Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 909: Slapstick ending

The reason why there are survivors in Queens General Hospital, in addition to the flying demon shocking the corpses, there is also an important reason because there is a sterile isolation room for advanced AIDS patients.

Jack finally saw the six survivors who had hid here early on the basis of their knowledge of the hospital facilities.

Put on a tight-fitting nano-membrane coat against the skin, and then wear a breathing mask with a special filter. As long as the membrane coat is not broken and the mask is not damaged, there is no worry of infection.

Jack, they have no such treatment, whether it is a film coat, or the filter element of the mask is dead and expensive, and the number of finished products is very small. The president and his team members are not complete. If it is not a show, where is the turn of the dead people use?

Photographer Charlie naturally used the camera to record the touching moments of the military and civilian family. His camera is also expensive. Not only does it meet the durability, but also directly transmits data like a satellite phone.

Hill received the data, and then transferred it to the official of Beacon Country. There is a dedicated team of master-level editors, and a person is Robert's voice avatar, responsible for making up the pot and adding icing on the cake, making it more in line with the main theme.

The audio and video materials produced are sent to major media and exposed every once in a while, making them look like a thriller suspense series.

Of course, advertisements will be inserted, and the President of the Lighthouse State and his team promote their own advertisements. Although people are very tired, it must be said that the old face of the President of the Lighthouse State, which is quite recognizable, looks much better, but it does not violate.

This is forcible brainwashing repeatedly, and melatonin advertising is a classic example, and it really works.

This wave of crisis public relations for the President of Beacon Country was okay, and many people who ate melons praised it. In addition to Jack ’s heroic deeds, there are the bragging claims of Beacon Country that what tens of thousands of elites are doing special preheating, Queen ’s Hospital-style rescue will appear in more places.

In fact, there is no such thing.

The super bereavement virus is too high-end, and even the beacon country, which has always been rich and boasted of being equipped with the world's first equipment, is embarrassed to find that it is unable to handle it.

And what is shown to people now is just a propaganda method similar to the Hollywood conscription blockbuster, telling the people that the violent team in the lighthouse country is still holding the situation.

With the success of the crisis public relations, first of all, it is feedback in the financial fields such as stocks, chasing up and down, this thing is most about confidence. Before, the state of the lighthouse country was about to die, and now it is stable.

Things in the world are so subtle and ironic, the officials are all fooling around, and the people also believe in fooling. Everyone is looking for a balance that is mutually recognized by the deceived and deceived species. It is too real to live a life.

Of course, the truth doesn't matter.

One of the truths, the ancestors of the world's super-sacrifice virus, Reid Richards and Susan Stone, a couple of dogs and men, are driving a silver Lamborghini sports car on the road to Washington. They have passed After arriving in Philadelphia, he will soon arrive in Wilmington.

The second truth is that George, the surviving father of the virus, is no longer in New York. He took a car from a kindhearted man and went to Albany on the upper Hudson River. He is now in a state of trauma and needs comfort, so he thought of his father.

George's daughter, Donnie, is no longer in New York. Her long aunt, who resembles her mother, ran to see their family. Without knowing where she was, she accepted Donnie who was frightened by her parents' death.

And Donnie ’s current boyfriend is very energetic. With Donnie ’s undetected background, they have evacuated the people as the first batch of people and went to Zee from the Dutch Tunnel near the New York City Fire Museum on the West Line of Manhattan. West city.

None of the four major sources of infection is in New York. Even if there are no problems with waterways, proliferation will be inevitable. This is the truth. This truth will soon cost people who are addicted to lying and listening to lies.

Jack, they don't need to care about this overall situation. When the sky falls, there is a tall top, like Nick Fury, even if it is tall, and Jack only wants to finish the game smoothly.

But even this little wish is still difficult.

The elevator in the hospital was naturally unusable. Another staircase passage was blocked in many places according to survivors, and the one Jack came up with was bombed and damaged badly.

Coupled with the survivor's dress-up, a group of people went downstairs for a lot of time, which was delayed for almost 20 minutes.

There was no fighting during this period. The brainless zombies in the hospital were all dead. The zombies were either hiding or after the flying monster died, they left the hospital from other exits and ran to their new corpses. It's a sad reminder to be kept in this building by a neuropathic killer. They are already hungry. If they don't eat anything, they can only become brainless. This point they have a hunch.

