Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 858: Develop difficult customers into customers

The Black Widow was ordered to break into the Black God Church.

But soon found that he kicked the iron plate.

Neither her beauty nor her talents can be a knocker, and it is useless to make a good resume.

But she also confirmed some information. For example, the Black God Religion is a very typical esoteric religion, and it is not recommended for external admission. They are all internally recommended. After rigorous review and evaluation, Pope Kara will finally make a decision before joining. And it has also passed the period of great development, and the income has become increasingly harsh, with an average of less than 3 in a month.

This was because she spent a lot of energy, and even used hypnotic skills, before she learned from a cultist.

There is no other way to find out. The people of the Black God do not eat hypnosis and other techniques. The deep memory seems to be protected. If you ca n’t ask it, it will trigger the prohibition and become dumb. Can't tell why.

The black widow also detected some scattered information. Kara, for example, hardly shows up in front of people. Pure love heaven's communication function supports her behind the scenes BOSS.

Even Carla ’s true face became blurred, and in the words of the cultist: “If you know it, you will know it. If you do n’t know it, you ’re not qualified to know it.”

The black widow analyzed that this was a permission issue. Some people, such as the backbone, have been granted special powers, which not only make people powerful, but also have functions such as anti-counterfeiting and internal communication.

When Kara appears in front of these people, these people will naturally recognize. On the contrary, it is the bottom layer with insufficient authority.

The black widow reported the information to Nick Fury.

Nick felt the tightness of the organization and was worried about it.

Fortunately, its aggressiveness has rapidly slowed down. I do n’t know if it means no expansion, or it is limited by its ability to develop more people.

The other good news is that the Black God Church does not provide longevity, let alone immortality. Otherwise, it is estimated that many capitalists or politicians will fall.

It is precisely because of these two points that Nick Fury did not take too drastic measures.

Another reason is that at present, SHIELD is at the time of handover between the old and the new, and the situation is more confusing.

This is another major event in the eyes of Kane in 2009. Alexander Pierce finally completed the performance, resigned in the second half of the year, and soon died in a car bomb, the wreckage converged, and finally buried in Arlington National Cemetery, enjoying After the death of the ministerial gangster, mourning, firing and firing again.

Pierce ’s death also caused Nick to shed a few tears. After all, the two of them have known each other for a long time, and Nick always believed that Pierce was the same person as him, all for the right thing, he did not hesitate to bear sin, and even violated justice. After the original line of Pierce Hydra was revealed, Nick also said: "I was willing to block the bullet for you." At that time, Nick didn't need to be pretentious.

Now Pierce ’s true identity has not been revealed, and he is so dead, naturally leaving a perfect image of inspiration in Nick ’s mind.

He feels that Hydra is a historical Shen Qi. There is no better way to change who is in the position of Pierce. He has done everything he can and will be able to use his competent people, and those who may have problems are sent to fight. The situation is much more terrible than expected, and the bayonet must be red every time.

So it wasn't Pierce that didn't give power, it was Hydra that accumulated to that level, and no one could come across it easily, but it just broke out in Pierce's office.

As he stated at a seminar led by the International Security Commissioner: "Pierce has all been killed, what else do you want? Deprive him of the honor as a veteran? If not under his leadership, give nine The Hydra caused heavy damage. The Hydra hated him for getting into his bones. He blamed him and resigned. He still wanted to be killed? The gold was not recovered. It ’s been wiped out, how well they can play, there are thousands of minutes of audiovisual materials, there are written materials that are higher than the table, you can check, and then think about how much will happen if they are not consumed, let them plan well The New York Gold Robbery. "

Pierce was dead, and many of the senior agents of SHIELD were also dead.

Of course, as long as there is money, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not worse than a two-legged living person. Many warriors who retired from the front line of battle, after assessment, joined the SHIELD and received several rounds of short or long professional training, they will officially enter the post.

However, the loss of high-level and middle-level can not be compensated in a moment and a half, only to let those old seniors top up first. There will be outstanding replacements in the future.

Nick Fury is still a supervisor and has insufficient performance. In history, he successfully dug out the US team, found the universe cube, and successfully handled the Thor event. He still held the cards like Iron Man and Hulk. He also had eagle eyes and black widows. Captain Marvel can call for help.

Therefore, the new director is an airborne cadre, and it cannot be said that the professional is not right. People used to manage the legendary 51 area. ET has seen everything, not the bottom frog.

