Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 823: Toxic knowledge

Kane never considered the old ruler to be invincible.

Because he knows that the ultimate of everything is the confrontation and cooperation of laws.

Even if the old ruler represented the law of the root level of nothingness, there is the law of 'existence' against it.

However, what happened to Dark Cybertron gave him a feeling more like the kind of confrontation that ‘the wicked have their own wicked grind’.

The old rulers, who devoured the universe as the highest ideal, actually encountered a worse and darker existence, twisted them, and blackened them. This is a bit interesting.

Of course, at present, these are just speculations, and they are unqualified intuitions caused by the unreasonable nature of divine creatures.

At least for now, Kane can't reasonably explain what this kind of unreasonableness is. This is a question of strength. More specifically, he still lacks key information, and it is most likely that it comes from higher-dimensional information.

In terms of force, the creator of the love of craftsmanship has already involved the old dominators very close to the existence of Gao Wei, all kinds of indescribable and indescribable features, it is wrong to say that it is wrong , It feels that this kind of gadget can be recognized only because there is a leg that hasn't crossed the crack of the broken void. If you go through it completely, there is no way to say it, and you ca n’t even imagine it.

So, what can tear such an existence?

This is a high-end issue. The Dark Phantom 2 starts at the low end. Kane hopes to use this to get a glimpse of the leopard, and even see it in a small way.

Compared with No. 1, No. 2 has an additional combat weapon, the chain edge, and more specifically, it is formed by the deformation of both arms. The usage is to rotate at a high speed, just like the cutter wheel of a meat grinder. It is simple and effective. Not afraid of siege.

Hyenas are fierce, but they are also cunning. After relying on quantity and rushing to attack hard piles, they play the best tactics, and are more patient.

Encircle without attack. Once the 2 stops, they will start to harass. If the 2 ignores, the feint attack will become a real attack, sometimes one, sometimes a wave, fierce and fierce. It is to keep the targets free, and they have a rest and a substitute.

The response of No. 2 was radium shooting and killing, and the hyena refused to maintain enough attack and oppression, then it would destroy its vital force one shot at a time, and there would always be exhaustion no matter how much. If you have an emotional system, you will be angry and counsel.

On the 2nd, the hyenas killed by it were dissected on site. Kane wanted to know the complete ecological chain here, such as what the hyenas eat.

No. 2 also specially made some amputated hyenas, and wanted to find out the difference between living and dead by comparison.

However, the conditions are too rudimentary to identify the concepts of onlookers and abstract levels, such as soul.

Sure enough, even if the law is missing, rough and simple, but high-end things are still high-end and will not be easily obtained.

For in-depth analysis, it is necessary to establish a forward research station equipped with a complete set of instruments. For Kane, it is currently not possible, because it takes time to build relevant cards, and the imprint system also has mold specifications for the assembly line production line. The characteristics of changing the mold are the most time-consuming and laborious.

On the 2nd, he ended his research on mechanical hyenas and continued to his destination.

The Gobi is more lively than Kane had expected, there are deformed cactus plants, and mechanical piranhas who know how to dress themselves up, and most of them are buried in the ground. In addition, they have developed root systems and leaves like three sides. Knife plant.

These metal plants support the bottom of the food chain, but the biggest contribution is the mechanical rabbit. They even feed on metal gravel. If they are not restricted by water sources, their number may be hundreds of times more than today.

As for the water source here, I also saw one on the 2nd, looking like a crude oil marsh, dark, sticky, with a certain volatility, exuding a pungent smell.

In order to drink water, various twisted mechanical animals are fighting near the water source. No. 2 did not dare to pass, but recorded the coordinates silently. You can come here to squat and hunt. It is easy to complete the collection of animal species in the area.

When No. 2 was about to arrive at his destination, he encountered a thrilling hunt, and the mechanized star spirit appeared.