As soon as Jack came down the stairs, they encountered a negotiating expert sent by the zombie.

It's very strange to stand up, making people cry and laugh, but it just happened. At least this zombie in charge of negotiations was indeed a police negotiator when he was still a human being.

"We have powerful weapons and the blocking positions have been properly arranged. The rockets are enough to destroy the four Strykers several times. We think that if we do not do well, it will be a loss for both parties, so we give you a choice. Opportunity, equipment left, walk away, or we fight. "

Robert and the survivors looked at each other, and Jack stepped forward calmly: "How do I know you are not cheating?"

Negotiation experts confidently said: "Do you want to gamble?"

Jack sneered. "We are so irritated. We can do it step by step. For example, you have to prove that you have more power than just talking."

"You mean we destroy a car with a rocket first?"

"If that's the case, I'll be distressed for you. But at least you have to show me a bazooka and four rockets? Even if you fill it fast enough, and send it all in."

"Your request is to play with fire."

"We are instructed to go deep into this dangerous location for rescue, and we are mentally prepared to fail in battle. We have the determination to fight desperately. It is impossible for us to obediently do it because of a few threats. We have dozens of guns and tens of thousands of bullets. Let ’s hand over the guns for everyone ’s sake? "

Seeing that the negotiating experts couldn't hold the floor at all, they retreated somberly.

Looking at the figure leaving angrily, Robert asked anxiously, "Will you fight?"

"If we want to fight, we will fight first." Jack said coldly.

A special warrior also echoed: "Some people just ran and robbed the wrong person. I didn't believe that they were all so iron."

As a result, the president ’s order came as soon as he bragged, if the other party showed enough strength, give them the car.


"Captain!" A special soldier on the channel couldn't help but called out indignantly.

In accordance with the atmosphere at this time, there was a strong odor of ‘will not be granted by the foreign monarch’.

Jack pondered for a moment and said on the channel: "If it was 3 years ago, I would choose never to compromise, but now I have Little Daisy. Before this operation, I felt that even if I died, the pen above The promised pension is enough for Little Daisy to grow up. But after we have gone through these, I think Little Daisy is not rich enough and needs me. "

What Jack said was only slightly obscure, even if the pot heads in the military were mostly simple brains, they could understand it.

There was a silence on the channel. After a while, some people said one after another: "I support you." ......

This scene also caused Robert to fall into thinking. He is not a professional warrior. He cannot understand the meaning of the existence of wisdom zombies, special mourning, and especially flying monsters from a professional perspective. The emotional and psychological changes are very sensitive.

Robert realized that Jack's remarks weren't pretentious to cater to Shangfeng's decision, but heartfelt.

So is it worthy of vigilance to let such a veteran on the battlefield look down?

That is inevitable.

The virus broke out in New York today, what about tomorrow?

What if you and the people you care about, like most people here, are caught in an infection crisis without your knowledge?

It can be said that before Robert ’s action, he was full of things like ‘this wave is well-operated, flying to the sky’, but now he has a kind of ‘old nest ’s worries’ anxiety.

The basic disk is going to be destroyed.

As the root cognition changes, the whole idea changes. Robert began to analyze his own advantages, such as the intelligence prophet, for example, this time became a celebrity, can it be treated more than ordinary people, holding a thick leg or something ...

In this way, this team that had dared to slam the hard drive before, gorgeously completed the transition to the ghost counseling team. When the negotiating experts showed off the dry goods, Jack and his party did not even say a scene. Hand over and leave.

Kane, who was far from Kuiper, looked straight and shook his head. He commented that the president ’s order was a blind command, and this team was in trouble.

Kane's crow mouth really said again.

After obtaining the armored vehicle, the zombie gang represented by the negotiating experts did not stop there, but felt, ‘so counseling, then why should they continue to hold on? ’

How did Jack say that they also have heavy weapons.

Although the armored vehicle faces the rocket launcher, it is a moving iron coffin, but there are two things to look at. The armored vehicle has highly specialized equipment and weapons. From the level of bunkers, the armored vehicle's protective power is also higher than that of ordinary civil buildings. And it has good mobility.

