Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 942: Kingdom surnamed Zhao

Infinite Supreme Wizard 942 Chapter Kingdom Wang Zhaohao Yousheng Novel Online Listen

Grandpa Zhao thought his second grandson was crazy.

His biggest concern has always been that Kelvin Zhao was controlled, thereby further controlling Zhao Valve, and then subverting the country.

As a result, things happened along this rhythm, and it was so abrupt that it was even incredible. And the old man Zhao thought that the place where Zhao Wenrui was mad was that he took the Hundreds of People, and even thought he could subvert the kingdom.

Zhao Wenrui said, "I understand your doubts, and you can rest assured that it will not cause the spirits to be tarnished, because it is the people's hearts that I subvert."

Grandpa Zhao sneered. "Fighting two victories, you feel that you are what you want."

"How is it possible" Zhao Wenrui laughed. "I subvert people's hearts not by people's recognition, but by technology beyond the times."

Father Zhao said indignantly, "You really betrayed the family, betrayed the kingdom, and even betrayed human beings, willing to be a dog for aliens."

Zhao Wenrui laughed. "In fact, the situation is much better than you think. The one who gave me strength, and even pointed fingers at me, can't even talk subtlely. It just gave me a special tool, and the rest is my free play. My sanity is not affected, and every choice is made by myself, and accordingly, I am willing to take responsibility. "

Grandpa Zhao pouted, with a strange expression on his face.

Zhao Wenrui did n’t mind, and continued, “My main purpose is indeed to make myself profitable. But unlike what you think, I ’m not interested in the **** of the king of symmetry. So if I succeed, it ’s equal to people in this kingdom One of my dreams succeeded. The vast land for this group to develop and multiply. Everything will be yours and I will leave. Because I do n’t belong here. "

At last, Grandpa Zhao finally listened and widened his eyes, "You, you are not Craven."

Zhao Wenrui nodded. "I'm a guest, borrowing Klein's skin. The real Klein has been poisoned by a compound toxin, that is, the abc are non-toxic, but when mixed, they are highly toxic toxins."

"I originally wanted to do things in a normal way, step by step, I need to accumulate and grow, and the Zhao family can also gain glory and defeat in the process of my growth, and the kingdom can get more land for survival. I have to say , This country is really deformed, especially for the superiors, there is no room for tolerance, beware of suspicion, and keep oppressing. "

Zhao Wenrui didn't go on talking about it. Until now, he didn't want to talk to anyone about it. How to understand, how to do not understand

He gave the order that the engineering soldiers who came with him would construct on site, demolish the Zhao valve mansion, and build a command center.

The materials are ready-made, and there are a large number of prefabricated parts. The construction speed is very fast, just a few hours, the frame has been built.

At this time, it was already dark. Due to the considerable movement on the side of Zhao Valve's mansion, the neighborhood came and asked.

Aobo Ning Kingdom has a lot of land and gold. Even the top chaebols such as Zhao Valves, the mansion covers an area that differs from that of the Siheyuan, which is a three-entry capital of the flower gardener Jingcheng. And the neighborhood is naturally not a simple character.

But they were all instigated by Mr. Zhao, or even slandered in person.

Grandpa Zhao is naturally unwilling to do this, but as Zhao Wenrui said, "At this point, in addition to praying for me to win, there are more choices for the Zhao family. Even if they can do great justice, the enemies of the Zhao family will give up this opportunity. "

On November 7th, as soon as it dawned, the main body of the command center was completed. With the operation of the power system, the building was put into use.

Zhao Wenrui's first order was to systematize the area, and then build the Tesla Tower with all his might.

So early in the morning, the pedestrians on the road and the road saw the brutal construction team. They did not hesitate to occupy the road for the convenience of construction.

However, people in this era have far less legal awareness than their ancestors a hundred years ago. Most people regard it as another bad act done by the powerful people to direct the evil slaves. Tolerance is tolerant, and hiding is hiding.

Later, a small nobleman who was traveling was affected, and he was filled with indignation and reported to the police station.

People in the police station were surprised, and they said that this is crazy, and the kingdom has never happened before.

By the time the police station came forward, the Tesla Tower had covered half of Oboning City.

