Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 868: Confrontation

Kara's operation is too arrogant, even the newly appointed president chose to be silent.

In fact, from the Middle Ages in Europe and the United States, there was a gameplay between the rich and powerful, and they were only divided into victory and defeat, not life or death. This refers to the fact that as long as the other party admits defeat and is captured, he does not intentionally kill him. Those who died in the Ranma Army are not counted.

Death is the responsibility of the mud legs, and no matter whether the winner or loser wins or loses, he must be decent. For example, the treatment of officers is different from that of soldiers, and for example, it is possible to redeem people, and so on.

This rule has continued into modern times, with slight changes, but the foundation is still that.

Ruthlessly destroying the whole door like Kara did a big bogey, and it made the dignitaries and capitalists feel terrified. They thought of the revolutionaries and thought of the emperor and the tsar on the guillotine.

Almost by coincidence, pressure from various parties, state-level violent agencies intervened, some people held high official signs to come to the door, and hoped that Carla would assist in the investigation.

Of course, far beyond Kara, almost all suspected members of the underworld sect were asked to assist in the investigation. This is actually dynamic. Interrogation is a very esoteric knowledge. According to official knowledge, such people involved in the case always have intolerable temperament, or IQ or EQ are problems, and they are exposed to flaws. At that time, they can be used as a basis to retain these people for further interrogation.

However, the authorities did not expect that Kara had a natural advantage in dealing with such interrogations.

Because even if the sky is south and north, you can communicate in real time when you log in to Pure Love Paradise. The official is never a person, but a group of people. This group of people can be said to be proficient in all industries, familiar with the law, sophistry, and some are.

And they have a waste disposal system. They are absolutely sitting. If they are bored, they can chat with their sisters in Pure Love Paradise. It would be no problem to think about it.

Ordinary fatigue methods, stimulation methods, intimidation methods, etc. are meaningless to them.

Sure enough, the interrogator soon felt the pressure.

All of them are proficient in the law, requiring lawyers to be present, and requiring transparent law enforcement.

Originally, there was an official entrustment from lawyers, but it was quickly discovered that these people do not rely on lawyers for their lawyers. They are not at all like ordinary examinees and speak carefully, but do not need lawyer advice from beginning to end. , And often ask questions, try to lead negotiations, or point out the interrogator's improperness, a large section of the law says back to back, the interrogator is quite passive, even embarrassed, and also very unprofessional.

It ’s enough for one or two of them. If it ’s the case for all of them, you have to make people wonder what ’s going on.

The interrogator's medical examination was actually a body search.

As a result, there was nothing at all. Instead, his beautiful body showed a look, including some women, who were all blushed.

But these people can't wait to start a live show, so that the whole world will be delighted.

Without waiting for enough time, the interrogators collapsed first, and substitutions were not easy.

In the end, no valuable information was obtained, and I had to respectfully apologize.

Some people are angry, and their attitude is worse. And when questioned, he responded directly: "Go ahead and sue me, I'll wait."

As a result, the videos related to these interrogations were released in large numbers and diffused.

The official is naturally thunderous. How were the audio and video materials that were supposed to be circulating internally stolen? Who is the black hand behind the scenes?

The black hand behind the scenes is actually Kara. The evil spirit worms penetrate into the network system like a hairline. It seems to be one of many optical fiber lines. Such an intrusion technology, where is the thinking mode still stays at the level of hacking. of? This is a proper physical intrusion by others, and it is impossible to take the line to steal electricity.

The cooperation of Kara and others, the official arrogance and awkwardness, are clearly reflected in these audio-visual materials.

Kara took the opportunity to jump out and hold a press conference, saying that no matter who uploaded the information, she would say thank you. She and her friends organized a sisterhood, not a triad. This sisterhood is a spa, salon, afternoon tea, and other activities, which are noble, harmless, and even beneficial.

After the reception, a wave of so-called internal materials was sent out. In plain words, it was a group of women who scratched their heads and sculpted the concave shape, highlighting the beauty of their full angle and no dead angle. Such a beauty.

With the outflow of these videos, there are countless wolf howlings in the world, and in the past few days, the world's sperm have not known how much they die.

In this era of fairness and justice, the black gods who can be called the concentration camps of beautiful women have attracted countless fans overnight. Fans are in solidarity with the whole world. The simple sentence is: how much you are incompetent. Harmless, Jiao Didi's beauty day group head? Shouldn't it be a shady thing to borrow from a public office?

