Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 846: Lawn mower life

Black Kane is a typical one from a certain angle, there is no longer any way to do it.

After eating a piece of Shabu meat, he gained N times the strength of the salary king, but when he turned his hand, it was all distributed.

The core of the evil gold people needs the dark force, as do the vehicles they use.

The salary king Kane is still half-extraordinary and half-tech. Black Kane is purely extraordinary. Without the power he gave, the evil golds can only be mechanical monsters, and with them, they are powerful Decepticons.

The mechanical monster is originally a supernatural evil eroded by the power of evil. Its detailed structure is just like the relationship between nerve endings and cell organization, but the level is further, and it is almost the same as it does not reach the nanometer level.

For Salary King, the power of evil is opposite. His power, the law it represents, is pure and orderly, so if he wants to use mechanical monsters, he needs purification.

In addition, in order to save extraordinary power, he relies more on industrial manufacturing on the technology side, so he is pressed into rough embryos and then reused.

This kind of utilization is much smarter than scrap iron recycling and reuse through electroslag furnace, because when rough embryos are cast, extraordinary power is added, although not many, but also extraordinary materials, which is why a large amount of materials are attributed to the investigation The reason why the account number is used.

The Yuhu Community is now in the stage of technical convergence, but the technology and materials on the mysterious side are not suitable for too much. So obviously enough materials to arm the N worlds, but would rather pile up and digest it slowly, and not give it to the earth-like side, not stingy, but once done, it is equivalent to completely covering the original text with extraordinary, technical Everything about cohesion, science and magic go hand in hand is empty talk.

The scientific and technological civilization of the terrestrial world has been violently impacted after the opening of the extraordinary crisis. If it is covered by the most representative machinery and heavy industry fields, it will completely diverge from the past roads.

Of course, scientific ideas will not disappear so easily, and will even last forever. However, it is enough to have an investigator number. After all, Kane's system has always been to use the scientific method to analyze the extraordinary.

Salary King ’s idea is to help human civilization under the background of sudden change and upheaval. Do n’t let them die in an “emergency”. They can adapt to the new environment at least. It ’s up to them Myself.

This is also a project of civilization development and social evolution. Salary King also has all Kane's observer ideas. He has been recording and observing. Once he is forced to be in place, he will withdraw, not continue to influence.

So Colonel Zod ’s full stop action is really a full stop. Once completed, the nuclear fire, Constantine, Nia and other kings, and even the city of Mossobrai hosted by Kofi will be completely withdrawn.

With the success of the conquest of the Starfleet Fleet headed by Dark Cybertron, the salary king Kane has a new plan, that is, it takes a lot of power, and the purification of one ship, one ship, really holds the Starfleet Fleet in the hand. So as a basic plate torn off from the old dominator.

To put it more bluntly, he is going to build a highly mobile **** kingdom, where is the **** kingdom, and where is the last stronghold and symbol of order (this universe). Relying on this maneuverability, he hides and hides with the old ruler while tearing.

The first goal is naturally Turzcha, salary king Kane calculated, if the plan is successful, he completely won the star fleet, Turzcha almost came to the door.

As for how it was calculated, naturally he received the help of Black Kane. A part of Black Kane ’s body was Turzcha, and he had a certain sense of it. Through a series of detailed information, he Make a comprehensive deduction of the style and efficiency of the operation. When the other party can find it, there is a general concept.

In addition, Salary King Kane killed all the mechanical monsters on his large fleet of satellites, and sent an inspection team to analyze the satellite core. Soon, he also participated in the satellite transformation project.

Through the core of the satellite, the divine power is transmitted, as if the frozen blood in the blood vein is melted, the extraordinary vein of the satellite is reopened.

The specific operation is still very spectacular. Simply put, it is to recharge the entire star. Salary King Kane calls it furnace ignition. Starting from the core, fusion energy fills every void, and it feels like water is re-injected into the dried cells to make them plump.

After enough energy is injected into the satellite with a certain amount of controllability, the metal ground on the surface of the satellite is vaporized to form an atmosphere with extraordinary characteristics-a super-power field shield relying on nano-scale materials.

This feature is the same as the position shield characteristic of the super force field generator used by the fire king Kane, even full of familiarity, which makes the salary king more convinced that the original owner of the dark cybertron is indeed a colleague with him. An instance of the deity's dispatch.

In short, the salary king Kane took over the Star Fleet more smoothly than he expected.

Of course, the second important reason is that the help of Black Kane, and his own position and strength have also arrived, otherwise there is no ability to re-drive satellite-level starships.

