Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 922: Can no longer play happily

Like Kane, the sentry is a systematic man.

The difference is that Kane's system is often unable to display as many times as possible due to resource problems, while the sentry is because he has not mastered the corresponding technology, and he does not even know that he has that ability.

In addition, in terms of technology, Kane has selected the best among the best, and strives for excellence, while the sentry, some like dragon warlock, most of the technology exists in a latent way, which requires him to dig deep.

But in any case, the sentinel is definitely an all-rounder in the Super League. One of the reasons for Kane's evaluation of its abuse is this.

So when Billy called the sentinel in a unique way of the sentinel family, the sentinel rushed to the rescue.

Of course, the price is expensive, and it is far from comparable to Nick Fury's cosmic cube transmission method.

In addition, there are many restrictions. In theory, those who have been granted the permission to open the Sun Gate can become the coordinates of his teleportation named "Road of Light", but in fact, in addition to the formal Members, really part of the power of his sun, can use this trick, the rest can not, at least not yet.

Everyone needs to face their own difficulties, but most people are not very understanding of Chaoying's difficulties. In their eyes, the sentinel is an enviable presence of hungry wolf-like green eyes. Since the sentinel demonstrated his ability in this area, too many people want to share a slice of power. Although he is not unwilling to refuse People, but unknowingly, are still divided into a lot of power.

This is different from Kane. Although Kane seems to be engaged in power delivery, most of it is caused by technology. Even the remaining small part is also resource-based. It takes some time and energy. The kind that can be collected again.

This also determines that from the core point of view, Kane has always been a lonely man.

The proportion is like a nuclear power plant. The sentinel family built by him with the power of the sun as a power source, like the power grid, divides part of the power every time a terminal is turned on.

This certainly weakened the peak of the sentinel's strength, but he established a power-sharing system with him as the core. The interests and emotions are closely intertwined, more humane and prosperous. Of course, many trivial things happened.

As the saying goes, Chaoying is no small matter, mainly because of the power, casual venting, tearing each other, will suffer the pond fish.

However, at present, due to the severe external contradictions, no major internal contradictions have broken out. It is nothing more than the collision of operating ideas and styles that caused some friction, which can be resolved and cannot be resolved.

Billy and the sentinel have some minor contradictions. The sentinel feels that Billy is acting arrogantly, while Billy feels that the sentry is somewhat ‘pretended’.

After the Sentinel had just gained strength and shared it with Billy, the two had a so-called happy time for indulgence.

Later, the sentinel gradually calmed down, and he reflected on his process of gaining power, and felt lucky to be incredible. Lucky at this level cannot be explained by a self-consistent scientific theory, even folk science.

Sentinel can only use mysticism to explain, blame it on the will of God.

God has given him strength, and it must have purpose. The sentry felt that it should benefit mankind and help more people in need.

This is also the main reason why he was persuaded to join the Star Club. He has used his own strength to change the world and make the world a better place, and Xingyao will look like a powerful organization that is consistent with his goals.

Billy took another path. Deep down, he always felt that the sentinel gained part of his credit for gaining power.

Therefore, due to reason and reason, the sentinel should share his power.

The sentry did.

But he still could not be satisfied. Specifically because of the issue of how much to divide.

Among the friends, the Welfare Lottery Prize, I hope it can be divided into half. Billy is about this mentality.

This is deep, external, as the saying goes, half a bottle of water sloshing, the shallower, the louder it is, Billy vaguely seems to prove by publicity that he is the same as the sentry, or even slightly better. .

Naturally, in the eyes of many people, this kind of comparison derived from envy and jealousy is ridiculous, but Billy himself is trapped in it, and does not feel that the shape is distorted.

The reason is that there are also factors that are not convinced of the way the sentry gains power.

In the past, his relationship with the sentry was very similar to that of the winter soldier Bucky and the thin American team. One side is obviously superior to the other side. In normal life interactions, there is a point that the elder brother protects the younger brother.

But the sentry is not a US team. Although Stephen Rogers is thin, he has a strong and firm will. This is related to the sense of mission promoted by the environment of the times.

