Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 864: Take the wrong script to play

Tony Stark has many common human shortcomings.

For example, like the new and old, but also for example impatient.

At the prompt of Kane, he finally read the tape image left by his father, and also found the structural diagram of new elements from the model Howard sent him, created new energy, and solved the palladium poisoning. problem.

Later, when James Rhodes questioned him on behalf of the official, why did he say that the miniature reactor that could not be successfully manufactured in other countries for at least 20 years had mature applications in such a short time. He chose to authorize the second-generation suit prototype to James.

It is an explanation to the officials, and it is also the completion of James. I don't want the future 'machine of war' to disappear.

Stark is a self-confident and arrogant person. He has built a sixth-generation suit with the new miniature reactor as the core. He firmly believes that even if the technology of the second-generation suit is pondered by some people, it is impossible to surpass him, and even eating ash behind his **** is somewhat reluctant.

Since the rolling can be completed by generation difference, how about releasing the old model?

He had to face off with facts to make those people understand the pits of the steel suit. Whoever jumped in to compare with him would have to lose.

Unfortunately, Justin Hammer jumped out this time.

Justin helped Ivan Vanko get out of prison, much more difficult than in history, because Ivan was implicated in a time and space raid.

Later, Stark indirectly helped him get rid of the charges. Stark ran to ask the source of Ivan's micro-reactor. Ivan did not explain what the window-breaking effect and robber-washing were, as he did, but he broke the curse. The reason was also simple. , Ivan's faith collapsed.

He had always felt that he was not cherished, otherwise he would not be inferior to the famous and rich successful genius like Stark. So although he is actually very poor, the giant in the heart can see Justin showing wealth in front of him from a bird's eye perspective.

However, the occurrence of space-time raids actually told him that neither he nor Stark was a worthless little guy in front of real power, and he was not even qualified to fight a battle.

So as he said when he scolded Iron Man: "You lost! I witnessed it, you think you can protect the world? In fact, you are just an actor who can only pretend to protect the world. No wonder I think your suit is painted. It ’s kind of weird. Now think about it, it ’s a clown! "

This was a major reason for Stark's continued acid and vomiting in front of Kane. People are more forgiving than others who are weaker than others, but they are full of scrutiny and all kinds of challenges when they are stronger than them. Stark also has such problems, and his pride does not allow him to bow his head to the strong, so he faces strong The person dared to choke, not because of courage, but not so much as to admit that he is not as good as others, which is the most difficult thing for him to face.

Pressure is the driving force. After returning from Monaco, Stark, in addition to inventing new elements, got rid of his palladium poisoning, and also worked **** designing and manufacturing the sixth generation of war suits.

His thinking changed, and he realized that his previous suit was a gangster who bullied his next suit and ate some gunpowder weapons. When he met a real strong enemy, his offense and defense seemed very ridiculous.

So, just like the original history line he developed anti-hulk armed forces in order to deal with Hulk, this time he also used `` wearing a jacket '' to make the steel armor become a platform for more powerful weapons.

As a result, steel majesty was born.

Matching with the prestige outfit is the thin and light suit like the fifth generation suit, just like the relationship between the inner cotton armor and the outer armor of the medieval knight.

The main role of the suit is to protect him from higher load values, as well as shock, energy erosion, etc. And what is really used for combat is the external prestige.

Unlike the single-energy system of anti-Hulk armor, Stark, after witnessing the battle of space-time raids, realized that his energy output was not enough to watch. Therefore, he used a multi-core array system on the Wei Zhuang.

On the limbs, there are four miniature reactors, and on the torso, there is a small reactor, and the one on him is six. The one on his body is responsible for emergency backup, and the remaining five are used to power each weapon, including the extremely powerful laser laser, and the plasma sword inspired by Ivan's plasma whip.

Stark uses those time and space invasion monsters as imaginary enemies and feels that he can establish an advantage. There are two main points. The first is to quickly replace damaged parts. This is very similar to the anti-Hulk armed forces, and it responds to the high destructive characteristics of the enemy.

Second, Stark felt that energy output per unit time compared to his opponent was also a good idea. This is also the only viable method of his heap attack. The usual way of hitting is no different from tickling, but if he can downsize the main gun of the starship and install it in his own outfit, it should still be enough. This is the origin of the idea of ​​the six reactors.