Just like the maintenance of aircraft carriers in the age of the earth is more expensive than the cost, once the super starship is re-ignited and activated, the consumption at every moment is astronomical.

Salary King Kane is also very cute because of the absolute control of fire and temperature, he can easily play nuclear fusion, a natural technology that is very powerful in the entire universe, and there are enough workers to collect nuclear fuel for his world. In order to play such a starship.

In his own words: "Maintenance is much cheaper than the sun's burning consumption. After all, the light and heat release of the outermost force field interaction is far less than the sun mode."

Once the satellite is activated, the shape will change with the controller.

Salary King Kane is still relatively influenced by the traditional aesthetics of human beings in this respect. The pinched ship combines a variety of elements such as Star Wars, Yinying, Battlestar Galactica, Gundam and so on. A map of deep memories of childhood.

Since he became a samsara at a young age, his memory of his hometown is mainly composed of these elements of childhood and adolescence. It has been repeatedly proposed, and it has become a deep memory. Even if it is erased, it will be like a mark left on the paper The subtle influence affects every avatar.

There was one, and there were many. Salary King Kane successfully activated a Star Wars battleship, and soon estimated how long it would take to completely control the entire fleet.

The most time-consuming one is naturally Dark Cybertan. The same is God, there are highs and lows, there are strong and strong, like the salary king like this, it is also ‘virtual’. If you want to get the dark cyberbotan, it is estimated that you must keep closed for decades!

Compared with Salary King, Black Kane basically embodies the feature of ‘money is a **** and you can earn it after spending it’.

His model is actually the same as the salary king. After all, it has the same origin. They are all the models 1, 2, and 3 that Kane said when he entered Hogwarts at the ceremony and dinner, that is, self-power, mastery, and prying. The power of moving the world.

Salary King is the soul fire god, control the extraordinary fire, drive the natural fire.

Black Kane is a divine idea, harnessing the forces of darkness and driving evil forces.

The power of evil is also extraordinary, and the whole is more powerful, but it is much more difficult to control. It ca n’t be done like a commander, and Black Kane does n’t care much about this. By comparison, he is more like the Middle Ages, to a certain extent. The acquiescence of the officers and soldiers to loot the generals of the people in the state of war.

Low-quality, uncivilized, in the eyes of modern people, it is true, but it saves bonuses, even salaries, and a lot of psychological counseling, which is also true.

Evil filth is much more terrifying than soldiers lacking the guidance of correct beliefs. Either they are constantly combing their hair or they are imploding and destroying themselves. It is impossible to switch between a good dog and a brave warrior all the time.

Black Kane knew this, and his temperament was more suitable for manipulating such an evil army. His army building and shipbuilding were all about smashing extraordinary powers. The mechanical monsters that had been eroded by evil, were not enough for him. Concentrate on evil and shape everything you want to shape.

Therefore, the iron-grey liquid energy flows like the self-conscious life among the piles of mountainous mechanical monsters. A large number of parts are like sampans in this energy river, floating and sinking, and constantly deforming.

The deformed parts finally seemed to be pulled by many steel wires, and they combined themselves with the pulling of liquid energy, and gradually pieced together the figure of the giant ship.

‘Boom! 'The giant ship used a super huge manipulator to shove its own dark force core into the body, and then the manipulator collapsed and changed into something else. Each giant ship has three dark force cores, one Tube power, one tube firepower, one tube other, everything looks very magical, this is pure extraordinary, high cost, but the visual effect is indeed good, and the final result is also very good.

Similar scenes of shipbuilding are naturally not one place, but tens of millions. As far as the eye can see, the surface of the planet seems to be moving a wave of metal. In this wave, one huge figure after another appears. They are vehicles. It is a weapon and a living creature in a certain sense. It is another form of the evil gold man. Just like the ordinary evil gold man deformed, they are a kind of combined gold and steel. A super large member metropolis similar to Transformers Kind of.

Fortresses, fortresses, and super-giant ships can carry enough mass to cope with the crossing of extremely desolate voids between star clusters. In the absence of coordinates, this type of crossing is common.

Although Black Kane might not need to do this, it is a standard. Who is not qualified to be called a starship?

Because Dark Cybertron is too large and there are too many mechanical monsters, even if Black Kane has dropped the virus source several times, and there are evil shadows to help the battle, the assimilation and destruction of the mechanical monsters is still the slowest.

There are already crazy shipbuilding here, and some areas have not been liberated.

Black Kane didn't have much patience to wait until the villains on other satellites had assembled, and he decisively ordered: "Open up and go to the new battlefield."

Countless pulling of mechanical monsters from the lattice caves came to an abrupt end, and then there was a large tide-like gathering.