When using a rocket launcher to attack it, the shooter also often has to face the 25MM cannon and the car howitzer, and there are four vehicles. Even if the rocket can shoot, it does not mean that it can retreat calmly.

Now it's another matter. The zombie gang owns an armored vehicle + a rocket launcher, and Jack and his team become light infantry with eight non-combatants walking on two legs.

Relying on the enemy's kindness and keeping its promises to achieve its goals, this idea is also due to the beacon President and his think tank can think of. The older the battle is, the less likely it is to believe this. It can only be said that the current President of the Beacon State and his team who temporarily came to power due to the Red Vest movement failed in military terms.

This team of zombies, who have specialized in ordnance, quickly solved the small problems Jack had deliberately caused when he felt it. The armored car spewed out a few black smoke, rumbling, and started chasing.

When Jack and his party heard the noise of the approaching armored car, they said to the young guide Allen: "It's up to you now."

At the time Jack insisted on hiring Alan, it was to prevent a similar situation. Once they had to abandon their vehicles, Alan had the most say in how to escape.

As a result, Allen also smiled bitterly. He did face armed zombies with heavy firepower and fierce fierceness, but he did not encounter armored vehicles. Although this kind of iron turtle is not very fast, it is definitely a chase. The weapon of the infantry, the general anti-hunting tactics, is not at all dazed.

Eyes catch up and can only hide first.

Just when Kane thought he was going to stage a new round of wit and bravery, and at the same time interpreting the darkness and flash of life, the coercion appeared.

Maria Hill was very angry, but directly ordered the Hill to launch a blow from high altitude, four white lights falling from the sky, just like the legendary light of trial, four Strykers galloping on the road , Melted like cream ice cream in the light.

Photographer Charlie captured part of the content. Although it is far from complete, the presidential team who received the information still couldn't help but applaud.

They were just immersed in the show ‘A Thousand Miles Beyond the Show’, and the result became the pain of the failure of the blind commander. The emergence of this link saved them all at once.

Now they can continue to blow their wisdom and wisdom to the outside world.

"As rulers, we are human. Although those people are already zombies, that is not their fault. As soldiers and policemen, we are willing to try to believe that they still have a sense of honor, and at least their personality and morality. In this way, we can try to give them more and let them control those who have changed. Life is precious, especially wisdom, or the logic of human thinking, and we are not willing to kill. After all, less than ten hours ago , They are still a member of this country. Unfortunately, our attempt failed ... "

Later, the presidential team explained this to the outside world, and simply described his incompetence as compassionate and wise.

As for what was asked about the four beams at ~, the spokesperson tried to use the concept of ‘space-based weapons’ in one stroke.

The problem is that after a series of large-scale events such as the Hydra's blatant challenge to the lighthouse nation's free world leadership, the third aircraft carrier battle group and the Atlantic Fleet were destroyed, the New York nuclear explosion, and the super annihilation virus, people generally lost their sense of security It is no longer a simple melon eater who looks at the excitement, but is eager to ask a question:

"Normally, all kinds of national warriors with great powers can protect our safety. If the answer is yes, then what is the specific?"

What people mean is, do n’t talk about spiritual things. You need to know that the kingdom headed by the lighthouse country, but the weapon theory, we ca n’t say that weapons and equipment are absolute, but it is also the most important part. Now even the most strenuous effort, the most invested, and the most proud of the results have collapsed, it is obviously not sincere.

In this context, the energy attack of the Hill was undoubtedly a powerful attack, which scratched people's itch, especially the lighthouse presidential team vowed to express its extremely high control of this weapon. Under such circumstances, let alone European partners, even bears and flower growers who claim to be the other pole of the world can't sit still.

Is there such a trick? Could it be that the ‘Star Wars’ plan that limped the furry bear was really dry, not just a concept of speculation?

As a result, even Nick Fury couldn't help but call Maria Hill, "Hill, you have the urge to do this ..."

In fact, Nick wanted to say, ‘you are already proud that you cannot tolerate a small failure. ’

Then I thought, since I know that Maria Hill has become like this, why do you expose this scar? Show IQ, or qualifications?

Unconsciously, the former close comrades also began to alienate, this is the price of power ...

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