Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 967: Struggling to survive

The first thing to confirm that there is a problem with this ruin of the Lonely Mountain is the Firefire.

It came to this world following the footsteps of Zhao Wenrui, only less than a minute later than Zhao Wenrui.

At that time, I saw the powder of the old witch appeared, and after a quick analysis of the wisdom brain, I concluded that the old witch had a huge threat to Zhao Wenrui. If you do it, I am afraid that the salary will be too late to rescue.

So Zhihuo Zhinao asked Kane for guidance.

Kane replied: "Like the fact that the existence of the salary fire cannot be discovered in the first place, and the existence of Zhao Wenrui's internal connection with the salary fire can give tolerance to similar senior casters, and generally do not actively intervene. "

Adhering to this principle, this salary did not rush out.

According to the measurement standard of the Kane system, this man in the Lonely Mountain exists at the same level as the old witch. It can be understood as a quasi-god, or a demigod, which is more vividly described as a land fairy.

This kind of existence does not possess the divinity of the true God, so it is impossible to disparate the salary of being protected by divine power.

For Zhao Wenrui, the opponent is several levels higher than him.

The first level of difference is called elite.

Kane's system is the template algorithm of the DND-like system, which is a 20-level system. The main data of the body of a normal adult male is 10, of which the perception, wisdom, and charm are slightly lower. There is a difference of plus or minus one, such as +1 for perception and charm, and -1 for strength and endurance.

As a druid, although it can also be regarded as a caster, the main attribute is not intelligence, but perception.

So Kane's perception is +2 to 11 after taking office.

1 level up to 2 levels, base value +1, 2 levels up to 3 levels, base value +2, a total of 3 points base value, before 12 (including 12) are 1 point base value plus 1 basic attribute, before 15 (including 15), it is 2 point base value plus 1 point attribute, before 20 is 3 point base value 1 point attribute.

Taking into account survival needs, Zhao Wenrui allocated 2 points to endurance and 1 point to perception.

In this way, his basic attributes are as follows:

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 12

Intelligence: 9

This is the most basic size. The Kane family generally uses this set to represent the main body index.

However, Zhao Wenrui was employed by the Druid of the Ashes Covenant System, which belongs to the system of the Aberon World.

Eberen is part of the DND universe.

So Zhao Wenrui has three main attributes.

Perception: 10 + 2, originally 9 + 2, he assigned 1 point, as for +2, it is the welfare of the Druid battle, and it is precisely because of this +2, Zhao Wenrui ’s learning and knowledge in natural knowledge The ability to understand has improved significantly.

Charm: 8

This is the level of Zhao Wenrui deity, but the titles of senior reincarnations, Lord of Death Star, etc., all have additional charm bonuses. In detail, the appearance of the person has not changed, but it has more temperament, thus forming charm addition.

Another is lucky, this value is hidden and belongs to a random talent.

But Zhao Wenrui is different. His value is as high as 15 points. The reason why it is so high is mainly because of the golden finger system based on the Huohuo, a typical artificial luck.

As a 3rd-level druid, Zhao Wenrui can cast 4 zero-level spells, 2 first-level spells, and 1 second-level spell.

From the perspective of a large category, the spells are divided into two categories, secret and holy.

The priest, the druid, the paladin, and the display are all holy methods.

Although the druid does not need to believe in a certain god, he regards nature as a god.

Kane has a way to avoid this kind of binding, such as the Son of Nature, has more personality, freedom, and contractuality. But Zhao Wenrui is not among the targets of this approach.

So he wants to cast spells, but also needs to be prepared in advance.

Mysterious methods are generally prepared after meditation, through magic books, scrolls, etc.

And the holy law category is naturally mostly dominated by prayer.

Although Zhao Wenrui got some knowledge after taking office, he knew how to pray. But after all, it was the first time. After several hours of tossing, he barely gained some essentials.

And even if he is qualified in all aspects, level 3 is only the majority of professional professionals. Only level 5 or above can be regarded as an elite.

And level 10 or above is a senior combatant.

At level 15 and above, he is qualified to be a master.

From 19 to 22, it is a special Kaner, the main symbol is the ‘law’.

No one can cross this hurdle.

Once passed, it became a legend.

