Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 820: Salary Pack

An ordinary person, with simple means, torn against the extraordinary, this is no longer a death, but looking for abuse.

But because of this, Constantine admired Atina's fearless spirit.

It's just that he hasn't gotten used to it, and he always has a sloppy ruff, subconsciously unwilling to express his true feelings.

This was not the second time Konstantin met with Atina after the Brasov incident. More importantly, with the forced retreat of Kane, the operation strategies of all branches of its forces were affected and adjusted, including Fire camp.

More specifically, Constantine ’s work is no longer a headhunting, and even the fire camp is no longer headhunting. Instead, he focused on helping the worldly humans in the region.

In the words of Kane: "For a person like me, the scale of gain and loss is first in my heart. When I grab potential from the people, I will take some responsibility and give back to the people."

Sending high-end combat power to solve the big demon giant, this is the final feedback.

And like the change strategy of the fire camp, more low-level resources including technology, equipment, combat power, etc. are poured into the civilians, and the operation of arming mortals is a silent feedback from Runwu.

Kane never felt that he was a Virgin, he just felt that the ruler should have corresponding responsibilities and responsibilities.

With the change of strategy, peripheral organizations like Huoying have developed rapidly.

Because Kane uses the legal card system to produce low-end extraordinary products, the production capacity is terrible.

In the case of MA, each independent imprinting system can only produce one frame at a time. It can only be mass-produced by the self-cloning of the imprinting system.

And the low-end extraordinary products can be content-rich aggregation cards such as ‘XX ’s Arms Warehouse’ and ‘XX Cluster’. A lot can be produced in one round.

And with the absorption of the legacy of the gods for thousands of years to reach the realm of the Holy Spirit, the upper limit of the strength of the cards that can be created has been further raised. If you have to consider the cost of materials to a certain extent, real artifact cards are not impossible.

One of the sharpest features of the legal card system is that it bypasses the pass of free conversion between ‘energy and matter’ through the card system.

This has greatly softened the flaw that the Kane family has risen too fast and the resources cannot keep up.

It is also the reason why the various energy systems in the country are expanding wildly, and it is still necessary to arrange extraordinary energy extraction stations around the world.

Really earning money is not slow enough. Once the legal card system is opened, how many resources can be stuffed into it, and it can be converted into various products endlessly.

Of course, for peripherals such as Constantine, the salary king and the Burning Legion (the war insects with fire eaters as the conventional unit are gradually recognized by the world and the finalized name, formerly the war group) is what he does not know. There is not much interest in knowing, he just pays attention to the logistics supply from Huolao Ling and the strategy adjustment of Huoying.

In his view, the supply side is a wave of milk, technical equipment and other very practical support, all open to a large scale, and there are more abundant choices in tasks.

He accepted the new category of tasks.

With his contribution in the Brasov incident (mainly based on first-hand information), he can now go to Huolao to reunite with his family and live a stable life.

However, like a war hyena, he is accustomed to the life of a free man with certain risks and stimuli, and he can't stand the normal life of ordinary people.

So he chose to continue to be his stickman. In terms of points, a part of it was used to further improve the treatment of his family, so that they could worry about food and clothing, and the other part was used on himself.

Kane has the conditions to provide corresponding evolutionary schemes and equipment resources for warworms at all levels. Even for peripherals like Constantine, there are plenty of options.

This is the advantage of having a rich and mature technology system. Especially in the low-end, it is universal in most of the world, so if the production is condescending, you can ensure that the variety and quantity are very sufficient.

After Constantine Brasov, Constantine strengthened himself a lot. Now he uses the most suitable technology and equipment. In addition to the shorter training time, the internal and external bonus ratios are very high. The comprehensive combat power is no less than the comprehensive combat power of the core children carefully trained by the supernatural forces of the heavenly city. In the extraordinary circle, it is regarded as the leader of the younger generation.

It is precisely because of this that he can better understand the difficulty of Atina, really supporting it with faith. Although he feels a bit silly, he still can't help admiring this noble and pure.

Artina and Constantine also collide with emotions, with unusual familiarity, and do n’t mind showing their weakness and embarrassment in front of them. Seeing the danger lifted, they sat on the ground and gasped, shaking and trembling It took a while to calm down, and then pointed weakly at the thinner in Constantine's hands, "What level is this guy?"

"Intermediate !?" Constantine said with some uncertainty. "The evaluation criteria for the extraordinary circle have never been unified, not to mention this non-human thing. It would be very stiff to use the template set of the human extraordinary."