Carla showed a great deal, expressing his understanding of the behavior of public officials. But again, now that the suspicion has been lifted, should we team up to play abroad legally?

So, travel around the world. Subtext: Old lady, old lady holding black leaf hemp, still lacking sycamore tree?

Many Americans were dumbfounded.

This is the rhythm of going away!

Rainbow Candy stopped selling on the pretext of this. It is said that since the official has come to the door to cooperate, it shows that he has a certain basis, and it is likely that there are indeed some problems. Then it seems reasonable to suspend business for rectification.

This is a typical rake. I explained clearly, but you did not. Can't give a good statement, depending on how you step down.

Where is there an argument to take it? If there is, it is not to go to assist in the investigation, but directly arrested.

All hope to rely on grabbing a lot of interrogation at once, the east is not bright and the west is bright to find a breakthrough, but I did not expect this to be able to kick the iron plate.

How to do? Which body of the assassin at the murder scene was compared with the black goddess of rotten women as evidence?

It's true that some people have done this, but it's not an official, but some good people. For this reason, they also called from the air, hoping that the Tiantuan will make a personal photo.

The gangsters of the black gods have long felt that Jinyi is uncomfortable at night, and can't wait to strip off the show to death, and will be able to see the true meaning of what they can't eat.

Therefore, when the big show special show, when playing in a beautiful place, all kinds of shows, personal, group ... It is natural, and soon after, there are more licking parties in the world.

Then it was compared, and no one was the same as the Assassin. Transformed women will pinch their faces to shape and adjust their lower body shape. How simple is it?

The investigation team rushed into the dead end completely. They knew that there must be a problem, and they couldn't pick out any problems. This is the problem. But this argument can't be used as a basis for judgment, it is really madness!

How to do?

Someone came up with an idea, turned back, and talked about the collective death of the drug lord. The person who preserved the company participated, and the evidence was solid and could not be denied.

As a result, the official launched a round of large-scale arrest operations, which was expected to encounter fierce resistance, but did not expect to cooperate very well.

And during the interrogation, these people also confessed to the crimes they committed. As for biting their associates, they basically bite each other, and asked who else said they were gone, and the few of us did it.

The interrogators naturally came up with a bunch of evidence, and these people were indeed biting themselves. They even behaved in disbelief and looked at my muscles. Or would they compare the shots?

Officials can't even manage the scapegoat that uses money to commit crimes, not to mention such diehards and diehards? And everyone is really able to fight, the quality, bit soldiers are sharp, hands on the spot, the interrogator was overturned uniform, and then said that it was just a demonstration, no malicious.

Some interrogators took the opportunity to accuse them of misconduct. These people also pleaded guilty.

The funny videos are these interrogation videos, which were scattered all over again.

This time the official began to make preparations, just intending to fish, but did not expect to steal the rice without killing the chicken, still failed to figure out how the information was lost.

But the biggest problem is not this, but the collective death of the trial.

The interrogated persons also have basic human rights. The food is not good, and they should not be underserved.

The results were all dead. The surveillance video faithfully recorded the whole process. The nose and nose were bloody, and then the Qiqiao bleeds. The death was extremely miserable.

The food is non-toxic and no problems can be detected by the medical examination.

Great uproar!

People ca n’t agree with this explanation, especially after the video is disseminated, anyone can see it. These usually crazy iron guys are all strong like cows, even in the case of being restrained, deal with two or three The well-trained official staff are all like playing, three times, five, and two, but after eating a meal, they all die tragically. Even if it is not a problem with the food, is it that they have problems themselves? Is there a problem of dying in a moment?

Many people who eat melons expressed their anger, why have n’t you seen such an unwilling operation, how big is your face? When the masses are idiots? You have secretly received the benefits of drug lords, only to play so out.

Is this country okay? Is this official? People do n’t resist, they plead guilty, they ca n’t kill them on the spot, they use poisonous drugs to kill them all, and then tell people that they do n’t know how to die?

Carla, who is playing casually overseas, said in an interview with reporters: "I am shocked. I intend to seriously consider the applicability of the contents of the" Declaration of Independence "in the coming days."

In fact, this is the ghost of Kara and Frank. Even if there was such a day, the problem of the retention of consciousness was solved in advance, and then it was death.

Even those who have been ripped apart and opened their heads can still be born again. After all, the general confirmation of death is not the same as the death of all body cells, and it is not very important to reactivate after being parasitized by demons.

The family of the deceased took the body back, and when they went through the funeral process, they were basically resurrected. It was not the person who was buried.

