Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 877: Being grilled

The secret base of the mausoleum was slaughtered, Kane and they learned through Sharon.

At that time everyone was eating and drinking happy, Sharon's mobile phone remembered, and the bottom of the fire joked that "boyfriend loves you very much, check the post at 4 am."

The result is such bad news, everyone is a little dumbfounded.

The priest who came back from the water asked jokingly, "What's wrong? The big bear confessed to the bottom of the fire, but the result was successful? His face was so weird."

Then Sharon issued a notice, everyone was on standby, there would be a special plane to pick it up, everyone had to be inquired.

"All the people in the mausoleum were killed, and we were left alive." Sharon said bitterly.

"How did the other party do it?" Bottom Fire couldn't help but ask.

Sharon shook her head, and she only received a notice, but no explanation.

The bottom of the fire said "I think it is not us who has the problem."

The assassin held his shoulders and said, "Be careful when you fly, don't have an accident."

Big Bear killed a large glass of beer and said dissatisfiedly, "I heard how powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. Board Bureau was, but I didn't expect it to look like a bird in personnel!"

"It really looks like an inner ghost." Mandala commented.

"I'm curious about my opponent's ability to quickly organize counterattacks, and they have all caught up with the Delta."

Kane naturally understands the meaning of knights, and wants to achieve such a fierce and rapid counterattack. Intelligence, transportation, combat power, and equipment are indispensable. To put it bluntly, this is a national level logistics force that can support counterattack operations. .

After thinking for a while, he felt that it was meaningless to guess here, so he continued to eat and drink.

I have to say that there is no harm without comparison. In the past, he worked alone, and every aspect needed to be taken care of. He studied the nature of the incident, guessed the opponent ’s motives, and was very tired.

It is not tiring to assume the role of Rennes now. Even if you worry about it, you will worry about him instead of Rennes ’s need to worry about it.

But look at the current situation. After being beaten twice, the forefoot knife and gun were put into the warehouse, and the hindfoot was doubled back. Both before and afterwards, because of lack of information, they were not prepared and had no ideas. You have to be careful about the plane crash when flying, it is really passive.

Of course, he has a high level of strength, and even if a plane crash really happens, he wo n’t die, so he seems to be careless and able to enjoy food and wine. Others are depressed and a little restless.

After the notice vehicle arrived 10 minutes later, a group of people got up and simply packed up and walked out.

Kane pays the bill and also teases Edman "Do you rent or sell parachutes here?"

The answer obtained is naturally no.

A group of people walked out of the barbecue and walked to the street to wait for the bus.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, most ordinary people feel Zhengxiang sleeping at this time, and everyone is also a little sleepy. All rely on the low temperature in the late winter to maintain their spirits.

A long black Mercedes-Benz car drove out of the ice and stopped slowly. It was the car and driver who had sent a pedestrian here.

Everyone got on the bus in sequence, and Big Bear consciously went to the co-pilot position.

At this moment, the cell phone rang, "Ha-Liluya, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!"

The priest's cell phone.

"Is there a call at this point?" Since the ringtone was set to be a chorus of Huacai Duan at the beginning, it was obviously a bit noisy at this moment. The startled fire complained and got on the bus.

The priest touched the phone and said, "It's the babysitter's phone. It may be that my adopted child is out of condition. I had a little fever before. Sorry, wait a minute or two." He walked a few steps away while talking on the phone.

When Sharon retracted into the car, he said, "The priest is very loving."

Datura shouted "Cold!" And urged to close the door.

As a result, the door was closed, and the starry night sky suddenly blasted three drops of energy, emitting a bright light like a plasma ball, drawing a light track, and in a blink of an eye, it extended to Mercedes. In the car.

Boom ... The three consecutive explosions are closely connected into a long sound, the flames are raging, and the extended Mercedes-Benz directly becomes the burning and deforming scrap iron. The people inside are blown into burnt pieces of meat, and they even rushed off the car to perform the fireman No struggling drama can be done.

