Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 842: Birth of Black Kane

Turzcha Chingding ’s body and Cthulhu ’s nightmare conquered each other.

Kane is not surprised at all. The reason why the old dominators are in this situation is laid after the struggle of infinite years. Naturally, it has a profound truth. It is a matter of independence, and it is worth launching a life-and-death war. Of course, there are certain prerequisites.

The prerequisite set by Kane is to be irreversible together.

This inviolability is achieved by the erosion of the salary king.

Suppressing people by volume, after forcing the nightmare seed and the body of Turzcha to complete a joint battle, suddenly relaxed the external pressure.

Both Cthulhu ’s power and Turzcha ’s power have instinct, but no will dominance. In the context of the disappearance of external pressure, the two forces that were semi-integrated due to the common resistance against the enemy began to tear inside.

The scene was a bit boring in Kane's eyes.

Because of its indescribable nature, even Kane can only see a part of it, just like Slime is performing a drunk performance, a mess, a constant random wriggling.

The old branch represents chaos, and their appearance is a clump without any accurate description of the wisdom of one side of the order camp.

In order to create this old phantom **** avatar, Kane asked for help from the deity, and also passed back a batch of new data. In addition to parsing the latest results of the artifact dial, there is also the disintegration of the gods, and the latest torture. Forced information.

Of course, all the experiences and development information in the Xinghai universe and the outer plane are also of good value.

One of the feedback messages of this deity is to tell him that the satellite-like creations around Dark Cybertron are all warships, even Dark Cybertron itself.

Although Kane is not very clear about why the deity can point so decisively, he firmly believes that the deity will not joke on this kind of problem. The deity said yes, then it must be.

And since this is the case, his big battle plan needs to be adjusted again. He realized that conquering this super fleet would allow him to make a big leap in his overall strength. Proper operation will be an important basis for future torture with Turzcha.

Kane also received the main assistance applied to this deity-Dark Force Contractor status.

The deity fully considered the main problems of Kane now, and specially sent a special avatar, carrying the dark force contractor, to intervene in the manufacture of artificial old branches of evil spirits.

This saves him from further dividing the mind to suppress the two forces within the evil spirit.

Yes, even if the powers of Cthulhu and Turzcha have been defeated, they still have independence. Kane can only obtain some of his abilities through repression, and it is impossible to completely conquer.

And to use this power, you still need to pay an extra amount of distorted wear and tear, but the specific expenditure is already within the acceptable range.

This is naturally not because the foreign moon is rounder, but to better analyze the high-end information of the old branch and achieve his root purpose of climbing by ladder.

After the special avatar of Kane's deity entered into the infamous, the deep black quickly became the dominant color, and the infamous external appearance gradually changed like a human form.

Salary King Kane knew that this was a manifestation of order, and the special avatar succeeded.

The newly born black Kane, or the old branch Kane, looks like a demonized Kane deity. The upper body is basically the same as the Kane deity, and the lower body is a bunch of tentacles, but these The tentacle itself is not evil and has no eyes, but is densely covered with magic patterns of order, and it seems to have a certain self-sealing effect.

"I'm sorry I didn't carry the technology related to the dark dimension, nor the technology associated with the Supreme Wizard."

Salary King Kane can understand that the former represents the ability to invade the multiverse more conveniently once it is controlled by the old support. If the latter is controlled by the old branch, even if it is nestled in this universe, it can absorb power from other universes to complete the erosion.

Therefore, although the former represents general navigation and the latter represents inexhaustible extraordinary energy, the deity is still cautious, and there is no additional reward for opening such convenience because of his outstanding achievements.

Black Kane gradually gathered the tentacles and turned them into human legs, and said: "I can help you speed up the pace of the dark cyberbotan."

Salary King Kane nodded. He thought that one year of preparation after Turzcha was enough, and now it seems to be faster. His calculation standard is calculated according to the time of the main material plane, which has passed After half a year, according to the old Kane's argument, it is estimated that if you gather up the stall, you can start the battle directly.