The essence of the star, also known as the interstellar vampire, is a unique divine creature in the Cthulhu universe. Although this creature may not necessarily be stronger than their variable seed heir vampire, such as the original main ruler Vlad in the metropolitan area in non-space In the environment, it is almost possible to tear the essence of the star by hand, but their divine characteristics are true and true. This feature guarantees that they have their own place in mythical creatures.

However, they are also mechanized, which greatly improves the authenticity of Kane's guess. Since the most compelling divinity can not escape the fate of erosion, it is not absolutely impossible for the clan of the old branches to be eroded, even the incarnations and heirs.

Eleven minutes after encountering the Essence of Essence, No. 2 self-destructed, and its ability was insufficient to cope with the siege of the Essence of Essence flying around like a doom cloud.

No. 3 appeared less than 5 minutes after the self-destruction of No. 2 and the location was less than 300 meters from the self-destruction point of No. 2.

Its setting is a 200,000-ton self-propelled fusion nuclear bomb, and the siege of the star is destroyed, but there are also wounded but not dead.

Appeared on the 4th, at the right time, there was still high-temperature liquid metal that had not yet solidified on the ground at the center of the nuclear explosion.

No. 4 is still derived from the basic settings of the dark phantom, but it is fattening, without the elegant and robust external characteristics of the original version.

It has four auxiliary arms like collapsible spider legs on its back, which can be stored like a mountaineering bag. It is more flexible than the main arm when opened. Because it is multi-joint, its claws are like octopus tentacles, flexible and Without losing strength.

On the 4th, the injured and undead mechanical star essence was dissected.

Kane does not expect to discover the secrets of his erosion and corruption, nor does he expect to know why these guys, like other corrupted creatures, see the dark phantom and violate the normal hostility, with the sole purpose of destruction. He just wanted to know if the internal structure of divine creatures was also distorted and corrupted, would it be different from the internal structure of non-divine creatures.

In this outer area, order is the main tone. Even if this land is distorted, the existence of the law of order still exists.

This means that even if life is mechanized, its internal structure must be logical.

Then an interesting point emerged. The Cthulhu universe created by the creator of the craft of creation is the most indescribable universe in the known universe. All kinds of incomprehensible, understanding, even a little bit will be crazy or dead.

To express such unconsciousness in a logical way, Kane felt that it would not work without a crushing level of technology. This crushing is likely to carry precious information that is not available in the Cthulhu universe and rare in the multiverse.

For Kane, who is supremacy of information, even if this fruit is poisonous, he is willing to eat it.

There is a saying in the secular world, called Xiao He defeated Xiao He.

Kane also fits this statement. The crushing level of information has achieved him, which is his strength, but if it is crushed in this regard, I am afraid that it will be difficult to lose.

He knows this by himself, so he is in danger, and the core task is to collect information, no matter which world he goes to. Information is the temptation he cannot resist.

Of course, he considers himself an old hunter, has a high degree of vigilance against various traps, and is also good at removing traps.

But what if the fatal thing is the information itself? For example, information that crushes the information he holds.

To be honest, at least Kane in this world did not think so deeply. Unexpectedly, knowledge itself is toxic. {Future Warrior} Like the skynet of the universe, the erosion in the form of information flow is already a high-end, and knowledge is even more toxic. Trying to analyze and learn will win the trick, and the trick will be crushed.

This is actually Cthulhu, no problem.

For most people, Cthulhu ’s magical power is passive. If you do n’t touch it, you will generally have no problem. Even if you see some strange things by accident, you will be exposed as a hallucination. It is safe for a lifetime, after all, human life is short, and the probability of encountering divine events repeatedly is not high.

Those who are curious and like real things are relatively easy to get out of, especially those with sufficient financial resources to support exploration. And the more high-end, the higher the probability of triggering a trap.

Kane is clearly in the middle. Collecting information has become an instinct. Of course, he is naturally curious, and he is not bad. He is now very high-end.

But on the other hand, he was going to die, in order to cooperate with death, he also took up the position of salary king. So even if something really happened, he could face it calmly.

Corrupted Star Essence is just the beginning. Kane did taste the sweetness, which is equivalent to skipping the parsing step of the donkey's lips and the horse's mouth, and directly got the translated information that he can understand.