The priest who fell down during the explosion put away his mobile phone and took two steps in the direction of the car. He stopped because of the scorching heat wave. The burning flame made the light and shadow sway on his face, his expression hard to read.

In the night sky, the stealth aircraft launching the energy attack withdrew the invisible effect and landed on the nearby street. On the barbecue side, Edman, the bartender, and several bartenders also came over.

"Dead?" Edman asked?

"It should be." The priest said silently, "I watched them get in the car."

The hatch of the aircraft was opened, and the two of them came down, one was black, wearing a fangs collar with a vibrating gold armor, and the other was the US team, but instead of carrying a round shield, it was the kind of pointed shield used in the three chapters of the reunification , The tone of the outfit is also deeper.

"The person who made the number 17 disappear was also in the car just now?" The American team asked.

The priest nodded. "Yes, I didn't see the specific situation, but the 17th did disappear when fighting the man named Ren. Ren is alien (the Cree's experiment is the source, the Hydra's God Hive It ’s the first stranger) or the mutant is still not sure, but he does have extraordinary abilities, I have reported this before. "

This was a loud bang from the burning car wreck, which exploded like a martyr, but the range was not large and no blast fragments were formed.

Then I saw a person coming out of the flame, whose body was similar to those of the colony on the Hill, not like skin, and more like an organic fusion of metal and plants. The details were dense and fine, with metallic features, thick It looks like tree bark with obvious natural texture.

This person is not so much wearing a cloak, it is better to say that it grows like this, its overall shape is not monotonous, like the joint parts, there are bumps and bumps on the limbs, trunk, There is also a luminous energy crystal, like a large gemstone embedded, the surface has a glass texture, clear and bright.

The face is not particularly good-looking, but it is close to the mummy skull, that is, the kind with a layer of shrivelled flesh. The skeleton of the black hole is pulsating with a green flame, which makes its overall image look a lot more strange.

The black man from the aircraft crossed his hands on his shoulders, and the Zhenjin armor was finished in 1 second.

The US team also made a fist, ‘choke! ’The sharp shield, which is only two times larger than the armor, protrudes a sharp protrusion like the blade of a broad-bladed sword.

The priest, Edman, the owner of the barbecue restaurant, said nothing, and shot directly.

"Boom ..."

The bullet shot at the colony, but a red dot lit up upon contact, then nodded and then deformed and dropped, and the red dot disappeared. This is obviously different from the Zhenjin suit which will be resolved by high-conduction diffusion absorption after being hit by kinetic energy.

The black man wearing the Zhenjin armor directly pulled out the insurance of an energy grenade, and then patted it on his chest.

'boom! 'The light energy burst, most of which was absorbed by the black Zhenjin armor, and then the black people only saw a jump, a few meters away, it was crossed by it, like a cheetah preying on the colonial man, the claws shine brightly, obviously it contains Very expensive energy.

At the next moment, I saw that the cloak man's hand was just grabbing, and he stuck the black man's neck from the air.

The black claws were naturally caught on the colony, but unfortunately, except for a slip of Mars, even clear scratches were not left, then most of Mars was also caused by the material loss of the claws, just like rubbing with an alloy Rotating diamond wheel.

In the eyes of small animals, cheetah is indeed an absolute death, but in front of its powerful opponent, it is just a bigger cat.

Cat's claws can also leave scratches, but if a person wears a polymer protective clothing that does not stab, then you don't need to care about the cat's claws, just grab it.

This is now the case. Even in front of the colonists, even if they put on the pride of Vakanda's proud gold armor, and absorb energy and then release it, it is just a cat scratching the prepared human.

Then under the wrist of the colonizer, a thick colonial substance of toothpick grows rapidly, just breaks through the Zhenjin armor, and then drills into it like a spirit snake.

During the whole process, the black people went from trying hard to resisting convulsions, and the whole process took less than 2 seconds.

In the meantime, the American team rushed to try to rescue the black people. He used the sharp shield's Zhenjin sharp stab to shovel the colony's arm. The shovel was hit, but the effect was not as good as a bullet. There was no red dot, just like chopsticks The thick cowhide was slightly dented so that it was over.

