the fire prison to take refuge. No agreement was reached with Kane on this issue. Kane was known only through official French news relayed by the butcher.

So Kane was taken aback, and the ongoing production operation almost collapsed.

"It's very slippery to play first! After thousands of years, it really didn't live on the dog. The old rogue cultivated by the profound cultural background is not ordinary. The mindset is first-class, good actors!"

The butcher asked: "What is our attitude?"

"Cooperate with them, adopt killing methods, and issue announcements to France and the world. They say that the French government has a high-profile festival, saying that if the nationals cannot be settled, an official will never be arranged to take refuge in the fire. We feel so worried about the country. Officials who are worried about the people and decide to set up special regulations to meet the conditions and receive the People ’s Contribution Award will have the opportunity to receive the recognition of the qualification for disaster relief. The specific conditions should be negotiated with someone, not too easy, only if you really do your best. In addition, send two combat teams and tell them that they can have more cooperation, but look at their performance and warn them that if they falsify their relatives and friends on the asylum of the refugees, do n’t blame us. "

So the butcher ordered to work.

Up to now, the Caotai team of the Burning Group's staff has been put together.

The main members are those veteran fire eaters.

They received more than one knowledge instillation, and then digested it through practice. The earliest batch of people born in Guangcheng has been barely used for four months.

With Huo Lao leading such a big mess, Kane couldn't pick them all by himself. He is not Zhuge Liang, who has nothing to do with details. He still knows how to score and decentralize.

He currently focuses on production, or infrastructure production.

The butcher master seizes the security.

The two fire-bearers, Blood Burner and Lava Fire Spider, sort out the migratory flow from south to north.

The situation in both areas is more complicated, with pan-alliances, hostile forces, locals, and people from the former Central California, as well as arrogants from all over the world, dragons and snakes mixed, every day there is a show, relying on straight fire Those who can't figure it out must have someone with enough brains to sit in.

As a high-level war worm, the fire spreader itself contains more three strange substances, and therefore receives more inculcated information, correspondingly more powerful and more tyrannical.

And can make bonfire.

The candle people are made on the spot. Generally speaking, it is more cost-effective and more stable to make the fire slave.

Now is the time of non-war, so naturally there is no need to build the set of cannon fodder.

On May 6th, Huo Lao Ling, who is good at dumping dry goods and making news hot spots, successfully installed a match.

The specific operation is to use the space-time delivery capability of the Mysterious Fort to throw the Tempest Airship directly into high orbit, and then burst into the atmosphere from space and reach France.

It saves time and is very good, and successfully conceals the truth that the Tempest Airship itself does not have unconventional movement and the speed of conventional flight is not very good.

As for the friction problem entering the atmosphere, is it a matter for Kane who has mastered high-end extraordinary energy shield technology?

The coating layer of the shell of the sky-high mothership was not damaged, and the domineering airborne Paris was detonated, which detonated the enthusiasm of the French and made humans all over the world pay attention.

That is, taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhenglian + Federal Officials decisively launched a military operation, targeting South American countries with the aim of robbery.

Open a position, collect food, raw materials, and various resources with folding space magic artifacts, and then flash people.

This is basically the core operational content of military operations. The rest is the extraordinary + secular battle.

The countries of South America were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

The most disgusting thing is that Zhenglian specially found some extraordinary people who can play with fire. The one who wanted to show off in front of people showed so many times. The purpose is naturally to buckle the pot of fire.

Huo Lao Ling showed great enthusiasm, and it could take a lot of resources to feed a large number of people, so he robbed everywhere. In the past, this was also in line with his lawlessness and the style of thinking once and for all.

Behind the countries of South America, there are also extraordinary people who support them, but they usually do not urinate in a chamber pot, so there is no Central American League.

But this time, under the instruction of the extraordinary, the nations rarely issued a joint reputation, reprimanded this robbery for the inferiority, and expressed their determination to be held accountable. At the same time vaguely pointed the finger at the fire collar.

