Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 832: Died of equatorial measurements

Kane decided to fight back in a sudden way.

At least Veronica didn't think of it beforehand.

Just as most ordinary people rarely look up at the sky, Veronica does not always have a head in her head to see what is in the sky above her head.

Of course, the Kane's big killer is not so obvious, but it is in a planetary synchronous orbit at 36032 kilometers above the ground.

This data shows that although this world resembles the earth, it is actually larger than the earth. The earth's synchronous orbit is 35786. At this altitude, the satellite's operating period is the same as the earth's rotation period.

If the oblique angle of the orbit is zero, it will be above the equator, orbiting the planet at the same angular speed as the rotation of the planet. Seen from the ground, it seems to be stationary. This is the stationary orbit.

The weapon arranged by Kane is on the static orbit, which can save a lot of real-time calculations when the weapon strikes. After all, the target is too small, the speed is high, and it is flexible. At such a long distance, there is a slight deviation. After the hit, it is difficult.

Instead, it is not difficult to target. Because of the use of extraordinary means to kill the Crusader War Bugs, it will cause a death curse-type locking effect. Which war buddy does not bear the curse of dozens or dozens of war bugs? All are red names, very eye-catching.

As for the specific choice of weapons, it is a coherent laser. It takes more than 0.1 seconds from launch to hit. This value requires pre-judgment calculation, and the value of the lock is reflected at this time.

Cutting in with magic and turning back to technology, this laser weapon is relatively pure in terms of technology. It is a technological weapon, which is also a microcosm of the current technological level of the technology side.

The only thing that needs to use extraordinary technology is the laser radiation material. In the process of high-intensity laser generation, the stability of this material is extremely important. Kane chose an ultra-low temperature superconducting material, relying on the salary of the king. , To ensure that it is given a stable ultra-low temperature environment, so as to meet the technical specifications.

Energy is the conversion of fusion energy.

The shape of the weapon seems to change the array of strikes. To put it bluntly, it is an artillery, but there is no barrel in the traditional sense. The position of the laser generation module is changed. The strike is not a beam, but a dozen shots at the same time.

The penetrating power is too strong, a bunch is not enough to kill a powerful unit like a war doll, and it is difficult to achieve a critical strike. It can only be a multi-point strike. The damage rate is large to a certain extent, causing a breakdown of the function, not a critical one. dead.

Although this weapon is sharp, it is still not portable enough. Even if it is an advanced fusion reactor in energy, it must be large, and it is also a big chunk. It is not impossible to be small, but the cost is too high, and the price-performance ratio is bad.

Kane threw them into space, but also considered conservation to save more.

This kind of laser weapon is arranged in a relatively compact area like a gun group, and can move on a special track, which is built on the base of the metal frame.

Although the metal frame itself is simple, it is a convenient platform, with rich content outside and inside. There are injection systems for adjusting speed and attitude, as well as maintenance systems, warehouses, etc. To put it bluntly, it is a metal punk-style space base station.

Since the emitted laser is invisible and has a short duration after firing, the external appearance is very strange when attacking.

A large number of warriors who were cruising and fighting suddenly appeared with dozens of transparent holes with big baby fists.

Water, the main component of its identity, evaporates a lot at once, forming a clear gas rising scene. Even if these waters are given special properties by Veronica, they can't withstand the destruction of high energy and collapse.

The attack speed is fast and the attack time is short. Even Veronica hasn't fully figured out what happened.

I just knew that 2646 battle figures were lost in an instant.

These war figures are all her extension of perception, loss, and how she knows how to lose.

She immediately decided to evacuate, and the war dolls assisted each other at the moment, got rid of the fierce fighting, and began to evacuate towards the west.

But just after the decision was made, the second wave of strikes came.

In fact, the total number of laser weapons is 2500 arrays. The 146 war figures that were eliminated before are the results of the moment Kane took advantage of Veronica's surprise.

After all, Veronica is surprised and dazed, which will be reflected in all the combatants.

Because Veronica's warriors were fiercely battled, there were no new creations, so they were all locked and there was no possibility of escape, and they were wiped out 2500 all at once.

Damaged war idols dumplings generally fall into the sea from the air.

In the distance, Kane's battlefield system pursued and advanced. The operation of the death painter has a distance limit, not too far. The Crusader War Bugs are entangled as much as possible. Their individual performance is much worse than that of the war mates. Veronica escapes wholeheartedly, so they will soon lose their function, and there is no way to rely on them to pursue the dead.

Veronica figured out what was going on this time. Through energy perception, she could ‘see’ the invisible laser. But she still had some fluke psychology. The fluke was thinking about how Kane's ultra-long-range attack was locked. She has just followed the direction of the laser and found nothing, indicating that the distance is more than 150 kilometers.

