Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 827: Nuclear Tide Battle

Kane appointed Constantine as the King of Fire, in addition to value his extraordinary talents, but also because he felt that Constantine was a bit like him at a certain stage.

He had a little anticipation of Constantine's future.

The reason is so arbitrary, the wayward of the dictator.

Moreover, no one is irreplaceable except his own blood worm group system.

Therefore, the Four Heavenly Kings are wise and naive, but they are not harmless. They can be generals with heavy responsibilities and stand alone, or they can be just mascots.

However, Constantine and Nia are not mascots. The two are one by one, and they both form mobile units.

As far as abilities are concerned, the two have the abilities of both a fire-bearer and a fire-proof person. In addition to the hundreds of fire-eaters, the rest of them have recruited themselves. It depends on themselves what kind of team they can pull up.

Kane only publishes tasks, as long as the Four Heavenly Kings can complete the tasks he has given priority to. He will not interfere with the rest.

If you have the sense of autonomy, there is a demand. Kane can still understand the feelings of non-warfare people in the system.

Constantine is still not completely out of the 'growing troubles' state.

Niya is because of schizophrenia. It has been confirmed that Aya is not a real person, but Nia's second personality.

Kofi, who dismissed the position of the Fire King, continued to preside over the many affairs of the city of Mosobre as a supervisor.

Butcher's subject is spiritual practice. Kane believes that his first defensive body under the deity also has development value, and hopes that the butcher can go further. After all, this step, the shadow of the butcher, will soon become unrealistic.

Kane himself has already begun to prepare for the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

In mid-August, for people in the northern hemisphere, the hottest period of the year is during this period.

However, people prefer to be in a steamer-like room rather than going outside to cool off.

Many places have become playgrounds for evil things and demons. Even in the daytime, they can often be seen swaggering through the city.

From a certain perspective, Kane was relieved.

One is because his legal card system production has once again reached the outbreak stage.

This system can also be played by itself. In the mode of placing cards, all cards are in hand. What is played first and then what is played does not involve combat.

Without the restriction of gambling and card-drawing, Wei Neng greatly reduces the next level, and if there is no competitor playing alone, it will be the next large level. These two large levels are not very easy to make up, so the value limit of the card is reduced , Change the finished product to parts, and then lengthen the operating cycle, so as to achieve a certain degree of compensation.

In any case, the overall is a weak chicken in the early stage, strong in the later period, each round of energy gems is sufficient, there are many operable content, and the results are intuitive and spectacular.

So the beginning of another good harvest season proved that his strong farming choice was correct and the speculation was successful.

Another reason for him to breathe a sigh of relief is that he has finally reached the stage where the extraordinary crisis is officially launched, and the various forces have no time to care for him.

The adversaries of the human superpowers represented by the Justice League now use most of their power to save themselves.

Compared with the Huo Lao Ling, their family has a great cause, even if it implicitly ignores the attributes of the world's secular people, the industries that need to be guarded are still not comparable to the Huo Lao.

It's just that the situation is different.

His fire collar is a whole piece of 200,000 square kilometers. The Justice League is a lair of various forces and families. It is more scattered. No one is destroyed. No one is willing to sacrifice the ego and complete the collective.

As a result, after the extraordinary crisis unfolded, the hazards far exceeded their expectations.

In fact, the nightmares themselves are fully understood by the transcendentals. After all, from the spread to the beginning to the global nightmare, the overall time is not short. They naturally carried out various investigations and experiments.

Including the nightmare of Sino Island, they all have a deeper understanding, knowing that nightmare is a deepening of nightmare, although dangerous, but in the same vein, can deal with nightmare, you can deal with nightmare, the effectiveness has been weakened.

What makes them unexpected is the world. This kind of wandering is common, and the things that suddenly appear and disappear are different from nightmares and nightmares.

From the perspective of plane research, nightmares and nightmares are alienating the world. For example, changing high oxygen content to high nitrogen content is of course much more complicated and extraordinary.

This alienation has turned the world into an environment where it is easier for the mythological creatures of the Saburi Nicholas and Cthulhu to live. It ’s still a little bit different from the characteristics of the two kingdoms. After all, this is the main material plane. If they can completely change, it means that they have completely swallowed up the main material plane of this universe, and the existence of this world will be lost. Roots.

It is said to be suitable for the environment of mythological creatures of these two systems, but in fact the entire old dominators are in the same line, and disgustingly speaking is like a stinky place, only one is a pile of feces, one is a urinal, and There are mixed piles.