Sentinel Bob Reynolds is an anesthetic young man, and he does not have a special personality charm. And Billy is not a winter soldier, the quality is not so noble, and the sentiment with the sentry is not so pure.

In the end, the way the Sentry can gain power cannot be with the US team. The US team is willing to be a mouse for a lofty ideal, and the Sentry is an accidental winner.

This is also the reason why Kane and Nick Fury talked about the sentinel, and it is ironic that they are also good friends, which is more realistic, more modern, and more kneeling in reality.

Billy had an accident, and the sentry still came. He knew that Billy was still able to hold on for a while, but he didn't rush into it, but hoped to get the situation from the Green Skins.

He knows the concept of green skin. After all, he almost personally guided rescue operations before.

The leader in the green skin asked cautiously, "Your friend, what do you wear?"

The sentinel briefly described it and finally said, "If he said anything too much, he did something too much, and I apologize to you on his behalf."

In fact, the contradiction between the Greenskins and Billy is exactly that the King of Eight is against Mung Beans. Billy moves arrogantly, and his breath is out.

And the specific fight is that the green skins start first. Really, the green skins whose main action is dead do not dominate.

However, the Green Skins killed and wounded more than a dozen people in Billy's hands, which they could not swallow.

When I heard the description of the sentry at this time, I knew that this was the reinforcement of the Chou family.

But from the outside, they knew that the sentinels were not easy to provoke. They were not afraid to fight again, but they didn't want to fight Rennes and Billy.

So the leader of the green skin followed the sentry's words and said, "Your friend is very arrogant. We are really not as good as others, but we still hit the iron plate." And the scene of smoke clouds flying.

"That man also seems to be a superhero, wearing a very special suit, some like nano-armor in science fiction works, a combination of polymer materials and alloys, the former is like muscle fibers, tightly wrapped around the limbs, the latter just It ’s like an exoskeleton, tightly attached to knees, elbows, etc ... "

This green-skinned "good-hearted" incarnation was a tuberculosis, who introduced Kane in great detail, and then described how Kane played Billy as a ball.

The sentry knew that the other party was delaying time, but still listening patiently with a smile.

However, he did not do nothing. He raised his left hand and continued to shoot the golden light flow in the direction of Billy. Even if it was swept away by the energy storm that raged like a whirlwind, it still had the power of the sun. Injecting Billy into his body made his situation much better.

The uncomfortable thing is the green skin. He knew that the sentry had already helped, but there was no better way.

Then Tuberculosis knew that he could not help Rennes if he turned over now, and he was afraid that there would not be enough Sentry to fight with one hand.

Thinking about it, it can only be followed by bb, which is a little help, dragging the sentry, and let him continue to compare, otherwise he might rush in and hit two dozen.

Actually, I think too much about tuberculosis and green skin.

Rennes didn't need help, his test project was basically completed. It is entirely possible to start a new test.

However, since the sentry intervened, there was more majestic solar power to devour, and ai felt that it might be better to take the opportunity to deepen the previous tests in order to obtain a better solution.

The result is suffering Billy.

Ai is not actually trying to kill him. But what he did, there was indeed a suspicion of killing him. After all, he was madly extracting the power of his sun, and his sun gate would collapse.

Now with the help of the sentry, it was not enough for him to make a comeback, because he suddenly found that Ren's pumping power was stronger.

Billy was quite grieved. He used to think that Ryan was going to kill him, but now he found out that Dangqing was just a joke just now, and he did n’t do his best. .

"It's too much to bully!" Billy simply crushed the steel teeth when he thought of being kicked more forward.

"Awow roar!" Extreme anger made Billy begin to explode. 120's exertion of power, the flame blazing all over, like a blazing big bonfire, pushed the golden red light back.

However, in just a moment, the golden-red light became more intense, and even the rolling black smoke was much less, and they were burned out or forced away by the instant, and they looked more pure.

Billy was suppressed back to the situation just now, only the body surface barely maintained a light golden energy shield.