Then step by step, go to the sanctuary, then to the gods.

The old witch that Zhao Wenrui saw in the day. And the one in the ruins of this solitary mountain is all Sanctuary-level, and there are differences in subdivision, but for Zhao Wenrui, he can be pinched to death by raising his hand.

In theory, as long as it is 2 levels higher, it is already a chasm of chasm. The most intuitive manifestation is that it can't understand and cannot analyze the other party's spells, that is, it is mysterious.

In such a situation, basically the one without suspense hangs the other.

It is precisely because of this that the one in the ruins of Gushan was not deliberately aimed at Zhao Wenrui, but Zhao Wenrui was already suffering damage.

High perception further leads to deeper damage.

In fact, it is not the world that is dominated by the old days alone, and the San value effect applies to all extraordinary universes.

There is a concept called ‘God ca n’t look straight. ’

This concept is enough to illustrate the problem.

It's just that in the world of the old dominators, the San value influence is the most important one.

This time Zhao Wenrui can basically be understood as being affected by the power of the quasi-god because of the high perception, so the San value drops sharply.

Everyone has different initial values ​​and upper limits for San value.

Like Zhao Wenrui, his crossing experience and various encounters in the previous world have opened his eyes and made him more calm and calm, so his San value is up to 200!

However, the daytime experience, including encountering a mouse, caused the San value to drop. After dusk, it fell every moment.

Because there are too many unknowns here, and he has no sense of security.

Now the madness is due to the howling of the soul of the quasi-god.

This kind of howling is actually not a sound, but a quasi-spiritual energy impact, but the feeling of the affected person is that they hear a "ghost call", which is more unpleasant than the wolf call, intermittent, unresolved Very scared.

Zhao Wenrui could not pray because he was disturbed, he could only suffer.

By dawn, his San value had fallen below 100. In this case, the whole world has become different.

The most obvious is auditory hallucinations.

He could always hear a whimper, like wind, like singing, like murmuring, vaguely, and seemingly empty.

He saw different eyes staring at him in the dark, some crooked like crescents, some like orange petals, and others with sharp edges and corners.

These eyes with different shapes and different rays of light make it easy for the brain to fill out some of the other party's situation, either insidious, vicious, or strange, which makes people involuntarily chill.

Zhao Wenrui himself knows that these are hallucinations and hallucinations, and constantly warns himself not to listen, to read, or to believe.

However, another voice in the bottom of my heart told him that this is what the world looks like.

Ordinary people are not visible under ordinary circumstances, but it does not mean that they do not exist.

You know, this is a world with extraordinary power, there are ghosts, ghosts, and undead creatures, and there are more strange and terrifying demons than these.

Zhao Wenrui felt like a pot of porridge in his head, and he didn't know which one was better.

In fact, no one should believe, and at the same time, no one should believe.

His current confusion of thoughts is a confrontation between reason and sentiment, both of which are important, both of which are of extraordinary significance, and it is inappropriate to believe in either side.

Unfortunately, Zhao Wenrui has not yet realized this. His attention was firmly attracted by the phenomena that appeared, and he felt that this was a kind of injury, and he had no good way to stop it. He could only suffer, hoping that after the day came, the abnormal situation would disappear.

The result reached the dawn, and suddenly found that the symptoms had been alleviated, but did not disappear.

Obviously it was a sunny day, but he felt the light was dazzling, so that the white of the day became miserable. Those natural colors are no longer bright and vivid, but more black and white effects. Just like the ink painting filter layer of PS, it is covered in the scenery of the whole world.

In addition, he can see some strange-shaped creatures.

These creatures are only slightly shaped, like children's graffiti, but they successfully highlight that strange and mysterious feature.

They seem to be generated by shadows, some are walking, some are running, and some are simply shadows on the ground or stone walls, two-dimensional, like the figure under the light, can be elongated or shortened , The shape is very strange, not like something good.

In addition, auditory hallucinations still exist, not as continuous as at night, but equally as abominable, as if walking on the road, suddenly someone who does n’t know passes by, lowering your voice and saying quickly A few words were so abrupt that I couldn't hear clearly, but the other party did.

This happened again and again, it was shocking, tired, and uncomfortable.