There is no special opposition and clear division, which is the main reason why mythical creatures do not obstruct the spread of nightmares.

Kane only gradually understood this truth later.

Understand that the upper tear is the upper, and the lower one is not so sharply antagonistic to each other. It is like the younger brothers of different big brothers in the same society. They all report the same signboard to the outside. They wear the same uniforms. The same points are still many, but they are usually Each cover has its own market, and each has its own life.

The world inside is another matter. Once this thing comes out, even these mythical creatures are pitted.

The Cthulhu cosmos created by the love of craftsmanship is the hybrid of Xinghai + plane, that is to say, there are not only the stars, galaxies, and star clusters that are familiar to humans in the original world, but also the DND universe, astrology, and ether. Plane, major material plane, inner and outer planes, shadow planes, etc.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the former goes by jumping, the latter goes by going mad, and the madness goes to the same frequency. After one step, it is heaven or hell.

The positions and attributes of the kingdoms of Shab Nicholas and Cthulhu are somewhere in between, they can go, and they ca n’t go either. It depends on the situation, what is the situation, it ’s not clear, it ’s probably the evil spirit Mood, if He wants you to find it, you can, otherwise it can't, unless you are more aggressive than Him.

So the nightmares created by these two people also have such a non-stick property. Say it is extraordinary, but the diffusion method conforms to the characteristics of the science side, saying that it is not extraordinary, and the impact can not be explained by common sense. .

This is also the reason why the world will appear. It's like a contact switch. It may be used again for some reason, and then it can be used again. Then it turns on the DND orientation.

That is the system that Kane is about to soar. It is different from the attributes of the evil spirits of the Cthulhu family. People jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements. He is the soul as the outer soul, but after all, it is a regular nibble of the resources of this world. The dependence of the world can't be compared with the evil spirits, so the typical heaven is good, and the retribution is unhappy.

In any case, this at least proves that he had wrongly judged the universe.

This is not the real nest universe of the old rulers, but a dark parallel universe.

That is to say, since his rebirth, I am afraid that only the Middle Warhammer universe where the present deity is located is a genuine product, and the others are counterfeit products. This is the difference between the prototype and the mass-produced goods. It can even be said that these non-prototype ones can be It doesn't have to be a false one, because as long as there are prototypes, no matter how many mass-produced goods can come out, the reverse is not necessarily the case. The mass-produced goods are not qualified to replace the prototype, only the manufacturer knows.

Of course, who is this about me? Where am I? What is the most important thing for me? Problems like this are mainly faced by the deity. Kane doesn't have to manage it, nor can he manage it.

He only studies what he has encountered, and then sends his insights to the deity to let the deity know more about a type of change. If most of the changes have been seen, the truth behind it will be almost understood.

It is hard to say whether the inner world is the astral or etheric realm, or the outer realm, the inner realm, or the shadow realm.

The reason why it is difficult to say is that the plane system of this world is a type, and it cannot completely cover the DND universe. It has obvious unsound and distorted characteristics.

It can be said that the system of the DND universe is so clear that it is derived from the continuous interaction of people, gods, demons, etc. with the entire universe. It can be considered to be discovered or created.

Because there are no angels in Heaven Mountain, even if there are, it has a recognized standard to make it meaningful. Others such as the mechanical realm, Bator hell, and the bottomless abyss are also the same. It is difficult to say who has completed who.

And the plane system of this universe seems to have not been established one by one, so it seems paradoxical, it is not a form, this is a way of understanding. There is another one mentioned above, which is inherently unsound and distorted.

This is also very Cthulhu. After all, the old rulers have already eroded the universe almost, and at the same time it is a dark direction, affecting each other, just like Batman met Zach Schneider.

So the real world really ca n’t give it an accurate definition. It ’s like the magic pocket of a ding-dong cat, it has everything, but the whole is dark, the prank is already the slightest, lethal is the most common, and there is even Death is a luxury.

In Kane's view, it is so all-encompassing and so skinny, the only correct way is to not touch it.

Fortunately, although he didn't fully anticipate the appearance of Lishi, the safety of the traverser is indeed true, and his high vigilance instinct and victimized delusions make him always go to the hospital with a small cold. The level of attention, super force field plus magic obelisk energy cover, successfully achieved no to the world, no opportunity to let it unfold.

In fact, this problem is mainly preventive measures, really waiting for it to become intuitive, it is too late, just like advanced cancer.