During this time, Kane, apart from being a big animal and working **** infrastructure, the rest is to digest the war embryo base embryos obtained during the anti-smuggling, that is, the prisoners who were frozen.

The proportion of fire eaters will not be too high. This was proved by the light city side at the time. The ratio was lower this time, because this slaughter has the task of killing potential demons.

And those who are easy to become demons are not determined people, so from the perspective of the soul, these people basically do not have the conditions to become fire eaters, and they can't survive the double torture of the soul fire and the desperate virus.

There are more than 6,000 in total, and there are thousands of high-potential primitive embryos. The first echelon of 105,000 fire eater qualifications is so many. The remaining 98,000 plus 80% can only be converted into candlemen.

This is because the fire slave is combined with a part of memory during his lifetime, thereby reducing the risk and cost of instilling knowledge (theoretically, the more the three strange substances, the more can bear the side effects of knowledge instillation).

The memory of the primordial embryo is not selectable. For example, those that are too deep cannot be erased, and it is difficult to distort them through hypnosis and other means. That is to say, those who are evil can easily substitute bad memories into the state of bonfire.

Despite being sufficiently rigorously binding, the thousands of miles of **** was destroyed by the ant den, and Caien would rather have a group of candle men, and he would not take this kind of risk.

As for the candle people, to be honest, under normal circumstances, there is really no need to make too much.

They put it bluntly as IQ 60, which can only accept simpler commands, and can't beat the team leader's pure cannon fodder that can't even fight. And the use period is short, the longer it is used, the greater the consumption, and the worse the explosive power.

So unless there is a large-scale military operation, there is no need to keep a huge number.

Kane does not have time to build equipment specifically for them now, in order to better play their performance.

At present, the first-line candle men use modern hot weapons of the magic reform, acting as big soldiers.

In terms of management of the leaders, the original secular police are still the best candidates. They are also training, and in a few days, they will formally take up their posts as the first wave of leaders moves into the super-mansion.

Most of the 6000+ fire eaters are still being modulated. The first line is active, which is 1000+. It is enough for the management of the non-war state inside and outside the territory.

The new entrants are arranged in the empty houses of the migrants, and they will spend a period of rental life here. Training + contribution, who has enough points, who has priority to enter the real refuge, which is the central city.

In general, the Huo Lao Ling is a little restless and a bit chaotic, and the supply of daily necessities is also general, but the overall order is okay. In three directions, the entrants are absorbed at a rate of 100,000 each each day. The audit is already very efficient. But the result is that there are more and more people stranded outside.

There is no better way for Kane.

Huo Lao Ling also feared that he would choke on eating too quickly. Once he choke on it, he wouldn't say anything about it, but the overall efficiency would be worse.

After the butcher told Kane the obscure attitude of South American transcendentalists.

Kane felt that he simply denied lack of persuasion, and at this time, he never minded the malicious intention of the other party. That is to say, the thoughts of these South American guys are, whether it is you or not, this hat is on your head, Who made you too picky recently.

To be honest, Kane does not want to fight now, after all, he has not forgotten the main purpose of this toss, is to take a piece of land before the outbreak of the extraordinary crisis, urgently plant a wave of fields, obtain a foundation for life and other extraordinary The starting point of influence.

However, he also knows that people are jealous and cannot be famous.

Any step back in the sea and the sky is a nonsense, not to mention retreat, that is to show a little cowardice, all the forces around you will stage the siege of the pack of wolves.

This is not pessimism, but the reason why he can quickly get up to the top, relying on force + fierceness first, and technology second.

The former guarantees the deterrent effect, the latter is the coveted fat.

Taking a further analysis, the deterrent effect actually depends on more ‘ruthless’ ingredients.

Even if he succeeded in tearing several times in succession, and broke into a huge reputation, no one would believe that he could play 100 (Holy Land), and 10 people might not believe it.

Frightening, in fact, once torn, who will become a funerary, paving stone.

