Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 958: Before losing control

Emma wanted more than just a thick leg.

How to rely on oneself as oneself?

No one is better than myself!

So Emma actually wanted to touch the magic mirror and say the phrase "I obey the black vortex".

But she is very clear, but her words, I am afraid not even qualified to participate in the project.

Undoubtedly, they were all violent, and she was at the bottom of the bottom.

Except for the desire for power, she has nothing stronger than the attributes of these high-end warriors.

Interestingly, at times, ‘hunger and thirst’ is a very useful weapon. Because it can make people use any means.

Emma was willing to pay her enough to give her everything in order to sound dreamy but feel a reliable way to gain power.

The "sleepwear" Zhao Wenrui, if it is also part of the price, it should be relatively small.

After all, what to do with Zhao Wenrui is not a painful thing for her, but she can't talk about happiness or happiness.

Although Zhao Wenrui is not ugly, it does not conform to her aesthetic. She can't talk about her personality, of course, she doesn't hate it, but she doesn't call.

She knew that Zhao Wenrui had some thoughts about her. She was a scout, and she had some indescribable keenness. In the words of the refuge psychic Mamu, she was rewarded by God.

Relying on this skill, she can feel Zhao Wenrui's deep desire in her eyes.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui is already a good one, and it is said that it is completely uncovered, and it is everywhere in the refuge. The descendants of the survivors are called "savage", for naturally there are reasons.

Speaking of which, there is also an episode. One of the difficulties in the process of C Caine arranging the traversal background for the human avatar is to get the language.

Over the centuries, similar to the effect of bad money expelling good money, the language of the descendants of the survivors has undergone great changes, and black slanged English has become dominant.

Even they themselves, because of the ambiguity, need to make a certain guess based on the context and the words before and after. I can imagine how troublesome it is to understand and master their language.

To this end, Kane also deliberately left a nagging memory for the human avatar. Zhao Wenrui was full of disgust for the rudeness of the refuge.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhao Wenrui looks at Emma's eyes. There is a gap when there is a contrast. Compared to those very straightforward questions: "Can you grass?" Or "Will you want grass?" implicit.

Regardless of whether Emma has a certain culture or is smart enough to cause this, in short, he recognizes this thing. After all, he is a traverser, and the refuge in some aspects of the refuge is really unacceptable to him.

However, Emma ’s public reputation in the refuge is not good, and the general criticism is indispensable for a “pretending” hat.

Said she was obviously a maid of fate, but she just wanted to put on the lady's shelf, like those noble ladies in the refuge.

This comment has already revealed the essence of Emma.

No matter what she did specifically, her essence was a bold pursuit of beauty, a person struggling to fight against fate.

It is for this reason that she reads books and learns, imitating the restraint of the noble lady, and would rather take the risk of being a scavenger than to betray her hue to get what she needs.

Of course, for the savages, the reality of the environment is like a tendon. The harder it is, the tighter it is, Emma pays a lot for her maverick. The road ahead is always suffocating darkness, which makes her gradually give up many of the goodness in human nature.

This time it's the same. She thinks 'Black Vortex' is a bright light in the way of life. She thinks ...

To be fair, Emma is not stupid. She began to pay the price before she left it, because she had no more choices and her capital was pitiful.

She is very clear that her appearance is not very outstanding, and even those who sell wine and meat in the refuge pub have several more prettier than her, with better figure and more delicate skin.

She just occupies the two elements of 'young' and 'bodybuilding', her skin is firm and firm.

Then there is her temperament, which is relatively rare in the refuge.

And this temperament is directly related to her most valuable 'personal setting'.

She knows that Owen, Zhao Wenrui and others like her, just because her private life is more censored, which makes people take a look at it.

It is precisely because she knows that when she treats Zhao Wenrui, even if she is close enough to trust her life, she will not cross the line.

However, there is a good saying:

There is no such thing as loyalty, just because there are not enough chips.

Emma thought she would have a super-friendship with Zhao Wenrui after she retired.

In her vision, at that time, she could no longer play a role as a member of the team, but it was like maintaining emotional heat and gaining some benefits from time to time. Then having a leg with Zhao Wenrui became a powerful guarantee.