Veronica suspects that the Crusaders are responsible for locking, and the absorbed memory information that she absorbs lets her know that the world has laser sighting and guided missile attacks.

Since the world ’s secular civilization has not yet developed a global GPS positioning system, this way of relying on first-line combatants to provide the last-pass locking information for the missile is the most cutting-edge. Veronica believes that the Kane side is Perhaps the version of this technology used is more advanced?

So she left a part of the warfare broke, and the rest rushed into the sea with her.

At this time, the Hengyue Space Station began to assist the laser strike system, mainly because the amount of calculation increased a lot after the target entered the water. However, it still does not exceed the threshold for the instant correction calculation of the shooting track.

The Warring Legion suffered its third destruction!

Veronica was startled and angry, and she knew completely that she had been counted by Kane from the beginning. Kane hasn't rushed to use this type of strike, because she was afraid that she would not have a chance to win prematurely, and gave up the war.

This also indirectly proves that the essence of her mind is not being consumed normally, and it is indeed that Kane is playing ghosts.

At this time, the total number of war figures has fallen below 10,000, and Veronica is also able to make a decisive decision, and immediately withdraws all thoughts.

Naturally, she was unable to recover the cost of pinching the war dolls, but she recognized this loss, which was better than being wiped out, leaving little bit left.

Veronica's operation is equivalent to cutting off all the lines connecting the puppets with big scissors, and the war dolls instantly became floating corpses in the sea.

The structure of these war figures is stable, but without Veronica's mind maintenance, it will eventually collapse over time.

Kane wouldn't want them, the cost of conversion and maintenance was too high, and it was likely to leave hidden dangers, so their only purpose was to extract the essence of the dead painter and collapse in advance.

A large amount of magnificent **** haze was collected on the outside of Veronica, who had recovered a lot of thoughts. This was too fierce to gather, and the compression could not be completed in time. The body of the Holy Land was not enough to contain, because it caused the phenomenon of overflow.

Kane would certainly not let this opportunity pass.

The operation mechanism of the death painter is that as long as there is a unit death on the designated battlefield, I will directly target the extraction opportunity of the source. Because the war doll and Veronica are the same, so in the past, in order not to fight the grass and startle the snake, it has always been the war doll. Now the last one, naturally let go of the floating corpses first, and plunder from Veronica.

This is nearly ten thousand opportunities!

Since Veronica is the same as the current Kane, it belongs to the strongest existence in the main material plane against the flying ceiling, and the natural defense is strong enough. Even Kane may not be easily pleased with the match, the death painter The rule of law against power is not enough to watch.

The problem is that this part of overflow is no longer within her protection.

So the equivalent of 6000+ war dolls was taken away by the dead painters. Equivalent to more than two rounds of laser strike results.

Veronica wants to cry without tears, and it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't built a soldier after her last recuperation. The reason is that she should have withdrawn long ago, and the underestimation of Kane's insidious side is the main reason for her big loss this time.

But no matter how grinning her teeth are, she can't fight now. She knows that Kane must have a backhand, so she runs at full speed.

As a result, the MA array of fire eaters was met head-on, and the butcher suddenly appeared on the sea.

The fire eaters completed the transcendence and interception by driving the MA, while the butcher was directly thrown over by the Mysterious Fort.

After the butcher was in place, without a word, he immediately started a focused attack.

This time, the focus is not only on the energy provided by the MA, but also the star gate in space, which is absorbed by the fire eater and controlled by the MA, and then continuously supplied to the butcher.

Butcher himself is not that energy-focused radiator. He acts as an auxiliary system for fire control and sighting. What really acts as a "cannon" is an artifact-level rune sword.

This weapon was naturally created by Kane. He can use it in the Dark Cybertron himself, but more importantly, the butcher can use it. The butcher must keep up with his pace to be competent in the role of shadow. But for a time he had no good way to raise the level of the butcher, so he achieved his goal through foreign objects.

It happened that the other two of the Four Heavenly Kings hadn't gotten the candidates, and Sanqi Material forged the sword. As for the Fire King Constantine and the Water King Nia, they are also present at the moment. The two are responsible for the sea area and the one for the air area, beware of third-party **** stick admission, or help Veronica.

The butcher is now holding a rune sword as a laser cannon, aiming to continue shooting Veronica.

Although the butcher's combat effectiveness is not as good as Veronica, Veronica wants to defeat him, but it is not easy. In general, the gap is not big, it can tear a level.

In this context, the use of rune swords by the butcher is very advantageous.

His own reaction can keep up with Veronica's movements. It is basically no problem to lock the sight, and it does not consume his original power. The attack is strong and there is no pressure. If you don't stop it, you can continue shooting.

