Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 951: Fight again

The monster died like a detonated high-energy explosive package. Zhao Wenrui even noticed that they were far away. This further increases their psychological shadow area.

After some frightened self-confidence, they fled the war zone, and five people were in a semi-collapsed ruin to discuss the next action plan.

As always, the four first waited for Zhao Wenrui to express his position.

After all, Zhao Wenrui is the leader of this group, and he did what a leader should do. All four people respect him more.

Also, Zhao Wenrui always gives a rough explanation when making decisions.

Facts have proved that his decision may not be the best, but it can always be classified into the old and stable category, so 4 people are willing to listen.

"I'm afraid we will go back empty-handed this time." Zhao Wenrui started with bad news. "Too many forces are involved, but we are seriously lacking intelligence and wanting to profit from it is too difficult. The most important thing is that our strength is too poor, even if the opportunity is in front of us, we are unable to grasp it."

As if to match Zhao Wenrui's decline, the clouds in the sky did not know when they were gathered together. After a gust of wind blew past, the rain began to pour down.

Although the spring rain in April is as expensive as oil, but in this era of generally low temperatures, people can experience it, but it is the taste of the February ice rain, which is expected to be steep in spring and cold.

After Zhao Wenrui finished speaking, he waited for four people to express their views.

As the saying goes, the temple has a small demon wind, and the smaller the team, the more qualitative and more democratic it is, rather than one person's words.

The power of the leader is more like consuming human values. Other people have paid enough. Other people are willing to give this face when they disagree, not by persuasion.

It is very difficult to persuade the disagreement on one thing completely, and the actual situation is often not allowed to spend so long time and energy to do such things.

It is for this reason that the military speaks of discipline and obedience, and the civilians are mainly in the back row.

C Kane's design for Zhao Wenrui is still from the army, which makes him very dissatisfied with the current chief job.

This is one of the reasons for coveting marching ants.

He instinctively desires smart tools with few obedient problems, so it is also possible to make some concessions in other aspects, such as IQ, individual combat strength ...

As usual, the old Nick silently self-checked his equipment, pressed the empty shell in the shell collection bag into the magazine, loaded it into the rucksack, and refilled the underfill magazine (generally it would not be completely empty before changing the bomb). folder).

Zhao Wenrui knows that the old Nick does not squeak, does not mean giving up the right to speak, what others say is what it is, but a sophisticated and even savvy performance.

He is the habitual final statement.

For example, everyone agrees to go east, he generally does not talk about going west.

If he needs a critical vote, then it depends on the specific situation, which one is closer to his idea, but also weigh the pros and cons of casting this vote.

Compared with the old Nick, Lucius is the opposite. Zhao Wenrui has heard his unexplained hum, and it is easy to think of adjectives like restlessness.

"Lucius, if you have any ideas, just say it."

Lucius laughed aloud and said, "Boss, I think the opportunity is rare, even if it is just an observer, there are also some blowing back, but also selling intelligence ..."

At the beginning of Lucius, Emma and Owen also expressed their positions one after another. Emma has the same meaning as Lucius. Her role is scout and she is more sensitive to intelligence.

Owen ’s supplementary knife mainly emphasizes the existence of that extraordinary person. Yu Qing should at least thank the other ’s helping hand. Yu Li, the other party is obviously biased towards himself. In the end, that extraordinary person is obviously tall!

Zhao Wenrui heartily sighed: "You don't say this is okay, I even want to withdraw this. Why do you give me a helping hand? Most of it is life! Even if it is not, it may not be simple.

But he also knows that this line of thought is too dark and unfounded and unsuitable for reasons. Can only say: "You also noticed the explosion, we are very sure about the situation of the extraordinary ..."

Emma took the words and said: "Then we should check it out more. This is the minimum morality."

"..." At this moment, Zhao Wenrui's mood is tangled. The kind of tangled bitter fruit.

When I first selected the team members, one of the reasons for choosing Emma was that she was a good character among the scavengers.

Good character, do you really need to worry about being pitted?

Look at this moment!

I do n’t know if it ’s a true virgin or a false virgin. Anyway, this reason is very impressive, and it ’s also in line with the people.

At least 3: 2.

Psychologically murky Zhao Wenrui will inevitably think that the real motive of these three people's choice is probably greed.

He was stern, ready to use power.

