Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 816: Global combat power delivery

The terrorist hunter's raid was launched from Tampa Mountain.

Tampa Mountain is not a famous mountain, just a corner of the Carpathian Mountains, like the foot of a giant centipede.

But Tampa Mountain was secretly operated by terrorist hunters for many years, and there was a lot of dry goods inside.

At least Kane did not expect that there would be a group of guns.

This gun is not a secular artillery, but an energy gun, or a magic cannon.

Kane ’s response was also fast, and the two sides fired almost simultaneously.

If it is counted as the time for the aggregation operation of the magic float gun, the Kane side definitely belongs to the first come first.

Both sides were hit by high-energy energy beams, and under the fire, the Star Wars era warships with full effects were full of sight of the bombardment. The field of vision is full of colorful dazzling energy beams, and in an instant, even the night sky is illuminated.

On the Tampa Mountain, the magic cannon group fell into the burning sea of ​​flames for the first time.

However, many MAs in the sky have opened convex energy shields in the sky, and the energy beams are bombarded on it, just like molten steel pouring out, spreading around, and the light star splashing.

Obviously, although the shelling on the side of the terrorist hunter was beyond Kane ’s expectations, it was discovered by Kane in the first time, and the plan was taken. Taking advantage of the gap between the cannon group and the protective cover, the brain of high-energy ammunition was poured into its position If not, it may not be as good as before.

With the heavy losses of the sneak attack, the terror hunter became angry and manipulated the giant weapon, revealing his true face.

It turned out that Tampa Mountain was the back of a Godzilla-level super monster. At the moment, with the earthquake and thunderous s sounds, the eight-legged monster stood up, the sand poured, the rocks fell, and the magic gradually appeared. The true appearance of the cannon position, the original so-called magic cannon, was actually the hair on the back of the giant beast.

This scene made Kane look at his lips. He has always appreciated the monster style, and he does not know what kind of IQ will be needed to develop such inefficient weapons.

Of course, subjective emotions do not affect his tactical expression. As a first-class combatant warrior, he never waited for the enemy to fully recover and regain his good shape before starting to fight.

Just when the beast got up, he had already started preparing for a superb blow.

Hundreds of MAs are actually a whole, and the integrity is comparable to one person, not a union. All opponents who make mistakes between the two will pay a painful price for this.

This is also the case with the horror hunters. Kane ’s response is more holistic, more agile, and faster than they thought.

A large number of plank guns are linked together to form a giant gun. At the same time, MA has entered an overclocking state, and the lava-like light spilled out, just like burning meteorites.

More importantly, the MA cluster in the state of pulling the net is now standing in the sky like an entire manhole cover is lifted up.

This can only be achieved by each individual who is extremely aware of their own positioning and possesses high execution power and coordination, fully reflecting why they are a whole.

Concentrating plates and energy collectors, the group starts to glow at the moment of 'clamshell', it feels like a convex lens is ready to concentrate sunlight. Of course, the scene is more grand.

After that, a beam with a diameter of about ten meters is continuously irradiated, and fine-tuned according to the movement of the beast to ensure that it is always irradiated.

The irradiated area melted a huge hole every second, and the material inside melted or evaporated, glowing red.

This beast is a weapon and a puppet creation. It has no pain in itself, but it knows that it is being beaten and is being damaged. It also wants to get rid of this situation and fight back. It shook its head, the light star shining in the giant mouth, the light flow surging, obviously intending to emit the energy breath of the dragon breath.

However, it had no chance. The attack launched by Kane was not simply to open a hole for the monster, but to create a tunnel and a high-temperature environment, and then drop and detonate the fusion bomb.

The structure of this fusion bomb is relatively simple, because the process of opening the hole has provided a fusion environment. The point is nothing more than to be detonated before the fusion fuel is put into place.

Under normal circumstances, the technical difficulty is not small, but Kane is the salary king, controlling all flames and temperatures, as long as he wants, the flame can be close at hand, but it is completely harmless, in turn, in an instant The cohesion in the fire field to promote an extreme high temperature environment can also be achieved with a thought.

The reason why we still want to play fusion bombs is that no energy can be born out of nothing. This basic law runs through the universe of all known systems. The mass-energy conversion of the fusion reaction is simple and powerful for Kane.

