Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 929: Inspection and strategy formulation

As soon as the command center was gone, all officers and men were branded, and the ‘due duty’ BUFF was carried.

For Zhao Wenrui, this is the beginning of everything.

But this is a little dangerous at first, because he lacks four qualified soldiers.

The type of warfare provided by the shine system is relatively rare.

One of the lowest level, called Ranger, is a female soldier.

After applying the shine system, the soldiers and the people are separated. Only the soldiers have the ability to hunt zombies, and the only thing the people can do is to endure and escape.

This can also be seen as a side effect of receiving the Shining Mind System.

Zhao Wenrui thinks this is a good thing.

Because under normal circumstances, ordinary people encounter zombies, not only will flee, but will also fight back. One of the three illusions in life, I can fight back.

Analysis from the commander's perspective, Zhao Wenrui prefers that they do not have this passion, from the mentality, they concentrate their energy and ability on escape and defense, but on the contrary, it is easier to achieve results, and it is easier for the commander to calculate.

This is now the case. People who blessed the BUFF of the blaze system will receive two special BUFFs in the event of danger.

One is called rushing to death. To put it simply, it's a burst-level escape.

Another is called desperate defense. It is necessary to rely on the construction and carry on the tenacious resistance.

The price paid for this is lack of combat capability. It can be understood that if there is no one to rescue, the former may also be able to escape the danger completely by throwing away the chasing soldiers, and the latter can only be broken for a long time.

So he now needs qualified soldiers very much, otherwise he can only use his gun as the guardian of the entire team.

Fortunately, the starting capital he owned was converted into simple and clear resources by the system, represented by money, wood, stone, steel, food, energy, and population.

Judging from the current resources, he was allowed to build a barracks, provided that the command center was rebuilt in a standardized manner.

In this way, you can save a lot of stone and steel.

'boom! ’The door of the office was pushed open, and Jonathan came in.

"General, I hope you can take back the order to rebuild the bastion. Without a solid camp, we are afraid that we will not be able to survive even one night."

Zhao Wenrui, who was packing up, looked at Jonathan and said, "There were no zombies last night."

"But that doesn't mean there won't be tonight."

"But it doesn't mean there will be tonight."


Zhao Wenrui waved his hand, interrupting Jonathan's plan to continue, saying: "Listen to Jonathan, your strategy, say good things are called old-fashioned weight, and say bad things are called shrinking tactics."

"You might say that Lao Tzu survived three pioneering actions with this tactic. On this point, we can simply break it."

"First of all, throughout history, this tactic has already risen from a tactical perspective to a strategic perspective in the ten years since Pioneering. All commanders think this way: 'I just need to be more cautious than the previous ones, no You can succeed against their mistakes. This idea is not wrong in itself. Humans are standing on the shoulders of their predecessors. They have learned lessons from generation to generation, and they have succeeded in succession before they have a brilliant civilization. "

"However, any concept is too far, and cautiousness turns into not seeking merit but seeking nothing, which is not good. It will delay the fighter."

"Jonathan, we ca n’t just talk about our own truth and do n’t look at the changes of the enemy. Are you sure you know the mechanism of action of the zombies? Do you think the information on the market is always the truth and will not change? Do you think the zombies are gone? Wise species, will there be no adaptive changes at all? Then please explain why the current zombies will not disturb the armored train? "

"Jonathan, it ’s not good to be transferred to the name of an expert, but you still think of it as an achievement, a manifestation of your ability. I do n’t object to this. No one can. This is really what I do. What I object to is, You, like many people of your age, no longer humbly, no longer look at everything with the attitude of learning, but feel that you are an expert and an authority. You are indeed an expert and an authority, but I send you the sentence 'Live to Old, learned old proverbs, let us encourage each other. "

Zhao Wenrui finally said: "Go down, I hope you remember, next time you come in, you have to knock on the door first, no matter how urgent you are. Also, please have a little confidence in my IQ. Although I am young, I do n’t It means that I like to die. In the end, if you are interested, you can pack up your clothes and wait for me to walk along the line with me, and the times have changed. You should understand what the current zombies are. My predecessors have a deep heart Language is everywhere, contempt for zombies, I will not. "

After 20 minutes, Zhao Wenrui and Jonathan, each carrying an electrically driven three-wheeled off-road motorcycle, walked along the railway first south and then east.

