Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 936: Corpse ranch

In addition to the long grass, the corpse ranch also has a limited area of ​​dense forest.

These jungles are, in Zhao Wenrui's eyes, a natural barrier.

The vast majority of Obonin people are full of fear of the wild jungle. Among the many horror stories circulating in the city, there are often bridges in the jungle that encounter zombies or special funerals.

Zhao Wenrui didn't like the jungle at one time. The dim light and shadows of the jungle, like the darkness, all represent the unknown and uncontrollable, and people will instinctively hate this feeling.

But recently he has loved the jungle, because by carefully interpreting the information given by the blaze system, he realized that no matter what the past, but nowadays, in terms of zombies, the jungle represents a security barrier.

Why did n’t zombies choose to cross the jungle because they lost their sense of direction and got lost? Or does the smell in the jungle affect their judgment, or instinctive unhappiness?

The reason for this has not been ascertained, but after the practice test of Zang Jingu, he has not questioned the correctness of the information given by the shine system.

So instead of choosing the site left by his predecessor as the place for the command center, he chose the forest area east of him.

There are two forests with the largest and highest density in the entire pasture area, one north and one south, and the railway line passes between them.

When he decided on the site, Lieutenant Colonel **** did not have bb, which made Zhao Wenrui feel happy. When he was in the Golden Valley, Jonathan's nagging really bored him.

Of course, he also understands that the one with the most annoying mouth is probably not bad, and the zipper on the mouth, with only ears and eyes, is probably a bad dog who bites at a critical moment.

It is unclear whether Lieutenant Colonel **** shouldered the observation and learning to facilitate the replacement of the secret code at an appropriate time, but it is always right to be more careful.

This time Major James did not fight for him, the command center could only be built under his personal supervision.

For him, it's nothing. His own 100 engineering soldiers belonging to a qualified command center specialize in the shining system, which not only builds faster, but also has better quality.

The trouble is the rangers. Although the more than 100 rangers no longer need to spend the purchase cost again, it is difficult to land.

The reason is that it is limited by the available population units at the initial stage.

Let's go further and say that without a battalion that meets the specifications of the Shine system, neither military nor construction can operate effectively.

Fortunately, the previous preparation made Zhao Wenrui a lot easier this time than when he started the Tibetan gold valley. He directly ordered the fastest speed to build a camp along the railway line and spend all his resources.

At the same time, he also had four guards in pairs to guard the east and west ends of the railway.

Both the north and the south are forests, and the central railway line runs through it. It is a boundary that divides the area into four defensive blocks. This is also regarded as a patrol-style guarding the mouth.

Lieutenant Colonel **** didn't say anything, but looked secretly surprised.

Zhao Wenrui's extreme is far beyond his imagination, such an opening is almost the same as death in his eyes.

However, the great success of Zangjingu has made many people in Oboning optimistic about Zhao Wenrui's future. After all, a person did not die, cleaned the entire valley, and carried a wave of corpses. For a young and excessive general, this opening is simply dream-level.

After hearing the news, many people thought that Zhao valve was blowing for his children.

Some people even think that it is too fake even to preach the momentum. In ordinary circumstances, people will endure without dying, and the tide of corpses will not die. Is this the God of War leading the angels in battle?

Later, as a train went back and forth, the interaction was strengthened, and people realized that it was all true!

There are no angels, but there are a bunch of female rangers who come and go like wind and archery.

As for Clevin Zhao, if the 13 former generals were ordinary human generals, then Clevin Zhao was afraid not to be a **** of war.

After all, the gap between the two's record is really dazzling. There are zero zombies. This is simply a miracle. The number ratio, combat power ratio, comprehensive evaluation of the two warring parties, if Clevin Zhao could not get an unprecedented high score, it would be a shame.

George II and a big man in the army. This time, there was no special embarrassment for Zhao Wenrui, and he did not even eagerly reach out to ask for ranger training techniques in the name of "reporting explanations". This is largely because the battle of Tibetan gold valley caused a strong reaction among the people.

Ever since its development, has there ever been such a level of victory?

The whole kingdom is motivated by morale. If news of the embarrassment of Kelvin Zhao comes out at this time, it is simply an operation against the kingdom, against humanity, and against IQ.