"That means it's also intermediate, but the actual strength will vary greatly?"

“It ’s understandable. Without enough big data, it ’s hard to clearly quantify the combat power of various extraordinary creatures.”

"It seems that your cultural class has made great progress. Big data, quantification, and such concepts have been used accurately."

Constantine shrugged: "The essence of sharp technology is advanced knowledge. This is the characteristic of the Burning Legion. Without knowledge, you cannot master technology, and I am helpless!"

Atina was greeted by Constantine's cheap and well-behaved Pilai, and she changed her topic somewhat angrily: "What mission did you come with this time?"

"A series of tasks, a general understanding, can be helpful."

Atina wanted to make a sneer. With her life experience, how could she still believe in things like pies in the world? But when I think about what Kane did after his rise, I can't be more disdainful.

She knows that Kane is high-tech and willing to benefit the people, so the Burning Legion has always been the most extraordinary force with the most beneficial aid output.

Therefore, the Burning Legion is also grabbing benefits, but it can prevent people from being disgusted, and it is progressive. Many people are now willing to actively approach the Burning Legion. Even those who do not want to be close, must admit that the Burning Legion has a high reputation The extraordinary power ratio can be called the conscience of the industry.

Under such a background, how can I be so embarrassed to consider it as a dangerous calculation before I understand the specific situation?

But Artina couldn't help but ask: "What does the salary king want from us? Thanksgiving? Obey orders? Or simply plan to send some benefits and then incorporate them?"

Constantine shrugged again: "To be honest, I don't know very well. My life experience has created pragmatism. I don't care much about my head, I only care about getting it in my hands. Anyway, in my opinion This time, it ’s almost the same to say that you are being paid for for free. The things you give are very real, but the conditions are not high. It is really helpful. At least with this support, you will not be so dangerous if you deal with these monsters again. Embarrassed. "

With that said, Constantine threw the thinner like waste, and the thinner who fell on the ground suddenly showed obvious decay. The body cracked several cracks of different lengths. As if it were made with simple sticky wood chips.

Atina surprised: "What did you do to it?"

"Suck it up! I'm also regarded as a salary king, good at making dry wood, or ingesting the essence by burning."

Artina is speechless. With the deepening of the understanding of the Salary King system, the ignition and extraction methods are already as famous as the cruelty and stinginess of the Salary King. Many people are afraid of it and even feel evil, but there is no lack of jealousy in their hearts. It is really a powerful and practical technique, which can quickly improve the strength.

At the time, the people's claim that various types of salary kings became stronger as a result of the rise of the people, but with the establishment of the central city and the implementation of various domestic and foreign policies, such claims gradually lost the market.

Including the secret society where she lives, the members are gradually intolerable from being intolerable and can not say approval, but they are afraid of comparison in everything. Compared with ordinary extraordinary forces, they increasingly feel that the salary king is more To be more reliable, and then to advertise justice, there is not much practical action to help people, what is the point?

This situation is not an example, but a general phenomenon. It gives people the feeling that there is no beneficial improvement in other aspects except for a higher layer of rulers. On the contrary, it is a negative extraordinary power, which can always be real. In the landing.

Atina is from the Department of Special Affairs and is an ordinary person who is struggling on the front line of extraordinary affairs. The extraordinary terrorist incidents have proliferated, and his extraordinary strength support has not improved much in terms of personnel or equipment. .

At the beginning, they were able to work diligently and diligently, but the situation became more and more desperate, and they could not help but speculate. Those extraordinary people who were always high above the ground and admonished by themselves, only looked at themselves and took ordinary people as cannon fodder.

Resentment and suspicion accumulate so little. When trust is lost, everything becomes wrong.

For example, Salary King publicly reveals the extraordinary existence.

At that time, everyone felt that this person was selfish and crazy, and for his own self-interest, he played an honest man, breaking rules and breaking through the sky, and brought very bad negative effects.

But looking at this now, the taste has almost changed. Salary King is crazy and selfish, but if there is no Salary King, the extraordinary existence continues to control the official cover, the overall situation of the world may be worse.

Many people are suffering, and I am afraid they do not know what happened. The transcendentalists first figured out their own way, and then their stooges, that is, secular dignitaries, and finally it was the people ’s turn, they had nothing to ask for, and they completely missed the opportunity, leaving only tragedy.

Other people ca n’t do it even if they want to warn them. People ca n’t say anything but they ca n’t be heard. They ca n’t be screamed and they can be pushed down. Even if they ca n’t, they can find some brick-and-mortar beasts who have lost their conscience. Noisy, to the last place, there is nothing good except the mouth and the skin. This kind of trick ruler is not used once or twice.