"Do n’t worry too much, Jonathan. The family did not hesitate to get in touch with me this time, and naturally I made some preparations. For example, using satellites left in the sky by information civilization, although only a part of it, It ’s enough to keep me from being shrouded in the fog of war. "

Saying that, Zhao Wenrui handed Jonathan a very steampunk imager. On the round and somewhat protruding screen, the background color was green, and the translucent white light grid above, with light waves regularly brushing from top to bottom The screen, and in the center of the screen, there are two blue dots, and there are red dots on the edge.

Is easy to understand. This image is always centered on the blue dot to show the situation of the area. The blue dot represents them, and the red dot is the zombie.

Jonathan asked in surprise: "This is the technology of the information age."

"After retrieving the relevant information, I developed it again. Although I have done many accuracy tests, I still plan to test it myself."

Said, Zhao Wenrui introduced more detailed usage, such as calculating the specific distance through the display.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Zhao Wenrui set up a triangular bracket, measured the wind speed and humidity, and then shot in a combat manner. The first shot missed the target, and the second shot hit a target 1200 meters away.

"Come on, Jonathan, you should also try it. The new sniper rifle. My ancestors have a proverb that says" workers must sharpen their tools if they want to do their best. "It means they want to get things done and be prepared as fully as possible. Tools are an important part of this. I have a lot of good things in this development. "

In fact, Zhao Wenrui is preparing for the next round of comprehensive promotion of weapons and equipment not equipped by the Kingdom, as well as construction technology.

The three major arms of the shining system, Ranger, Warrior, Sniper.

Rangers use steam-curved pulley bows, and they are characterized by high camouflage, high speed, and quietness. It is suitable for killing a handful of zombies and a handful of them without disturbing a large number of zombies.

Of course, it is not absolute. Sometimes annoying violent corpses or more troublesome mad corpses may cause zombie riots, and even small-scale corpse tides.

But when it is called ‘tide’, it is at least a thousand. Imagine that the students of the next school, after doing inter-class exercises, rush to a point with a speed of 100 meters, basically the effect of small-scale corpse tide.

Warrior ’s armor is the most protective. It looks similar to the ‘human wolf’ in the {human wolf} world. It is not an exaggeration to say that the modern use of plate armor in the cold weapon era.

The weapons they use are pump-type shotguns, which have relatively strong white soldier combat capabilities and are the main builders of living defense lines.

The sniper uses a bolt-action sniper rifle, which is the type used by Zhao Wenrui this time. The Thunder Son series has a lot of movement and power, and a slow rate of fire. It is mainly used to kill the special mourning in the zombies. For example, muscle tyrants, breathing monsters, flying monsters, these special mourners use the weapons of rangers and warriors to kill them, which is more laborious.

"Notice, Jonathan, the swift corpses that are mixed with ordinary zombies. Although they usually swallow slowly, their walking posture is more like laziness than weakness. There are still differences between the two. Careful observation can tell Come out. "

Jonathan is also obedient and asks, "Do you mean to carry out small-scale clearing?"

"Yes, piecemeal hits, snipers shoot swift corpses. In case of small-scale charges, the fire net built by the soldiers will block it. After removing these active elements, let the ranger hunt with steam bows."

"What if a small-scale corpse wave is triggered?"

"A wooden wall, two or three wooden whistle towers, and then let the fast-moving ranger take the zombies to circle, this tactic I have long wanted to test."

"Running circle? Is it okay?" Jonathan actually saw a group of zombies chasing a person madly, and more than once, but only in a passive situation.

"Theoretically established, in fact, the problem is not great."

This time Jonathan chose silence instead of refuting it. In fact, he still had some disapproval in his heart. After all, this tactic, the one who attracted the zombies, was really dying. Is there such a person?

He does not worry about whether his ability can be achieved. The reason why the Obonin Kingdom can stand up, in addition to the original George's asylum, there is another reason, 'the son of the king'.