Black Kane again said: "Please inform Colonel Zod. Action will stop, and the Catholic Church will be destroyed. The deeper island of Shino will be operated by me."

"Oh? It seems that the water on Sino Island is deeper."


"Okay, I informed him that after letting him exterminate the Catholic Church, I will end projects such as the Zhiyuan Society, the Ten Witches Association."

The main material plane, Colonel Zord immediately felt a little disappointed after receiving the notice. You know, he formed this army mainly for Shino Island. If he only dealt with Catholicism, he felt that the lineup of himself + God Warrior was enough.

Of course, he also understands that Black Kane's initiative to request a project must have a good reason. There is no need to be stubborn in such matters.

So he also began to prepare for a new round of war.

In the past six months, he has not only farmed, but also achieved good results in intelligence gathering. The remaining strongholds of the Catholic Church have been found out, and the **** warriors have secretly stared to prevent the Koszalin tragedy from happening again.

In addition, Asha, the head of the Witch Secret Society in Bryce City, has also made some gains in the news acquisition, and the mysterious veil of the organization of the Zhiyuan Society has also been unveiled.

It has to be said that in this world deeply eroded by the old dominators, the supernatural forces are more or less connected with the old dominators.

This Zhiyuan Society is also a believer in evil spirits. They believe in Shab Nicholas.

So, Kane's intuition values ​​this organization, which has only had a few encounters before. This world is a nightmare, the biggest profit-making force, one is the Cthulhu Department, and the other is Shab Nicholas.

As a believer in Shabu, Zhiyuan Hui has achieved great development with the strategy of making a fortune with a muffled voice. However, they are still low-key, thinking that one day they will sweep A and wipe out all the extraordinary forces including the after-fire community in one fell swoop.

Now that it has been discovered, the suddenness is lost first. Colonel Zod ’s newly-produced Nuclear Fire Corps also has new uses.

Kane ’s plan was to completely eliminate the Catholic Church, and after a wave of fat, further strengthen the Nuclear Fire Corps, and then take advantage of the fact that the Zhiyuan Society has not yet converted its development results into combat power. Achieve the dream of superpowers, and then combine a set of punches to plunder and destroy the rest of its development achievements, and finally clear the field.

Hu Youyou was another few days, and the time entered March, and the global situation entered a relatively gentle state.

The Yuhu Community is like a strong needle, injecting firepower into human civilization. Through this force, most large and medium-sized forces in the world can interact. The circulation of resources and products revitalized the economy. And the recovery of the economy has left many people struggling on the survival line alive.

‘It ’s useful, but it ’s a good thing. 'This sentence that Kane has said many times is fully manifested in this cruel era. All forces need more manpower to participate in the development and strengthening process of forces. Therefore, human life has become more valuable. For those at the bottom, this is a chance to survive.

The most intuitive expression is that the number of refugees in the outer squares of fire camp communities around the world is slowly decreasing, rather than increasing and getting faster and faster.

However, correspondingly, the global population is still showing a serious reduction in state, mainly because of the poor living environment, which has further reduced people's physique, and many otherwise healthy old people have begun to die a lot.

Children actually have similar problems, but people all know that children are the hope of the future and give more care, so the mortality rate is not as shocking as the elderly.

At the end of February, according to big data, the world ’s population has fallen below 4 billion and the region with the highest death rate is one of the countries in North Africa that ca n’t survive the extraordinary crisis and needs the UN ’s disaster relief. The other is South Asia, led by India.

Due to various problems, India's population has gone to 70%, there are still about 400 million, and the survival of the remaining population is still bad. With the exception of a few Brahmins, other classes including the Kshatriya (as well as Vaisha, Sudra, and untouchables), the best conditions are the refugee camp populations surrounding 126 fire camp communities.

Today's Huoying community is full of 10,000 members, but it is already a citizen of the Yuhuo Community, so this 1.26 million cannot be counted.

As a result, the people in the refugee camps in the square outside the community turned out to be in relatively good living conditions. Imagine the chaos in other areas.