All extraordinary forces, as well as mythical creatures, are now busy with cancer from time to time.

It's life-threatening, or not only life-threatening, but also money, so that your family's wealth will be drained and your family will be tossed about enough to eventually die.

Kane knew that at this time, those who walked out and gloat over those who walked away, those who chose to work hard with him instead of building, and who did not believe in his arrogant distance, were a cool, although the typical inferiority + low-level fun, but also revealed sadness and coldness , But still cool.

Unfortunately, he has no time.

He also sometimes thinks that if he is the protagonist of a book, then it is terrible, because it has been pressed for so long, but the key moments are not upset. Theoretically, it will take at least three full chapters to describe how miserable and despondent the people who are working against him are, regretful and helpless.

But no, he didn't care about it.

Because the flowers are falling down again, the fact that he still struggles hardly can not be covered.

Just like ordinary people, financial freedom is a difficult mountain to climb, but for those who are financially free, financial freedom is just financial freedom. There will never be less trouble until the day when consciousness ends.

This is not negative pessimism, it is just a statement. Everything is constantly changing, and one can decide that whether to continue to interact with the outside world, including directing things, is also a basic interaction. And as long as it starts, there will always be problems, because the change of everything will not stop.

Three days ago Kane dispatched five thousand dark phantoms, preparing to build a forward base in Dark Cybertron.

As a result, numerous mechanical monsters emerged from the large cracks that were not too far away from the nuclear bomb killing the mechanical version of the interstellar vampire, and all the phantom phantoms were shot in one wave.

The large fissures of Dark Cybertron, like the shaft air ducts in the dark area of ​​Feren, are shortcuts from shallow to deep (and vice versa). During the period, like a lift, you can see one layer after another. Each level, each entrance, contains many possibilities.

So Kane had no way to worry about it, and there was no way to know where the mechanical monsters came from, or which layers? All layers? The deepest at the bottom?

This gives him a deep sense of powerlessness. Dark Cybertron is obviously more exploration than some girls who can play for one year with only one leg, let alone he can't wait for a few days to ascend, that is, ten years later. , The exploratory degree there may not satisfy him.

This is where the concept of the closest order in the outer plane lies. What other world knows how it looks like, maybe the world is like an egg? This is good, at least it can be described, and more can not be described, this is Cthulhu.

Kane felt the pain, and as the whole universe was deeply malicious to him, he was too lazy to ignore it. According to God King Eugen, the high-dimensional body is dead, scattered around the low-dimensional siege, chasing around, what good place can be enjoyed for yourself? Of course, it is all kinds of fringe areas, all kinds of dark distortions, where you say that you die, or you want to die.

In the face of these, it was inevitable "Wow! Ha? Oh! Um ..." Now only emmm ...

Care has no meaning, dark, strange, indescribable, can still become stale and lack of freshness.

Sometimes Kane himself thinks, after so much experience, what is his own, and what should he really care about?

After all, the more you try to outline the whole frame, the more you find the grand and absurd, so that the original grudges, such as the emperor who killed him, and even the system of Vientiane, have become far away Faint again.

Compared with these, what did those count? The deity should now have completely completed the return of the Black Star Domination. Have you taken control of the dark dimension? Even if Kane Zhao still counts on the production capacity of 100,000 constellation-level interplanetary warships per day, the current combat power is already an astronomical number, right? When trillions of equivalents of nuclear bombs have been released for three to five hundred years, they will smash planets and stars if they don't move. Is the Vientiane Gate system too much to eat?

Is this the emperor's golden pole? Isn't it worth mentioning everything in the low dimension from the high dimension?

I am afraid it may not be possible. Countless pixels can form a whole of any form. High-dimensional is just a large number of low-dimensional piles. If it is not worth mentioning, why do you need to chase it?

So a lot of things just change taste unconsciously. It even turned into a smile that made people smile. It's like having a monthly income of 10,000 times and remembering that when I was a child, I was upset because of the fact that the amount involved was about 5 cents.

Of course, this does not mean letting go. Whether or not letting go is the two concepts. Even if it is ridiculous, it is also justified. Always get a clear statement and put a full stop. This is considered to have been exposed.

Putting a stop to the past, Kane felt that the deity was already doing so.

He also knew that in fact the period would never end. The key is to let go. No, then don't let go, he now has such a willful strength.