However, the "treasury supervisor" in Nick's mouth does not have much actual combat experience, and is relatively unfamiliar with the operation of the secret agent team.

And he knows his own situation. Since he took office, he has been doing internal rectification, rather than tearing up with Hydra. All kinds of conferences are going to annoy Nick.

Nick was never the kind of leader in class who asked Natasha to investigate the Black God, but in fact he was looking for something for himself, and also made excuses not to go to the meeting.

The result is that it is not easy to check.

Nick is also an old beep. He is not afraid of the sharpness and ability of the other party. He feels that all things are mutually restrained, and he can always find people and ways to restrain. , I don't know what's going on. Maybe it will be a big news.

So he sent Hawkeye too.

Hawkeye is also good at detection, but it is just the kind of battlefield detection, and the black widow is good at low-roar detection.

Battlefield investigations often involve encounters, and this time too, Hawkeye deliberately collided with Kara ’s people.

Under Kara's leadership, the station girl was gathered by the service company, and the thugs and everything set up the security company.

Most people think that this security company is the kind of rotten, and the staff can not get on the table. After all, the predecessor was either rotten or poisoned, and he relied on the characteristics of the hob meat. He could only be slammed when he met serious people.

But after the Eagle Eye contacted, it was found that it was not the case at all. At least the current thugs were not the original fools.

In fact, this is because Kara has used magic insects for both the street girl and the rotten boy.

She said she wanted to solve the health problems of women standing on the street.

It depends on the monster.

Demon worm is a kind of parasite cultured by evil spirit cells.

The magic insect used by the women standing on the street is called No. 6 internally, and it can eat all the dirt, including physiologically solving the problem of drug addiction. Demon worms can also regulate the endocrine of the street, so that its health is not inferior to those people who live regularly, ensure proper exercise every day, and have a reasonable diet.

Every hundred days, the devil will mature, and then be taken away and replaced with a new one.

Kara is relying on these monsters to solve her own extraordinary power needs. This is Kane's stocking, he found a way to find food.

The thug of the thug is No.9, which is equivalent to having a close-fitting finger and fitness coach. Its secretions will stimulate people, make people eager to exercise, and have a special love for certain types of meals. Every meal is like a desert for two days and then drink Ganquan. Life-level touch.

So for a certain period of time, these people can always be seen, and they shed tears and cried happily while eating and drinking.

Because of the number 9, the thugs have become fitness freaks, more addictive than drug-addiction, and the benign changes in the body made them even more obsessed.

Carla is not greedy for money. She basically spends all her money, facilities, equipment, and welfare. She is willing to spend money, and she also invites professional coaches for training.

Therefore, the discipline of the security company under its rule is a little loose, but they are all able to fight, and they are **** and fearless, which is also changed by the devil.

Hawkeye found that these crazy dogs are more difficult than the elite of the army, mainly because they are not afraid of death. He later learned from the side that the big and small gangs in Los Angeles had been served for a long time in this year, but there were exquisite things in the underworld, and things in the road, and no one would advertise how badly he was beaten, so It seemed that everything was fine. In fact, Kara ’s mad dogs had already gone sideways. Of course, it ’s not easy to see. I love fitness too much.

After Hawkeye and Natasha confronted the intelligence, Natasha decided to start with Frank, the manager of the security company, to see if they could obtain valuable intelligence.

It didn't matter that this investigation, it was found that Frank, it was Frank Custer, the punisher!

"Why are you here?" Natasha was really shocked. Frank and Daredevil, both mainly in New York, ran to Los Angeles on the west coast. When will this stubborn guy be conquered? , And still sell their lives to the cult black society.

"Why can't I be here, I think I have a place to play here."

"So with **** fighting in the first half of the year, did you have your participation?"

"To be honest, I hope I have participated, but not. I came here afterwards. I like Kara's style and hit the big guys to compromise!"

"Then you didn't find the dark side of this organization?"

"Are you saying that if they don't do it, there will be no street girls? There will be no leather-pimps? Or maybe you have opinions on the lace side? Who has the black **** taught to harm? Or you are jealous of them making a Heap can only see big beautiful women who can't eat? "

The black widow was speechless. It took a while to say: "These are probably all covering up for the real evil."