Even some headhunting forces under the banner of rescue looking for an extremely cheap labor force are reluctant to patronize that area, because more than half of the survivors have been reduced to cannibals, and when this bottom line is trampled on, others will say nothing.

Kane was also not interested in studying why Indians fell into this field in terms of population characteristics, ethnic characteristics, historical reasons, and so on. Theoretically, he has grown up now. It is when he can play casually with his relatives, relatives, sparse and juniors, etc., and then the world does not even have East Asian races, which becomes very boring, and he is too lazy to spend it exclusively Energize a small stove for people of a certain nation or country.

The world ’s secular countries are the best, let ’s say the Americas. In addition to having a fire front and a backfire community in the front, the Federation itself, as the world's only superpower, has no hidden heritage. Although the Central Californians who had fled the metropolitan area were worse than the fire chasers on the Investigator, not many were killed.

The death rate is 6.7%, which can be described as shocking, but happiness and misery are compared. The second best death rate in Europe is 8.3%, the third is the Far East, 11.1%, then Australia, the Middle East and South America Between Bozhong and Zhongguo, South Africa, Central Africa, North Africa and South Asia were at the bottom.

From a positive perspective, the transcendent crisis has caused the death march of secular civilization to transcendence, including the large number of new transcendents, which are the concrete manifestations of this march of death.

Either adapt quickly or die. This is the driving force of the march of death. The world is no longer pure. The rapid integration of technology and extraordinary low-end technology has created a new series of new technologies such as new alchemy, new potions, and new devices.

Correspondingly, more and more ordinary people began to arm themselves with the mixed technology of science and magic, from enchanted blades to enchanted hot weapons, from magic armor to buff magic or pendants. Ordinary people are gradually able to deal with the extraordinary There is a threat.

Evil things and demons are not immutable, especially demons. These monsters, which are deformed by human beings with fragile spirits and sensitive temperaments, have grown relatively fast because they can receive the channel of evil spirits, especially in the spiritual aspect. The madness of the game has grown to be cunning and cold. This alone makes it difficult to deal with, let alone the improvement of combat power and combat skills.

As for the evil things, the most annoying people are the ones that have been alienated from the original farmed livestock, chicken monsters, cattle monsters, pig monsters, anyway, those that provide meat and egg milk for humans, artificial breeding, leading to their reproduction Generations are far more than other creatures, and this reproduction under artificial control reveals unnatural deformities. Beef cattle, pigs, and broilers have become special in species, huge in number, and distorted after blackening. The resulting evil is also particularly evil and fierce.

The evil things in nature are mosquitoes, mice and so on.

Anyway, to say that any sins that are twisted by animals and plants that interact closely with humans are more cruel. There is such a taste of karma.

Against this background, there have been wild attacks on the whole world. A large number of serious and even extraordinary people are likely to be born of murderous pits. From the perspective of the world map, it is a dense red circle with red dots.

Coupled with the successive appearances of mythological creatures, the secular human civilization has been drastically changed, and in some areas even the whole people have become de-scientific.

The new environment, new materials, new technologies, new types of work, and the cruel survival of secular human beings are crazy adaptations, and individual overfire phenomena are naturally inevitable.

In addition, the influence is not only reflected in the secular world, but the extraordinary circle has also been seriously affected.

Black Kane flew to Sino Island on March 4th and saw various displays after the excessive influences called ‘Devil God Changes’.

Black Kane flew to Sino Island with the company of evil shadow. The salary king's way to deal with evil filth can only be burned and purified, but Black Kane can use it. From the salary king and the world, he has scraped a lot of evil filth and used Colonel Zord to create the flame slurry Titan The idea of ​​creating a evil shadow with the dark field as the outer shell.

This particular monster, in a certain sense, is a dirt dump that hides dirt and dirt, and is very suitable for participating in the operation of the black pit area like Sino Island.

Not to mention Black Kane himself, he can even easily take home advantage from the Shabu devotees and the sea clan, because in the field of darkness and water, he can't compare with Shabu and Cthulhu , Not too much to go.