So, in less than 10 seconds, Kane completed the blow and inserted a nuclear fusion bomb into the monster's body.

Then there was the Big Bang, and it was earth-shattering.

The powerful defense and hard shell of the giant beast now become a kind of bondage, so that the power of the nuclear explosion will not cause too serious damage to the surrounding area.

Of course, the violent energy is to be vented. The body of the monster is not a qualified super fusion reactor. The majestic energy breaks through the relatively weak area, tearing many cracks in the monster, and then forming a spray effect.

From a distance, it seems to be a broken stove blasted by a blower, so that the flames spew out from each break.

The monster is dead, and the interior cabins and personnel are swallowed by the violent energy.

Those with a low ignition point are almost completely burned out, and the smoke is extinguished. Those with a high flash point are transformed into liquid substances in the cavity like a giant furnace holding furnace, flowing along the gaps, just like lava.

Despite the rapid results of this contest, the material and energy involved can be so large that many people are injured or killed. For example, those who evacuated from the nearby streets to take refuge in the city. Many of them were buried by mudslides as soon as the monster got up.

The aftermath of the explosion that caused the death of the behemoth was also fatal to people nearby. It was a nuclear explosion, and the energy spewed out of the cracks of the behemoth formed a huge scorched ravine on the earth.

There is also the shock of the energy transmitted by the wave. Although it is no more than the shock wave of a normal nuclear explosion, it also forms a translucent physical distortion, and the one near it is shocked alive.

Kane said he was helpless about this, otherwise he would rather be a peace dog than a troubled person. In the face of war, ordinary people are too fragile, especially modern warfare, or extraordinary warfare.

It can even be said that it is already very good to have the current situation. If the giant beast is thrown away, it is estimated that it will not take long to destroy half of Romania.

"Send a small team to save people."

For such a good thing, Kane is still willing to do it.

The butcher issued an order and twelve MAs flew down. Not only to save people, but also to pay attention to the surrounding movements and find that the enemies will be eliminated immediately. After all, the death of the beast does not mean that the terrorist hunters are also dead.

As soon as MA landed, the gorgeous side of the mysterious side appeared. Unlike the common mechanical arms of the MA on the technology side, their limbs are all energy arms, which are generated by a dedicated spell model generator. The simple understanding is that they usually only have the roots of the limbs. When needed, they continue to spray energy from the spout-like roots to generate limbs.

This limb is like a glow stick, very beautiful. The MA with outstretched limbs is no longer the usual ugly image of the "King of the Eight Shells", but looks at an arthropod that looks like a kind of ocean deep in life and can emit light.

MA carries an active life detection device, which can discover life still under the soil. Their limbs are also flexible and can be split into a dozen or even dozens of flexible tentacles with simple feet for delicate operations, not to mention other things like shoveling and digging .

This time, Kane did not play live streaming. Despite doing so, being able to invite people's hearts and minds is also a form of pressure, so that the extraordinary powers who are skeptical about leading the fire have to focus more on people's livelihood.

But Kane believes that if it does, many people will collapse or go crazy, and will do all kinds of irrational adventures, including death marches in order to reach the fire prison.

That would kill too many people and accelerate the collapse of order in various countries and regions. Against the background of the smooth development of the Huo Lao leader, it seemed to be more than worth the loss.

The development of Huolaohuan led to a smoother development. The meaning behind it is that giving him more time will allow him to receive and house the population more efficiently. That is to say, he can save the world ’s secular human civilization more. Of course, it is also beneficial to the development of his own forces.

Under the Tampa Mountain, next to the body of the giant beast, although the MA team has launched the rescue for the first time, there are not many survivors who have really been rescued, just dozens.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, no one was grateful, most of them were blank. This is the result of too much excessive stimulation. People do n’t have a sense of identity with the Kane family. Although they seem to be rescuers, they can also be seen from a cognitive point of view. They are also a group of monsters, and now they are either tragic deaths or do n’t know where they are. No mood to express gratitude.

Kane didn't need it either. He only did this as a piggyback. His main job was to analyze the situation of the evil.

Now the detection is basically over.

