Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 885: Insect Swarm Project

"Six infinite gems are all together?" Since becoming the official holder of the universe's cube, Nick Fury is much more sensitive to power than in the past. Hearing Kane complete the task, the first question is to confirm this.

"Yes, the supreme gem was also synthesized, and then handed over to a proper person."

"How appropriate is it?" Nick asked sensitively again.

"Even I will never see him again."

"It's okay ..." Nick still has a deeper understanding of "bibliography". Especially after simplified by the hand of Kane, so that the power of the Universe Cube can more effectively exert its power, Nick is no longer eager for the power of the real infinite gem, but fear.

Kane did not hide from Nick what he did at the Bully.

"Why don't you kill Tyrant?"

Kane was in a good mood and explained: "Two reasons. First of all, after seeing the tyrant, I found that the meeting is not as well-known. He is not my opponent. Even if it is a collection of infinite gems, I can easily kill it. "

Kane concealed two details here. First, all the infinite gems were passed over in his hand, and all the pseudo-infinite gems were made by him.

He made these pseudo-gems, not to be childish, nor to hope that the prophet ’s information can be used, but to plan a supreme plan, which involves Dorma and this universe. Pseudo-gems are important items in the plan.

It can be said that each pseudo-gem is a holy artifact for making the essence of the mind, which is the cost of using pseudo-gems. With this setting, even pseudo-gems can be played for a long time, and even have the opportunity to revert to true infinite gems.

The second concealed detail is that he has a backdoor for the Infinite Gloves.

After explaining the first reason for not killing the bully, Kane followed the second one: "As long as the birth control of the bully does not fall on the earth, I don't mind how many people he kills."

"..." Nick Xin said: "Well, I knew you were an individualist for a long time, and I have an appetite for me, so I'm not surprised at all."

Under the premise of ensuring that he could be killed at any time, Kane felt that it was no bad thing to keep the bully. Although he knows that hegemony has promised that he will not play half of the tricks on the earth, it does not mean that he will not work on space gems and time gems.

Most of the Chitarians and Loki will come to the earth to **** the Universe Cube, and when the time comes, the cosplay will be complete, and the Universe Cube will be sent to Asgard according to the original historical line.

Time gems, as long as Gu Yi or the future Dr. Singularity are not exposed, they will not be traced in a short time.

In this way, I am afraid that it will not patronize the earth for a long time.

As for tyrants to kill other intelligent races, Kane can eat the crowd with no heart and heart.

But on the other hand, he was unwilling to see the people of the earth slaughtered by outsiders, but he would not be soft-hearted by killing himself. Even, he can be more fierce than tyrants.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with it. This is humanity. This is human nature. It is dark and shameless, but it does exist.

Nick Fury's investigation is indeed very fruitful. It has been screened all over the world. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are improving algorithms and equipment. At most a week, more sensitive equipment will be born.

In addition, the number of equipment will also increase. Nick said that after half a month, most of the Hydra strongholds in the world can be dug out.

In addition, after obtaining the exclusive access to black leaf hemp, Nick also used it as a clue for tracing. Successfully dug out some key brokers and white gloves.

The slowest progress is the penetration of Wakanda.

According to Kane's reminder, Nick knew that Wakanda was shrouded in energy, and he would act rashly, which would have no good results. After discussing with Iron Man, they finally decided to open up a tunnel.

The equipment is based on the operating robot for mining meteorite mines on Jingyue orbit.

Those robots are very rough equipment for Kane, and they were the puppet laborers who made them in order to collect the materials used to manufacture the Tianma.

But for Iron Man, those devices are full of technical highlights. He said that by improving the relevant technology, a submersible vehicle can be developed.

Since they are all at the "car" level, 30 Maida can't be reached, 20 Ma must have?

In Nick's opinion, this data is already very impressive. Excavating 20 kilometers per hour, even if it is to stabilize the tunnel, it is necessary to lay a frame along the road, and even need to transport the excavated gravel, it is enough.

So this project was launched in full swing.

After Kane learned of the actions taken by Nick, he also recalled some memories about the vanguard of the tyrant.

He remembers that in the Marvel Universe, Pioneer Guard ’s soldiers are much sharper than this universe. One of his abilities is burrowing, and the ability is to get the memory of the target as long as it touches the target, unless The goal is to practice techniques such as brain occlusion.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided to remind Nick Fury.

"Since the discovery of the Hydra organization, I have been thinking about who is the opponent who plays the role of an important master of mind. After thinking about it, I thought of a possibility: the time and space invasion of the Monaco Grand Prix, maybe it is a watch In the two parts, the table is a black dwarf star, attracting attention, and the inside is an ebony throat, dive in and start layout. "

"In this universe, there are only four obsidian generals who destroy the hegemony. General Deathblade and the night star are husband and wife, while ebony throat and black dwarf are Zhijiang + Liba, and they are complementary to each other. Ebony throat is a master of mind, confusing control It is also his strength. "

"Ebony throat ..." Nick frowned. When I used Space Gems to trade with Kane, the prophetic information I got was related to ebony throat. After all, the Cosmos Family Planning Party represented by Hegemony and General Obsidian is definitely a strong building block. Wherever you put it, or who you collide with, you can come up with something.