Although the butcher's move is not new, it was used in the battle of the shallow sea, but the gods do not know. Veronica, who was originally a member of the Catholic Sanctuary, knew it, but she was not on the scene at the time. She just heard about it and was not impressed enough. After she was captured by the gods, the relevant memory was not retained.

Otherwise, if God Knows that Kane has such a rogue trick, at least he will increase the quota in terms of remaining power, instead of feeling that his mind is strong enough and the essence reserve is enough, then dare to let go of the wave.

As a result, she suffered a loss at this time and could not escape at all. Wherever she swam, the butcher was exposed. She was at the rim position, but the butcher was at the wheel axis. The butcher only needed to adjust the rune sword in her hand a little, which was worth her all Swim for hundreds of meters.

It is naturally an extremely painful thing to withstand the ultra-high energy at all times. The last time God Sin and Kane fought, the three Catholic domain strongmen attacked Kane, they were killed by a similar blow, and God Sin as a bystander, deep impression.

Sin thought that only Kane could do this, and that there must be a huge and sustained controlled nuclear fusion phenomenon to power it. And God Sin could also feel at the time that Kane was already struggling. After all, controlling such a magnificent fusion reaction would consume a lot.

I did n’t expect that anyone other than Kane could come up with a similar way of attacking. Under such a powerful energy attack, the nature of the flash and the like would not have to be thought of. Veronica can only rely on the field. It can't be resolved, and it can't be solved anymore.

When she found that the irradiation energy seemed to last forever, she decided to use the killer. Desperate sword, false hammer. Representation of the laws she mastered.

The previous battle has been useless because she felt unworthy. After all, Kane did not end, she was invincible, rushed into the crusader group, died next to each other, and died when touched, the only real effect on the speed of the killing was the spatial distance.

The space distance is exactly one of the characteristics of the previous war. Both sides are like fighter dog fighting. Although it is a melee, it is pulled very open, and her desperate sword and false hammer's influence range is limited. In that case Can't kill a few enemies.

Of course, she can gather war dolls to create an opportunity to efficiently use two pieces of weapons. When the Crusaders are around, she rushes past!

The problem is that Kane ’s nuclear strike will come before she can do this. Kane clearly hoped that she would concentrate her troops, which would not only be more cost-effective with nuclear strikes, but also not conducive to the powerful advantages of the warring soldiers. After all, the tighter, the smaller the total area of ​​the output port and the available space for flexible displacement The smaller.

But now I can't care so much, but the butcher's blow is too painful. Although she still can hold on to the strong force, but the consumption is real.

She also fully understood Kane's thinking. If she couldn't crush the victory, she would consume hard. Whoever can consume the opponent's power first will win.

She has already spent seven, eight, eight, but Kane has not officially debuted.

She originally thought that her warrior legion was enough to break Kane's wings and kill her claws, even if her backbone combatant fire eaters, relying on endless soldiers, could fight each other.

Unexpectedly, her system's combat power was so powerful, and her subordinates forced her to this stage.

It is no longer necessary to think about how to win, but how to run away.

So she started to go all out and rushed to the butcher, intending to use the killer mace after approaching. She knew that the butcher could not be killed by her blow, but she just wanted to achieve success and interfere with the butcher, giving her the opportunity to teleport to escape. .

It's a pity that reality is always harder than you think. You shouldn't do as much as people think.

The butcher knows that he is not Veronica's opponent. Putting high energy at a long distance will not keep him, and he will be crazy to let Veronica close.

Veronica, because of the power of Cthulhu's nightmare, has the advantage in water, but not in the air. The flying speed in the air is naturally fast enough for ordinary people, which can correspond to her strength level.

The butcher is also so-so, and his field is also unaffected by the wind attributes, but he has the wind technology plug-in from the yellow seal.

Of course, even at this level, it is still average at the level of the Holy Land. At this level, only specializing in the field can talk sharply, and the rest can only be average.

But the average of the butcher is enough to play hide-and-seek with Veronica.

A hard chase, a sincere run, and the butcher knew that if he turned out of the curve, he would be gradually caught up by Veronica, who ran straight, so he ran straight and continued shooting while running.

The position of the butcher's wheel and axle always has an advantage. If Veronica plays the S route to avoid, in addition to avoiding it, it will further distance each other.

At higher altitudes, the MA array also follows, and the speed of the fire eater is not good, but the MA has problems, professional equipment, good at flying, nuclear fusion power, and the star gates in space are constantly replenishing energy and can continue to fly. .

So a marathon battle started like this.

Veronica has no other way. She has no powerful ally, only herself. She flees or chases. The butcher's blows are so continuous, and they will not leave.

She also tried to hit the seabed mud and rock with a false hammer on the bottom of the sea, and then play with the earth escape. Since the power of the collapsible strike has reached the level that can hurt her, the earth and rock layer can't be blocked at all. No problem.