The difference between divine creatures is exposed in front of him. Instead of trying to read the same frequency as the evil god, it is done in the process of corruption. By the way, he has completed this step so that he can directly take the ready-made, deep into the bone marrow. The former reincarnation, this is great.

Kane is now a decent god, with divine instincts, and vaguely felt bad.

"But what am I afraid of? I can face death calmly and naturally be Madam Curie (discovered polonium and radium, and died of long-term exposure to radioactive elements)."

However, some of his explorations could not continue here, after all, he wanted more than just exploring the map.

There are obviously major discoveries that can open multiple project studies, but because the logistics did not keep up, he could not make it, and he did not have much thought to continue to let the explorer wave. After all, there was chaos because of his repeated **** behavior. There is no benefit, he also plans to quietly build a comprehensive forward base.

Kane, like a poor man, spends his money and chooses to live his life, but it is not money but time that makes him choose.

However, from the perspective of others, this is not the case.

Maybe it's because these "siders" are a little low-end, or maybe they only look at what they are willing to see, so the fire master controlled by the salary king and its burning legion is still so tall and the development speed is as fast as ever, or even more fast.

For example, the second round of nightmare diffusion points in the second phase soon appeared (the first round was Rouen, France, and the second round was Hamburg, Milan, Barcelona, ​​and Quebec), that is, Constantine helped Eugene and was happy to find The day Artina got bored, Huo Lao gave half-hearted pills to humans all over the world.

The specific content of this half-hearted pill is that the batch of worldly warships that were snatched and then demolished during the Battle of the Shallow Sea, finally went out to protect the sea route in the name of the new mixed fleet.

In fact, it didn't take long for the shallow sea battle to launch after the magic reform. Even with the modern production capacity of the world's strongest federation, it was impossible to transform a fleet so quickly.

It's just that the extraordinary crisis is pressing step by step, and mythical creatures have come to the scene one after another, letting people live like years, so it is felt that the action of the fire is led by thousands of calls.

Huolao Ling said that the First Mixed Fleet is currently only responsible for the safety of the route of the largest bath in the Pacific Ocean.

To put it bluntly, it means darts, which means that you intend to cross the Pacific Ocean. You just put together a convoy on the other side of this route, and then we are responsible for protection along the way, and send you all the way to the other end of the route.

Global human beings are happy that with the first, can the second, third, and Nth be far behind? With the consistent urinary nature led by fire, those docks that magically change the ship will inevitably not let them idle.

Therefore, the fire leader who played the role of a lighthouse once again gave people a glimmer of light in this stormy era, brushing a wave of presence, adding countless fans, and many fans even yelled.

The Hai people are naturally unhappy, do you know your mother like this? The ocean has been ours since ancient times, our territorial waters, our territorial airspace, you usually pass through the border without looking at our moods, like the present big border crossing, we must give you some colors to see.

Then the naval battle with no suspense started. The location is in the East Pacific, and has not yet left the territorial waters of the United States. Obviously, what the Hai people want is this kind of face-slap.

The Hai tribe gathered several forces, drove a large variety of sea monsters to attack from the bottom of the sea, and attacked the first mixed magical modification fleet. That scene basically realized the special effects shot in {海王}, but only from the human aesthetic point of view, The members of the Hai tribe, whether they are superior in wisdom or low in wisdom, have a strong taste of the Haigou tribe, and they look like villains in any way.

However, the ships of the First Mixed Magic Reformed Fleet did not have the style of an authentic secular fleet.

In this day and age, battleships are performing the drama of "retired soldiers". It is very similar to the background of the United States in the 1990s when the American-Iowa-class battleship installed the missile system and stood the last wave in the Gulf War. The era of giant ships and artillery has fallen, and even the last afterglow has fallen. Cannonballs are no more than missiles. Giant ships are targets in front of high-performance fighters.