That is, those who have enough power to make big events and are unwilling to join forces with others can always stand on the cusp of the storm, arouse the attention of the whole people, and make everyone have to think about it as a matter.

Those extraordinary dogs and the official dogs they control are forced to show a little bit, even if they pretend to be pretended, otherwise they will fry the pan without waiting for them to figure out their way out.

Such an analysis shows that the salary king's good is coming. Moreover, the salary king is very real, and killing and saving people are basically placed in the bright place. This is in stark contrast to the faces of other politicians with extraordinary powers. The longer the time, the more vivid the contrast.

However, although the image of Salary King continues to deteriorate and the background of his peers gradually reverses, many smart people can see that Salary King cannot save everyone, not even one third of the world. not enough time.

The salary king is reliable but weak-hearted, and the transcendence + official fooling the dead can not count on their lives, so they can only rely on themselves.

That's how the secret association of Atina and Joseph was born.

The speed of development is also rapid. More and more people are joining, basically all official functional departments, and now it has begun to radiate to the elites of various industries.

Atina sensitively realized that the salary king of Constantine represented most of them were interested in the organization of the secret society. After a few minutes of rest, the sequelae of her extraordinary props have been suppressed. Cheering up, he stood up and asked Constantine: "Guard downstairs ..."

"It can only be said that death is not painful."

Atina sighed, ordinary people are really too fragile to face the extraordinary, and the case handlers like her paid a huge price to get so little pitiful confrontation capital, including loss Fertility, and the ability to lose life every time you use it, etc.

Constantine compared with Atina, at least on the surface, it was not so sentimental. At a young age, he had learned to simplify thinking. He half-explained and half-warned to Atina: "I am afraid that the hard days are still there. Later, the second wave of nightmare spreading points appeared in Hamburg, Milan, Barcelona and Quebec. You should know that the nightmare of Gino Island, where the nightmare originated, is completely nightmare, you may not know it. "

"Nightmare? More twisted?"

"Well, according to the information given by internal intelligence, it is a deteriorating level. If nightmare is to change the natural environment into a black forest full of evil things, then nightmare is to become a strange hell.

Constantine said again: "I honestly think that monsters are not terrible, they have more contact, sum up experience, they can be killed after all. The terrible thing is that the environment has become too powerful, affecting crops and breeding, many people will Die of famine and despair !? "

Artina felt her heart twitch and gritted her teeth: "We will try to survive and find new food, even if it is Ru Mao drinking blood."

"Thank you for your determination. But I have a good suggestion, that is, try to protect yourself as much as possible. Although I didn't say it above, I can feel it, as long as people can survive for two or three years, they can almost wait. Salary King ’s ultimate assistance, I ’m talking about everyone. "...

Where there are fire camps around the world, people like the Constantine salesman sponsor have already started related businesses. To be honest, Kane didn't really mind who specifically funded it. First, because the supplies were mainly aimed at ordinary people, falling into the hands of the extraordinary would only become tasteless. Second, the number is large enough. It is easier to manufacture them through the embossing system of the law card than to manufacture the floating disk machine group. The equipment represented by a card of the “standard equipment jug” can arm 20,000 people and is basically enough to cover An area with a population of one million.

These armed ordinary people's suits include armor, decks, potions, weapons, pendants.

The deck is corresponding to armor and weapons, and plays a role in repair, maintenance and recharge.

The medicament is corresponding to improving the physical fitness of the personnel. It is a gene-targeted drug. After use, it can obtain the qualification of a basic caster and at the same time improve the comprehensive index of physical function to a certain extent.

This medicine has no effect on the transcendental, the mental state is not stable enough, or the defective ones cannot be used. It can be said that it was developed specifically for humans in the super-magic environment of this world.

The weapon is an energy cone, which can be understood as a magical version of a multi-functional tactical dagger. It is not a main weapon but is very practical.

The pendant refers to small bits and pieces, such as goggles with invisible and spiritual functions, ammunition packs that enchant bullets, energy bottles that can draw extraordinary energy to generate combat strengthening potions, bracelets to monitor body status, and use It is used to connect and prevent earplugs and throat microphones from magic ultrasonic waves and infrasound waves.

It can be said that after this set of equipment is armed, look at the professional chapter in the "Professional Guide" packaged with the equipment, and ordinary battlefield veterans can basically become a qualified demon hunter.