After letting Jarvis conduct a comprehensive analysis, Stark also realized that with human thinking and reaction speed, he could not cope with the level of space-time raids. too fast!

He didn't expect to establish any advantage in this respect, but at least he shouldn't fall behind, otherwise he would wait to be cut by others. Then the human brain is not enough.

Stark added a computer aided unit to the disguise. In fact, he can let Jarvis help, but that is conditional, that is, in the context of the assistance of global communications satellites.

That is to say, as long as he can make a call, then the AI-like Jarvis, whose body is a huge computer room, can help him online instantly.

But the space-time raid told him that do n’t look at the earth as his homeland, but it may still not be able to gain home advantage. The powerful energy release and the invisible force field formed completely destroy the communication wave. Carrying a high-power signal receiving device also requires an on-board computer for backup.

With the aid of a computer-aided brain, Stark also learned the monsters of space-time assault, and equipped him with two auxiliary arms, which he called wing arms.

As the name implies, it can function to enhance flight. Nature is not a ridiculous wing, but jetting energy. In addition, the wing arm can provide protection and help block. In this way, he is equivalent to having a co-pilot, and the control pressure is reduced a lot.

In addition, in order to get enough flexibility, he added a lot of postures to control the nozzle, so the Iron Man in the style of the weapon has a little meaning of small Gundam. Of course, the external appearance is more delicate and more complicated, but if another layer of reactive armor is hung, then it is properly small.

Stark had a quarrel with Ivan in the temporary detention center. The SHIELD personnel played their special skills and quickly combed Ivan's past, proving that it really had nothing to do with space-time raids. Ignore it.

As for Ivan's talent. I have to say that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s vision is quite high. The original history line, Phil Coleson, killed Rocky in the first stage of the reunification. Looking back, Nick can resurrect it with alien technology and continue to play the residual heat. There are still some rare things in the hands of the shield.

As for saying that they do n’t have steel suits, people ’s visions are there. Naturally, they only cooperate with the most adept, and they do n’t use Stark. They do n’t cooperate with the scientists of Yiyeluzi. Is n’t it wrong?

Justin also naturally saw that Ivan was an untamable beast. And it is still a fierce beast with no enemies but enemies. This kind of guy who becomes a terrorist but can't think of it, Justin is also afraid, so he is intimidating and tempting.

It's just that Justin is still a bad pattern, or too stingy, and too much about money. From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on Ivan because he was a successful capitalist, and Ivan only had technology.

In the real world, only the technical ones tend to only equip capitalists to make money, and capital is the most powerful power. Justin looked at the relationship between people from this angle.

He thinks that Laozi fishing you out of the prison is equivalent to saving your life. You have to make a tie to report it. In the second half of your life, you can honestly create value for Laozi, then Laozi can give you some decent, call you a certain Public, or as a partner, otherwise, hehe ...

So he is actually not interested in some details, such as the big parrot of Ivan, and the payment.

Ca n’t emotionally impress the other party, never offer remuneration, do n’t worry about full authority, technically dictate, but count on the other party to show their full efforts. Justin obviously did n’t study Ivan ’s design at all, and he took it for granted.

The original history line Justin helped Ivan get out of trouble, mainly because the money opened the way, and the work was still private.

It's not working now, and Ivan is being followed by too many people.

But Justin succeeded. The reason is also simple. The US official needs the regularization of steel armor, and it needs a military enterprise to compete with Stark Industries. Just like the F23 and F22 arena.

Behind the scenes, there were even secret contests between many big powers. After all, Ivan ’s satire at the Monaco Auto Grand Prix was broadcast live, and the relevant departments of the big powers were not blind, and they could naturally see the benefits.

In addition, in order to dilute the information that is too thrilling, such as spatiotemporal raids, it is easy for people on earth to collapse due to excessive blows and cause social unrest. Use the public's consumption habits of celebrity gossip news to divert attention.

For this purpose, the International Security Council specifically requested the Monaco officials to urgently deal with it. Simply put, the venue is in the city, external traffic is closed, and communication is closed.

Then the personnel of SHIELD rushed to the scene with the equipment, and destroyed all the information that may have recorded the event, including hypnosis and brainwashing.

Of course, there are still leaky fish, and even some videos have been uploaded to the tubing, but the maintenance time is very short, and the relevant information is deleted.

This time the SHIELD firepower was fully on, and the technology it mastered on the Internet was also very sharp. Finally, it controlled the spread of information and did not cause global panic.