To understand it simply, if God is a person who is fixed on the ground, now all but one leg has been removed from the nails.

This man looks weak now, but Kane thinks there is a huge acting component here. The main reason is that this guy's energy efficiency is very high.

This is like a long-term hungry person, whose physical function is completely reduced, and their metabolic ability is not good, even if they have big fish and meat, they can't eat it. They can eat light and easy to digest, eat less and eat more meals, and slowly raise them.

But this person has good teeth, good appetite, and can eat and pull, which means that the general judgment is not accurate.

Kane guessed that at least ten years ago, the terrorist hunter had secretly ‘fed’ to the gods.

In this context, this **** of sin is capable of playing for survival with a broken arm, and even staged a Jedi counterattack.

Now Kane is worried about two points. 1. He will definitely be exposed to such a sin war, if he can't fight for a long time ...

2. If it is really tearing open, it is difficult to make clear what kind of spread will be caused. The main reason is that this god's evil character is not the only one who can use the field to circle and hammer. The reverse is possible.

Kane was thinking about countermeasures, but the butcher was loyal to Kane's order and directed the fire eaters to do their best to evacuate the people.

More MAs were involved in the operation. They flew at low altitude, and their limbs were turned into tentacles, rolled up the humans found along the road, and then taken away from this area.

One MA can take more than 300 people at a time, and it can be transported in about 10 minutes.

It must be said that efficiency is like that. After all, the sins are all over Brasov ’s underground, which means that the entire city ’s population must be withdrawn, and there are still evil things around. The complexity and the huge amount of engineering can be imagined.

At this time, Romanian officials also arrived, including helicopters and ground troops, as well as the extraordinary. It's just that when I saw the battle in front of me, I was a little shrunken.

After all, each MA has a displacement of 10,000 tons and hundreds of arrays. It is comparable to the European Union Fleet. Compared with one, both the official and the supernatural are a bit weak, and naturally there is not much. The strength of peer-to-peer communication, especially there is the corpse of a Godzilla monster over there.

As the volume of Sanqi material increases and knowledge increases, the butcher becomes smarter and more humane. Instead of letting the official people watch the drama, he invited them to help evacuate the people.

The transcendentals also took the opportunity to jump out and say that they can do something within their power, such as identifying whether the people are parasitic, and using extraordinary means to perform some simple treatments.

The butcher did n’t vomit, ‘this is your country, and now you ’re so comfortable with the selection of auxiliary positions, it ’s really nice to put us at the forefront of the battle. ’, He knew that there was a lot of shady incidents about the unblocking of God ’s sins, and now is not the time to uncover it.

In the process of dealing with and launching actions, some things that are not funny are also happening.

For example, official personnel asked the military to enter the field to search and rescue survivors.

Some officers jumped out and choked directly, saying that if they didn't understand, they shouldn't command indiscriminately. The lack of effective offensive and defensive means that the boys were killed.

Officials were annoyed and pointed out that the state is keeping the army to protect the family and protect the people. Besides, the armored vehicles are not equipped with anything?

The officer said that Kane's MA can also take care of the areas that the armored vehicle can reach, and it is more efficient. What is needed now is to go deep into the house and rescue the survivors who are hiding. However, most of them are hiding in the house, this kind of face-searching grass is too difficult.

Some officials who did n’t wake up said that in this case, they yelled with a big horn to let the people in hiding out, and the vehicle would be finished if they answered?

Then someone reminded that all the survivors who are still alive are hiding in closed areas, such as cabinets, basements, toilets, etc., and are basically trapped, and the probability of being exposed to being killed is very high. Can only enter rescue.

The butcher is suitable to express his opinion: "You still have to stop for a while, and the people who can be evacuated from the city can be properly placed. Let you enter the field to save people, saying that no one will save them and there is more to save."

The official and the military immediately descended the donkey and paid tribute: "Then there will be labor and your side."

The butcher used a omnipotent reply: "Hehe!"

It is still necessary to save people. MA found that it is not difficult to use life detection devices to find targets and use smart energy limbs to break walls and dig people.

The only difficulty is that one is time and the other is security.

It is impossible for Kane to put all MA into the rescue work, but to leave a considerable part to maintain vigilance and deterrence in an array. After all, no one can tell whether it will jump out of high-end combat power to make trouble at the next moment.