The huge black warship is divided into three legions of poisonous green, orange pink, and scarlet according to the light source of the ship, which represent the main characteristics of the three evils of corrosion, confusion, and destruction.

These starships go around like recruiting employees. The evil golds who meet their characteristics will naturally have a dialogue between the light sources once they are close. Then they will get on the ship and make no mistake.

After a full load of starships, they flew to the void berth designated by Black Kane. From a distance, it seemed like hundreds of black torrents were gathering, and there was an overwhelming momentum.

Whether it is a starship or a evil gold man, there are always some that do not belong to any of the three legions. They can be seen by looking at their eyes. They are all variants, which are caused by a huge cardinal background. Countless pieces of coincidence.

They belong to the unit directly under Black Kane, the deep black fleet, pure black, without any color, but also all colors. This fleet is much smaller than the three major legions, but all of them are future hero units.

"Okay, thousands of hours have passed. I have long been impatient and my family members are also hungry. I will take them to the quiet wilderness for dinner." Black Kane said goodbye to the salary king.

Salary Wang, who is busy analysing the information of Star Group 1 ship, nodded: "Happy dinner."

Black Kane laughed and ended the communication. With the wave of hands, the super-large battleship group operated, and the group began to jump towards the quiet wilderness. The effect was like a rainstorm deep in the ocean, hundreds of millions of water drops into the sea, and they did not enter the rough energy ripples.

On the other side, in the quiet wilderness, a super locust-like scene began to take place, with countless lights shining, and a large number of ships appeared in the void, so many of them, that they seemed like a big screen of heaven and earth. In general, the process of advancing is the process of completely covering the sky. It seems to be slow and fast. After a while, the day becomes night.

"Kill them all! Destroy this world!"

Black Kane ’s order was the Horn of Thunder, and the black sky suddenly lit up with hundreds of millions of light points. That was the identification light source of the evil gold man, just like a bar code, each of which represented a killer.

The black rainstorm fell from the sky, and the evil gold led their heirs, flew out of the fully opened starship, and flew to the ground in a free fall.

The super tentacles composed of organic roots were originally very huge. A large number of these tentacles stood between the world and the scene was magnificent. But compared with the scene of the attack of the evil gold man at this moment, it is worth mentioning like the sparse wild grass on the arid grassland to greet the thunderstorm.

The darkness became more and more thorough, and the void between heaven and earth was filled with a huge number of evil golds and heirs, which seemed to be unprecedentedly full, even crowded.

Then the earth was submerged in this black heavy rainstorm, and suddenly the ground glowed with light. That was the light of the fighting explosion. More and more light first formed a sparkling lake-like scene, but soon Turned into a sea of ​​light, the sea of ​​light shining continuously represents countless deaths.

The dark fleet covering the sky does not matter below, and continues to advance like a large flag sweep. At its tail, the light of the transition is still intensive and frequent, and more giant ships arrive to form part of the super military flag.

This super military flag was moving forward while it was raining black death, drowning everything and destroying everything.

The silent wilderness is not a planetary form, its total mass far exceeds the standard required for hydrostatic balance, but it is still a capricious shape of a platform, because here is the outer plane, the astral plane, which science cannot explain The extraordinary environment is more representative of the law and closer to the material library of the creator, rather than the finished product display hall.

Black Kane and his dependents swept the platform down to level A. They once dominated the organic roots of the world and resolutely resisted, but compared with the more than 5 trillion evil gold people, these resistances are comparable. Insignificantly stronger.

After 133 hours, Salary King Kane received a message from Black Kane who sent him a message of organic root destruction.

"How do you like this feeling? What we have been pursuing is this unsolvable sweep."

"But there is also a growing sense of self-concealment that I have become the one I hated.

"Okay, don't be sour, say you like it."

"Okay, I like it. The ultimate state of our farming is to achieve this sweep."

"Haha, that's right! I will stay here for about 1,000 hours, and then ... it's time for me to eat, you know."

"Well, I said that before, if there are other needs during the period, I will tell you, I will not be polite with you. I have news there, I will also inform you."

"Okay, that's it first."

The communication ends.

Salary King Kane calmed down and continued to devote himself to his work, but he let the Mysterious Fort AI, mobilize personnel, dispatched an investigation fleet to the quiet wilderness, to conduct a comprehensive survey there.

After a maximum of 1,000 hours, Black Kane and his dependents will leave there. Salary King Kane does not want to appear to be occupied by other species or resurrected. Now you need to prepare to take over.

"Suddenly the manpower is not enough." Salary King Kane sighed. The Investigator has already started working overtime to make more warriors, but it still seems to be a slack. After all, Black Kane won two worlds in a row.

