Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 870: Strength, soul

Kane felt that it was good to be able to use a series of operations to fool Odin's family.

Even if he spends the same amount of power to make the entire Asgardian kneel to call his dad, he will choose this instead of suppressing it.

Apart from being boring because of tears with the Asgardians at dusk, the main thing is that he has no way to torture Odin ’s soul.

In his eyes, the most valuable of Asgard is the memory of Odin.

During the banquet, he gave Odin's family a small movie, so that they can watch the future of the original historical line. Naturally, it is to repay, depending on whether Odin is interesting, if the answer is no, he also has a way to even copy Take it back.

After all, with the conversation between the two sides, Odin focused on touching his bottom, his intentions, and his future encounters, and he focused on Odin's understanding of the world tree system.

In the end, he got the result that Odin didn't know the world tree mechanism very well. He just vaguely knew how to use it, but it was only the most basic. Obviously, there is a problem with the inheritance of related technologies.

Kane sneered at the secrets of the cosmic powerhouses who ‘know what they know, why they do n’t know it’, and relying on the good cast ratio of the tire cast, gradually let go of their first contact with caution.

If the world tree system can't be played in the wind and water, then Odin is not enough. Even at its peak, Kane has the confidence to fight one.

What he awed at the beginning was that Odin played jade and burned through the world tree system and destroyed the Nine Realms. This gameplay was basically calculated based on the total magic power, total life, and wisdom of the destroyed world.

Like the earth, although it is a micro-magic environment (probably was taken by Asgard through the world tree system), but too much intelligent life, sacrificed the earth, the power is more terrible than the solar bombardment of the natural system Kane estimated that he had to kneel, let alone eight other worlds.

Although the memory information told him that when Odin turned away from the starlight, he did not tell the next generation of such shocking secrets. Kane still dare not gamble. After all, Odin's state at the time was very detached, and he didn't necessarily know it, but it may be that he would rather bring this forbidden technique that can destroy the Nine Realms into the grave, and he would not be willing to be buried with other people in the Eight Realms.

From a certain point of view, Odin's second half of his life is actually a journey of atonement. After all, he bowed his head for the lives of the other eight realms, and created too many tragedies to destroy people.

The result seemed to be that he thought too much, and it took much trouble for this, and posted a lot of strength.

But he can recognize it. He has always been vigilant and often applied the concept of conspiracy theory to his opponents, thinking them insidiously and powerfully, in order to make the worst plan.

The advantage of this is that it is difficult to be overshadowed. The disadvantage is that there is no small probability that it will appear in such oolong drama.

There are always wrong moves. He thinks such a result is better than underestimating the opponent and being taken away by the opponent.

Odin was indeed a master, and he quickly gave back. Not only did he promise to borrow Heimdall, but he followed his questions and told many little-known secrets. To a certain extent, this Believed to sell the strong man of this universe.

He also gained some information from this. It ’s because Marvel 199999 is a bit different from Marvel ’s main universe (No. 616). Not only is it weakened overall, but many powerful people simply disappeared. Suddenly jumped out at a certain time, scaring everyone.

Knowing these secrets, let Kane's dangling heart go down, and the heart he put down hangs up again.

It is because of the Marvel Universe, there are too many Niu people.

The five gods of creation can basically confirm that they no longer exist.

Of course, it may not be active enough. Anyway, Odin had never interacted with it and had never heard of it.

He thinks this is good news. After all, the Marvel Multiverse is the farmland of the five gods of creation, and the black old crow like him who steals from outside will be targeted once it is discovered.

Without the creation of the five gods, he felt that it was the observer family that might end up with him.

This group of old guys can tolerate the collection of infinite gems and kill half of the universe, but they may not tolerate him because he is an outsider, and his interference prevents observers from collecting data on the normal evolution of the universe.

However, Odin told him that he had indeed been through the Tenjin group, and it made him feel pain.

When I came to this universe, there were some unsolved mysteries that he cared about, in addition to how the longevity of the collector was achieved, whether there was a goddess of death behind the bully, and there were some, including the existence of the gods group. .

The basis for raising this question is ignorance, which is built on the head of a god.

The history of the development of ignorance, the chapter 1 of Yinhuo is also briefly introduced. The flesh and brain of this god, etc., are very valuable raw materials in Blackstone. Diwan Group (collector is oss) organized criminals to run mining The type of operation, and then, like some hollowed out meteorites developed into interplanetary transit points, repair stations, ignorance has become a place of prosperity.

