Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 838: Order

The Catholic Church has been completely defeated after successive blows by Salary King, Destroyer and Veronica, and there are few big cats and kittens.

So Zord led the warrior to uproot it, in Kane's view, not to mention crushing is almost the same.

The only suspense is that the Catholic Church still has some details. If you really want to break the jar, you may still make some big movements.

For example, more than 200,000 people in Koszalin disappeared overnight, barely forgetting it.

The reason why I used "reluctantly" was that I couldn't have a strong existence after all, such as the heir of the evil god, the projection of the evil god, and the incarnation of the evil **** or something.

Of course, such things as Kane Ningken did not appear, he was not ill, and he happily led the way. Is it not good to sweep the Catholicism into the garbage dump? Do you have to fight life and death with a powerful being? If every period is so difficult, the plane is too sad.

However, there are some possible dangers, he is still mentally prepared, such as the end of Sino Island.

Although the Sino Island incident was caused by the Catholic Church, it was completely out of control. These two points are that Kane does not have much definitive evidence, but he firmly believes.

He thinks that if he wants to put a satisfactory period on it, he will probably tear it off from the heir or avatar of the evil god.

And to start with the Catholic Church first, there are also some concerns that this group of guys are not successful enough. In case of a collapse of their mentality, the mad wolf will lead the wolf into the room, or simply start with the ordinary people, and they will still be able to make a living. Scene.

Sure enough, hurry up and Kosharin came out like this.

Kane had a sense of urgency in his heart. He knew that as the old man showed up the salary king No. 2 and went to the door to find trouble, he spread it inside the Catholic Church. He could not guarantee what those guys would do more hysterically.

Therefore, he didn't have much time to work on, so the rougher method was rougher, and he didn't have to try it anymore. Anyone who touched the Catholic Church would be directly sentenced to capital punishment.

In this way, there will inevitably be a disadvantage for disadvantaged groups, such as believers fooled by the Catholic Church.

There is a group of believers in Koszalin's Underground Palace. They are pitiful, but they also hate. Koszalin has a lot of ties with them. These believers usually follow the Catholic teachings (in the dark, the reputation of the Catholic Church has been stinking), and are kind to others. The reputation of this stay is better than that of the Huoying community. The result is that they deceived the gates of various fortress-like settlements and regarded themselves as Coordinates, let the atonement squad easily enter the settlement, and then use the magic weapon to complete the population plunder.

Until the end, this group of believers did not know that they were used, thinking that the atonement is really good for these people, let them stay away from disputes, so that they can enjoy the peace and tranquility of the mind and body.

From a certain perspective, the Atonement faction did indeed do it. They were all dead and completely peaceful.

In any case, this group of believers became accomplices, leading to the tragic death of more than 200,000 people. Kane said that he could not forgive, and then he would not forgive. In his words: "You do not know, but you did evil, you said you are innocent, but I think you are no more innocent than those killed by you, they are all dead, what reason do you have to continue to live ? "

The scene was also very miserable. Many people cried, prayed, and pleaded. There were many old people and children.

But Kane has always killed the whole family. He said: "I have seen too many tragedies. Sometimes it is more tragic to live than to die. You do n’t have to bear any heavy psychological burdens. I will give you eternal peace. This is not mercy. It ’s just an account that I can recognize, to you, to those who were pitted by you, and to the past that I can say to myself. Of course, everything is based on my knowledge. "


In an instant, thousands of people lost their lives, and most people's expressions remained in the state of the previous moment.

Kane then said: "I will kill all Catholics, I will give you an explanation!"

Kane still retains the good habit of shooting documentary videos during the operation. He also filmed the scene of the massacre. He felt that he could play it back to the fire camp community and even the people of various forces.

Although the world is still very difficult, some devilish dreams have been raised, including the fire camp community. They began to miss the past peace era, began BB ethics, and began to compare the various unfreedoms of the fire camp, executives and the past democratic powers.

Because this is holding up the butcher knife, Kane feels that it is not worthwhile. Moreover, the after-fire community is not a fire leader. From a certain point of view, this trend of free thought comes quickly and fiercely because it is the after-fire community. Side effects of the policy strategy.