Zhao Wenrui opened a systematic command in the command center. In the area covered by the Tesla Tower, all people were affected by the artificial psychic force field, and their self-personality fell, becoming a systematic puppet.

Although this systematic usage Zhao Wenrui figured out early. But when it really enslaved a huge number of human beings, Zhao Wenrui still had a sense of illusion.

For the first time, he had a deeper feeling about the notion that human life is no more than data.

At the same time, he can't help but think, if there is a certain will behind the system, does it mean that from the beginning, he has thought of the possibility of choosing such a path

The answer is yes.

c Kane had considered the possibility of Zhao Wenrui seizing power and ruling the Kingdom of Oboning by the system when he designed the shine system.

Of course, he didn't expect Zhao Wenrui to take this path so quickly, step by step, taking risks all the way, and even doing so.

Nor can they complain about the lack of imagination of the powerful officials of Oboning. It is indeed that the systematic ability of the Shining System is too perverted, directly distorting the people's hearts, and once the facility is standing, the army of thousands and thousands of horses is so kneeling.

By the time George II and the dignitaries realized that there was a major accident, the area of ​​Oberning City that had not yet been systemized was less than a quarter of the total area, including the Royal Palace and another area full of dignitaries.

The final confrontation seemed a bit tragic. George II assembled all the men who dared to fight and launched a deadly charge, but Zhao Wenrui did not give them a glorious ending belonging to the soldiers. These people rushed into the coverage of the Tesla Tower, He soon became confused, and then threw away his weapon, defeated undefeated.

Because of his special blood, George II was not distorted. Zhao Wenrui said, "I think this kind of sobriety is more like a punishment. I believe that the next few years will be a torment for you. Fortunately, I have no idea of ​​occupying your throne and this country. I I just want to borrow the power of the Obonin people to sublimate myself to the extraordinary, so most of what you lose can be taken back. "

After a brief dialogue, George II was temporarily placed under house arrest, and there are still some fragmented areas that have not yet been controlled. Zhao Wenrui hopes that this peaceful evolution can be ended perfectly, and no more mobs will be made.

On November 15, the Kingdom of Oboning completely surnamed Zhao.

Zhao Wenrui used his family skills that he had loved since childhood, and turned all the jurisdiction of the Obonin Kingdom into a large construction site.

More than half of the kingdom's wealth is concentrated in the hands of the rich and powerful, and after the system conversion, it is barely enough to make him crazy.

The shining system is more conscience, he completed the special task of changing the flag of Oboning, and the system directly gave him 500 glory points and 1000 technology points.

He naturally finished his plan first, directly rose to 3, with dozens of points left, and was unable to buy anything else.

From 1 to 3, it happened just during the cat's winter rest, and his little abacus was also crackling.

The 1000 science and technology points, let him fully enter the three era.

In his view, there are three signs in the three books,

Stone house, concrete barrier, shock wave tower.

The so-called stone house is a brick and concrete house.

Concrete frame, brick wall.

It is worth mentioning that the strength of this concrete is about twice that of natural granite, and there is no need to add steel bars or bamboo bars inside. It is quick-drying and seamless.

Bricks are not ordinary blue bricks or red bricks in his cognition, but are called iron bricks, which are blue-black in color and dense and heavy, just like cast iron.

There are up to 10 standard stone house models provided by the Shine system, which further facilitates Zhao Wenrui's settlement plan. After completing the model community pilot in the eastern district of New Aoboning City, Zhao Wenrui directly promoted this template to the whole city.

In the end, nearly 150,000 people were made homeless. It is also due to the fact that people are systematized. Otherwise, he would be overthrown by Zhao Wenrui and he would be overthrown directly by the people.

Zhao Wenrui resisted the pressure and refused to build a building, or refused to make concessions on the per capita living area. By February 2110, under his barbaric decree, Zangjin Town, Qingcao Town, and the iron town and Coal towns have been greatly developed, and a town system that meets the cognition of modern people has been established. The unplaced population fell below the 100,000 mark.

This winter, the number of people dying due to starvation and cold was 144, the lowest in the kingdom of Obonin in 100 years.

Zhao Wenrui could only sigh gently. If he loosens his policies further, he may still die a few fewer times, but the price he pays is to increase his total consumption by about 20%.