Doing so will consume a lot of the ‘authoritative value’ that I usually accumulate, but he feels it necessary.

Said in his heart: "The temptations I face are even better !? I let go of greed and choose to save my life at this time. How can I get you back?"

This reason is indeed not nonsense. After all, his golden finger determines that if he is willing to take risks, he does have a chance to get a rich harvest.

But also because of the golden finger, he refused to gamble.

Many times, people gamble on their lives, not because they are too eager, but because there is no more choice.

He has!

He can devour it step by step. Why should he choose the risk of choking and go to a goal that obviously exceeds his coping ability too much?

The game in front of him, in his opinion, already belonged to the level of fairy fights, join this lively, it is death!

However, before waiting for his position, their internal discussions were interrupted by outsiders.

‘Oh, uh, uh! ’

Dozens of silhouettes fell from the air, before Zhao Wenrui could see the other party, he had heard the other party's words: "Is the thing in your hands? Hi, me too, why do you say that!

Immediately afterwards, a scarlet blood blade flew towards them.

This light blade was cut with a weapon, which is obviously an extraordinary blow. Like a large crescent, it came across, and it was destroyed along the way. The ruins of participation could not be blocked.

At this time, everyone's fighting consciousness and experience came out.

Zhao Wenrui was vigilant enough, so although he was embarrassed, he finally avoided it.

Old Nick ’s experience is there, but the body composite index is a little worse, so he is also hiding and rolling.

Owen was relatively calm. He suffered a sudden blow and fell on his back. Although he was hit by a falling brick, it was easy to make up for the knife, but at least he escaped the blow.

Emma is the most sensitive. The female leopard jumps out of the ruins, and her movements are very healthy and beautiful.

Lucius was not so lucky, the reaction was half a beat, and the coping style was not good. One step hid behind the pillar, and the light blade cut the pillar and him like butter, only after 2 seconds. With a terrible howl, he soon became weak and died!

Almost at the end of the chopping, the extraordinary person who rescued Zhao Wenrui before them appeared in front of the ruins.

Just one step behind, one step behind.

But the opponent he faced this time was obviously stronger than the corpses.

Those who started Zhao Wenrui's hands did not delay for half a second, so they chanted the mantra loudly. Wherever the mantra spread, the space was in a strange state of tremor and distortion, just like an ultrasonic weapon in action.

The supernatural who came was not slow in response, jumped into the air, the knife slammed in his hand, but the ground was slashed.

The rich poisonous green energy energy is ejected from the knife, forming a dazzling brilliance, but just a flash, it does not enter the ground.

The ground was hit by this blow, forming an implosion, and the earth waves spread like ripples to the next four places.

Zhao Wenrui, who had just escaped from the ruins and crawled out of the ruins, faced this kind of spread. They could only tighten their bodies and protect the key points, and then they were blown away with the spreading waves.

And where the transcendent slashed, the huge, rock-shaped mouth was still broken out of the ground.

However, it has been almost destroyed by the extraordinary. The pure black light in the huge mouth, uncontrolled wanton surging, where the mud and stone were corroded to make a creepy "chirp" sound, and soon became black.

So Zhao Wenrui, they have to thank themselves for being blown away by the earth waves created by the extraordinary, otherwise they are mostly corroded.

The Transcendence broke a sinister transcendent blow and incidentally rescued Zhao Wenrui once again, but he himself was in trouble.

Hengri suddenly appeared in dozens of afterimages, intercepting him and surrounding him at an indescribable high speed, constantly cutting and slashing.

These figures are exactly the ones who gave Zhao Wenrui their hot hands before.

Faced with this kind of blow, the Transcendence obviously couldn't cope with it, but he didn't panic. He responded calmly, holding up almost all the deadly blows, and the secondary ones relied on the black light and mist protection on his body. Needless to say, they were ignored.

In a cutting arc of hybridization, the sparks were splashing, and even the sound of swords cutting into the flesh, but there was no drop of blood.

Was chased by the chaos blade in the air all the way to the ground. Although the transcendents blocked the defense, they were also tired of coping with it.

But the moment when the transcendent fell to the ground, a violent explosion occurred with him as the core, and it was another strong shock wave diffusion, but it was even worse than before.

Zhao Wenrui They are typical ants hit by a fairy fight, and then blown away like a tumbleweed ...