People now basically believe that if he is dead, pulling 3 or 5 holy domains on his deathbed can be done.

Who wants to sacrifice himself and fulfill others? In particular, this is not as simple as dying oneself. The Sanctuary is the pillar of power. Once killed, the power immediately disintegrates, and the loved ones of the Sanctuary generally hardly end well.

After all, its wealth and glory is based on the sanctuary alone, and when the sanctuary died, it naturally fell into the dust. How cool the ascent was, how ugly it is now, even more ugly, because enjoying the wealth and glory Has harmed the interests of others. It used to look at the sanctuary before, and now it must be liquidated.

The Sanctuaries are all lived for a long time, and they are fine, how can they not understand this simple truth?

Then the question is coming, can you risk the death of the dead, and try to torture such a popular fried chicken?

This is actually a very flexible topic.

As the so-called poor and poor suffering, rich and sad, the sanctuary is not happy like a fairy.

In other words, the Sanctuary is indeed happy like a fairy, but that is just a mortal perspective, a material enjoyment perspective.

Many mortals have never seen and enjoyed it, so the sanctuary in his eyes has enjoyed all the luxuries he can imagine and unimaginable, and the true position is at its peak, which is worthwhile.

But just like when money is not enough for everyone, the sanctuary is extremely cold and difficult to move up.

Being able to become a sanctuary is basically a matter of perseverance and good luck. It's hard to say that people who are not bitter enough and hateful enough, or not paranoid crazy people, have no chance to fight for the front line, achieve the sanctuary, and even have insufficient motivation to climb up.

People are inert, people are greedy for life and fear of death, and often the more they have, the more they sacrifice their lives.

So good, what makes a person go against these most fundamental human natures and take a big risk to continue climbing upwards, instead of just looking at the scenery and enjoying in time?

Therefore, everything has a cause. The reason why the Sanctuary is the Sanctuary means that it defeats and breaks through itself again and again.

To put it more bluntly, a person who has not longed for immortality cannot achieve the sanctuary. And those who have achieved the sanctuary, whenever there is a chance, they will seize the opportunity to kick the door of immortality. Even for this and other reasons, he lost his thoughts, and the habits he had developed in the past did not allow him to be completely drunk and dreamed of death. As the so-called tiger fell into the wing, he couldn't do it himself, and he mostly paved the way for his children.

Therefore, every sanctuary has an unwilling heart, and because of its height, it is often earth-shattering when it comes to doing things.

Because of these, Kane did not despise Catholicism from beginning to end, and he did not want to criticize from the perspective of justice, and even expressed a certain degree of acts of wanton killing and breaking a lot of secular moral bottom lines. Understanding.

Strong to a certain extent, with everything as a ruminant dog. That's the thing.

However, understanding should be understood, but the tear should still be torn, because each has different ideas, different paths, and different ideologies. Under this premise, it is as simple as who blocks me and destroys me.

Understand these, you can also understand why those old monsters have to jump out of trouble to find him, not alive?

Because his operation is equivalent to jumping out to indicate that he wants to become a god, and the technical aspect seems to be very mature.

It is also suitable for him to shoot a bird with a gun. He exposes himself to the spotlight, making the sanctuary realize that after eating him, he has stagnated for many years and will be able to make breakthrough progress and achieve his long-cherished wish in one fell swoop.

Therefore, even if the extraordinary crisis is approaching, they cannot weaken their longing in their hearts, and even take the whole force for it. Subtext: As long as I can go up, is it still a problem that bothers me now?

Kane understands this kind of psychology, and knows that some old immortals have been waiting too long, or they ca n’t wait. He wanted to find opportunities through extraordinary crises, and he really looks like everyone ’s chances, because there are too many After many coveted, in-depth association speculations can make people hope for extraordinary skills.

Or, it is a mediocrity that people are not jealous. Xueba is jealous by all the classmates, and the gold workers are jealous by the employees of the whole company.