However, the relevant information obtained by Nick mainly highlights the powerful mind of Ebony Throat.

He naturally mentioned this matter.

Kane explained: "There is a difference between 199999 and the universe, you know. What I can confirm is that Ebony Throat has a strong mind, and it is most vividly expressed in the three chapters of Fulian. In the universe, his most terrifying ability is words. Mantra, the simple understanding is to persuade or even control others through language. Dr. Kiwi ’s mental strength is powerful, and he was once controlled by him, so that Ebony Throat knows a lot of the secrets of the "Light Meeting". "

"What will the light be?" Nick asked sensitively.

"A quasi-linked organization composed of top wise men, Iron Man and Bruce Banner are both eligible to join."

After a loud nick, Nick asked again: "Did you use the unusual performance of the black dwarf star in the Monaco Grand Prix, speculating that the ebony throat from the future also has more powerful skills?"

"Well, this is the case. I recently went to seek out the tyrant. The main purpose is naturally the soul gem, but if the Obsidian generals are there, I will also use the evil **** cells to parasitize, and then I will be able to use the extraordinary version of gene killing. Law, snap a finger, kill all the obsidian generals in the past and the future. As a result, they just happened to fight abroad. "

Kane is telling the truth, if it goes hand in hand, then he doesn't mind killing or laying a forehead. But if he is allowed to do it as a business, he does not have that motivation.

"So now? Can you snap a finger and let some people in the past and the future die?" Having said that, Nick took the opportunity to explore Kane's current strength.

"I can do it, but I am not so confident. After all, there is no corresponding energy reserve."

Nick nodded. "That's okay."

Kane's actual situation is actually much better than Nick's "good".

Although the surface sounds like, Kane has always regarded the infinite gem as a collection of energy essence, but it is not that simple.

When viewed as an essence aggregate, it is the perspective of Black Kane or Salary King Kane. To put it bluntly, once an infinite gem is brought out of Marvel 199999, it does not have some of the extraordinary characteristics it has in this universe.

Although they are still cherished, they are indeed energy blocks, and at most a black hole-like effect can be used as an array of magical powers that gather extraordinary power. The artifact level has just the effect.

But for C Kane who was born in Marvel in 199999, and did not intend to leave for the time being, Infinite Gem is a medium and catalyst that makes him more suitable for this universe, or higher level.

At the beginning of its birth, the characteristics of the evil **** represented by cells reached the ceiling, and the birth of the limit state of the relevant characteristics allowed by this universe was, from a certain perspective, equivalent to being weakened.

But this does not mean that each of his extraordinary attributes has reached the ceiling, he has just reached the upper limit, but there are other colors in the world.

The supreme gem made up of infinite gems helps him make great progress in other aspects. If he used to be an assassin with a sharp edge, then now it is Yunwen Yunwu, who is proficient in martial arts in class 18.

Abundant master, he is now such a special existence.

Of course, there is still a shortcoming, that is, subsequent weakness, after all, his existence is relatively short, there is not much accumulation, and the infinite gem that can be used as a charging treasure has been turned in again.

He didn't tell Nick all his old men, one was by nature, and the other he didn't want to intervene too much in all kinds of affairs in this world.

Salary King and Black Kane sent him the memory crystal, not only to complete his knowledge, but also to let him have a complete farming system, and there are 3000 years of history in the dark and old universe.

As the years passed, C Kane, who had obtained this memory, was able to end the infancy of the soul by pulling out seedlings. Among them, he is most impressed, naturally is the history of the civilization changes of the dark old branch of the cosmic earth.

This history of change made him realize that his feelings, after all, still have a chronological limit. Once crossed, he has no feeling, just like his first feeling of the human civilization of Shandal is indifferent.

The pace of change does not need to stop. Compared with this change, the change of human thought is actually relatively slow. There is, or rather, the environment that forms the three views of a person is the anchor point of a person's personality.

When the pace of change is further and further away from this anchor point, people will feel that they are "old and unable to keep up with the times". Although they are still trying to accept new things, they still have conflicts with the three views that have been formed. That's how it was born.

It is not impossible to change, but I do n’t want to change it, I do n’t want to follow the trend, and I do n’t think there is anything wrong with that. It ’s like listening to Peking opera instead of electronic music. Is it wrong? No, that is the basic power of man. From an artistic perspective, electronic music is no more noble than Peking Opera.

However, the years have passed, and Peking Opera has become a ritual hymn for primitive people. Even if the scholars in the history department are niche knowledge, ordinary people are ignorant, and even the electronic music has long been a historical monument Then, for the person who still likes Peking Opera, this new era becomes very strange, and it is so strange that it is basically the same as a non-earth human civilization.

Salary King Kane and Black Kane in the dark and old universe, they can feel this time, all the time of the complete loss of time.

C Kane, who has obtained the relevant memories, is a little less real and delicate, but the kind of big waves and the sand, the white and clean tears are aggravated.