Then he was also grabbed by the detective who ignored the blow, and implanted the thickness of the toothpick.

Seeing this, the priest and Edman turned and ran away.

But it makes no sense. The colonizer just waved a hand, and more than a dozen slender vines sprayed out in an extremely fierce and very flexible way, each of which locked a target, no matter how the other party hid And resist, the final result is to pierce his heart.

The colonial man shook his hand again, and the vines broke from the wrist part, then quickly burned like a fuse, and the hit was also from various resistances to only convulsions.

The battle is over.

"It's just boring." The masquerade made his voice, which was Rennes's voice.

In other words, Ryan has actually been blown to death. After the evil spirit cell worm in his body activated a higher form, Ryan ’s character collapsed. Kane knew very well what it means to surpass ordinary people, and he would only be regarded by him. Be a monster.

He ignored the twitching crowd on the ground, but turned back and snapped his fingers at the burning vehicle.

A violent wind blew through. The flame went out due to lack of oxygen.

Among the wreckage, the rest of the Special Forces had already become meat on the shelf, the kind that had been grilled.

Kane snapped his fingers again, the cells wriggled, and the burnt flesh began to grow fully.

The scene was very thrilling, and the horror movie special effects could not be done so well, because the general imagination was not enough to outline all the details of this growth process.

This is not the power of infinite gems, but the evil spirit cell insect.

Since the death of the shark, Kane has used the evil spirit cell worm for the rest of the special forces.

Life and death are between his thoughts.

If you do not intend to let it live, then when it dies, the evil spirit cell worm will also destroy itself in a symbiotic way.

If you want to let it live, then the evil spirit cell worm that collected all its types of stem cells and genes and synchronized data from time to time will become a resurrection species. Even if burned to ash, as long as the evil spirit cell worm does not die, it can be resurrected.

Now, this kind is basically cooked, but there are still some cells that are normal, so based on it, where is the lack of repair.

With the start of thrilling growth, organs, flesh, bones, and brains gradually grew in a peristaltic manner. Even the skin was not full-length, and the hair had begun to grow.

About ten minutes later, when the neighbors nearby awakened to hear the explosion and observed from a distance, they called the police. When the nearby police arrived, the knights were reborn and fell naked.

"Oh, Fak!" The bottom fire stared at the texture of the skin near the thumb and index finger and finished the last part, and it was nourishing and painful.

"What happened !?" Big Bear scratched his head.

"This will be discussed later." Kane, who purposely created Ren's face on his face, said, "Follow me to lift these people to the aircraft, and then leave here."

The mandala protested, "Shouldn't I put on some clothes first? It's such a cold day."

She said this, and the bottom fire only noticed her figure. With the light of the street lights in the distance, she could see clearly, and whistled with great heart.

"You can just wear the clothes by the way. The police are coming, you probably don't want them to drive monkeys?" Kane said as he started ...

So when the police arrived, they only saw the burnt and unshaped vehicle wreckage, and the deformed warhead and shell.

The residents nearby provided some information. However, from the police's point of view, many of them should have been awake and talking nonsense, because according to their statement, the aliens came in a flying saucer, and then did a fight, caught a part of the flash.

At the same time, the aircraft is not far from the Trident Building at the SHIELD headquarters in Washington, DC.

In the aircraft, the Cavaliers broke the silence first, and he asked Kane "If I made a mistake, we were attacked in the car before, all of them were killed, right?"

"Yes, including my original body, was also destroyed. That is what we are now riding on this aircraft, energy vibration cannon, three shots, high temperature and high release energy shock waves."

"Then what? You resurrected us?"


The bottom fire interjected, "You admit it so painfully?"

"Otherwise? Do you like being humiliated IQ in person?" Kane asked back.

"No, this is a resurrection, should we be smashed into scum?"

"Almost, the volume above 80 has either become fly ash or coke, or it has become a barbecue. This barbecue method is not good, and it has to be killed for opening the store."

