Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 963: Chaos

Urujin artifact was really thrown at the speed of meteorite.

Due to its energy-absorbing properties, if it is smashed, instead of being caught, then at least a square kilometer will be completely razed to the ground.

Kane deliberately increased the difficulty of acquisition, fearing that the key used for comparison was intercepted by others.

The people present have noticed that there is not much smoke, but extremely shining falling stars.

Everyone reacts differently.

The Transformers of the First Order tried to intercept, but after using the instant calculation, they gave up.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the Avengers also calculated that the speed was too fast to intercept and started preparing for protection.

The UEF fighters have a special endorsement of the logistics system. As long as there is no problem with the communication, the real-time calculation capability is also sufficient.

The Leopards of the Star Yao Club simply took off, and if necessary, flew away from the area to avoid shock waves.

The rest is relatively low. Jack Rogers is quite enthusiastic. After destroying the thorn beast that hunted Zhao Wenrui, he plans to help old Nick.

The result was a step slower, but he was blessed by misfortune. For a time, he was the closest to Lucius in the replacement position.

After Lucius' blackening, his abilities improved in all directions, including his extraordinary exploration ability. He knew that Jack had a majestic power, and he could be ranked in the top three in terms of his ability to fight.

And he was hurt by the brutal means of ingesting the demon's soul by Rain just now. He had no thoughts at all and had no choice but to summon his teammates.

"Emma, ​​Owen, come and help me!"

He forced Emma and Owen to survive in a jealous posture and accepted the black vortex as a vassal.

I originally wanted to allow the two to complete the reinforcement normally, but I never thought that I would be in a critical situation at the beginning. It could only be a "dead Dao friends do not die poor", so that these two will fight in advance.

Also appearing in the dark ground, Emma and Owen are not as decent as Lucius appeared before. The two are like a broken bone that was chewed and spit out a few bites, with a 'fire' posture It was ejected, violently and anxiously, the landing was not stable, Emma was okay, but Owen was directly fell to the dog.

In terms of reaction, Emma is also quicker, just a meal on the ground. Even if the female leopard pounces on Jack, her body rises with a crimson light smoke, like a gauze, which changes with her actions, but will not fall off.

Jack opened the "black hole protection", which was used to resist the siege of the leopard people. It has a very strong effect of absorbing damage, but it is also a trick like deafness and blindness.

He used this trick, naturally not because he did not dare to embarrass Emma, ​​but there was Ren and Ulujin.

Facing the front, like the collision of two meteors.

There is no doubt that Rennes suffers. He has no gravity bonus, even anti-gravity, and he does not have a long enough acceleration orbit.

But he has more than 4 billion cell fusion reactors. He is a super nuclear weapon himself, which can be a big bomb or a star cannon!

The way he took the Moonblade was to shoot at it.

The crystals of energy distributed on the body shined in an instant, and the arms were stretched out in parallel and held high, much like the classic action of Superman flying.

The majestic energy was brewing between his arms, and then sprayed. The instantaneous impact effect was almost as good as the starship high-energy particle cannon.

After the bombardment, Renn followed the trajectory of the bombardment and soared into the sky.

The energy penetrating gun is used to weaken the strength of Yan Yue's falling, and then it is his real hard hit.

At a height of more than 100 meters from the ground, the two collided.

The dazzling light appeared at once, and the world lost its color, and the shock wave spread in all directions, causing more brutal damage to the ground than the Paris cannon.

Lucius, Emma, ​​and Irving, who failed to implement adequate precautions, were all blown away. Just looking at the speed, you know that this is absolutely enough.

Zhao Wenrui and Green Skin are far away, and the people who are still being blown up are turning their horses. Zhao Wenrui has a natural meat shield like the big boss in the middle of the Green Skin group. Although it is uncomfortable, it is not a big deal.

The worst is Old Nick. His position is perpendicular to the explosion. The shock wave is like a sledgehammer bombardment, and he is a piece of flesh and blood on the cutting board of the earth, even if one of the first-order deformation warriors helped him block it, He was still spurting blood, and was seriously injured in a coma.

And in the air, Ren with the moon knife in his hand laughed and waved with a smile, each slashing out gave a grand feeling of the aurora sky curtain, the white gold light curtain crashed to the ground, just like the meat cutter of the Titan **** on the cutting board Chopping meat, every time the wall collapsed, mud and stone splashed.