The son of King is not a descendant of George, but refers to a group of people who can fully integrate with George's serum and obtain special abilities without side effects.

Among them, the true king and the king, the king refers to the fusion with artificial serum, and the true king comes directly from the royal blood.

This is also an important reason why Georges' direct descendants are still regarded as supreme.

The real prince heirs are basically based on the column prince heirs, and their talents, abilities and contributions are outstanding before they are promoted.

And even the princes are not Chinese cabbage, the whole kingdom, but dozens of people.

It's hard to imagine that such a heroic unit would play for Zhao Wenrui's circling tactics.

The son of the king is too precious, so you can only use the drug man.

Drugmen are serious prisoners, and the Kingdom has never stopped trying to crack the super bereavement virus. This requires a lot of live experiments. The drugmen were born under this background.

People also have physiques beyond ordinary people, but they are often accompanied by serious side effects, especially mental instability. They are double-edged swords, and it seems that no one has done it so far.

Zhao Wenrui did not pay attention to the king's son or the medicine man, but the three main arms of the shining system, all of which can be understood as biochemical preparations.

First of all, they will not become zombies, which eliminates the possibility of self-disorder.

Secondly, their spirit is different from ordinary people, and they have undergone transcranial surgery with high-frequency electromagnetic equipment, in which the sniper will even be removed part of the temporal lobes of the brain.

Finally, their physical qualities are stronger than ordinary people, and the specific strengthening direction varies according to the characteristics of the arms.

To some extent, the soldiers who shine the system are consumables.

But from another perspective, it is also a manifestation of love, because according to the description of the shining system, the system takes the route of elite soldiers, dealing with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies, and the number of soldiers does not need to be thousands.

Of course, if it is more than 100,000, the main force of the battle is no longer a soldier, but a weapon.

Such as the Shockwave Tower, can kill zombies in a wide range.

But this weapon is not effective for special mourning, not only is it more resistant to special mourning, but also because their internal structure is different from that of ordinary zombies. They are specially designed for frequency modulation of shock waves for them, and the cost performance is very low. In addition, the design of 'Frequency Adjustable' will make weapons more complicated, more difficult to maintain, and easier to damage.

Therefore, other weapons are needed to specifically target the special funerals, and the shock wave tower is used to deal with a large number of ordinary zombies.

That is to say, a combination of sniper watchtower, shock wave tower and high wall is a very good combination.

But it is not easy to build such a defense line, you need to climb the technology tree of the blaze system, and the resources must also be converted according to the blaze system conversion mechanism.

Zhao Wenrui is now considering that it is more elementary and is used in the defensive means and tactics in the initial stage.

After completing observations and some simple test projects, Zhao Wenrui and Jonathan confirmed the distribution of minerals in the Xiazang Jingu area.

This mineral distribution is also identified according to the specifications of the blaze system. For example, there are abundant forests and many mountains and rocks, which form a natural barrier. However, these mountains and rocks are not classified as minerals according to the rules of the shine system.

There is only one real mineral in the west of the entire region.

Zhao Wenrui knew where he had to clean up and start production as soon as possible, otherwise there would not be enough facilities, and he could not bear the wave of corpses 15 days later.

After checking the mine site, the two headed north again. The principle along the way was to go deep without zombies, and try not to provoke them as much as possible. In this way, the invisible boundary was slowly outlined.

Some places directly reach the bottom, such as the exit of the Tibetan Gold Valley in the west, where the valley is long and narrow, the mountain is steep, and it is more than a thousand meters long. It is called the Yanggu Valley Road. There are so many zombies, and it is easy to clean up. It is a natural danger that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

To the north, the situation is not very optimistic. At the corner where the train turned from east to west and north to south, there was a gap of more than 200 meters wide. Zhao Wenrui peeped inward with the detector, and the screen was full of red dots.

Preliminarily estimated that there is a connected valley next to the valley where the command center settled.

Jonathan thought that the gap of two hundred meters should be kept, and it would be OK.

Zhao Wenrui did not agree with this approach. Because he has a key message prompted by the shining system-16 days later, the corpse tide came from the north.

This means that this direction is the main exit to the outside world. This outside world refers to the kind with a large number of zombies.