Kane also provided a lot of "Unity Core" or "loyalty discriminator" very intimately. The specific usage is to put it on the hand, and then read it according to the content of the special declaration, you can identify whether you are really hunting the devil. , Or not human.

This thing is undoubtedly a treasure for the formation of a team. It can exclude people who are tempted and can also find impostorated non-humans. It is very practical.

The headhunters recruited by the fire camp are basically from the private sector. The majority of these armed ordinary people ’s suits, which were later called the salary king gift package, flowed into the civil society. Officials who cooperated with extraordinary forces only received very few. portion.

No matter who gets it, it is ultimately human beings who are armed. So this wave of feedback is very real.

Constantine's side, because of the special circumstances, came into contact with elite self-rescue organizations like Atina, which is typical of the high utilization of war resources.

The incident of the unblocking of Brasov ’s sins and the Bucharest tiankeng incident greatly touched the people, especially the poor performance of the extraordinary forces behind the official made people disappointed.

So Joseph shook their arms and many people responded positively, including the police and even the soldiers.

The people in those cities that have experienced nightmare disasters are also engaged in vividly.

Of course, the team they formed was not called this name, but the salvation army, brotherhood, survival group, self-improvement society, but the nature is through the self-arming, holding groups and unofficial groups that attract members.

An organization like this that strives to survive by itself should have been difficult to be born. Even if it was born, it was all sorts of sad reminders, but with Kane ’s charisma in the snow, the organization quickly formed and has a certain centripetal force. It already has the ability to face the common evils and demons in a group mode, and the gun is out of power. This is also an invincible reason for human civilization.

As far as Kane is concerned, the distribution of these materials is part of the last round of farming plan before soaring.

He even added another round of investment after observing the nightmare of Sino Island. Call it a patch package.

Since it is a patch, it is naturally based on the salary king gift package. It has not been released for the time being, but is used as a backup and will be launched in the future.

He believes that individuals and groups who receive the gift pack will have a better effect of using the patch pack after undergoing a certain degree of actual combat hardening and precipitation.

At the same time, the patch package can also become a concrete manifestation of the presence of the new round of the show, and its influence.

And as long as Huo Lao leads the pace of the extraordinary crisis, and occasionally makes some highly targeted movements, it can serve to deter the crowd.

Therefore, in addition to the loopholes in the infrastructure, Kane is also very concerned about the layout of the back hand. Instead, it is the loss supplement of MA, which is not included in the plan.

In addition, the industrial adjustment of the Central City and the New Industrial Park was originally intended to focus on heavy industry. After the two have completed the technical connection, the tanks, aircraft, and spacecraft will be unveiled one after another. After their own use and the spread of several waves, the Space City The plan was launched.

By that time, the complete integration of the Huo Lao collar was settled, the underground part was completely solidified, the ground part of the protection system was improved and upgraded, and the population was almost absorbed. Then the planetary engine was installed, and extraordinary power and technological power were both responsible. Next, push the fire leader away from the planet and become another satellite of this planet, so as to get rid of all kinds of conventional harassment and start a high-force farming journey.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. As his ascension was imminent, the plan could only be stranded, lowered by one level, and first aimed at mass-producing the low-level extraordinary equipment of the armed people, so as to make up for the world disaster that was missing due to his ascension Ecuador's interference force allows more ordinary people to survive.

In addition to industry, agriculture must also be adjusted. Kane has asked the city of Mossobrie to develop genetically modified species that demonize imperial bamboo grass and demonize edible snails as soon as possible.

In this way, even the surface areas where the Gobi Desert leads to severe desertification can become planting areas and farms, which can provide a large amount of carbohydrates, raw sugar, and edible meat, so as to mass-produce canned food in the disaster year . Solve the famine problem that is bound to come from outside.

Moreover, this new species can be promoted to the outside world ~ ~ and even compete with the twisted wild plants for land. It is better to fight in the long grass meadows where the imperialized bamboo plants are scattered than in the wilderness where various poisonous plants and man-eating plants are scattered.

All in all, Kane, who has a wealth of technology, even in a hurry, can adjust the plan to implement specific feasible steps to the big goal.

On the other hand, with the promotion of his personality, the outer plane also has the ability and need to pay attention, and the future Kingdom of God will be established on the outer plane.

The outer plane structure of this universe is of type, and it needs to be explored to determine exactly where to establish the kingdom after the ascension.

Then, Kane discovered a metal world similar to the mechanical environment of the DND universe, followed by the Transformers universe Cybertron and the new Phrexia in the Magic universe ...


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