"Come on, Natasha, we all know that the real reason is that this organization has the power to make some people uneasy. In fact, in addition to some criticism of the practice, in terms of results, this organization is quite positive, to understand Xialuo The social atmosphere of the city. You know, next time we will declare war on all drug lords in Luocheng, and we will also regulate this market. "

The black widow suddenly felt excited: "Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? The drug lords are not rotten and gangsters. They have money and guns."

Frank showed a bloodthirsty expression and licked his lips: "It's fun to be like this! It's fun to kill someone, and those guys should be damn. I also know that one of the biggest beneficiaries of the drug trafficking business is the CIA. Learned those tumors! "

"That will provoke war! And you regulate this market, is it still selling? Is this illegal, you know?"

"Okay, Natasha, do n’t try to talk to me again, I will tell you if I can tell you, and do n’t want to know if you ca n’t. You should be clear, I ’m an expert in strategy and tactics, I ’m always well prepared, no Fighting indefinitely. You also know my principles. If this organization simply drove others away and managed this business on your own, do you think I would be with them? "

Frank gave himself a cigar and said, "It's been a long time since I had such a good feeling that everything is under control. You can poke the news out and let them prepare, I can guarantee that they jump , The worse the dead, and there is no chance to harm any innocent people. "

"What guarantee do you take?"

Frank spit out a cigarette, and then slammed his hand, ‘Boom! 'He squeezed the air.

He clenched his fists tightly, and a circle of ice-blue light appeared in the periphery of the iris in his eyes. "Of course it takes strength."

"You even accepted the dark contract and sold yourself!"

"Hahaha!" Frank laughed. "I'm really the right kind of paranoid man to sell myself in exchange for strength. But if that were the case, I would not admire Kara."

"Don't look at Carla's humble origin, but she has a lion's heart. Her ideals are brighter than many people's ideals; her character is also more noble than that of many people."

"I am willing to help her pull out those who are struggling in the mud pit, as long as the other party has the heart. I am also willing to help her to kill the real cheap goods that are bright outside and rotten inside."

"We are comrades, and even our ideas are very good. Didn't you find that I am calmer now? Not because I forgot to kill, but because I have strong power, but I don't need to rush. I thought about it in the past Yes, while I still have a breath, how many villains I can, now I'm thinking about how I can get rid of it all and control the situation. These are the changes brought by Kara. "

"Where do we need a contract between us, we are simply natural partners!" Frank said to a window: "Hey, Zhang Gong has been more than 20 minutes, aren't you panic?"

He said to Natasha: "This person's brain is a little funny, what time is it, and still use bows and arrows!"

Natasha is soliciting and does not want to talk to Frank about this kind of problem. What can you do if you win? She greeted Hawkeye, who was also polite, and used a rope arrow to join the slide rails, came from the opposite building, and then entered the house through the window.

"This is my colleague, Clinton Button." Natasha briefly introduced.

"It's okay to see you, the bow and arrow should be quite strong, about stronger than the Olympic shooter." Frank can still recognize people who have the ability, and stayed here for half a year, he is much more cheerful than in the past. Before it was replaced, he was almost always in a state of bitterness and irritability, but it was a dull gourd.

Hawkeye is a consistent person who doesn't talk much, nods, even if he says hello, then he holds his shoulder concave shape.

Frank didn't pay much attention to the performance of Hawkeye, and turned to Natasha: "I personally advise that it is not good for you to investigate. Once you touch certain taboos, hehe. Of course I know that SHIELD is a little bit Perseverance, do not accept the lesson without losing money, and do not accept the lesson if you lose money, and you also need to pay.

As Frank opened the refrigerator, he took out a delicate sealed metal box from the refrigerator and a box of cigars.

"Here are some of the answers you want. No. 7 Demon Worm, Black Leaf Hemp Cigarette, Devil Insects need to be placed in a glucose solution and infused to wait for it to enter the human body. The container remembers me, it is a private item. There are $ 300,000 in these two things, and I do n’t want to bargain. "

The Black Widow didn't even ask if the things were worth it. Frank Ken communicated with them or even traded them, and it was already worth the price.

After the two left, Frank reported to Kara: "We've given them a vaccination. When will we take action?"

"You have to wait, the black leaf hemp is expanding, and the supply is still in question."

"Well, let the trash live a few more days."

After talking on the phone, Frank sprayed clouds and mists away again. One of the uses of black leaf hemp is to make an extraordinary hallucinogen, which can be quit at any time, and there is no physiological withdrawal response.