Against this background, keeping the gap and the gaping defense line forced, there is absolutely no room for slowing down.

In addition, since there are plenty of zombies in this direction, you have to consider the issue of circulation.

It is likely that at some point, there will be small stocks of fish zombies.

And this kind of circulation will also lead to small-scale zombie riots, which is the same as the water dripping into the water, and then the ripples.

Generally speaking, this direction is a living point of zombies, so it is the focus of defense.

And Jonathan missed the other side of the steel bridge, but it was not so dangerous.

Has to say that if there is no hint of the shining system, Zhao Wenrui will also put the focus on the guard bridge.

Because it is called a train, it has seen many zombies along the way, and even the land seems to have been poisoned, giving the visual impact of the aging lair.

And after crossing the bridge, it was a turn of almost 90 degrees, so the train often started to slow down before approaching the bridge.

Lacks speed and is more likely to be blocked by zombies or even vehicles, so the control of the bridge and the surrounding area can be said to be a guarantee for retreat. It's easier for the train to lead the zombies to the valley from this direction. So anyone with a little brain can see the importance and danger here.

But now, Zhao Wenrui has a bolder plan. Since the other side of the seemingly steep bridge is actually a dead spot for zombies, just like the lack of circulating backwaters, be careful, it will only make waves, then why not organize combat power What about the zombies on the other side of the steel bridge?

Once the cleaning is completed, the benefits are naturally many.

For example, to ensure the safety of this section of the railway line, with more ample room for detours, there may be mines.

And when the tide of corpses in the north went south, there was no possibility to respond and become another offensive force.

With this line of thinking, Zhao Wenrui re-drafted the core strategy and changed it to eliminate the crackdown with all efforts. Instead of waiting for the corpse tide to happen, all the zombies in the nearby area are mad, so it is difficult to carry the defense of the new stronghold.

The two of them ate some dry food at noon and dealt with a meal. When they returned to the command center, it was already sunset.

Through the dim light, you can see the command center that has changed, and the barracks standing on the ground.

Jonathan said in surprise: "What did you promise them to make these people so motivated?"

Zhao Wenrui smiled, did not respond, and said: "Where is this? The construction speed of your eyeballs is still behind. As long as the resources are not stuck in the neck, the engineering soldiers will definitely be able to stop working and learn efficiency. model."

With the shining system backing, Zhao Wenrui dared to let go of his hands and feet, and soon after he returned to the command center, he exhausted almost all resources in one go.

He almost madly built a large number of camps in the east area (divided by rails running north and south) until all the food and funds were used up.

According to the regulations of the Shining System, each building of a camp account must allocate a portion of grain. This part of grain is divided into production capacity, not total amount. Production capacity means continuous loss, so much is lost every day. The funds are used to build the camp account.

The camp provides population and also benefits. This benefit is abstract. The shining system is replaced by the concept of money for easy accounting. A tent provides a total population of 4, a usable population of 2, and 8 gold per round (3 rounds per day) ), Consume 4 grain capacity, 1 energy.

The more troublesome thing is that the real population comes from the train and there is only one trip per day.

So how to plan and use resources, when to build more camps, or upgrade camps, has become a very worthy thing to consider, and can even be said to be the key to success or failure.

This is obviously designed by C Kane deliberately, his humanity avatar, naturally can not forget the root of farming development, not proficient.

Therefore, it is very demanding. The construction of facilities is closely related to the production of various resources. Without planning, there will often be a situation of waiting for the rice and scratching the head, but there is no way to do it.

Because the shining system provides a settlement system every 8 hours (only for money), Zhao Wenrui had to take the initiative to adapt. When he asked for himself, he always had precise control over the battle-based global situation through the shining system at all times. In place, spend the first time.

In this way, others do at home, but the workload is very large.

To give a specific example, it takes time to build a soldier in the barracks, paying the cost of up to 5 soldiers at once.

But if you do this, you do n’t need to pay attention to the barracks from time to time, but there is a backlog in payment.

A ranger occupies 1 available population unit, consumes 2 wood at a time, and 120 gold. A camp only produces 24 gold a day, and it takes five camps a day to produce a ranger in order to pay back the cost.