The competition behind it still ended in the victory of the United States. However, the United States has also paid a price for this, including comforting teddy bears, rabbits, and EU partners.

This investment is not a big deal, so Ivan ’s coercion came immediately. It was n’t Justin who took it for granted, but that some big men in the United States authorized Ivan to help him with the steel suit project. Mo Industry participates in this project and plays the role of actual development. There is a series of benefits distribution behind it.

So a new, more complicated relationship emerged.

More stringent monitoring has made Ivan ’s hands and feet more difficult. Really knowledgeable and professional agents are always putting pressure on him, instead of the so-called technical mastery of the original historical line Justin ’s businessman + flattering ability than professional ability. . Ivan ’s daily work progress will be checked by everyone, and even the raw materials are stared to death, scrapped? No problem, this situation in the experimental grade is normal, but it is slag, please return it to me.

Ivan finally knew what more money meant than stupidity, and also learned the trauma-making ability of the agents. After working for a period of time, he found that his hatred for the evil capitalists and their minions has far exceeded that for Stark, even if the other big parrot who sent him to him did n’t work. .

On the other hand, after James Rhodes got the prototype of the second-generation steel suit, the American Air Force immediately gained confidence.

I ca n’t invent it, ca n’t I copy it? This thing is much more flexible than fighters, once mass production, the cost can come down. What's more, there is no R & D fee, and there is no need to stick to laboratory-grade good materials like Stark. As for patents, let Stark tell us to go.

The lawsuit was vigorously fought for several years. Anyway, we used it first, and then became the main force of the American Air Force. Even if the lawsuit is lost, you can let the American Air Force change it back to a fighter plane later? If you want to make up the money, you can go to the military budget of Congress to quarrel with the bureaucrats, but you have to keep up with the follow-up research and development, otherwise you will definitely not talk about it. So now it is important to make raw rice to cook mature rice.

The Air Force brandished a prototype and found a partner in the United States.

Hanmer Industries, as well as other capitalists who participated in the Ivan series of steel suits, did not allow the third military industry to develop similar products. That time seriously affected their interests.

So I went to the Air Force. Both sides soon frowned. After all, the Air Force is also afraid that they have only one prototype, but Hanmer has technicians. They are torn down to find someone to cooperate in production under the pressure of infringement, and eventually come out in third place. pot.

In this way, Hammer Industry had; B, a group of experts, dismantling and analyzing Stark's second-generation prototype, while watching the video of Ivan Vanko's work.

Therefore, even if this group of experts does not have much spirituality, the technical foundation is still solid. Combining the ideas of Stark and Ivan, they slowly understood the ideas.

As a result, when Justin Hammer brought the results to the Stark Industry Fair to compare his face, it was far from the original history, but the shotgun changed his gun.

James Rhodes, as a lieutenant colonel officer, is responsible for executing orders. He can only appear on stage and cooperate with propaganda.

The reason for letting him go is naturally the intention of the interest team behind. Because of the infringement of Hanmer Industries ’suits, it is easy to be picked out. At that time, there are two concepts of James and no James.

Yes, James ’s suit was given by Stark, so he can slap on the question of ‘whether the things sent are related to the same technology’.

No, then Stark can say that your technique was stolen. As a country controlled by capital, at least the rules must be kept. Although Stark is proud and very annoying, if the plagiarism is sold without being sanctioned, everyone will do so.

The result is that Justin Hammer and James Rhodes have become a gang, to a certain extent, they are both forced by the situation and placed in the foreground.

And Ivan Vanko and Tony Stark have become a sympathetic pair. Both of them were infringed by technology, which is quite intolerable.

Ivan finally got a little bit out of touch and contacted Stark. Of course, instead of contacting Stark, he said that he was a brother and a brother, but he told Stark that he would let Hanmer Industrial ’s exhibition change. Into a grand fireworks show.

Stark was anxious as soon as he heard this, and he thought of little pepper.

As the CEO of Stark Industries today, Little Chili, like the opening ceremony of Hanmer Industries, is bound to observe the ceremony. This is at least a matter of politeness.

He immediately contacted Xiao Chili and told her that the industrial fair was in danger, and asked her to evacuate and evacuate the people.

It's really dangerous, because the reason why Stark and Ivan quarreled was that the show technology forced me to say that my miniature reactor was more advanced, faster and more powerful than yours.