She is still optimistic about Zhao Wenrui's future. She feels that Zhao Wenrui is just like her, an alternative to the refuge. If there is no accidental death, then the future will not be too bad.

But no one can predict the circumstances of life. In order to seize the opportunity in front of him, Emma decided to strengthen her relationship with Zhao Wenrui in advance.

After Emma, ​​Irving and Old Nick also got together and expressed their attitudes with their own body language.

Zhao Wenrui confirmed that his boss's authority was still there, and he said at the moment: "Be good first."

What he meant was the tragic death of Lucius.

There was no objection. Although Lucius was clumsy, he did not have much ambition. He was also a bit of a grudge, and was still a pistachio in the team. All four are treated as immediate juniors, but now ...

It can only be said that this is the way to eat this bowl of rice. Death often comes suddenly, even if it is too late to say goodbye, people are gone.

The people were indeed gone, except for the remaining blood on the ground, the corpses were completely gone.

This made the four people stunned. There are strange things every year. This time there are so many. Lucius was cut into four segments. All four people looked at them. All of them were missing.

"Emma, ​​see if there are any clues to check." Zhao Wenrui said to Owen and Old Nick after he ordered: "Self-check, leaving us little free time."

Both Irving and Old Nick heard their words with awe at heart, patronizing all the liveliness in front of their eyes, and forgetting the background of this world, it was still the world of zombies.

There is so much noise here that it is bound to attract zombies.

The reason why it is not a tactical appearance is only to show that the special mourning of the nest level is alarmed. Only this special mourning can control a large number of zombies, forming the kind of tranquility before the storm Gain momentum.

Zhao Wenrui made emergency preparations for the next battle for survival.

On the other side of Rennes, the atmosphere fell into a slightly strange embarrassment because of the "black vortex".

C Kane was beaten by his strength. Whether it is mystery or function, the "Black Vortex" is obviously higher than the Ulujin artifact he made.

The person present could easily understand this, and would not choose to turn a blind eye because he explained the danger through the mouth of Rennes.

C Kane looked at this situation, and still opened the script to follow the trend.

Ryan asked the captain of the sentry and said, "Speaking of it, who are you? What is Xingyao?"

"I ’m Jack Rogers, I ’m from Guangyao."

‘American team kisses son? ’C Kane could n’t help thinking.

In the Marvel Universe, the American team has several posts. The most famous nature is Steve Rogers, and he has sons and grandsons. The son is called Jack Rogers.

As for the "Glory Club" in his mouth, Kane felt that he should talk to the "Glow Club" he knew from time to time, but was only a rebellious organization targeting Xingyao Club.

The Illuminati is known as the Leadership Alliance, and it is also the strongest brain alliance.

The founding six-member group are Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Black Bat King (the leader of the alien race), and Namo (King of the Seven Seas, similar to DC's Sea King).

In addition, Bruce Banner, Panther Techara, Hank Pimm, Steve Rogers also joined.

Among them, Steve's situation is the most embarrassing. Because he did not agree with the practice of the light to slaughter another parallel universe, Dr. Kiwi was washed away from the relevant memory and kicked out of the organization.

Summarize the performance of this organization in one sentence: the original intention of causing bad results is often beautiful.

That's right, it seems that the light is there to explain 'good intentions to do bad things'.

However, in Marvel 199999, this organization couldn't even find the founder, and C Kane didn't think it might exist.

"So Jack, if I choose to help you, what good will it do?"

As a result, the leopards of the Star Yao Club were unwilling to be lonely, and one of them shouted: "Several thieves who stole knowledge and intelligence and then became independent, and in turn, directed against the benefactors, what benefit can we get? Our Star Yao Club is Different, if you just want a handy weapon, you do n’t have to choose the Asgard artifact. "

Kane heard the words and said: "Yes, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, and you will also be in line with the universe. Or, in the past, it was actually cosmic, but it has not been shown?"

The Leopard said to the SHIELD and the Avengers: "We Xingyao will look for the" Black Vortex "in order to strengthen the entire human race and let humans take the world back from the zombies."