On the side of Black Kane, the fighting on the ground actually continues. Since they dare to call it "root", it is naturally not only occupying the ground, but also rooted in the ground, and Black Kane does not want his own blows to stay only at the surgical operation, so that the spring wind blows again. So he demanded the killing of the evil gold people.

Shangfeng moved his mouth, and he was busy breaking his waist below. Black Kane's orders need to be executed unconditionally and thoroughly. The evil gold people can only kill the surface and then go underground.

But they are happy in it, they are killing, they are happy, and they are hungry. After all, birth and reproduction require energy. Black Kane only gave them the source, but did not feed their belly, this time For the silent wilderness, for them, it is really a meal.

Underground fighting has many limitations, and the number advantage of evil golds has been greatly reduced. But who is the craziest, the most fearless, and the most determined? The evil gold man expressed his disapproval of any other creature.

So the **** and cruel fighting continued non-stop. In order to achieve the purpose, the evil gold man crazyly launched the loosening operation. Without the passage, he made his own, constantly digging the earth and digging the pit, opening a new offensive route, killing the underground, and slaughter Everything you can see.

In the process, they also continue to eat, devouring everything they can see.

Mainly dark and filthy nature of energy and matter, sometimes also ingest some other things, such as rare metals or something.

After 400 hours, the war was completely halted, and there was nothing more to move in the silent place except the evil gold.

"Long live, long live, we won!" No, evil gold people don't have such emotions, for them, victory is inevitable, winning is normal, and losing is strange.

Their motto is the one that Black Kane said when chatting with Salary King Kane, kill, kill, eat.

Now that you ’re done, concentrate on eating.

However, when eating is finished, deep in the quiet wilderness, the evil erosion is not serious. This is good news for the salary king Kane, and bad news for the evil gold people, which means that the most valuable is the surface of the world. .

So more soil was turned over, just to absorb the power of darkness and evil, the quiet wilderness was really loosened this time.

After eating, it's all about making things, making things. This evil gold man is similar to the earth man who opened the acceleration gear. The material conditions are good and they are born. The material conditions per capita fall back in life. If you can't grab it, you can kill it, you can change your life, and if you are satisfied, you can live, eat, drink, and play to reproduce the family.

Black Kane is well aware of the urinary nature of the evil gold people. The dark wish is to devour everything. Since he and his dependents are dark minions, then they must faithfully achieve their wishes, be hungry forever, and never be satisfied.

Fortunately, he kept his eyes open, and the dark force can only be given by him, that is to say, unless he gives it, the number of core members of the evil gold will only decrease, not increase.

The bad guys didn't think much about it themselves. For them, living is to eat and kill better, and there are two ways in front of them, the first is to strengthen themselves, and the second is to increase heirs. Most of them choose to go hand in hand.

Therefore, this new race gradually has a difference between strength and weakness ...

Black Kane and Pay King Kane actually discussed this topic. Black Kane said: "If I put some restrictions on them, and then let them grow in a naughty way, it is a bottomless abyss. If you add more order, it will be Bator Hell.

"So, are you going to perform Devil or Devil Genesis in this universe?"

"No, I want to prove that the country is going to die, there must be evil spirits, the old one's one-man show is too boring, and it should be troubled, otherwise, the fruits of victory are not sweet enough."

It ’s better to pretend or to pervert. Black Kane thinks so. He knows that his career will not last long, but he hopes that when he is there, even the old ruler will be trembling when he hears his name. If the old people have that organ ~ ~ hours, less than 42 Earth days, the evil gold people have finished eating, but they are also hungry, not very hungry, and may immediately commit to the next killing and eating And they will be very happy.

Evil Shadow also plays with joy, and is reluctant to follow Black Kane. Instead, he has hundreds of millions of incarnations and experiences every detail, even if he repeats it over and over again.

Of course, there is a loss in attacking the quiet wilderness. But for Black Kane, the loss of less than 100 million units is not worth understanding. This is the same as having 1,000 in your pocket and not worrying about the loss of a few cents. What's more, the loss of these few cents, in exchange for the change from Hong Kong dollar to Renminbi, generally made a profit.

"Little ones, a different world that is about to collapse, walk up!"

Black Kane again ordered the insects to gather, and the individual characteristics of the individual became more distinct, instead of being a uniform fleet of evil golds. Once again turned into a dark cloud, following their gods, killing new food. Ground.

With the help of the survey team ’s vision, Salary King watched the magnificent scene of the group flying into the sky and shining away on a very large scale. He said: "I really like this kind of gameplay ..."

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