From Kane ’s point of view, this is because people themselves have a foundation of 'democracy and freedom'. Because of the extraordinary crisis, they are suppressed and worn away. When they are like the people who have eaten the food, even if they are monks It is not easy to suffer from sexual precepts, especially the reluctance of this monk to be normal. With a little chance, the democratic and free "wrong wind" will come back.

This is not only the desire for freedom, the resistance to executives, the hatred of the system, and the ambition of some people. Under the tide of public opinion, some people can ride the wind and waves to gain power and profit. They are not very good at using people's hearts and people's hearts.

Among those who are skeptical, they also include chess pieces of other forces, or believers of certain cults.

This is normal. The fire camp once opened its doors to attract the people, pretending to be a pitiful before entering the camp, and having a faster logistics after entering the camp. It is not difficult to become a member of the community.

Organizations such as extraordinary forces and cults are always overly keen on breaking into other forces to spy on intelligence, or dispatching **** sticks and doing things at critical times.

Not only the Fire Camp, but also the Fire Holder.

Kane did not have the patience with these people. His system developed too fast. Some agents started after more than ten years. He was too lazy to consume. Taking advantage of the combination of high-level monitoring in the Central City and the virtual system, it can be said that attention is paid 24 hours a day. Any details of the problem will be marked and filed. Then, if a certain amount is accumulated, the attention will be increased, and even a special office Trapping.

After three large-scale cleanup operations, tens of thousands of people disappeared as a result. This is the dark side of the Iron Curtain.

It wasn't until the Investigator flew to LaGrange that the residents there had little contact with the outside world. This caused the world to wonder what the Central City looked like, and ran to visit the nuclear fire building when there was a chance.

In general, spying and counter-work are always unremitting efforts, and the trend of popular thought is also preventive. Kane's own strategy is relatively brutal. An important reason is that he feels that his current citizens are all half-way monks. When he can't afford his full trust, giving the sun will be brilliant. After three generations, the situation will be much better.

This is like holding a snowball in your hand, it seems to be firm, but the inside is still snow particles, longer time, the appearance of melting ice water penetrates, it will melt into the state of half ice and half snow, and the cohesive force is not so easy. Cracked.

He Hu Community is naturally not easy to control him wide, but he can use this cruel documentary image to give people a 'wind-up', don't think there is any paradise in this world, it is often a bait sprinkled by the skeptics. .

Of course, he can also understand the feeling of going through the wasteland like a hunger and cold, seeing a small house with a warm fire.

Some people are not really stupid. They also know that life supplies are not enough to save every entrant for no reason. The huge consumption behind this must have a saying to balance.

There is a series of Kane in the Huoying community, and it is indeed possible to enjoy relief, but Kane is still reluctant to make people think that they can eat for nothing, so there are only a series of labor arrangements, point systems, and so on.

So what are these ‘Xanadu’ for? Some old landlord's wealth found by conscience? The savings from the past exploitation of others will be stolen from the outside with a variety of abuses and dangers, and they will be used on the inevitable body of the stranger, just to let them believe that there is love in this world?

Kane didn't dare to say that there must be no such thing. He can be human, and others can also, 'filling the world with love' is also a wayward direction or manifestation.

What he wants to say is how high the probability of this kind of situation is. As a human being, you have to be a little bit close. If you know there is a problem, but you still get stuck for one reason or another, then you do n’t have to say that you are innocent when you are killed.

This time, those who begged him for mercy were just such people in his eyes. Cheated? With the knowledge and experience of modern people, can you still be fooled? A fooled group of people who don't understand? I've been fooled for a while and haven't figured it out yet?

Kane didn't spray them in public, but just left them with at least some decent. People are hard to dismantle, and they dig into the details. There are indeed a lot of sensational **** things inside. What is a vulnerable group? That's it, it's really difficult, and I really can't see Liangtang Road, plus the luck of the luck, and so on, I'm a self-narcotic thief.

With this documentary video, it is a wake-up call for the living people. The road is selected, and in this hard time, the shortcut is mostly a deadly ghost road.