The weight of the years is no longer the sympathy of the disease-free groan, but a real feeling, heavy.

C Kane realized that for him, sorrow, joy, success, defeat, all of this will eventually pass, and eventually he can always be with his life, it seems that only lonely.

This has forced him to think about life and plan for the future recently.

Thinking about it, I feel that I can only learn from collector Talia? Diwan and gambling expert Gao Tianzun, choose a hobby, and then deeply invest in it.

So what hobby do you choose?

The answer has been there for a long time, exploring knowledge and leaping to a higher level of life.

So in the end, the memory crystal has more stimulant functions, so that he, who was gradually indulging in hedonism, has a surging motivation to move forward.

"Everything is decaying, only exploration is endless; everything is inferior, only climbing spirit is the highest. The multiverse is infinite, there is no end to exploration and climbing ..."

He told Nick that unless he was dealing with the ebony throat and the sentinels, he would not end the game either by himself or by Titan Hulk or Rennes.

"So what about the special team you resurrected? What are your plans?" Nick asked.

In order to deal with the multi-headed snake organization, Nick can also be considered as a hand-planed pedal, and used all his means.

He borrowed a number of colonies from Hill, armed the knights to their teeth, and reached a deal with the black **** Kara and Frank to buy a three-digit monster. No need to say more about black leaf hemp, SHIELD has become the only seller.

The monster can comprehensively strengthen the user, or it can be a safety plug.

The monsters collected by Kara have a back door design.

After all, Kara is not a profit-making crazy capitalist who is willing to sell her noose, plus she is doing an exclusive monopoly business that loves to buy and does not buy, so the back door said from the beginning- —People who use magic insects will be retaliated against the black gods.

Now, through trading, Nick has got the backdoor authority after the relegation, and can restrict the users of the batch of demons he bought to a certain extent.

In this way, all the agents strengthened by the magic insects are equal to the bomb collar.

However, it is not enough to have strong soldiers. Although Coulson, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are all okay, they are still not good enough. He is now lacking a thug leader.

The 6 members of the special team entered his field of vision.

Even without the premature death of "Shark", Rennes left the team alone. The two commandos of the Special Forces were lost, and the role of the priest's million oil was lost. This special forces team is still complete.

The Cavaliers are an assaulter, and the captain takes the lead to charge, so the core positioning of such a team is no problem.

The deputy captain is an assassin, and his focus shifted to remote support, overall response, and complementation with the Cavaliers, which is also very good.

The rest basically does not need to be changed. Big Bear is still a firepower player. Sharon is already a liaison. The bottom fire is a special support. The explosive technology of one hand is still possible.

This is a complete combat team, with its main force, and the field agents strengthened by the Demon Worms as a response. This has always been armed, Nick still has some expectations.

For Nick's question, Kane did not hesitate to say: "Since I resurrected them, the interactive relationship is over."

Nick smiled and said: "The Avengers reserve team has expanded successfully."

As one of the beneficiary users of the Demon Worm, Nick is very clear that the essence of life of Sharon Carter and others who have been resurrected by Kane has been very different from ordinary people. It is the same as before, but in fact it is very different, nothing more than the special attribute is not activated.

As for Kane ’s statement that the “interactive relationship is over”, Nick felt that what was lacking was an appropriate opportunity.

Whenever Kane is happy, or an emergency occurs, please ask Kane to help activate, or unlock, the person with extraordinary abilities.

Therefore, the six of the knight, the mandala, the bottom fire, the big bear, the assassin, and the hummingbird, he had held it in the hand early, and now it is confirmed that it can be enabled without being disgusted by Kane ~ ~ Nick? Taking advantage of it, I feel beautiful ...

Kane was clear about Nick's little calculation, and he didn't mind being taken advantage of.

In his view, the current situation has become like this, and he has an inescapable responsibility.

In addition, even if these six members of the Special Forces team reinforced with the Evil God Cell are fully activated, their combat power is nothing but a dime for him.

This kind of inadvertent shaking off some dander, and as a result, the cockroaches or ants who eat burps, is sometimes funny to think about. He had long understood that his power had been mortal, but with such a detailed comparison, the difference became intuitive.

However, Kane, who has completed the highest mission and has the motivation to fight, is not interested in indulging in this low-end omnipotent feeling. He is about to start his dream-chasing life.

The first is to grade the core technology system that has been determined.

After playing the patch package, define his core system, which can be understood as the old swarm system of evil spirits.

The iron-blooded insect swarm can be said to be the common feature of all Kane, executives, high order, a vision, a voice, hundreds of millions.

He also did not jump out of this category, but he of the evil spirit wind, from the human perspective of this era, from the external point of view, it may seem more mysterious and like a villain.

As for the classification, in fact, it is to divide the permission level, specifically through different evil spirit cell insects. If he is S, then the permissions of Kara and Alexander? Pierce are B, and the A-level permission on it can be understood as a military commander. Kara and Pierce are both part of the Earth Military Region, and the newly developed Chitarians are another military region.

And with a clear grading, the frame will be built, the content will be filled, and the legion will eventually take shape, which belongs to his farming era, which kicked off ...

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