Outside, the sentry felt the change, frowning gradually, and he finally realized that Ren was simply plundering the power of the sun.

With a sip, the power of the sun that supported Billy increased dramatically several times.

As a result, the golden-red flame followed and changed again.

"Huh?" The sentry looked dignified.

It's now that he has taken Billy's hand and is fighting Rennes.

Because his energy per unit time has exceeded the amount released by Billy, Billy has become a point of contention between the two sides. Like tug of war with each other, one pulls and the other pulls.

The flames of the sun erupted on the sentry, and the shock wave formed directly blows the green skins nearby.

With the understanding of tuberculosis and green skin, the sentry couldn't help, tearing off the mask and starting to shoot with all his strength.

In fact, the sentry did not use his full strength, even if he changed his hands to release the power of the sun, he still controlled the degree.

As a result, his operation turned into an oil-enhanced battle. He continued to increase yards, while Rennes always made the swallowing power more powerful to achieve a new balance.

After a few times, even the sentry panicked.

This is the first time he has become an extraordinary person.

Before, I always felt that my power was like the ocean, wide and deep, and there was nothing that made him feel obviously wasted.

This is also an important reason why he is willing to share. When one's own wealth has such a point that it is inexhaustible, lonely music is not as good as public music.

But today, now, he actually feels strenuous.

In fact, the amount he has released is almost close to the upper limit of his cognitive test.

The so-called upper limit of cognition is that he releases this level of power, and still has intuitive feelings, knowing the equivalent level.

During the Red Soviet era, a 50 million-ton equivalent tsarist nuclear bomb was tested on Xindi Island. Various cow ratio data can be said to tremble the entire world.

The sentinel was ready to compare to that level, but later felt that the impact was too great, and then the scale of the experiment was reduced, and Xingyao will be asked to help. Specifically, the vibration gold technology is used to form a strong energy absorption force field so as not to spread too far.

The reason why I didn't go to space to do this experiment is mainly because I want to have an intuitive understanding of the similar energy release in the atmosphere, visual animals.

As a result, the highest equivalent of 27 million tons of equivalent, no longer can hold high vibration gold technology.

Now, it is 24 million tons!

It can be said that as long as Rennes collapsed, it was only an instant, which was equivalent to the release of a 24 million-ton hydrogen bomb.

Then, New York basically disappeared.

This is the reason for the discoloration of the sentry's face.

After all, although the sentinel of this universe does not inherit the power of a million stars, and it really wants to explode with full force, it is not something the planet can bear.

He was worried about destroying the world, not that he would fail.

In fact, another person is also worried, that is Kane.

Zombies have replaced humans and become the new leader race in this world, which he can recognize.

But it was blown up, even if it was just too much damage on the surface, he could not recognize it.

Especially when he has already created a refuge colony star that has not yet been used enough.

In the end, Kane halted first.

ai is a bit unreliable in this respect.

The main reason is that Kane did not design an upper limit for testing and no emotional logic system. Ai will not be guilty for destroying this world or killing half of the east coast of the lighthouse country.

Of course, it will not be extinct for no reason, everything is for experimentation.

It can be said that there is no high-level experiment in the high-level experiment environment, until the upper limit of Rennes ~ ~ As a result, the upper limit of Rennes was not tried, and the details of the sentry were not tried. But the world is about to kneel.

Either side can't hold back, it is an extinction catastrophe.

Kane finally saw that ai was so careless and finally ordered it.

Ai started a little bit of effort according to his orders.

The sentinel also felt it naturally, and began to weaken the power output very cooperatively.

The number of "poo" jumps just now increased, but now I dare not do this. It was mainly Billy in the middle.

Billy has his own will. Once the sentinel's power drops sharply, Billy will die, ai will lose too much, Billy will quickly escape, and as a result there will still be a big risk of imbalance collapse.

It can only be the cooperation of both parties. You drop a little, and I drop a little until it is relatively controllable.

The sentinel had begun to have a headache and thought, "How to explain to Billy who has been suffering afterwards ..."

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