Officials are not without wise people, quietly digging graves to verify.

However, this trick was also thought of.

Or to put it this way, the most terrifying thing of the evil **** cells is actually the erosion and control of people, not the strengthening of the body's comprehensive index, the cloak and so on.

The evil spirit cell system can be regarded as a super-advanced technology in the direction of biotechnology. For the current earth civilization, it is a crushing level.

Against this background, Carla and Frank, a strategic and tactical expert, came up with a plan, completely in the style of an army, and went on a path of subversion.

The army attacks, pays attention to investigation, pays attention to infiltration, and anti-reconnaissance and anti-infiltration.

After a period of operation, Frank has followed a lot of eyeliners.

The most amazing thing is that they do n’t know that they are actually eyeliners, they have a biological system in their bodies, they are investigating and sending information.

These eyeliners can withstand all kinds of interrogations. Their loyalty is unquestionable, but the efficiency with which they leak information is also unquestionable.

This is almost the same as the cheating map of one party is bright, and it is difficult to lose.

Take the remains, for example, the ability to collect stem cells with the power of the evil spirit cell worm, and multiply into a specious body, which is completely done, and the cost is not too high.

So, succeeded in crossing the sky. After more than a year of training and brainwashing, the employees of the security company are already qualified soldiers. Frank took them to start a new life. They completely merged with the demons and became war worms, but they are the lowest level. They also have groups. Thinking, as well as cloak, they call themselves priests of the Black God.

In the depths of the Amazon jungle, in the remains of a primitive tribe, they opened up their bases. There is also a manufacturing center for rainbow candy, a secret stronghold that took more than half a year to establish. It is neither open to traffic nor ships, but enters and exits through Warcraft.

Regarding Warcraft, this is a special ride out of Frank's ideas. Simply put, it is to use evil spirit cells to transform beasts to obtain Warcraft.

At present, the successful transformation is the pig-nosed bat, and the honey badger.

Due to the special nature of the evil spirit cell worm, there is no need to consider the wild and untamable problem of transforming the target. On the contrary, the better off-road.

The honey badger belongs to the second stunner in the animal world. The legendary flat-headed brother has a super brave heart, even if he is facing a lion, he dares to bite his teeth.

Frank solved the problem of the honey badger and made it about the size of a baby calf, which immediately led to the birth of a BUG creature. They became good partners of the priests. One person and two badgers are very sharp.

Kara's organization also changed from light to dark, avoiding other places. Officials have no way to do this, they are in an unprecedented passive situation.

The public ’s distrust of the official has reached an unprecedented height. The polls of good people, the public ’s support for the current ruling party is already scary, and they even question the fairness of important national institutions and require certain people to take classes collectively. The cries are very loud.

The foreign powers that were deliberately surmised started various kinds of fanaticism, and the red alarm incident broke out.

"This country has fallen in the dark. Justice will not be given, and crimes will be shamelessly and venomously vengeful. If you want to help people sincerely, you will accept the interrogation and interrogation ... The red alarm has sounded The result of insensitivity is that not long after, you and we became victims, in fact, we are already victims ... "

People shouted slogans, dressed in blood-colored, reflective red vests, and demonstrated.

Of course, even if people in this country have a sense of law and a free spirit, they will not engage in such a grand movement just because of justice. Especially in the eyes of some people, Kara ca n’t take off the street women anyway. The identity with the rotten boy. What really moved people was from 2008 onwards, to today's growing sub-credit crisis, and the series of social problems caused by unemployment.

Washington, DC, New York, Los Angeles and other big cities all have red vests. They soon changed from calling grievances for collective violent killers to requiring the government and banks to issue deferred policies to solve very real problems such as unemployment.

If this is the case, it does n’t matter. The problem is that some people take advantage of the situation. The real purpose of these thugs is to provoke trouble, such as smashing and burning items to cause concern, and they carry out robbery.

There was that young young man with impetuous and impetuous eyes, and they were false. They were really emotional. The first wave of people snatched away. They also wanted to take advantage, but they were caught by the police who heard the news.

Over and over again several times, some people have come to the fore with a large number of people, clashing with the stopped military police, and getting worse.

At this time, some holy warrior lurkers took the opportunity to use home-made bombs, self-modified firearms, and burning bottles to attack military police, vehicles, and further escalate the conflict.

These guys were too selective, and naturally they were quickly identified and won, but the window breaking effect also occurred. When bloodshed conflicts become commonplace, it will soon become the real normal. It is also difficult for both parties to simply close their hands, because some people are stubborn.