Green vegetation, gray cement bricks, and other colored things, including zombies, are braised in a pot, and tend to be chopped into dumplings.

This kind of person has a fierce fire output than the full fire of the temple 2 starship that destroyed the bully, and it stunned everyone on the scene.

People thought: "No wonder they sneer at the temptation of the" black vortex ", there is no shortage of power at all, only the tools for better control and release."

In fact, Ren is not short of anything. He inherited the characteristics of the Ren family. The white soldiers are not good at fighting, or they do n’t have such strong self-confidence, and they do n’t have that habit. The Fireball Party is basically like this, the humanoid starship is its pursuit.

Therefore, the real weapon of Rennes is actually a bioplasma cannon produced by evil spirit cells. Such cells are more powerful than ordinary cells that bind nuclear fusion. The burden and short life span, but it allows him to launch a powerful energy blow like a real starship gun, and it is extraordinary.

At the moment, the Moon Sword is in his hand, and it is also used as an energy trigger. Through the Moon Sword, the energy is easier to gather and shape, and then it is bombarded, wherever there are more zombies. In just a few breaths, the zombies were seriously injured.

Where did the nickname brain demon's nest owner still know that he was targeted?

Zombie has no human rights, it is used to it, but it will not do nothing because of it.

In fact, the corpses just used the summoning technique to dispatch their special funerals as cannon fodder to help Lucius escape. It was only after he had calculated his mind that he could let him drive it. Otherwise, the corpses could not succeed with his power. .

At this moment, it is time for these special funerals to show their might. Its goal is very clear-Lucius. Others can keep accounts first, and later have the opportunity to liquidate slowly.

As the brain demon put it into action, it was besieged by the original mess, and it was precarious. The few special deaths left were suddenly muscles peristaltic, and the skin was red, like a cooked prawn, corresponding to a multiplication strength.

Like those two muscle tyrants, Ryan failed to get the explosion shock wave caused by the Moonblade, and the skin was burnt, but it still did not affect the action. A quick rush to Jack Rogers.

As soon as Jack had lifted his protection from the black hole, he suffered successive hits from Muscle Tyrants and the killing of the hunter. Others are affected by the shock wave and are not nearby.

This gave Lucius a rare escape opportunity.

Lucius was naturally overjoyed, and no matter what happened to Emma and Owen, they immediately ran away.

Jack Rogers hacked a very powerful smooth blade in his busy schedule.

Despite the hit, Lucius turned into a group of shadow crows in an instant, scattered away, and quickly disappeared, and eventually disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was more than a hundred meters away, the shadow crow manifested from nothingness, and after gathering, it became Lucius again.

But without waiting for him to move, a scarlet giant sword penetrated his body from the horizontal, the effect was like a knife cutting through a small cut steak.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist spewed out from Lucius' body, but even so, he still could not cover his collapse and burning scene, and countless pieces turned into Martian fly ash.

That is a special scene that only happened in Zhao Wenrui's "swallowing".

At a critical moment, Zhao Wenrui, with a heart of trouble, shot.

He can predict the trajectory of Lucius's action, largely because of the extraordinary power of the Leopard people who had previously engulfed it.

Of course, this is not the same thing, but there are indeed similarities in nature.

Then Zhao Wenrui discovered that Lucius's extraordinary power characteristics were inextricably linked to the Leopard people.

Almost in a flash, he realized that the Leopard people were familiar with the 'Black Vortex' and appeared low-key and calm in this group meeting, fearing it was because of this connection.

It can be said that they are the least worried that Lucius can run away. If necessary, they are afraid that they will secretly shoot to help Lucius.

If Zhao Wenrui wants to make trouble, the first thing is to destroy this hidden line, isn't it to make trouble? No one wants to run, just play a game of guts here and see who is left.

Therefore, he forced to use it for a second time when the cooling of "Engulfing" was not over.

But he also achieved his goal, killing the blackened Lucius who wanted to escape in one fell swoop. At the same time, he also obtained the right to inherit the "Black Vortex".

With this change, the first to show anomalies are Irving and Emma.

The two unlucky ghosts were abused by Lucius first, tasted the pain of three knives and six holes, and agreed to surrender in order to survive, and the result was strengthened to half, and they were forcibly called to fight.