But it does cause mental dependence and even symptoms of mental addiction.

Kara wants to get the Luocheng drug lord to replace the industrial and natural poisons with extraordinary poisons.

For Frank, he could reunite with his dead wife and children by pumping a black leaf hemp.

This is not simply self-anaesthesia and self-degeneration, but it is through this method to perfect the big data of his wife and children as much as possible, of course, in his eyes, there is a certain degree of distortion. But in any case, this is the only way that wives and children can reproduce the world again. It is a substitute, but it is a substitute that is enough to be fake. In this project, No. 7 Demon Worm plays an important role in data collection.

On the other side, the black widow and Hawkeye returned to the Trident Mansion, but Nick Fury was not in a hurry to let the two items enter the SHIELD Institute. He could not believe the new director, worrying that the guy would abduct things or cause trouble. .

Nick believes that the new director is also eager to establish authority and make achievements. Once he finds that the project of the Black God has enough value, he will probably take it in the past, which is better than continuing to die with the Hydra. He is not like Pierce. He did not hesitate to step down and smash the S.H.I.E.L.D., but it also required the courage and responsibility of the Hydra, but a typical bureaucrat.

Nick Fury, a spy, is sometimes unreasonable in doing things, but in general, he sacrifices the ego and takes care of the overall situation. This situation is neither the United States nor the SHIELD, nor even the International Security Council. , But earth humans.

Many Premier League players, including the US team, realized this and were willing to join the Avengers that he organized.

Nick Fury has his own team, not only the logistics team represented by Maria Hill, the field team headed by Phil Coleson, but also his own team of scientists.

These scientists are comprehensive scientists who understand everything, and have extensive contact with extraterrestrial civilization products. They are not responsible for developing and researching, but to understand the function of objects and provide some scientific advice during mission operations. Or warning.

Two days later, Nick recruited Hawkeye and Black Widow, mainly to explain the role of black leaf hemp.

"This thing is simply the legendary" Blood Orchid ". It is a magical species with a wide range of uses. It can be made into the best tranquilizer and hallucinogen. It can regulate the endocrine of the body and promote the benign transformation of the body. The lesions are all reversed. It can be said that the real plant gold, the Black God religion should use it to replace poisonous powder, indicating that the cultivation has a certain scale, we have to know where! "

The Black Widow said politely: "I think it's best that we don't know where it is, otherwise we will immediately go to war."

"Of course I know, but this is a plant that can profoundly change human civilization. If we can't grasp it first, we will be very passive."

Hawkeye said: "I think we should assist them in preventing proliferation. Unfortunately, according to their arrogance, they may not accept our goodwill."

"It really won't be accepted." Nick Fury pointed to the No. 7 monster: "I don't know how they made this kind of ghost thing, but this creature is very special, so special that it doesn't apply, we don't know it at all. What can you do? "

"In other words, experts are helpless?" Asked the black widow.

"It can be said." Perhaps because of the handling of such weird items, Nick Fury has lost much shame. Quite frankly, I accepted the fact that the first-class scientists did not study the No. 7 monster.

"It seems that the test can only be done by yourself, does that mean?" Asked the Black Widow.

Nick Fury nodded: "Yes."

The black widow said: "Then let me come."

Hawkeye already has a family, and the black widow does not want Hawkeye to take risks.

Hawkeye didn't want to accept this kind of care, just like opening it up.

Nick Fury stopped: "Mostly it's a good thing. You didn't get it. If you're out of luck, Agent Coulson already used another one. I asked him how it worked. He told me: Wow!"

"Wow !? What do you mean?" The Black Widow asked.

"Listen to my tone," Wow! "What do you mean?" Nick Fury said exaggeratedly.

"It seems very cool and hard to say?"

Nick Fury applauded: "No way, in the future, senior Aegis agents will be equipped with this monster. Everyone will use it as equipment." ...

When Nick Fury talked to the Black Widow and Eagle Eyes, Agent Phil Coleson was performing an old detective who was on the hook. It was more than 30 seconds. It took less than 35 seconds. Then, like the Smith in the Matrix, fast, powerful, and various shows, he quickly knocked down a vote of terrorists, and the last storm rushed to catch the rolling gold that was about to land in the air. Mine jar.