In Kane's impression, the terrorist hunter's high-end combat power is not much, but the crowbar is good at taking advantage of it.

On this issue, it can be said about this: Not all intelligent races have strong will, eagerness, and first-class execution, to enhance the strength of themselves and their ethnic groups, and strive to climb hard.

Terror hunters have certain beast habits, and generally have no long-term goals, mainly relying on the talent of their own species, or mixing life with the help of external forces. He often acts as a servant or eagle of a strong man. This strong man can be a **** or a kind of elite who is strong enough.

According to this kind of cognitive deduction, after the monster hunter is destroyed, it may be difficult to launch a decent blow to him in a short time.

So he needs to worry about other old opponents. The Sanctuary, after all, has extraordinary means, and it can launch a raid at any place in the world at any time, regardless of the cost.

The other is the possibility of ruining the nest and surrounding aid.

That's why he went out this time and didn't have much fanfare, but was driving a standard MA.

As long as he doesn't show up, no one can be sure whether he is here or sitting in the fire.

When he hits a big shot, and the battle cannot be resolved for a long time (more than 10 minutes), the situation will become subtle.

He also considered this situation when he decided to play this one. What I was thinking at the time was that I would just let go if I couldn't do it. After all, it was the long-term rice bowl that he carefully planned, which was not comparable to a windfall.

Although this yam is a bit hot, it is not so hot that he cannot hold it and needs to be counseled.

So while the butcher organized search and rescue and evacuation, he gave orders to the fire eaters. First, the three seals to be released were strengthened. Second, the extraction of giant beast purification.

Therefore, even across a city, people also see some new trends in MA:

Six MAs are in a group, which controls all floating guns to form an array, and then continuously emits energy.

This energy is not a plasma flow or extraordinary flame flow for destruction, but an electromagnetic force.

Its role is to rectify and rectify and stabilize the power of the seal towards collapse.

From a distance, it looks like three super pushpins glowing with needles, chosen at three points in the city, including Constantine and Adina ’s adventurous Saint Nicholas Church.

The result of this operation to stabilize the seal, as Kane speculated, did not move.

Although God's sins are not of good origin and their nature is negative, they are ultimately true gods. The true **** has two characteristics that are not easy to deal with. One is the trait of the apostle. If you want to completely eliminate it, you must strip it from the road.

One thing to note here is that this union is different from the priesthood that believes in gods. It is more like a deepening of the domain power of the sanctuary. Talent attributes, quasi-legendary ranks, began to prepare. When the Holy Territory had a deep understanding to establish the domain, after the **** became a deeper understanding, and use it as the core of divine power.

Such a god, even if there is no faith, will not die. The true **** is the original god. It is not easy to succeed, and it is difficult to destroy.

The second characteristic of the true God that is not easy to deal with is divine intuition.

This is a very mysterious, super-intuitive.

With divine instincts, you must feel something whenever you have something to do with yourself.

Therefore, even if Kane sealed himself tightly and completely isolated from the outside world, as long as he had conspiracy and started to implement it, the other party would feel it.

Divine intuition cannot let God know exactly who is going to destroy him, but it will remind him that great danger is coming.

Then, pushing yourself and others, instead of being in the position of God, will not move blindly. Because holding the remaining three seals does n’t make much sense to him, he does n’t want to fight with one leg, but he can also fight it. In comparison, give him more time and let him devour enough energy, more important. After all, most of the seals have been lifted, and the energy throughput efficiency is now doubled compared to the previous ones. In addition, it takes time to restore the damage to the seal.

And Kane's plan is this too. By strengthening the three seals, the gods misunderstood that he didn't know the truth of his 'strong body and strong body', and chose the 'spontaneous action' charge.

God is accumulating energy, and he is accumulating energy. As long as he prepares him to make three moves, he will have greater confidence to achieve his goal.

Now there is a move, that is, the three enhanced seals, as long as he is willing, he can initiate this move at any time through instructions, similar to human shock, can cause a certain degree and time delay effect.

The second and third moves are already on the way. Now see how long it will take God to see through his calculations.

Kane is very clear that as the second and third moves are gradually taking shape, there must be a sense of intrigue there.