Tenjin's head proves the existence of Tenjin group, at least once existed. What about now? Dead? How did you die? Retired? where is it?

This time Odin gave him a certain answer.

Speaking of the royal family as the representative of the Asgard, it can be said that it is a professional household for slaughter giants.

The Frost Giant, the Fire Giant, the Titan Giant, and the Tenjin Giant are all fine.

Why do you bitterly hate the giants? It was not the Asgards who wanted it, but the cosmic floods that ran everywhere, it was this kind of giant who was born.

If the Asgards want to build a mountain and set up a banner, they have to use these giants as stepping stones. It is such a difficulty to open up wasteland. The use of bullying ants is not recognized.

This is actually the reason why collector Talia Diwan pays more respect to Xian Gong people. Di Wanhuo lived for a long time, and he witnessed how the people of Asgar slaughtered giants and achieved the reputation of the Immortal Palace. You are gods, I am immortals, and they have made great achievements. The palace has declined, and no one dares to go to the waves.

"So, the gods can't show it, it's the environment."

"Yes, so understandable."

Kane understood it completely.

At the beginning of the universe, the material energy is relatively concentrated, just like the high oxygen content of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Earth, allowing giant creatures to exist, and dragonflies can be as long as meters.

Later, it continued to spread, and the material energy became thinner, and those who were born in the early days, but those who were powerful but also expensive, gradually became unable to play.

Some evolved, similar to collectors and observers, and some did not, similar to the Tenjin group, so they were eliminated.

So more than half a million years ago, Odin's Tenjin group was a real thing, but like the tyrants and later Asgard, one was at its peak and the other was weak. The result seemed to be how powerful the winner.

As for the whereabouts of the Tenjin group, Odin did not know, he recommended Kane to find a collector.

Kane also thinks that this recommendation is very reliable. The collector can win the top spot, and the person who took him takes the lead to occupy the head of Tenjin and carry out excavation and development. If there is no story here, he does not believe it.

Kane spent a few days in Asgard, during which he was nothing more than a tour to eat and drink. If he had to say anything serious, he could get more information about the planet and the coordinates of this universe from Odin and Heimdall.

When Carla started a global trip with her sisters on the earth, spreading the anger of black leaf hemp and beauty group to all countries, Kane had already reached the Sundar star.

Shandar Star is the capital of the Nova Empire, which is a civilization that has emerged since then, and is known for its diverse style and strong policy tolerance.

If the Nova Empire is an American in the early 20th century, then the old Cree Empire is a bit like the contemporary Germans. It is more rigid, conservative, and stubborn, and its radicals are more troublesome than the Nova Empire. Very unpleasant.

For example, Luo Nan, the accuser, is very representative. A part of the people represented by him not only treats the Scruffs like the Jews, but also treats the creed Cree like the Weimar Republic. Gu.

As Luo Nan commented, "My government is not ashamed."

This is in response to the signing of a peace treaty between the Kerry Empire and the Nova Empire. The rise of the Nova Empire inevitably caused friction with the old Kerry Empire because of interests. Luo Nan ’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all died on both sides. Protracted war.

At the same time, Luo Nan also commented that the compatible culture pursued by the Shandals and the Nova Empire is a disease.

Kane felt that she could understand Luo Nan to a certain extent after arriving at Sundar Star and observing it for a while. Some situations did make him feel uncomfortable.

Mainly reflected in two aspects, one is interracial love, especially the kind that has to show affection in public. If you can tolerate a beautiful woman and a dog-like creature that stands alone, then talk to a magpie with many tentacles. What?

But that was indeed a sapient creature, and it did remind Kane of the situation of the multi-ethnic integration in the United States in the past, but it was obviously much more exaggerated.

The other is spoofing of traditional culture, and even profanity. Some cultural activities that were very affectionate and ceremonial for certain races, such as the Spring Festival, such as weddings, were turned into a match, which was considered a shame by Kane, but in Shandal, many parties I do n’t think, but I think it ’s fun to subvert the tradition and break the rules.

So for people who have a long history and are proud of it, this kind of uninhibited gameplay is really superficial, and even suspected of insulting people, but others said, we play our own, we can recognize , It's your bird business?

The problem is there. In some countries or regions, the social atmosphere and laws are stricter, and you may reply that you are already insulting others or hurting the national feelings of others. This is your own business, but there are Unsightly and normal social order, so Quan Guang is not allowed to take to the streets.