He chose to save 20% of the consumption of food and materials. He told himself that the main reason for the death of these people was freezing and starvation, not because of him, but because of the years of hardship that had already destroyed the bodies of those people. If he wanted to survive the severe winter, he needed special care, but he did not Condition and ability to exclude them from hundreds of thousands of people and give extra care.

100,000 people are homeless and can only live in collective dormitories, which is easily reminiscent of the kind of dormitories in concentration camps.

However, Zhao Wenrui is not worried. After the Spring Festival, the war of external expansion will continue to be launched. These populations can be resettled.

This winter, in addition to the development and construction of the Kingdom of Obonin, the military has also made considerable progress.

The first is to separate the field army and the national defense army. The latter is equivalent to the second-line army and is responsible for guarding their homes. The former is the soldiers of the shining system, otherwise it will expand the territory.

Secondly, a major disarmament was completed. In fact, a considerable part of them are transferred to reserve service, and they will be the source of the future engineering or field army. It's just that they don't currently need to be out-of-work soldiers, so their labor can be used for construction.

This is actually the use of the system by Zhao Wenrui.

In the process of systematic training of soldiers, the core is nothing more than brainwashing and biochemical strengthening, which means that the traditional March emergency training is not required. Since this is the case, then these three months can be used for production, not training, anyway. Ning Kingdom is now like a big commune, with endless work.

Third, Zhao Wenrui has also carried out a series of major reforms in the military ’s weapons and equipment, using resources such as steel and saltpetre in production and construction. He will no longer hoard and wait for the future system to increase to four copies before being used.

In this way, the original artillery system of the Obonin Kingdom and so on were all banned. The main weapon to replace artillery is the Shockwave Tower.

After the test, even Zhao Wenrui admitted that the Shockwave Tower is really a very brutal weapon. Its shockwave frequency can cause the zombies to disintegrate at the cellular level, directly transforming the zombies into skeletons with flesh and blood, and seen that scene. , It is very easy to have nightmares, because it is also effective for people, all you need is to adjust the frequency band.

With the Shockwave Tower, when the army faces the zombies, the main target is only the special mourning. The physical structure of the special mourning is not different from that of the general zombies, and the shock wave killing of the Shockwave Tower is a very precise type. If there is a slight deviation, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced, so it is difficult to kill the special mourning. .

Correspondingly, snipers and sniper weapons have become hot.

In this winter, there are two other things worth mentioning in the military, that is, Zhao Wenrui has sent people to explore the last fortress given by the blaze system and the weapon processing plant.

The last stronghold is just south of Obonin City ~ ~ after being baptized by high-radiation dirty bombs, it is still a rough place where grass is hard to survive.

It ca n’t be planted, and there are no mineral deposits. Some are just fatal radiation. No one wants to go there, including zombies.

But these are not big problems for the well-prepared Zhao Wenrui. The process of exploring there was smooth. The science and technology points of 200 are obviously higher than the 140 points after the completion of the mission of Zangjingu or the Hunting Ranch Ranch.

The only thing that disappoints Zhao Wenrui is that the glory point is attributed to the core explorer, not his promoter.

That is to say, if he is coveting the glory point of such tasks, he can only personally participate in the exploration, and it is best to be alone, otherwise it will be judged by the system to help the participants divide certain glory points according to the specific situation. .

Thinking over and over again, Zhao Wenrui finally gave up his plan to test insurance alone.

The son of Qianjin, do not sit in danger. When should be desperate, when should be cautious, have a spectrum in mind, no matter how high the interest is, you have to enjoy the famous.

c Kane looked at the secret grin, but also considered a major feature of his character completed a review.

Ghost, treacherous, gourd, and other words are suitable for him. He is destined not to be a dog-killer of righteousness. He lacks the courage of blood, and he is not a person of temperament.

With such characteristics, choosing to become a commander, or even living alone, is easy to understand.

In addition to the last stronghold, another similar exploration weapon processing plant was introduced after the Raider Hunting Ranch.

It is west to the north of the Corpse Ranch, backed by snowy mountains, and to the west is also a mountain range. It can be said that it is in the corner of a long stretch of mountains. Even if it is directed at this terrain, Zhao Wenrui feels that there is much to do there.

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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