These jealous people may not be able to compete with you, but they can destroy you, especially after forming a tacit understanding and uniting together. And you can win any challenge, but you do n’t have enough energy to support the wheel battle of 100 people. The only way to prevent those people from uniting with you is to use their selfishness. Specifically, whoever comes out first will be torn. The painful price of the whole body.

Therefore, Kane knew that the "struggle" was still in front of the force. Of course, this was because the force was still not strong enough. If Cthulhu moved in and kept Haiyan Heqing, all the sanctuaries would look like three grandchildren.

"Go tell those guys that we have no motivation to rob them, and the reason will be publicly displayed within a week. We don't mind fighting with them, telling them, whoever makes us unhappy for a while, we will make him unhappy forever. Exterminate, come with courage. "

The butcher nodded and ordered to negotiate.

He is also a sanctuary, and from the perspective of the absorption and digestion of the three strange substances, Kane came down to be him.

As a strategic material, the three strange materials are distributed according to different classes. The fire eater is the lowest level, and neither the bonfire nor the candleman. After all, the two are plainly long-term cannon fodder and short-term cannon fodder. They are so extravagant that they also gain strength limits.

The origin of the world, the East, has a saying since ancient times. The main function of Sanqi matter is to increase the capacity, which is to increase the upper limit of strength.

The more Sanqi matter, the more information it can hold, and the more enriched the information, the more abundant and high-end the properties of the substance. A small cell can analyze 100,000 prominent features, then The tissue, flesh, and strength of such cells can be imagined.

According to this theory, becoming a **** is nothing more than a process of boosting capacity and enriching information. Every time a bottleneck is broken, a level of transformation will be completed.

The butcher's three strange material gains are second only to Kane, and his extraordinary power throughput efficiency is naturally extremely high. During the second 100-day rest, as a sanctuary, he still has a name that is not true, but he has experienced the Montenegro incident and the capture of fire. After the cleanup incident, and even the Catholic torture incident, he was already a qualified sanctuary, instead of relying on technology to support the facade.

Correspondingly, the high-end technology also gives him the sanctuary beyond the ordinary sanctuary.

When the butcher appeared in front of a powerful sacred domain, all the sacred domains felt that their hairs stood up, and their hearts were alarmed, and extraordinary instincts told them that this was extremely dangerous in front of them.

Looking at the butcher, there is an illusion of facing the sun at close range. The light and heat, like calm and boiling effects, always stimulate the mind. This is a kind of induction that cannot be described by common sense. It is very mysterious and very god. Sex.

Within 3 seconds, the fire element within a radius of 1,000 meters with the butcher as the core entered a super active state.

The external appearance is that there are more and more flying Mars in the sky, and these Mars will soon become a more dazzling flame spot, like the light of a firefly, and then flutter at the so-called 5 cm per second speed of cherry blossoms, like a dream , But the truth behind it is very cruel. The super active fire element devours other free extraordinary energy particles, turning the entire area into a special event for the fire element.

The Sanctuary knows ~ ~ This is not a real field, but potential pressure, like moving a super mountain to a plain, even if it does not move, it will also affect the local sun exposure, airflow direction, etc. Wait for the general. To a certain degree of strength, as long as it exists, it can cause the movement of mountains.

"It's a terrifying power that makes people feel trembling!"

The sanctuaries all feel heavy-hearted and are not as well-known as meeting, hearsay is never more profound than intuitive experience. Not in person, it is really difficult to imagine that the world suddenly popped out of such a strong man in the sanctuary.

The butcher is a puppet after all, with a machine-like coldness, and does not take care of the delicate emotions of others. He almost directly recounted Kane's attitude.

At that time, some people jumped out: "Well said, it is indeed consistent with your usual style. But I want to say, not everyone is deterred by your prostitution, and not everyone is full of flies. Bravery? Then let you see enough. "

Said, this name looks old, but after the eruption, the hair roots will stand up, just like the sanctuary of a blown lion, directly wrapped to the butcher with the power of the field ...

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