And some countries or regions, such as Sandal, are very tolerant of this, and it is not a crime to play like this. You said that it is similar to the serious ritual in your hometown, there is suspicion of insult and blasphemy, then you can sue, if you prove that the other party is unintentional, just happened to happen, or just joke, then up to apologize to you.

Some people may recognize this kind of treatment, and Kane can't bear it. In the case of Kane, if this kind of thing is more serious, he will enlarge the photo of his mother into a mask with someone, and then Put on Ji and do the same on a large scale. If he doesn't let the other party die in the most painful way, he will feel ashamed of the power he has.

Fortunately, there is no human on Earth. Therefore, in terms of customs, Kane's taboo will not be touched. This is the luck of the Sundar star, and even the new star empire, otherwise Kane will not be able to completely destroy Luo Nan before the world or empire is ‘healed’ by Luo Nan.

But correspondingly, despite the advanced technology of the Nova Empire, the perfect integration of civilization creations and nature, wherever it is a tourist sacred place, there is no scenic dead end, but Kane does not like it at all, and feels that civilization itself exudes an unbearable stench. , Is a big pit.

As a result, the methods used to achieve the goal are also tougher. First, find a guy who looks like a local passer, take the house with the evil spirit cell insect directly, get his memory, and borrow his identity.

Then I asked someone with a higher social status to win again.

Then through this person, contact with the existence of access to top-level information, or take away.

After replacing these three people, he will have the eyes, eyes, and eyes of the bottom, middle, and high levels of the empire. They will continue to live according to their own trajectories, but they will focus more on career development than in the past, and strive to become a leader in their respective fields. In order to serve Kane again when he needs it.

And this time, Kane got the information he wanted.

The location of two planets is determined, one is the abandoned planet Morag, the location of the power gem, and the other is the remote planet Vomir, the location of the soul gem.

After that, he left Shandal Star without any hesitation.

If there are no accidents, he will not patronize this place in his lifetime.

The original history line has been destroyed, and Kane doesn't think it is a safe thing to wait. If you can do it yourself, you might as well take a trip.

Morragh was abandoned artificially, but human-like intelligent creatures at that time did not walk decently. The surface was torn apart in many places, and the magnetic poles and atmosphere were destroyed so badly that the climate was too bad.

There is basically no vegetation, and the high radiation and high pollution rocks that should have been exposed on the ground are exposed; the water flow is like a geyser. The disordered ground force sprays hundreds of meters at high altitude from time to time; the dark clouds in the sky run like crazy horses. The gusty winds and showers always exist, it seems to want to wash everything, but the result is only to make everything worse.

Kane doesn't have much conception here.

There are not many planets suitable for life in the universe, but they are not as few as the people on earth think.

Of course, for a late-coming civilization, when it comes to the interstellar age, it is often seen that it is actually a place of ownership. After all, it is necessary to set a flagpole and do a game before it can be divided into cakes and rise peacefully? Anyone who believes this statement is sick.

Where is the spirit ball of the universe? Kane does not have accurate coordinates. Some of them are just some graphic materials. Although there are not many features for reference, they are enough.

Soon, he stared at a local flying creature, with the general form of a warship bird, but much uglier, they can fly, and can ride the wind and waves, catching those creatures that were accidentally sprayed into the sky by geysers.

Kane parasitic this strange bird with the evil spirit cell worm, let them leap into the existence of the top of the food chain, and then assigned work, so that they have gained stronger flying ability and endurance, and their wisdom has reached the level of trained hounds. Global search matches the conceptual goals.

After 8 days of slipping away unconsciously, Kane finally found a correct position after excluding a few specious targets and got the universe spirit ball.

By the way, he also analyzed the double-layer energy hood technology for storing spirit balls. The harvest is not bad. Some tips are worth learning. If it is not the special nature of the universe spirit ball, the rough acquisition like the original historical star will only destroy the items by the protective cover.

No special equipment is needed, and Kane can open the multi-level cosmic spirit ball with the mind.

The blue-violet power gem is very beautiful, Kane holds it in his hand, and it also spiritually opens the qualification certification.

No power leaked, Kane devoured it thoroughly, including the extraordinary laws it represents.

After thinking for three seconds, Kane finally generated another pseudo-gemstone. The power of this gem is enough to snap a finger. If it is used alone, it can play for a long time with the energy throughput efficiency of those known super heroes. .