As if overnight, Clevin Zhao's influence in people's hearts has risen to the rank of the first person in the military. Many people have even secretly cursed him for the next mission.

Can be cursed again, and it is inevitable that the signboard of Klevin Zhao is widely recognized.

Therefore, just on the second day of Zhao Wenrui's foot-hunting corpse ranch, the armored train came twice, and more than a thousand people arrived!

Tibetan Valley's story has made many people in Oboning realize that life is sometimes a gamble.

So these people came. They knew that on the first arrival, they would generally obtain the land closest to the command center as a homestead, and as long as this stronghold was established, even if they sold it backhand, they would make a fortune.

Someone is already thinking about getting rich by this method. Some people who have played in casinos can understand the feeling that when they have strong hands, they have a special feeling that God stops killing God and Buddha stops killing Buddha.

Many people think that Kelvin Zhao, who started with the gods, is now in a strong hands, and is very likely to make a rush and open a dozen or so.

Therefore, wherever Klevin Zhao hits, these people are ready to pursue them. As for the resettlement of the people first, the relevant policies of the real estate are limited according to the specific circumstances, it does not matter, if you have a policy, I will have a countermeasure, and benefit from it. There is always a way to get around.

And Zhao Wenrui showed the qualities of Han Xinbing's many benefits, and immediately issued an emergency decree for the labor leader.

If you want to get the homestead first and get the camp account, then go to work. To this end, he deliberately assigned a part of engineering troops to carry out basic management such as supervision and scoring.

These engineering soldiers are brainwashed systematically, fulfill their duties, and do not practice favoritism and malpractice. The work they do is not too complicated, just look at the goods for centimeters.

As for what kind of goods, the most labor-intensive work at present is earthwork, such as leveling the ground, logging, etc.

Just like this, Zhao Wenrui simply saved the second copy of the wood in one day by relying on the exchange of resources with a loss ratio. This is almost the same as picking up treasure resources.

Extreme camp construction practices also brought Zhao Wenrui a very good economic income.

On the second day, he had the money and resources to build a wood wall at the edge of the forest area while building the logging yard.

The railway gate that can open by itself and let the train pass is time-consuming and costly. Zhao Wenrui did not rush to choose, but chose the wooden fence of the sweatshirt that proved to be very practical when he was in the Tibetan Golden Valley.

This kind of wooden fence consumes little labor, but you can laugh at the IQ of brainless zombies, and provide effective protection in the case of insufficient soldiers, so that a small number of soldiers have a better damage output environment.

This trick made another contribution on the third day. Seven swift corpses were suddenly killed in the southeast, and a guard was killed by a small group of fish-touching troops by wooden fence.

Zhao Wenrui secretly wiped cold sweat afterwards. His current situation is simply dumplings with thin skin filling for the zombies. Once he is touched by the zombies, it is basically finished.

Of course, the Battle of Zang Jin Gu also had many lessons for him.

Now that he can think of ways to unearth technically, he can naturally play similar tricks on personnel.

So this time he did not systematize all the personnel, but left a part of the officers and men to form a defense army.

This team is far more powerful than the police in terms of armed force, but it is obviously lacking in the professional police service to connect with the people, so they strictly cannot be regarded as qualified security personnel.

But this is the problem of not being close to the people during the war. It is up to the non-combatants to bear it.

Theoretically, this two-hundred-person team is also capable of fighting. Didn't his predecessors use such officers and men to open up many new areas for the kingdom? Although they were unable to defend in the end, at least they proved that these people were still capable of fighting.

But for Zhao Wenrui, the biggest problem is not whether they can fight, but the logistics system they need is in conflict with the shining system.

Speaking of this logistical issue, one has to mention Zhao Wenrui's logistical background.

The reason why Klein Zhao can become a pioneer general with the first-order military back is that in addition to Zhao ’s use of human relations, another important point is money.

It is much more complicated to elaborate. For example, Zhao Valve is very influential in the food processing field of the Obonin Kingdom. It is not too important to say that the food needed for pioneering is basically the responsibility of Zhao Valve.

There are also quite a few people who belong to Zhao's forces. In the past 20 years, not only have they not been damaged by repeated pioneering campaigns, but they have increased. Therefore, the military and craftsmen have also contributed a lot.