The same is the divine intuition, there are differences, and the keenness will change, just like the submarine faces different levels of threats and sounds different levels of alarms.

If the divine instincts are like this, then it will be difficult to play, and the divine will erupt at any time.

On the contrary, if it is only the lowest level of instinct, then the Libra of victory will tilt to his side, and when his second and third moves are in place, the victory will be 80%.

Of course, these calculations are completely invisible.

The external display is that eighteen MAs formed three large electromagnetic probes over Brasov, locking up the seal that has not yet completely collapsed. The MA main cluster flew over the behemoth, established an energy enchantment, and opened the fused power field within the enchantment. All flammable objects in the force field were burning, and the monster also completely disintegrated in this extraordinary combustion.

As a family of fire kings, the power of extracting extraordinary essences is accomplished in high-temperature combustion, just like burning real gold, through burning, identifying substances or energy, and then through the powerful fire control ability, will need Filter it out.

Although more than one hundred MAs have been allocated to rescue urban survivors, MAs with synchronous orbit satellites scattered around the world have returned after completing their missions, so the size of the MA main cluster has not been severely reduced.

The butcher knew that the torture between his own side and the evil would happen at any time, and the search and rescue of the people was not a necessity, so he invested a number of lava hounds to assist.

The Kane family belongs to the typical technology and others. As long as the human level is up, the corresponding combat skills are immediately in place.

The Battle of the Shallow Sea made Kane gain a lot, and he naturally clung to himself and his shadow first.

However, there is also an upper limit for the supplement of the Sanqi substance. After absorption, it needs to be digested and adapted, and then it can absorb more next time.

Therefore, there is enough surplus to make another king.

After the butcher was promoted, he mastered more combat skills, one of which was to summon fire spirits.

The level of this technique itself is not high, but it is a 5th-level fire elemental spell, but after being magically modified by the salary king system, it has become a luxury version.

Once, thousands of fire spirits are in place. The caster additionally provides fire element crystals to generate flame bodies. The fire spirits control these flame bodies and can exist and exert influence in the form of energy bodies in the physical world.

This is how the Lava Hound came from, in fact, a fire dog. His body is about equal to an adult lion, with a fluttering flame mane. The fire on the body changes with different brightness. It looks three-dimensional and powerful.

Thousands of fire dogs descended from the sky like a wave of flames. Their targets were the sins of the room and the horns, including the distortions parasitizing plants and animals.

Killing the evil and burning it to ashes is considered to be purification, while the extracted essence is the reward of the fire spirit. Such remuneration is beneficial to the fire slaves, candle people, and even the fire eaters, but now that they are in a hurry, these relatively low-end extraordinary resources Kane still give up.

At the same time, in Huo Lao Ling, the Stargate cantilever, which received the order through the newly established global satellite network, was packed into a bundle, and then Mysterious Fort was quickly dropped into remote orbit by extraordinary transmission.

This operation looks more magical, the cantilever that is packed looks like a super carrot-shaped battleship, and then its whole body is wrapped in silver light, which is getting brighter and brighter. With PIU, it disappears completely.

After entering space, the cantilever of the Star Gate opened quickly, forming an electromagnetic field curtain between each other, like a super umbrella or cauldron, facing the sun.

This is collecting and transforming the power of the Holy Light ~ ~ Although the salary king is very sharp, but has the specialization characteristics, unlike Kane in other worlds, everything can come.

Facing such a situation that requires a huge amount of Holy Light, tight time, and heavy tasks, it can only be collected by large equipment.

In addition to sending the Stargate into space, Mysterious Castle also cast the few remaining forces of faith to Kane.

Since the belief system of Huo Lao Ling has not yet been established, the core of the Kingdom of God created some time ago can only gather some relatively scattered powers of faith. That is, those who firmly believe that the Fire Leadership is the best place for themselves and their family and friends to survive in an extraordinary crisis.

Kane needs this stuff now to fight against the evil.

The spiritual power provided by the fire eaters is only enough for him to complete all kinds of spell-level spell operations. No amount of power is enough. So get it extra.

With the satellite network in place, Kane is now able to use troops globally, and if this game can win, the rise can be accelerated again ...

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