Put the pseudo-gemstone back into the universe spirit ball, put the universe spirit ball back into the restraint device, and Kane left. There are also thousands of strange birds parasitic on this planet that are parasitic to his evil **** cells. They are powerful and long-lived. They will not multiply. They will continue to explore and tell him some interesting things, including someone coming to get gems.

The next stop is directly Vomir.

This planet is indeed very remote. If he had the gems of time and space, he would have to spend a long time to **** the Scrooes to find a new home.

The original historical extermination came only when there were space gems. An important reason for Kamora who never knew where to go was that it was too far away.

The storage place of the soul gem is quite recognizable. The organic combination of the sand sea and the desert sea forms a flat, terraced low hilly plain, which is endless. And the mountain with the grand ceremonial gate is as striking as Kilimanjaro in the Great Plains of Africa.

The sky is dark and thick, and it is like a continuous mountain, as if it will never be changed. The sidelines of the horizon are lit by ominous **** rays of light. On the spiral mountain path, the cold wind is blowing, the broken snow is flying like grass, and against the cast iron-like rocky mountains, it depicts the bleak scenery and walks. In the meantime, unconsciously there was a heavy and solemn sense of ceremony.

The first moment Kane was at the foot of the mountain, and the next moment appeared before the gate of the ceremony. Unlike the original historical tyrant, there was a passageway. He did n’t have any waste at all, as if he was between existence and nonexistence. Between, it can exist anywhere, or it can not exist.

The red skull in the rags and shirts of the **** of death Fan Er fluttered in a panic, looking at Kane, but he was speechless.

He was cursed by the soul gem and could name everyone who came here.

This is because the soul gem has a certain connection with the soul of the billion trillion souls of this universe.

However, Kane does not belong to this universe, and the soul gem cannot know his name.

"You don't need to introduce yourself and you don't need to tell your past. I know who you are, red skull, and know your past and how to get to this place. I can even tell you something you don't know. Know here Why is it like a heavenly gate, because the soul gem is the entrance to a small universe as idyllic and beautiful. It is the real door, and what you see now is just the door frame. "

"This, this ..." The Red Skull didn't know what to say, and intuitively told him that Kane should say the truth.

At this time, Kane again said, "Soul Gem has a certain self-consciousness, but its rules, its so-called tests, to a certain extent, are just the pity of the pride. It means that you press me After I said it, I was satisfied and I was able to use my power. At this time, a kind of look down, a kind of gift, not real gain, let alone surrender. "

"Then I don't need any of this. What I want is to erase. From then on, there will be no soul gem in this universe."

During the talk, Kane's fierce fists clenched, and the purple light swarmed from between his fists. In the past, present, and future, this magnificent giant door at all moments, uh ... the door frame, all in the purple light It collapsed, turned into powder, and dissipated in the gusty wind in the form of fly ash and Mars.

In the sky, a huge ray of light pours down through the dark cloud vortex opened by a cave. A long golden light channel appears at the end of the cliff, and is organically connected to the cliff. At the end is a bright and magnificent starry sky.

The door to the small universe opened, for the first and last time.

At the core of the grand, glorious, and letting back, or the red skull that was affected by the unconscious trembling heart from the heart, and even could not help but want to kneel the energy surge, Kane stretched out his hand.

In the void, the invisible power, like a giant hand pulling a ribbon, directly broke the light bridge channel and re-kneaded the magnificent starry sky together.

The light was scattered, all the grandeur was like a dream bubble, disappeared without a trace, but in the air, the orange-gold soul gem slowly drifted into Kain's hand.

‘Om! The golden light overflowed from the clenched hands and flowed along the arms, and disappeared completely without a trace.

The Red Skull felt loose and inexplicable, and he knew that the Soul Curse was lifted!

Soul gems can steal, manipulate, and modify souls, even the dead cannot escape.

Kane turned back and smiled at the Red Skull. "Your work has not been completed. Only when someone takes this gem will it be considered truly over."

With that, there was another soul gem in Kane's hand, which floated to the front of the broken altar without a door frame, and hung in the air in front of the cliff, as if it were real, but it was just a ghost.

"The rules are still that. The power of the curse on you has not diminished, and you and me, you will no longer remember."

Kane, who has mastered the soul gem, can be said to be a real golden mouth and jade words, and the truth is to be involved. It really involves the soul, basically what he said is what he said.