Before he started, he was affected by the shock wave caused by Ren's connection with the artifact, and he was embarrassed.

It was easy to take a breath, and the contract went wrong because of Lucius's death.

The semi-reinforced body is directly out of control and grows savagely, and even the appearance of the person is gone in a few minutes. The appearance is just like some of the distortions in the special funeral.

Both of them were deeply hit, and their thoughts became like ghosts. Even if they could escape their lives, their ambitions sprung up, and they were ready to pull back.

It is interesting that Zhao Wenrui was chosen by coincidence.

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui, who inherited the 'Black Vortex', directly smashed it on the heads of the green skins.

The extraordinary power he swallowed gave him a more comprehensive understanding of the use of the black vortex. He knew that such a magic mirror can be targeted at a group of people.

In addition, the magic mirror is not as passive as the original, but it is really like the magic mirror of the Snow White stepmother, which has the ability to provoke and seduce.

Zhao Wenrui's ability to resist this temptation is largely because his gold finger and the function of the magic mirror are a bit offending. Fully open.

In Zhao Wenrui's view, it is not "full potential", but more like using high-end biochemicals. It does have certain tailor-made characteristics, but the essence is to manufacture weapons, mostly in cannon fodder type.

Zhao Wenrui can't be tempted, but the green skins can't. They are eager to gain strength. In order to fight better, ‘Black Vortex’ is very casual, and they will go.

Of course, the green skin is also a peasant-style cunning. They are not honest and reliable Xiaolangjun. They eat dry and wipe the net and do not admit it. They have already done this before making a choice.

"Aoao!" After accepting the God Mirror contract, the green skins did not sink into the Black Abyss' intensified ritual, but transformed on the spot.

The ordinary people looked at that scene, and it was extremely horrifying. It was like a grisly devil in his body, trying to break free of his skin, so that deformed bulges continued to appear on his body surface, even in armor.

For Kane, the point is whether Godhead's power is sharp, or the green-skinned god's skills are strong.

Anyway, neither he nor Kane ’s deity could actually get the green skin gene. The Chaos Science Department was still a bit dry.

Facts have proved that the simple and rough of the green skin has a somewhat simplistic taste. Godhead's power has not shaken the core characteristics of the green skin. They have not been completely enslaved by the mirror, but they are no longer the original green skin. It is more like a chaotic orc.

This kind of thing did not happen in the Warhammer in the Middle Ages. The green skins are immune to the power of chaos. They are an outstanding genre of chaos in the chaotic system. They are always in the air, and they have never been completely controlled by chaos. ~ ~ But in this universe, the genes of green skin are restricted to a certain extent by the laws of the universe, and Kane does not use pure green skin genes, and only now has the mutation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a demon was born. These chaotic orcs have lava-like orange poisonous fire on their bodies. Looking at that expression, they are all typical buzzards, like angry bulls.

The first thing they did after they were transformed was to send grief to nearby special victims.

It turned out that after Zhao Wenrui raided Lucius, the brain demon of the zombie nest master turned his attention to Zhao Wenrui, and dispatched flying demon to seize people.

These special mournings with glowing red hair, like a stream of red streamers, rushed to the front of Zhao Wenrui across the distance of hundreds of meters between breaths.

But without waiting for the command of the green-skin boss, the green-skin under his command was instinctively stimulated and acted.

Among them, the four green skins that were originally chased by Zhao Wenrui through shockwaves to seek out the space were the closest to Zhao Wenrui, and their responses were the most direct and effective. Under the mad fire, the flying demon's movement was successfully delayed, allowing more green skin to have the opportunity to intervene.

Zhao Wenrui originally wanted to throw away the pot, but the peculiarity of the green skin made them lose the possibility of becoming the inheritor of the magic mirror. Therefore, to some extent, ‘Black Vortex’ has temporarily hit him.

And the green skin after the change, still how much the power of the magic mirror affects the mind, at least they know that the magic mirror is very important, can make more people become stronger, so protecting Zhao Wenrui has become an almost instinctive reaction.

Zhao Wenrui is deeply involved in the incident, and the incident itself continues to slide toward uncontrollability. Even if Ren ’s brutal operation nearly destroyed the pot of zombies, another group of people who came out with their own pot appeared, Mystic Master! Their mirror world is also a kind of good pot ...

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