The European friends in the United States and the Oriental people looking across the large Pacific bath all calmly stated that our situation is okay, and we are still playing at the lighthouse Congress.

When such a large-scale march riot occurred in the United States, the Cain people were already in the fairy palace, or did they know it through assimilation with Maria Hill.

The riot did not reach such a remote place as Mojave, and there was the permanent spare tire park patrol mark over there, and Anne would not have any problem.

And Olivia in New York has been affected, but Nick Fury is still a man. He has arranged two female agents to work in shifts around the clock. The main problem is safe travel. It doesn't hurt.

Maria and Kane were not assimilated, not just to talk about the riots, but told him that the Hydra Super Bomber during World War II was found in Antarctica, but the US team was missing.

Kane thought that such a thing was not unusual, because he used the real space gem.

As he said when he used the time gem, once he used it, no matter whether it is the past or the future, there will be no more gems.

Relevant events that have already occurred, because they are facts, will not change, and those that have not yet happened are hard to say.

The US team belongs to the latter. If they go to the Antarctic to dig first, the US team is mostly there.

After the space gems were used, they were dug. The U.S. team probably had a new story because the Hydra did n’t get any space gems during World War II. This story must be self-consistent to match the existing ones, such as American history. The publicity of museums and memorials to the US team and the roaring commando, etc., the building blocks are still there, the way of taking them is different, and the results have also changed.

Kane knew that the U.S. team is a core member of the Avengers, a soul.

If Tony Stark symbolizes the modern people's desire for freedom and self-worth, Steve Rogers represents the human's willingness to defend the population, the country, the homeland, the ideology, and the dedication.

Without Stark, the Avengers are nothing more than a gang of violent tools fooled by the quasi-official SHIELD.

Without the U.S. team, the Avengers would be a group of soldiers, soldiers, and superpowers based on egoism.

Of course, in the later period, the two changed roles. Stark ’s consciousness is getting higher and higher, and he is in favor of the Super-British Registration Act. The US team ’s willingness to freedom is getting higher and higher. I feel that the modern country has long lost the country he fought for. Freedom and democracy.

In fact, there was not darkness in those days. It was just that the war cleaned the hearts of the people, and the war also covered up a lot. Especially the American participation in the war has entered the second half of the war. The brutality of the war is deeply recognized by the vast majority of people, and the war is tired Emotions have risen again and again, and most people start to feel that life is precious, nothing can't sit down and talk, end this **** war, peace comes, everything will be fine.

But the US team was too young and had no intention of fighting. They didn't have a deep understanding of the dirty things. When they came to modern daily life, they saw too many unscrupulous injustices. When they were stimulated by strong contrasts, they felt that they are not as good as they are today.

Kane felt that Gu Bu was not true now.

It is said that people's hearts are not ancient, that is to compare the evil of the present with the goodness of the ancient, the shocking evil caused by the brutal feudalism in the ancient times, which seems to be enough to describe the unimaginable.

The hearts of the people are ancient and modern, and each has its own manifestations. However, today's civilization is progressing and productivity is greatly improved, which is reflected in the fact that life is extremely rich in material and can feed more people. This is an indisputable fact.

"Nothing without the US team!" Kane wondered. The significance of the US team is mainly to lay the humanistic core of the group of Avengers and the positive guidance of the members' hearts.

Second is the talent of the first-line commander, and personal charm is very important here. After all, the Avengers are mostly reckless, but they basically admire the character and sentiment of the US team and are willing to give him face.

The last is the combat power, and it can be compared in the mortal group, and the efficiency is average. This kind of combat power Kane said that there is really nothing to comment on. The lowest level of war bugs in his war bug system can make the US team Fall into a life and death crisis.

Since the US team is just such a existence, it would not matter if it did not affect his infinite gem acquisition plan, nor would it cause any major changes or unbearable damage due to his absence.

His existence has reduced the Avengers to the soy sauce party without the infinite gem. Even if the tyrants are all kinds of monsters, their destructive power is limited. Even if he doesn't exist anymore, Destroyer runs to the earth to play random family planning, and there is a joint confrontation between the mystic wizard led by Gu Yi and the strengthened avengers. I believe it is not a problem.

Even if the problem is big, Maria Hill ’s Starship Hill is not a vegetarian. The evil spirit colony that usually serves as a servant and crew not only has strong individual combat power, but also can pretend to be a bite-eating beast If they were to be swallowed, it would be tethered to a cage, and most of them would die.