Of course, with Kane's urinary nature, accompanied by this brutal slaughter, there must be a lot of dry goods.

More than 200,000 people lie on the ground in a line of more than 3400 kilometers with their heads and feet connected. No matter how they are stacked, the scene is also impressive.

Without the rescued, they were basically taken away from the soul as soon as they arrived in this huge underground palace and became walking dead.

Those people were doing a lot of evil woodpile, and every time they piled over ten thousand, the scene was very shocking.

What is even more shocking is the large library that was discovered later. The corpses are really piled up, and the whole library is full.

There is also a way to make Xiechai, which is similar to the gas chamber of the concentration camp of World War II. The people who went in were the dried meat, the inside was dry, and the skin was still firm and moist, just like a thin person. I wore large clothes, loose.

Then these people will be peeled by skilled workers on the assembly line that is transported by belts, the people will be pushed away by cart, or they will be put into the warehouse, or sent directly to the furnace, and the leather will continue to operate on the assembly line. Scrape grease, remove bitter meat, nitrate brewing, various processes, the final product is the SM female fur coat.

Human skin has thus become an extraordinary raw material, with a lot of attention, such as the relatively complete back, where it is suitable for use, the relative fragmentation of the arm, how to apply it. In addition, the skins of men, women, the elderly, and young children have also been said.

Kane even saw the material handling system, washing and drying clothes, and sorting his belongings into different categories. It is entirely conceivable that after several twists and turns, these materials became the new kind of paradise when they were distributed to refugees.

It's really professional, just like the modern slaughterhouse of humans ...

Kane did not find important facilities for the Atonement here. This is a factory. Using the old-time underground palace, many new cave domes were opened, which eventually constituted a huge functional facility.

It ’s not too early for Kane to come, it ’s not too late, at least two thirds of the evil things are still in the raw material state. If it really allows the atonement to digest these more than 200,000 people, a crow of about 100,000 people The Women and the Beast Army will appear, enough to engage in another big event, and even play snowball expansion.

As the saying goes, the gold belt of murder and arson, Kane robbed the murderer and set fire, and naturally made a fortune, and nothing more than yellow and white things, the extraordinary essence extracted is of great value.

This is a super-magic world. In a sense, all living things and dead things are raw materials. It depends on whether the use of technology has passed.

Kane naturally passed through, and he was restricted only by the principles he pursued. He wouldn't say anything about the underprivileged Fu Ji's own poverty, but he really had a chance to start, and he wouldn't be so dismissive.

The warriors cleaned the battlefield, and arranged nuclear bombs at each node.

When Kane and his party left by car, the ground was shaking, and most of the cities collapsed, forming a super big pit.

It was already midnight, but for Kane and his party, the warm-up was just over and the main play was about to begin.

The convoy is to the east. There are forests in this area, which are larger than Koszalin.

Kane flew directly into the air, flicking fingers in both hands, a total of 12 fire masses, shooting in different directions. Immediately opened his arms, palms up, evoked something lifted upwards.

Bang! In the loud noise like thunder and thunder, the forest in the area with a radius of 5 kilometers instantly became a fire.

The fire was extremely blazing, like the heap of gunpowder was lit, and the night sky was illuminated. But there is no waste heat to pass, or it can cause rapid air flow and form a hurricane.

After 14 seconds, the semi-natural and semi-natural fire came to an end completely. The fire site became a land of ashes, the forest became all black slag, and there were only some elements of fire in the air. Spots are flying.

Burning embers, level 10 banned spells, from a certain angle, this is a technique of plunder.

Cain won not only the power of this forest, but also burned thousands of evil demon hiding in it.

The monsters thought they could play a dark jungle battle with Kane and his party. Obviously thinking too much, Kane directly turned them into fuel.

The fire department kills first, and burns everything, so it is so irritable.

After this wave of high temperature and heat and the extraordinary strength of the fire department gathered, he could not purify and compress it quickly, and he was not prepared to do so at all.

High-end transcendents, in a certain sense, are large-scale energy-handling weapons, just swallowed, and then naturally spit.