Of course, the more contradicting the content is, the greater the consumption. The more powerful and firm the target is, the greater the consumption.

The Red Skull does not need to consume much. He has already been dormant and is already a slave. Now he is not a reseller. He is still serving the power of the soul gem. However, the soul gem that originally had his own consciousness is now completely conscious by another consciousness. Captured.

Of the six gems, four have been won, and Kane couldn't help but wanted to hit the idea of ​​a realistic gem.

Immortal palace now no one knows where the ether particles were sealed.

But if you really want to find it, it is not too difficult.

There are two options.

One, the ether particles as the artifact of the dark elf, was originally transported away by the Rainbow Gate. Kane clearly remembered that its storage point was just pressed on the unique mark of the Rainbow Gate (that is, it could be on the ground every time. Burnt etch).

Therefore, the use of Rainbow Gate is mostly possible to pass it back, even if Heimdall can't do it, it's just a technical issue.

Second, Odin's father, Boer, led the crowd to fight against the dark elves. It is a very famous battle. There are many relevant records enough to constitute coordinate information. In other words, as long as he went to the battlefield of Swartefheim, taking the wreckage of the starship where the dark elves are everywhere as the coordinate object, reversing the time, he can go to the moment of the battle, and the ether particles will be available.

Kane thought about it and chose the second one directly.

In Swatefheim, Kane hung in the air and looked around.

It gave him the feeling that this is the wasteland after the super nuclear war, which is really nothing wrong.

From what he liked, it wasn't the blackened desertified land here and the wreckage of various natural and unnatural things that were smoked everywhere, but the flying clouds in the sky.

Not a whole piece of dark clouds, but a small piece of dark clouds. At a height of at least three thousand meters, it is like a group of migrating birds, covering the sky and the sun.

Because of this, the sun is pouring from these dark clouds, changing all the time, so that a dynamic halo is formed on the earth, and the effect is as if the sun is passing through the clear on the Great Barrier Reef or Maldives region of the earth. The sea water forms a halo of scales on the sea floor.

The ruins of black and gray sand and sea without a drop of water have the beauty of the waves of the underwater world. This kind of beauty is very strange, just like violent aesthetics. This is the beauty of the barrenness, and it does not show any gloom.

Kane found the battlefield decisive without much effort.

Well recognizable, there are wreckage of huge starships everywhere.

These starships that stand like big nails are highly recognizable and the materials are very good. They have been eroded by hundreds of thousands of years. They are still recognizable in shape, and even the surface can reflect light.

Looking at the wreckage, Kane was somewhat disdainful of the "spicy chicken wire". At that time, Malkis did not hesitate to sacrifice these starships and used it as a bomb. It seemed to be ruthlessly determined, but in Kane's view it was Stupid ~ ~ Replaced with him, things can't be done, then people will lose their ground, as long as people are present, taking advantage of the dark elves, taking the deep space of the universe as the shelter color, throwing away the pursuit is not a problem at all. Then the enemy is bright and dark. As long as the strategy is proper, the fairy palace will be uncomfortable due to the existence and deterrent sleep and sleep of the dark elf, causing serious consumption.

Some people would say that the dark elves are powered by ether particles. If they lose the power of ether, they will lose their power source and have to fall asleep.

Kane wants to say that people are alive, and the dark elves didn't get the real gems at the beginning, and they didn't create weapons like ether particles, so the development should also develop.

Why is it not as good as it used to be?

Even if the old system is abandoned, all energy sources are concentrated on the ether particles, and the inventory of multiple starships can be used to support a small number of people.

Fortunately, it is an interstellar civilization. Take a moment, even if you steal, you can build a fusion-level power source. Even the positive and antimatter annihilation energy used by the first-class civilization of this era is nothing. Knowing that the matter was defeated, and the last point of the capital was smashed, is it not stupid?

Are there many dark elves? In chapter 2 of Thor, it ’s a starship, plus some fighter-like fighters, which is as small as the population, and has fallen to the extreme of Asgard ’s popularity, if it is in front of the earth ’s human beings. The only thing that ended was the battle, the battle did not retreat. It is harder to say that the war between warlords in the turbulent regions of Africa is also larger than that. It is nothing more than a weapon.

Is this also a strong race? Now, many years later, I still dreamed that the whole universe would fall into darkness. It was really toad yawning, not bad breath!

Kane felt that the commander of this kind of IQ was spicy chicken.


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