These are converted into money, and the final result is that Zhao Valve has to bear 45% of the investment in a series of pioneering battles. Correspondingly, if it is completed, for every 1 million square kilometers of land, Zhao Valve can choose 300,000 square kilometers at will.

As for the remaining 55% of the cost, although it was paid in the name of the kingdom, it was actually crowdfunding.

In this regard, Zhao Wenrui did not have specific information, but only knew that the royal family accounted for more than ten percent, and the rest were from each family.

This conforms to the national conditions of the Kingdom of Obonin. The major industries have been monopolized by dignitaries.

Class solidification is also an important reason for opening up. Passing on contradictions is beneficial to everyone.

Like many modern tens of billions and hundreds of billions of super projects, the pioneering campaign is not a lump sum of funds out there, which allows the pioneer general to spend energetically.

Instead of investing in batches in units of locations.

Because of the outstanding performance of the Tibetan Golden Valley campaign, the crowdfunding party represented by the King has readily paid a new round of input, and the amount is loose, whether he is attacking the corpse ranch or the crossroads. As for the extra part, you can settle afterwards.

Although the settlement after the event is likely to be based on the land development rights in the area under the strategy, at least on the surface, it seems more atmospheric.

But Zhao valve's investment has been postponed. Mr. Zhao's statement is that his new action is too fast, exceeding the expectations of his family, and the materials are not adjusted at once.

Zhao Wenrui doesn't want to care about this matter, neither the king nor the Zhao valve, don't want to squeeze him in military affairs, he has his own rhythm.

It might seem a bit arrogant to pretend to say so, so change the sad version: he has his own difficulties, the shining system has his own timeline, he can lead, but not suitable for lagging, because the punishment is severe.

Including those rangers he trained in Zangjingu, it is possible to be released. Once that happened, it was not only the cost and time, but also the experience gained by the Rangers.

These rangers are all on the way to becoming veterans, and need a stable logistics and combat environment to develop into a qualified veteran.

In the case of limited supplies, it is not a problem of strenuous to establish an indigenous system that keeps pace with the shining system, but whether it is appropriate to do so.

This time he also tried to leave such a defense force of 200 people, and behind it, naturally was a batch of materials that had not been converted into shining system standard resources.

Zhao Wenrui hoped that there would be a suitable opportunity for them to play and show their strength. Before then, he had no confidence in the combat effectiveness of this unit, and he had little confidence.

Compares the good and the bad. He also wants to borrow this army to understand the general combat level of King Oboning. In particular, he was able to train the assault infantry of the shining system this time, which can be compared horizontally.

Actually, some information that he thinks is very important has been compared.

For example, combat mode.

From this point of view, the shining system basically relies on light infantry to complete the mission. Even in the mid-to-late technology, it pays attention to noise and smell.

Rangers, assault infantry, snipers, the sound of weapons is not high, the big crossbow car, shock wave tower, also have special attention in this regard.

And the Obonin Kingdom is a musket and artillery, as soon as it hits the earth, the smoke is scattered.

The investigative team of the kingdom said that there is no special impact on the corpses farther away.

But Zhao Wenrui believed that their remarks were not clear to them in many cases, but they vowed to ask others to believe that their relevant claims were professional, which is simply a pitman.

He is more willing to believe that the reason why the blaze system pays attention to noise reduction and ‘dehumanization ~ ~ must make sense.

He naturally connected the defeat of his 13 former predecessors.

He guessed that when those pioneering generals plowed the ground with artillery and drove guns and killed hordes of zombies, they also buried themselves as the root cause of defeat.

He ca n’t understand the specific reason now, because the height he stands is not enough, and the information he knows is too little.

And reality always likes to play tricks, often afraid of what comes.

On the fourth day of the establishment of Zhao Wenrui ’s stronghold in the Hunting Corps Ranch, his signboard was a bit overwhelming, and the number of migrants who came here by train to build a new home reached more than 2,300 people. 3000 people went.

When there are many people, it is easy to make trouble, because of the problem of camp allocation, people are in trouble, and against this background, a fast-moving corpse with more than one hundred corpses fished from the south along the outer edge of the jungle. There is no stronghold even the Zhaimen ...

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