Level 10 forbidden technique, burst of fire.

A fiery white fireball with a diameter of 5 meters was sprayed from Kane, and flew obliquely to a point in the ashes. After the collision, a strong flash occurred and a violent explosion occurred.

But this explosion is directed. The most commendable thing about Kane now is that the control brought by Shennian is forced to be high. That + sign is because of this extra.

With this control, he is more powerful than the ordinary Sanctuary. The main effect is that the strike effect is magnificent, but it can be extremely concentrated, unobtrusive, and does not cause any secondary damage.

So looking down from the sky, you will find that the field of ashes is a perfect circle. Outside the circle, there is no damage to the grass and trees, and the current explosions form a high-temperature and high-pressure furnace. The only outlet is the earth. , So it directly lavas the earth.

In particular, this burst of fire is still a continuous shot, which leads to scary pressure and high temperature. The ground is like cream under red iron, which is directly burned out.

The thickness of 100 meters, even if it lasts for 5 seconds, is broken down, and then down is the network of crypt channels.

After the cast was completed, Kane directly dived into the lava, and then controlled the flow of lava wrapped in flames, playing the trick of filling the mouse hole along the crypt network, while continuously heating the lava.

This is the secret stronghold of the Atonement. Although it is not as good as the **** secret area under the Montenegrin prison, there are some sayings that are large in scale.

This time it was a disaster.

The high-temperature lava flow is not as thick and slow as the debris flow after the volcanic eruption, but as a toilet flushing and rushing.

Kane is in it, the heating method is also simple, small equivalent fusion nuclear explosion, temperature and pressure are all there.

This flow of fire really kills and kills the Buddha, and the Buddha stops killing the Buddha, and destroys everything along the way.

A lot of atonement people or monsters are dead and unknown. So, just after hearing the weird whistling of the hot air from the flames, the high-temperature flames arrived. Even if the protective force field or energy barrier is turned on for the first time, it will be the next moment. Facing the flame stream slurry with physical characteristics, immersed in it, and soon burned into slag.

Even the two legends are so dead.

Although they can also cast the level 10 banned spells, they can't do it in such a concentrated manner of combat effectiveness, not to mention that Kane keeps increasing the temperature and pressure. It hasn't been as simple as the level 10 banned spells. It was too late to call enough energy to resist, and it was already destroyed.

Kane played ‘Torrent Warrior’ very much.

As the king of salary, he has the ability to use the extraordinary flame as a teleportation coordinate. This means that he does not need to focus on a stream of flame slurry, but can instantly teleport to other flame stream slurry to heat and pressurize it.

Although this secret stronghold of the Atonement is a labyrinth, it ca n’t stand the mad flow of dozens of growing flames and pulps moving side by side. The foundation of hundreds of years is just under the blow of Kane ’s toilet flushing The dust disappeared, and there were no spots left, except for the red and vitrified channels on all four walls and the large or small cavities.

Of course, the ‘downward wall of the cup’ always has its head, and this secret stronghold does have its end, both the deepest and the core.

When entering here, Kane's first feeling is that ~ ~ is magnificent.

The feeling was like falling out of a thick cloud and then seeing the vast earth.

Suddenly came to a huge underground space with huge space. Compared with this space, let alone him, even with all the flame slurry, it seems very small, just like a large warehouse leaking from the top A ray of dust.

There are mountains, valleys, hills, and plains below. There is a large waterfall that leaps thousands of kilometers. The water is full, and there is a booming rumbling sound. There is even a cloud-like mist in the air.

"Don't make a difference, it's kind of interesting." Kane's thoughts moved, and a large amount of flame slurry immediately took him as the core, turning into a Titan giant form nearly 100 meters high. The wing of the flame, pouring out the heat wave like a streamer, slowly flew down.

At this time, somewhere in the dark earth, a green beam of tens of meters in diameter suddenly rose up to several thousand meters, connecting the top rock layer and the ground, the surrounding area was illuminated into a green, magnificent.

"It's really heart-warming, and there are waypoints." Kane grinned and flew over there with the Flame Slurry Titan ...

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