Although Ivan is not as talented as Stark, he is just not as good as him, and he is definitely a genius. Stark is a bit more transparent, and later has better R & D and manufacturing conditions. This statement was put into experiment and succeeded.

So he did things in this regard.

Other experts have too much craftsmanship, they have a deep heart, and they dare not bear the consequences of breaking the rules. Some people do not understand the research, and they ask people to ask Ivan.

After several trips, Ivan knew that there were still people working on the project, and it was possible to get Stark's prototype. After all, the question asked involves research and development ideas. Imagine that even the ideas are clear. How can you create original works? Mostly analysis and plagiarism.

So he took the speed show and forced it, but instead made those plagiarists wake up like a dream.

The second-generation prototype was the first steel armor developed by Stark after escaping from the caves of the Ten Commandments and ascending home, laying the basic pattern of the armor, but many details were not optimized or upgraded. Including the core micro-reactor.

When this group of craftsmen scientists used Ivan's RPM technology in their so-called steel armor, it was a stroke. Ivan was able to upload virus data through communication control to overload it.

Ivan is very strong in the field of communication and hacking. He used to survive on this before. Because of this, he was able to hack into Stark's house and talk to him on the phone in the original history. Stark thought it was kind of SHIELD to unlock his communication rights.

In addition, Ivan is also a good boxer, playing many black punches on the field. If you have the patience to interpret his tattoo, you will know many related stories.

The S.H.I.E.D. naturally detected these, and the capital bosses behind Hanmer Industries didn't give it in vain. Knowing Ivan's past, he specially sent first-class agents to stare.

But how to say, they still underestimated a technical and scientific hooligan, after gaining sufficient resources to display their talents, their strength increased.

Ivan picked a little bit of material and got an extra micro reactor. With this, it is relatively simple to make some release devices.

Carrying a crude energy weapon, Ivan suddenly attacked and successfully killed the monitor. Of course, this is also related to his use of hacking technology to hack the monitoring system, so that the people in the monitoring room have been watching a fake video he has prepared.

When Ivan rushed into the monitoring room in a murderous way, several people in the monitoring room were still eating happily, not knowing which silly blessing to order free pizza for them.

The order of pizza is naturally Ivan, Ivan said that using this little cheap, it changed the lives of American agents. These wolf dogs, which cost only hundreds of thousands of dollars in training fees, are really low in IQ.

However, the professional agent successfully gave Ivan a few lessons to prevent him from being too arrogant, so he was more cautious and planned than in the original history.

When everyone else was there, he called Stark, and then quietly watched Justin Hammer pretending to be on stage.

He can even find out the phone of Stark's private house, and he naturally knows the little pepper.

Seeing that the little pepper in the audience seated the phone and got up and left the seat, he guessed that it was the case. So he did not hesitate to send a virus signal, detonating the many steel suits in the air.

Since Justin Hammer had a real manned steel suit, he was naturally reluctant to play a phalanx appearance, but let many steel fighters operate in the air show.

This is much more exciting than the performance of fighters, and the maneuverability is better. All kinds of interspersed are dazzling.

It turned out that it was about to end, ready to fall on the table, and all exploded.

Many people are stupid that this performance is really good, and finally put on the fireworks, money is self-willed, such a money-burning operation can also be played.

They could not wait until the hot steel fragments smashed the tempered glass ceiling of the exhibition hall, and the glass **** and the burnt flesh and blood were scattered in the sky like rain, before they suddenly realized that this TM is not a program!

Immediately, the panic triggered a riot, which caused trample, and even the little pepper was hit. Fortunately, the bodyguard rushed on her body, propped herself on all fours, and set up a temporary human tent. The platoon is reserved for the die-hard fans than the interactive link, and the vision is actually not very good), so even if people evacuate, not many people can step on him.

There are also several steel warriors on the stage, which are the series of drones made by Ivan. Along with the second-generation prototype driven by James Rhodes.

Justin ’s original intention was to make a comparison, meaning that we produced a full range of steel suits and had our own mature products, compared to Stark ’s products.

As a result, this batch of people went up and down on the stage, and those who were ready to dominate the air from the air exploded.

Justin didn't think that this was Ivan's trick, but thought that the scientists of B didn't work, and it was too quick to work. As a result, this kind of output power would cause a self-detonation accident if it was too large.