"Five thousand dark phantoms won't work, then 50,000 people with tactical nuclear bombs will bid to see if they can see each other's cards." Kane couldn't think of a better way. He must go to those crazy twisted places to build **** China, he is still more inclined to dark cyberbotan, while still using the resources of the main material world, then smash it!

On the vast metal plains, there are bushes with steel strips of leaves. Even so, from the sky, you can still clearly see that the ground is composed of blocks of hexagonal metal plates, and the artificial order is very characteristic. .

Numerous bright flashes suddenly appeared on the ground, as if a large number of mirrors had been erected to reflect sunlight.

Each flash of light represents a drop into place. This is the operation of the Star Gate. After the coordinates are clear, and after the divine power is given, the Star Gate directly wants to drop the war group in a semi-packed state at the destination.

After a large wave of shining, a battle group was in place, the invisible energy chain was loosened and broken, and the shackles of each individual were released.

The earth was shaking, getting stronger and stronger, and suddenly a large number of mechanical monsters spewed out of the big cracks, just like the migration of locusts, which turned into a cloud of black clouds and rolled up all over the place.

On the side of the war group, the bright shining continued, and more war groups were dropped, drawing a horizontal line on the ground, overlooking from the air, although this line is far worse than the black cloud on the opposite side. , But it is exceptionally neat and has a high sense of order.

Then row after row of metal warfare rushed out, they have anti-joints in the form of humanoids, just like bouncing stilts, running up one by one.

As they approached the group of mechanical monsters, the jets in the back suddenly ignited, and the shells flew up diagonally. Then it turned into a nuclear fireball in the air.

The extremely high real-time computing power, the extremely high coordination, and the extremely high execution power contribute to the overall controllability of the nuclear explosion. Like a sudden big wave, the combined wave of the nuclear explosion swallowed the mechanical monster group, and the momentum was even better.

This is not the end, but the beginning. The second and third waves of continuous nuclear explosions occurred just like waves chasing waves, making the destruction of nuclear strikes even stronger. Countless mechanical monsters were devoured.

After the ten wave of nuclear waves, the killing war bugs appeared. These war bugs look closer to the dark phantom, which is much more refined than the self-destructing war bugs. They are also in rows, with a strong sense of rhythm and tacit understanding. After reaching a certain position, the collective knives and energy knives spit out from the palm of the hand, and the auxiliary arm at the shoulder blade of the back also brightened the knives.

Neatly aligned, four per person, the overall effect is extremely spectacular. They repaired the mechanical monsters that survived the nuclear explosion. They charged like cavalry, and they only killed what they could kill, and left behind.

From the sky, the sharp and bright waves shining up and down traversed the sky, leaving only a silence on the earth.

In the rear, the highlight is still shining, the Star Gate's delivery is still in progress, and more war bugs are in place, including the priest war bug, this kind of war bug with a human upper body and a spider's lower body, holding up the staff To release the magic.

They are angelic creations, mechanical, and divine puppets. They use mixed energy. The collective wind created by them blows away the smoke from the battlefield. Hand knife retreat.

In this battle, the new self-destructive war worm has begun to run.

They are staggered with the long-sword warriors running and running together. Both sides did not slow down, but there was no collision, which fully reflected the high order and the unity and tacit understanding of group thinking.

A new round of Kuroshio tide over the big fissure, rushed over again, and they were greeted by the second round of the ten wave nuclear explosion tide, and then the supplementary knife of the Long Sword Warworm.

Then it was the first time such a slaughter was repeated.

Both sides have enough blood, and there is no communication, that is, the corpses have been so much that they seriously affect the normal advancement. The mechanical monster side is more and more messy, but the order of Kane ’s blood-blooded warfare is still in force, and it still looks so It's all the same, neat and tidy, especially the long knife war insects collectively brighten the knife and close the knife, which has a very beautiful sense of order.

The Great Plains killing ended with the mechanical monsters no longer pouring out of the big rift. Maybe the mechanical monsters in the area have been killed, or maybe they just don't want to fight. In short, the final standing is Kane's long sword group and the last wave of the self-destructive war worm group, and the priest war worm. There are 8,000 left in 50,000, and the ten wave nuclear tide counts a round, a total of 14 rounds. Tens of millions of mechanical monsters.

Thousands of clerical warfare insects opened a hundred large-scale sacrificial rituals, causing piles of giant white bonfires to appear on the ground. In this flame, extraordinary power is rising and transforming, and the mechanical monsters are melted down, a large amount of impurities are precipitated, and finally turned into alloy ingots of standard units.

The battle is over, and construction has just begun ...


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