And her use of the False Hammer comes at a price. It's nothing but extraordinary power. The tremendous consumption of Shennian is a problem. In the past, she may not feel distressed, but now she feels distressed.

And she couldn't compare Kane with the high temperature, and the depth of the ground is not only high temperature, but also high pressure.

Veronica is going to die, but there is no good way. In the end, she can only give up her two minds, that is, chase the butcher to death, which is more durable than anyone.

At this time, Veronica's strength is indeed reflected. She has a domain, which allows her to dissolve and distort the power of the charge attack to a certain extent. This world is a super-magic world. With the efficiency of absorbing extraordinary power, she is completely enough. , Also launched a long-range attack, bombard the butcher.

It's just that this long-range attack can only be said to be a regular attack in the sanctuary level, and it has no special features. The butcher also has a field and continuous external power supply. Naturally, it will not be affected by such an attack.

The only thing that restricts Veronica is actually Shen Nian, but it is still her longboard in this respect. Shen Nian is powerful and has a rich accumulation.

But Kane thought that Veronica ’s strongest point could also be her weakest point, because she knew that it was her strong point, and she dared to wave, and when she did n’t move, her strong point was not so strong. Ways to consume will become a fatal weakness.

The butcher took Veronica to fly around the equator in a circle, and the laser cannons in static orbit in space could bombard that few times, but the bombardment of the butcher was never interrupted.

Ke Veronica is relying on the mind to learn more, constantly absorbing extraordinary power, constructing the realm, carrying the blow and chasing. He also made various counterattack attempts from time to time.

For example, after two and a half rounds around the equator, Veronica had no confidence in winning the opponent, and used the field thorn and the arrow of the field.

One is to condense the power of the domain into a bunch as much as possible, as if sticking the other side of the pole, and the other is to throw after gathering, and bombard the target before the condensed domain power dissipates.

This is indeed terrible to the butcher. He may not carry it alone.

But the butcher is more than himself, his associates are more. For example, the Mysterious Castle, after the Mysterious Castle flashes in place, joins the ranks of parallel, with the energy throughput efficiency of the large equipment, to give the butcher additional defense.

Not yet? Constantine and Niya can also go.

What can Veronica say? Her war mates have been completely destroyed by her killing and decisive, the other party is bullying her by the number of people, the power of the system to fight her, but she is powerless.

Hate this kind of thing, it is the basic feeling for the gods, hate is too deep, so that it returns to the original, the elephant is invisible, and it is the responsibility of destroying everything. So there is no need to talk to God about evil.

You can talk about "qi", Veronica feels angry now!

Of course not eggs.

Veronica finally suffocated in this process of measuring the equator over and over. In the end, she could not force Kane to end. Then the power of the powerful law, the sword of extinction, and the hammer of vain, also failed. Use your power.

If she tears positively with Kane, it is indeed five to five, even more lasting. Kane ’s soul is weak. After all, his origin is the body of thought, and the soul is flawed. The strength and total amount of mind is not as good as the dimension. Ronica.

But Kane has a team, he worked hard to farm, not to be an addictive nurse, like to get some grandchildren out to serve them, but like now, at the critical time to open up territory for him, beat him to death , Carrying thunder adventure for him.

Veronica, who can sweep the world alone, loses like this, which sighs countless witnesses. After this campaign, who is the opponent of the salary king? Alas, be a man with a tail, anyway, this kind of guy who has become a **** in a year, it is impossible to stay in this world for too long, there are so many bad things in front of him, while dealing with the bad things, wait for the king to rise to the sky, wait, wait, etc. Can't afford to wait!

When the big brothers of all extraordinary powers feel sad, ~ Kane is also relieved.

This Veronica is a strong enemy who is in the sense, but not in the prediction. It can be regarded as a very good ending to be able to kill it at the cost of the first round of full battle against the dark Cybertron.

At least he did not withdraw from the legal card manufacturing system.

It is now the late stage of the great period, the stage of dream-level harvesting of creation achievements, as long as this system continues, the losses of this war will be recovered through the subsequent production.

Building more gathering units, collecting ships over gaseous planets, and mining in the asteroid belt are all content that can be strengthened, which can make the resources of the fire collar more efficient, and then create a crusader.

Moreover, after this war, it is not without gains. The battle data is a wave of collection, and he also has the harvest of the essence of the mind. This thing is plainly the spiritual power to digest the three strange substances into the direct action on the soul. And the special energy that the closeness with the soul exceeds the closeness with the soul and the body.

This thing was transformed a little bit by water-milling kung fu. He now has this, and the weak board of the soul is made up. It's awkward to say that the firewood salary increase can burn for a long time!

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