Afterwards, Agent Coulson moved his shoulder blades, twisted his neck, and made a "click" sound. He raised his hand and flicked the hairline that was obviously returning, took out his sunglasses and put it on, and gave the aftermath to Gang Qi Other agents who hurried over.

Natasha Romanov also quickly discovered the goodness of the Demon Worm. This thing can actually communicate with people, and soon after it has completely entered the body, she is informed that she needs deep sleep to cope with her parasitism. Then she fell asleep naturally and slept for 20 hours.

The first thing to wake up is the irrepressible demand for waste disposal.

Although she was a bit ashamed to speak, Natasha must say that she lived so much, this was the coolest time to waste. It was indescribably cool, as if all the bad things in the body were pumped out.

Then she had a light inspiration to return to eighteen.

Then there is a better feeling, eat melamine, want to exercise, and the muscles will not fatigue, excessive exercise does not feel sore, but it is similar to running hair, with a sense of pleasure and excitement.

Of course, there are also unpleasant things, such as cooperating with the observation of experts and various tests.

A week later, it was basically clear what the 7th can bring to people.

Two weeks later, the cost of using No. 7 was basically clear.

Four weeks later, it was clear what the first bottleneck of No. 7 was.

Two months later, it became clear to what extent the No. 7 with black leaf hemp could improve human function.

A hundred days later, the demon had matured, and Natasha instinctively knew it was time to replace it. Although the physical quality after the replacement will not be as great as the increase in the first use of the magic insect, it will still slowly improve.

This is already terrible. To know that this is equivalent to reverse growth, not to mention reverse growth in theory. As long as you maintain the state, then people who live past 150 years old (brain age) have no problem at all.

On this day, Natasha and Coulson visited and Frank held a cigar. The whole person looked more burly, but it was not the kind of muscle knot of a bodybuilder. The muscles were not so shaped, but they gave people muscles. The fibers are all braided by steel wire, wearing only a vest, standing in the bitter cold wind of winter, but obviously not cold, the skin color is normal, the white is red and shiny.

"Come to trade?"

"Yes, but two 300,000, one hundred days, some can't afford it."

"The new price is this price, and at most some black leaf hemp will be given. The old one will be replaced with a new one, 50,000 yuan, no bargain."

"Is black leaf hemp sold separately?"

"No, for the time being, I said before that we have a big action to save people who are forced to become addicted to drugs. We will use this as the main purpose in the future. People, not to seize the market. "

"Can't you find a way to expand the cultivation?"

Frank glanced at the inquiring Coulson, chuckling without speaking.

Seeing this, the black widow asked how much the No. 7 Demon Bug could sell, which was a different topic.

Nick Fury has more than once thought about the motive of the Black Gods to sell the No. 7 Demon and Black Leaf to the SHIELD.

He felt that there should be a certain intention to show good intentions. Unwilling to tear apart from SHIELD.

This is a good sign.

Nick Fury is not a humble gentleman. If you respect me for a foot, I will respect you. There is no door. He is pushed back. If someone else hairs up, he shrinks properly, calming down. If necessary, his sacrifice is no problem. Anyway, his belief is: I represent all mankind, I will not sacrifice the interests of mankind for my own face or personal interests, I will not take the interests of mankind as a favor. Only then ~ ~ Coulson understands Nick ’s thoughts very well, so he always politely plays the annoying role and bargains, and the red face makes Natasha and theirs, they are super heroes. , You need to interact with the Super Aegis of the Aegis Bureau, and the relationship ca n’t be too stinky, he does n’t matter, it ’s such a job.

Eventually the price was cut. Newly purchased magic insects, each 100,000, trade-in for 30,000, black leaf hemp is 10,000 US dollars per kg.

Nick Fury is also a bold one, and used it for himself in the second round. The result was amazed to find that the left eye blinded in the 1990s was healed by himself, including the scary scar!

He was shocked. His left eye was blinded by Gus, a bitter beast of an orange cat. It was a kind of extraordinary damage. How could such a wound be cured? What the **** is this devil? Is it like a bite beast, a cosmic existence?

At the same time, Kane used some leisure time to finally know the private transaction between Carla and SHIELD. He could not help covering his face. If he was not careful, some supporting actors who had a lot of future plays were magically changed. This butterfly effect, in advance There is a storm.

Kane felt that Hulk had to make an early appearance, and could not sit back and watch the main line crooked.

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