So in C Kane's seriousness, this universe, currently known as a powerful existence, except for Dormam who has not met yet (intended to collect gems before proceeding), there are only a few on the side of the fairy palace.

The power of the Immortal Palace is unquestionable, even in this Marvel 199999, which was weakened as a whole.

The Xiangong civilization is the second oldest civilization with the observer civilization (this universe has an observer, Yin Hu 2 appeared in the form of an egg halfway through, and Stan Lee wore a space suit to tell his three observers about his knowledge of the earth) Although the Xiangong people are also organic organisms, they have broken through the genetic constraints to a considerable extent and have a long life span.

Ordinary Asgards have a lifespan of about 5,000 years old, Sol has lived more than 1,500 years, and Odin has lived more than 500,000 years old. This is in the three chapters of Thor, Sol and the flame giant Suterte Speaking in person during the conversation.

To explain the Xiangong family with a relatively easy-to-understand statement, they are all immortals, Jindan is a life span, and Yuanying is a life span.

Thor in Chapter 3 Thor awakened the thunder and lightning power in his body under a series of stimuli. Even if he entered a new level, he was still not an opponent of Hella.

Obviously, Hella was at least in the later stage of this level, or what a half-step peak was completed.

And Odin had pressured Hella, sealed its dark legion, defeated Surter who held the eternal fire, and also suppressed the hegemony, and defeated the super-powered Tenjin group. The strength of the battle can be imagined.

In fact, many details are enough to see the sharpness of the fairy palace.

For example, the collections of the Xiangong Arsenal, Ice Treasure Box, Twilight Sword, Eternal Flame and so on.

Another example is infinite gems. The space gem was thrown by Odin to the earth, and the reality gem was obtained by Odin's father, Boer, who defeated the dark elf and sealed in the gaps of the Nine Realms. This proves that they are the former owners of hard and infinite gems, which they seized.

The veteran of the Cosmos Presbyterian Church, the owner and collector of the Netherland, Talia Diwan, is respectful of the Warriors of the Immortal Palace.

There are three major empires in the Marvel Universe, Ash, Kerry, and Scroo. In Marvel 199999, Scroo was beaten to be almost every kind of poor worm, not to mention, Axi has not yet appeared, at least in the infinite gem stage, did not show up.

The Cree are very active, whether it is the villain accused Luo Nan, or the decent Cree (sent to obstruct the earth man ’s space program, and as a result, like the male master in Avatar, was moved and assimilated by the indigenous people) Marvel, Or the line of supreme wisdom related to the startled team, each has its own performance, showing the strength of the Cree.

But even the three powerful cosmic civilizations are only on the path of science, at best they are relatively high.

The end of science is theology, and the end of theology is philosophy ~ ~ The fairy palace is half a foot in the field of theology.

Born to be extraordinary, the awakening of divine power is repeatedly performed on Thor Thor, the heart of the king in chapter 1, and the awakening of the divine power in chapter three, which is to cultivate the heart and refine the body.

And Odin is one of the best, so he is also an immortal, but he has a longer life span and is extremely powerful.

At that time, Odin played the Nine Realms Conquest, the prestige of the Immortal Palace, and these Nine Realms are the nine life planets of different galaxies, spanning half the universe, Odin insisted that they were covered by a tree, and no one took him. The way, you say the tree is the tree chanting, who made you fist big.

In the following years, Odin began to pay attention to the development of ethnic groups. Unfortunately, Odin ’s children did not understand the pains of easy and difficult governance, and they did not understand the saying that they always have to pay back. It was cold after death.

"To see from the perspective of the change of kingship, Odin is actually a winner in his life. The first half of his life is ridiculous and prestigious, the second half of his life is king, the Xing tribe Anbang, and finally the thought is transparent and gently put down. It is a decent life. If you have to say that there is any regret, it is probably that the education of the children is not very successful. "

Kane was contemplating while admiring the natural beauty of Asgard. In his view, Odin's three children only inherited part of his character, Hella inherited his cruelty and talent, Thor inherited his generosity and tenacity, and Rocky inherited his stubbornness and cunning. It can be considered as a successor ...

Thinking about it, I heard the great bells of the city of Ada Wall Plains, and there was a huge golden light shining on his location, dyeing all the roads along the way to gold, as if it were a carpet of gold.

Kane thought a little, and knew what was going on. It was somewhat embarrassing, Odin found him, Jin Guang paved the way to welcome him, but the way he came back was a little maddening ...

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