Among the ships captured by the Huo Lao Ling, there was an Iowa class. Out of the man's dream of a large ship and cannon, Kane personally designed the magical reform plan for this battleship. Even other ships are based on the blueprint modification to meet different needs.

The first impression of a battleship is its powerful firepower and defense, just like moving islands and land at sea.

Kane gave the New Missouri such characteristics. Earth cannon, with a range of more than 300 kilometers, the magic can crystallize the propellant. When the shell is fired, the barrel will be protected by enchantment. What was sent was a semi-guided winged nuclear shell. One of the most important reasons is that the global satellite network has been laid.

So when this battleship fired, it had the shocking domineering and mighty power of a conventional battleship when it fired, as well as the mysterious features of the magic side, and the visual impact was extremely strong.

What makes it non-mainstream is that it has strange tentacles. These tentacles are like anchor chains, both on the port and starboard sides, and they are in the form of wheels, and they can be hard or soft. Just like a fan bone, it is like a tentacle when it is soft, which makes some people jokingly call it a 'magic paddle steamer'. There are paddles and turbines, which is also appropriate.

But in fact, those tentacles are launch tubes, launching water crossbow torpedoes, there are two kinds of conventional warheads of metal hydrogen and hydrogen isotope fusion warheads.

The interception forces of the Hai tribe fully tasted the taste of water crossbow torpedoes. They are still far away and have been bombed. Because the fire output per unit time is far more than the fire output of a secular fleet, a large area of ​​sea is in a short time. Formed a wild wave.

This facilitates the ups and downs of the Hai clan. They were used to let their opponents taste the horror of the waves before the war, especially those “floating corpses” who pretend to be able to understand the water, watching them bumpy in the wind and waves. Painful, the Hai people said they were very comfortable and full of superiority.

As a result, the dumbfounded Hai tribe happened. The first mixed magical modification fleet cheated collectively, and their ships flew!

Although flying is not particularly high, but maintains a relatively high altitude like a ground effect aircraft, this means that apart from the principle of ordinary ships that require seawater buoyancy, the wave's effect on it becomes very limited.

However, the launch chambers of those water crossbow torpedoes still dive into the water, firing torpedoes like crazy crossbows.

These torpedoes are super fast, the explosion power is amazing, the chaos of the vast sea clan was bombed, and the blood changed the sea.

Is the tactic primitive? There is one thing. The Hai people's means of warfare are still at the end of the human world during the end of the First World War.

They also have fire units similar to tanks and artillery, but the number is limited. After all, these units were saved by the gift of divine grace, unlike human beings, which could be created in batches.

Heavy weapons are expensive, so they prefer anthill tactics, boarding and fighting like pirates, the marine environment is not friendly to metals and metallurgy, chitin weapons and bone weapons are the mainstream, and the magic energy crossbow arrows and ballistas are superb. This is the main long-range weapon of the Hai tribe, even less plastic magic, because the marine environment is also not conducive to energy transmission ~ ~ Large crossbows fired by the magic ballista can also be exploded, but the bone and chitin There is a gap between the quality fragments and the alloy. There is no problem in slaughtering light armor units. When encountering battleship armor, especially the battleship armor with enchantment protection, it can only be huh.

So the two sides attacked, and felt that the first mixed magic reform fleet launched a massacre against the Hai nationality army. The number of amputated wreckage showed that the fish tank was sprinkled with fish food, vision, three-dimensional level, everywhere.

At first glance at this situation, the strong Hai family could only come out with their sleeves, and then they were hit by special locks and space-based weapons.

The specific method of attack is that the converted high-energy holy light energy is provided by the ‘Chrysanthemum’ star gate, and then received by the lens of the MA group array attacked with the fleet and accurately locked for strike.

It feels very sudden when a super bright light shines down. Compared with it, even the day is set against the night. When the light shines, the target immediately blurs like a ghost and melts at high speed. It's over.

The Hai people are theoretically regarded as the evil spirits. The Holy Light has a restraining effect. This kind of irradiation of the strength of the judgment of the heavens will directly extinguish the purified gray fly smoke, and the legend will not work.

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