But those fast sword attackers who are used are more affected by this explosion impact, and their attack speed is greatly reduced.

The transcendental took this opportunity to make up for himself an energy shield.

Saw the black light smoke entwined around him, with a green filament, spiraling upwards and looking quite strange.

Almost he added a shield, and the scarlet light blade attack from the opponent arrived. Not one, but a dozen!

It turns out that these people have sharp play no matter how fast or slow. If you can't cut the sword quickly, then charge up.

In just 3 seconds, the power is very strong.


In order to stop the attack, the transcendent blew up the shield just above.

The two types of extraordinary forces meet in the air and radiate a lot of light, which is extremely deadly, but also extremely magnificent.

‘Ping Ping Ping! ’

In such a situation, gunshots that destroyed the extraordinary atmosphere sounded.

Was Zhao Wenrui, and then old Nick and Owen, who had struggled to climb out of the ruins, also shot.

They obviously did not exist for the show, but to protect themselves.

Transcendence is their dependence, they must win breathing opportunities for transcendence.

This has indeed played a certain role. Several people have been affected, and their movements have obviously become sluggish.

But there were still a few stern scarlet light blades shot again, completely blasting the protection of the extraordinary.

Fortunately, the transcendental is not doing nothing. His body is shining, obviously taking the opportunity to give himself a transcendent effect.

When his opponents again wrapped around with chaotic blades wrapped in afterimages, he responded a lot more calmly.

In the place where the transcendent slashed, the huge, rock-shaped mouth was still broken out of the ground.

However, it has been almost destroyed by the extraordinary. The pure black light in the huge mouth, uncontrolled wanton surging, where the mud and stone were corroded to make a creepy "chirp" sound, and soon became black.

So Zhao Wenrui, they have to thank themselves for being blown away by the earth waves created by the extraordinary, otherwise they are mostly corroded.

The Transcendence broke a sinister transcendent blow and incidentally rescued Zhao Wenrui once again, but he himself was in trouble.

Hengri suddenly appeared in dozens of afterimages, intercepting him and surrounding him at an indescribable high speed, constantly cutting and slashing.

These figures are exactly the ones who gave Zhao Wenrui their hot hands before.

Faced with this kind of blow, the Transcendence obviously couldn't cope with it, but he didn't panic. He responded calmly, holding up almost all the deadly blows, and the secondary ones relied on the black light and mist protection on his body. Needless to say, they were ignored.

In a cutting arc of hybridization, the sparks were splashing, and even the sound of swords cutting into the flesh, but there was no drop of blood.

Was chased by the chaos blade in the air all the way to the ground. Although the transcendents blocked the defense, they were also tired of coping with it.

But the moment when the transcendent fell to the ground, a violent explosion occurred with him as the core, and it was another strong shock wave diffusion, but it was even worse than before.

Zhao Wenrui They are typical ants hit by a fairy fight, and then blown away like a tumbleweed ...

But those fast sword attackers who are used are more affected by this explosion impact, and their attack speed is greatly reduced.

The transcendental took this opportunity to make up for himself an energy shield.

Saw the black light smoke entwined around him, with a green filament, spiraling upwards and looking quite strange.

Almost he added a shield, and the scarlet light blade attack from the opponent arrived. Not one, but a dozen!

It turns out that these people have sharp play no matter how fast or slow. If you can't cut the sword quickly, then charge up.

In just 3 seconds, the power is very strong.


In order to stop the attack, the transcendent blew up the shield just above.

The two types of extraordinary forces meet in the air and radiate a lot of light, which is extremely deadly, but also extremely magnificent.

‘Ping Ping Ping! ’

In such a situation ~ ~ Gunshots that disrupted the extraordinary atmosphere sounded.

Was Zhao Wenrui, and then old Nick and Owen, who had struggled to climb out of the ruins, also shot.

They obviously did not exist for the show, but to protect themselves.

Transcendence is their dependence, they must win breathing opportunities for transcendence.

This has indeed played a certain role. Several people have been affected, and their movements have obviously become sluggish.

But there were still a few stern scarlet light blades shot again, completely blasting the protection of the extraordinary.

Fortunately, the transcendental is not doing nothing. His body is shining, obviously taking the opportunity to give himself a transcendent effect.

When his opponents again wrapped around with chaotic blades wrapped in afterimages, he responded a lot more calmly.

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