Production of 5 people at a time is equivalent to pressing 480 gold into the inside. If the money is embezzled to other places first, such as making more camps, is it the most effective?

Obviously, but the training of rangers is also very urgent. This requires the controller to calculate the time required to train the ranger. It happens that the training of one ranger is completed, and the cost of training the next ranger has been entered. There will be no window period, which delays the overall speed of the ranger training.

As another example, the production settlement of mines and logging yards starts from the moment of construction. Generally speaking, the cycle is fixed and the corresponding resources are produced. When will the production stop and the related personnel and energy will be transferred to other Locally, it is also said that if you see a new round of resources coming out, and choose to stop production, it will form a waste of personnel and energy. On the contrary, just produce a batch of resources and shut down in time, which is very economic.

It can be said that within the same period of time, a commander who can pick up the province in one detail can increase the overall economy by one third. After all, money can make money. If you have one more camp account, you will earn 240 more gold in 10 days. The expenses of the two rangers come out, and if these two rangers are added, maybe the firepower is enough to cope with an operation without damage. The cycle is reached ...

Correspondingly, there are more alarm clocks in the commander's head, always reminding when it is time to order, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

This kind of approach must be personal, easy to die early, sudden death, just like the legendary Zhuge Wuhou.

But at the beginning of his life, Zhao Wenrui had no more choices.

Become a king and defeat the invaders, usually be cruel to yourself, it is nothing more than seeking success and survival. Although these needs have never been made public, and you can do related things specifically, they must not be vague.

Zhao Wenrui joined the reincarnation system at that time. That's how it started. He was exhausted, and the dead grass generally used every power as much as possible.

It's just that now Zhao Wenrui started higher, so instead of starting with a scout, he is already a commander. He adapts quickly and enters the role without much effort.

C Kane, who secretly observed, felt that at least the core route chosen by the deity for his life was fine. He does have talents in farming and command, not the type that is good at fighting individuals and fighting the battle.

Trained two rangers, Zhao Wenrui ordered him to clear the zombies overnight, and the target was the small group near the only mining area in Zangjin Valley.

Even after long-term starvation and severe physical decline, ordinary zombies still have the same running speed as ordinary adults unless their limbs are damaged.

However, such zombies are hardly a threat to the Ranger, as long as there is enough space, a larger number can also kite to death.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui watched the battle from the perspective of the gods, not mainly worried about the danger of the rangers' life, but wanted to specifically verify the feasibility of the running circle tactics.

If you want to prove that it is feasible, you must first determine the hunting mechanism of the zombies and how to stabilize the hatred.

Facts have proved that the zombie will indeed be attracted to the nearest target, provided that it is not attracted by other reasons.

If it has been attracted, such as being shot with an arrow, and the zombie has determined which one to shoot it, then a simple approach will not pull away the hatred.

Here, there is also a concept of blind obedience mechanism.

Simply put, the ones behind are examples of the front, the others around are aligned with the one who moved first, and the powerful zombies have the power to become the leader first.

This also means that if there is a swift corpse in a group of people, it is not the first one to be alarmed, but it is faster and will soon come out of the crowd ~ ~ At this time, if it is After being shot with an arrow and changing the pursuit target, the zombie behind him will follow it to change the pursuit target.

In such a situation, the impact from the side, if you want to affect them again to change the target, you need to meet two factors, first, the distance is close enough, and second, the damage is high enough. Otherwise, even if it is injured, the original intention is not changed, unless the target has died.

These factors have become the details that need to be paid attention to in the circle of tactics. Since the battle is started, the scene is more confusing. The rangers have no possibility of grasping every detail. They can only be reminded by his commander. , Because as a commander, he has a talent skill called time slowing.

In fact, this is a kind of effect achieved by secreting dopamine to excite the brain and have a stronger information processing ability, not that time really slows down.

With this move, he can command the front line troops and accomplish some tactical miracles. The shortcoming is still that, deliberate exhaustion, easy to sudden death, early death.

But for a person whose failure is equal to the death penalty, sudden and early deaths appear to be mild and slow, and they will die at any time, which is what they need to care about most at present.

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