Bottom fire retching "Can you stop mentioning the barbecue?"

"Well, I don't think it's okay. The barbecue restaurant recommended by the priest is something we misunderstood."

Mandala said, "Bottom fire means that the ability to resurrect people is too perverted."

"It's okay. There are prerequisites. I also secretly parasitized special life on you and collected the necessary information for the resurrection only after the shark died. It also involves a special concept called residual consciousness. The average person is about The most conscious residue that can be maintained for half an hour after death is as powerful as our broken one. Even if you have a strong will in your lifetime, it will only take a few minutes. So, you lived and the driver died. "

"... Is this superpower?"

"It depends on how you understand it. In the eyes of primitive people, a pile of iron can fly and move, which is also super power."

Sharon interjected "So this is actually science and technology."

"At least with current human technology, a considerable part cannot be explained clearly. What can be understood, such as the collection of information such as human stem cells and genes, is one of the two necessary conditions for resurrection I said earlier."

Sharon said, "So you are a mutant, or alien, alien?"

"Can it be, to be precise, I should be a human who has evolved to a very high level."

The assassin asked, "Is this all thanks to Hulk's blood?"

Kane, who was driving, turned to the assassin and smiled, "You don't have to worry about Hulk's blood, the gamma rays are not so magical."

Knight said, "Are we still human?"

This question is obviously everyone's concern, even the big bear looked at Kane subconsciously, waiting for him to answer.

"Also look at how you understand the concept of human. If the five senses of human beings, normal physiological needs, etc. are the criteria for measuring whether they are humans, congratulations, humans, no different from the previous ones, and the state is more it is good."

"If the standard for measuring whether a person is consciousness is a mode of thinking. Congratulations to you, a person. Although from a mystic perspective, the soul has a certain loss, but the problem is not too large and will not affect the greatness. Most thinking and behaviors, even because the physicality of the current body is slightly better than in the past, the soul can be restored a little bit. "

"If the assessment criterion is the life mode, including the potential internal cell characteristics, etc. Sorry, it ’s not human. Your cell metabolism rate is different from normal humans, the core cells will age once, and their death will cause interlocking collapse."

"That is to say, you usually stay young forever, but when you are old, in the eyes of outsiders, you suddenly die suddenly. This happens because after all, a kind of human cell tissue replaces the past human cell tissue, and the new The cell wants to complete the real-time deduction continuously, which is a very tedious thing, and there is no corresponding computing function, or data information backup, so it is like this ~ ~ Let me lose weight first, I have a little belly! "

Datura said that it would be better if he could be younger for more than a decade, and then he would be jealous of Sharon, because Sharon 22 is the age of Fenghua Zhengmao.

In any case, this is basically the case of resurrection.

The members of the special forces are ordinary people, and there are more things to say about parting with life and death. I may see God one day, and I have a heart in my heart. Pulling these with Kane is not so much about picking fat and picking up. Try to draw closer feelings, grateful now becomes a little inhuman, and they are not willing to lose a partner who can be born and die together.

But Kane took the initiative to tell the reason for the resurrection.

"When I watch cartoons in an hour, I hate the kind that can't die from death to death. It has earned everyone's tears, and the death itself is shocking and profound enough. This is an enlightening effect and even makes people soulful. A certain degree of sublimation. I think it should be respected. "

"But once he is resurrected. The feeling changes immediately. It is even a kind of sarcasm and blasphemy. So I don't like to do this kind of thing, even if my ability is already mature, the price is mediocre."

"But this time, it's a little special. I was wrong. I sent the fake US team to a private laboratory for anatomy. I believe that these people came to kill us. A big reason is the disappearance of the fake US team. One of the main purposes of their anti-slaughtering base was estimated to be to destroy as much information as possible about the reinforced soldiers. As a result, the fake US team disappeared, so we took our anger. "

"Since it's because of me, and it's so nasty to die, I will resurrect you. This is probably the case. Next, I don't intend to continue to be passively beaten like this, I want to kill them ..."


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