Soon after flying to Shino Island, he discovered the Myra, the gatekeepers.

Black Kane, who has received all relevant information about King Kane, is naturally more vigilant than Myra.

And his acting style is also darker than the salary king.

He made a hard landing from the air in a free-fall, the landing point was the village square.

Then his hands were stretched out, and suddenly the black light tentacles spread out like a spear, directly penetrating the wall of the house, winding the Mylars from the inside, and then pulling directly out.

In the loud noise, the wall collapsed, and dozens of bound Myrans were as if entangled in pythons, gray-faced, and looked at Black Kane in horror.

"Ho ho!" Xie Ying has a highly corrosive saliva, showing a sense of presence.

Unlike normal shadows, evil shadows, as a condensate of evil, do not have normal IQ and rationality at all, but are super crazy dogs.

Black Kane can control the evil shadow because of three points. It is the deep black field that is its shell. Once the evil shadow is removed, it will collapse, which is equivalent to death. Evil Shadow is not afraid of death, but prefers it now.

Second, Black Kane provides the main food for the evil shadow. There are only two motives for evil shadows to do evil. It is happy, or wants to eat snacks.

Third, Black Kane is a pseudo-evil god, and the mixed force field wave that makes Xie Ying feel comfortable.

Without Black Kane's restraint, the evil shadow is a horrible evil that destroys all this world day and night.

The Mylars did not dare to look at Black Kane's eyes, because that would make their San value crazy.

And Black Kane's voice also rang in their minds directly: "Tell me everything I want to know, otherwise I will tear your soul and take it myself."

More than ten minutes later, Black Kane left the Myra village with evil shadows and went straight to the Myra Palace.

The interrogation let Black Kane learn that this Myra was not a Bimara. In other words, the long-legged Myra people are not the people of this world. They come from outside the world and occupy the empty nest of Sino Island as refugees.

Black Kane determined that the Mylars did not lie.

This also means that the Catholic cult sage Myra is not a person in this world.

There is also a slightly interesting information that the shadow butcher of the salary king, which is the skin and bone of the first defense under the demigod, is the Myra, and it is likely that, like Myra, they are all strong in this race .

This means that the source of the Book of Sin and the dial of the artifact are all part of the alien civilization.

Well, Black Kane said that even without these twists and turns, he would have to go to the outside world through the space fissures of the Myrtle Palace. He came here to put an end to the Sino Island incident.

There are two points that need to be identified in this period. One is what is happening on the other side of the space fissure in the Myra Palace. The other is that Sino Island was originally a chaotic land on the edge of the two realms. So, besides this world, where is the other realm.

Each of these two points is good, filthy, dark, and distorted. If you let the salary king Kane explore, then it is second only to driving the Holy Light incarnation to do this. air.

Black Kane is basically the opposite. This kind of place is like a fish for him ~ ~ Extra information, when Kane recovered the butcher's bones, he named the boundary of the mud abyss. Eun is also a good place, at least to let the evil shadow thrive.

The reason why Kane is so positive that he wants to understand these unknowns is not because he thinks he is a head iron, and he has to fully open up with the old dominators, but he thinks these unknowns are likely to be closely related to the outer plane The salary king has to live on the outer plane for a long time. In the near future, he will have to fight with Turzcha. Understanding the environment there is also one of the contents of preparing for war.

In addition, Kane also urgently needs to open a few extra sources of energy intake, and is not afraid of the evil and dark Black Kane, which is more suitable for prospectors and collectors.

The Myrtle Palace is a dangerous place for the extraordinary, especially after the deep nightmare of the entire Sino Island on the basis of nightmares, it is increasingly a place of evil and darkness. There were once sacred domain-level survivors to investigate, and the assessment made afterwards was no longer suitable for the stay of survivors below the legendary level.

But for Black Kane, this is nothing at all, he also tends to gather evil spirits here, and the sins here basically flees from him. The irritable evil shadow went all the way to the deepest point, and then entered a crack in time and space without hesitation.

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