After Ivan came to the stage with a smile, Justin suddenly realized that he wanted to run the first time, but the second generation prototype not far from him suddenly punched, this punch could justify Justin's life, fine skin and tender meat How could he eat this, and flew out, his face peeled, and people couldn't stand up.

This is the design of Ivan's new weapon, high-power signal output device, which uses steel armor to receive communication signals, spread computer viruses, disintegrate its control system, and control it.

During the days of surveillance, Ivan has been working hard to study this. As for the plasma whip, I'm sorry, Hanmer Industries is not interested in weapons that look sullen and are actually not very practical.

Hot weapons replace cold weapons, in addition to being easier to operate, more powerful, and more manpower-saving, but also because of the great advantage of long-range strikes.

Kane also told Maria Hill that there was a digestion, that is, many people clearly use guns, but they like to move closer to the target. They feel that they can shoot more accurately and threaten more, and they do n’t know which amateur they accept. Training, I have no confidence in my own shooting, I don't understand the advantages of firearms, and I am also equipped with a gun?

In one sentence, it means that it can never be far away. This is the characteristic of modern combat methods. Like the drone launching hellfire missiles, is it good? Cool death. My people are remotely controlled from thousands of miles away, and you can destroy at most one piece of equipment. Conversely, if I shoot, the supersonic flying missile can't even react to it, and it has already suffered the damage of the explosion.

The same is true for guns. Now that it has reached the point where you need to shoot, shoot two shots directly on your legs and buttocks, and then go up to capture the prisoner, to see how he can pretend to fight against the Jedi. Pushing hard one by one, hoping to shoot the other person's head with a gun before shooting, this is a rotating wooden pile gun that kills vampires, right?

The American military, and even Stark, who was founded in the arms industry, understand this reason, so they are all weapons of various ranges, with hand-shock wave weapons at close range and shoulder shooting weapons at a further distance. Farther away, there are laser lasers, which punish the thugs of rifles and pistols, which are generally unbreakable even before they are punched and kicked.

Ivan ’s plasma whip seems low to others, and energy is not the way to use it. It ’s hard for the gods to hide from the smoke. The fighting technique and the supremacy of fighting are the sick monkey drama patients. Jumping around, jumping Nimapi, how many levels higher than the other's basic literacy, can you calmly avoid the rain? The same people will add upgrade points to the shooting related aspects, so-called Phantom Wushuang is also a monkey drama patient. After all, hiding is also the process of adjusting the firing angle. It is also the reaction of the launcher. Once launched, such as laser weapons, how many can be faster than the speed of light?

Ivan failed to develop his advanced version of the plasma whip, but he developed a new steel armor, the first version was based on the original steel armor of Hanmer Industries, and the second version was the original The piece Ivan created for the history line.

Under the strict control of persecution, he must get results, so there is a second edition, the original history is better, because it is persecuted, human nature is low, this statement is not wrong.

However, when Justin opened the industrial exhibition, the second edition was not yet offline. Justin did n’t want to make any other oolong incident, just like the video that was inserted during the hearing, and tasted the humiliation of the public. And he does not lack the product now, so he did not come up with the second edition.

Ivan got the agent of the institute, directly found a second version, and came with some equipment. This weapon was made by him. He played it very well, without a plasma whip, and it was still very good ~ ~ At least the iron bull king of Biobadea? Stan is not a little bit.

Most of the people who took part in the exhibition ran away and were trampled to injury or coma and died, but only a small part. The sound of crying and howling is a good rendering of the atmosphere to some extent.

Little Pepper couldn't run, Ivan stared at her. When her bodyguard wanted to compare her body, she was bombarded by the controlled energy of the second-generation prototype of Ivan. The flesh and bone stubble spattered the half of the face of the small pepper, so that the small pepper screamed out of control That means, even if it is safe to pass this level, it is necessary to see a psychiatrist. The psychological shadow caused by it is too large, and the second half of the life can only be spent in a nursing home.

James Rhodes is naturally guilty of dying. From a psychological point of view, the future war machine is also half destroyed. The spirit is too heavy, it is difficult to become a qualified super-British, James is difficult to get through the heart, especially the little pepper is really a good thing.

Ivan laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with Stark's weapons, and I've used some energy."

Stark, who flew to the rescue site, saw this scene in the air, and his anger was conceivable. At that time, he controlled the steel power to fully open. Stark is such a slapstick person, and the best is there, and he will not hide and tuck, and act as a pig and a tiger ...

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