"And this person and the organization behind him." Leopard said, pointing at Jack Rogers, hatefully said: "It is obstructed again and again on the grounds of risk, saying that it is necessary to seal the 'black vortex'. Have?"

"I am here on behalf of the Star Yao Club promised to help us get the" Black Vortex ", all participants have the right to use research, and the" Black Vortex "is shared by everyone." ...

While the Leopards were generously speaking, Nick Fury and Maria Hill were in urgent contact with Kane. There is no reason for him. ‘Black Vortex’ belongs to ‘Unexpected Prop.’ It ’s not at all in the play ’s script. Both of them want to know what to do next.

Kane's answer is: "Natural acting, what do you think of the" black vortex ", then what attitude do you express, and I have asked for help in the play has been achieved."

Kane said this, Nick Fury and Maria Hill immediately realized that the diamond VIP who needed Kane to ask them to help the acting was probably among the most obscure scavengers present. A member.

Because if the only thing that can be said to be over in this period of time is that a group of people, led by Rennes, etc. inserted a bar horizontally, interrupting the original fierce fight.

The three parties and two parties that were originally fighting not only did not stay out of the way, but also stirred deeper. The only party that has benefited the most from the interrupted fighting is the group of scavengers who are still alive.

As for who is the diamond VIP among the four, it is still unclear.

However, Nick Fury and Maria Hill instinctively drew a cross on Zhao Wenrui first.

This character felt like a personal bodyguard forced to be exposed.

If it weren't for Rennes to come, he would have to expose more, in order to achieve the purpose of protecting the important people. But at that time, there was no way to explain it. The awakeners who were so strong for Mao would be committed to this small group.

Leaving Zhao Wenrui apart, there are one woman and two men. Among them, the possibility of the old Nick is not too high. Those who have run to 5, will soon be able to use the phrase "The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk".

Owen is most like, the team positioning is a relatively safe remote support type, the conditions are hard, but there is a sister to accompany ...

I have to say that these people sent by Nick and Maria have done a good job in observing the work. It seems that they are cooperating with Rennes, but in fact they have insight into the audience.

The behind-the-scenes analysis team is also highly professional. In such a short period of time, the character card was built. The only problem with the analysis is that there is a problem with the angle cut, which leads to misjudgment.

But it doesn't matter, there are only 4 people in total, and it doesn't take much effort to stare to death.

As for the Leopard and Jack Rogers, are n’t they still interacting, as long as this line continues, are they afraid that they wo n’t run away?

So the first order's staff members got the first reply from Shangfeng ~ ~ stood up and said: "Asgard's artifact is also good, Godhead's Godhead's" black vortex "is nothing. I think it is still foreseeable Go to and confirm the real thing, and then discuss attribution or how to use it. "

The woman in the Avengers who previously claimed to compete for Asgard artifacts for private research purposes agrees: "Agree, my request is not high, as long as I let me study, then there is no problem."

The representative of S.H.I.E.L.D. made a more official statement: "It is still the same sentence. Our S.H.I.E.L.D. body has been containing extraterrestrial objects since the old times. These super-technological and even extraordinary objects may have no difference between right and evil, but the People have good and evil, and we will not allow it to fall into the wrong hands. "

The representative of UEF, the company commander of the Tigers also stated: "I am also saying that the earth is the earth of the earth people, and the UEF is the orthodox successor of the earth people, so we will not stay out of this matter."

In this way, the scene became three factions.

The First Order and the Avengers tend to lean towards the Leopards. They are considered to be one faction, and they advocate getting the items first and then others.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and UEF belong to one group. They are not willing to talk about key issues. Obviously, it means that if something is true, we must definitely contain it. As for helping, we can only say that we have other rewards. You are not afraid of doing it.

For Rennes, it seems to be biased towards Jack Rogers, because he expressed his views on the 'black vortex' for the first time, which is obviously derogatory.

Then he bargained with Jack Rogers instead of the Leopard, indicating that he prefers that the "black vortex" cannot fall into the hands of ordinary people, otherwise it will cause a disaster.

As for the scavengers, the ants need not care!

But the irony, the upheaval, just started from the ants ...

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