Zhao Wenrui suddenly remembered the old witch's warning: Find something to eat and don't run around at night.

"Can I experience the crisis that everyone in this Gobi will face last night? Could it be that the original owner of this body was scared to death? Could eating and drinking help relieve this symptom?" ... …

Zhao Wenrui's brain opened wide, and he thought a lot at once.

In any case, he thought it would be better to get some food and drink first.

He originally wanted to get some water through the druid's zero-level spell ‘water making’.

Goldfinger helped him a lot. After taking up the Druid, there was a list of related spells.

Among the zero-level spells, water-making is ranked first, which fully illustrates its practicality.

This technique can produce 2 gallons per level (imperial, about 4.5 liters per gallon) of pure water.

However, the specific situation depends on the environment.

If you want to be at the seashore or wetland, you will definitely get more than the desert and the Gobi.

However, the humid smell of sea water can be smelled here. Although it is the Gobi, it is not so far away from the sea, so the water obtained by the cast should be close to the standard value.

However, he is now in such a bad state that he cannot concentrate on casting spells at all, and can only achieve his goal with more primitive means.

He intends to spend an entire daytime getting food, and a simple residence, just like spending an entire daytime time yesterday.

Although the Gushan is dangerous, the Gobi is not necessarily safer.

Zhao Wenrui did not intend to leave the mountain just like that, because it meant that it would take as long as yesterday to rush off, no matter from which direction.

And his physical strength can no longer support another long journey, unless after the end, there are ready-made things and pure water for him to use.

So he chose to use this energy to obtain the most basic needs.

In addition, instinct guided him to advance towards Gushan.

There are indeed strange things here.

He didn't plan to walk away so sullenly. He felt that he should be able to grab something here, although he still doesn't know what he will get.

Of course, people like him will always find a way to keep an insurance for themselves.

This time is no exception.

His confidence in making this choice lies in the experience value of the golden finger. By using the experience value, he believes that he can walk out of the plight that is present, but that kind of consumption is too unworthy.

After all, he didn't know how to record the next experience. No task or anything has been activated so far.

Although it was terrible last night, it wasn't a bit of a gain.

Attempting to pray to obtain natural magic fails, but reading Golden Finger's "Nature's Collection" is not a small gain.

Zhao Wenrui is now very happy to choose the recommendation that believes in Golden Finger.

While still in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he analyzed and concluded that no matter what the existence of the golden finger is behind the scenes, it would not be aimed at harming him.

So if there is anything other than himself that is trustworthy and dependable, then this is the golden finger.

Sure enough, the Druid post recommended by this golden finger is very good, and the relevant information knowledge only ~ ~ is very valuable, especially for him now.

If he is employed in other battles, there is no such kind of "grandfather ring" instructions, even if he succeeds in the job, it will only be empty and shelly, good name, but there is no skill that can improve the current situation, then Only called pit.

It is different now. After he supplemented the natural knowledge in the "Nature Collection", he has a more professional perspective on the recognition of climate, terrain and vegetation, so he can survive better.

For example, he found that the flint hand axe and walking stick made yesterday had problems.

The handles of the two have different materials, so it is better to exchange them.

Of course, if there are conditions, flint can also be selected again.

The reason why this kind of detail is more true is naturally because the sentence ‘work must be sharpened first if you want to do well’.

The words passed down by the ancestors can be widely circulated for many years, indicating that it is the golden jade good words that have been confirmed by the facts again and again.

Zhao Wenrui is no longer the kind of Maotou who is personalized for his own personality. This kind of proverb is still willing to be adopted. It is also another sense of "listening to persuasion and eating."

In this way, Zhao Wenrui started a new day's activities, which was regarded as half farming and half hunting.

Before noon, the food problem was solved first.

And it's the kind that goes from nothing to variety at once.

He discovered moss lichen, small berries, and small animals that could be used at one time. In the process of hunting small animals, he found caves, fungi, meat and vegetables, and it was beautiful!

Then he thought of the ruins on the Lonely Mountain again. Without him, there are now stewed utensils that are truly beautiful. And in the ruins, it seems that there is no shortage of broken pots and the like, and luck may be able to get a pot, or a pot or tripod.

As a result, something went wrong in this ruin ...

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