Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 975: The harvest derived from the consumption concept

Everyone has their own cognitive perfection, and subconsciously tries to get closer to it.

The same is true of Zhao Wenrui.

In his cognition, he was promoted too fast in the battle of Druid, with height without width and depth without breadth. Therefore, it is best to spend more time on settling, polishing, finishing, and tamping.

Obviously, he basically did what he did and loved him. Although I haven't completely firmed my faith and took this natural way (mainly tied to nature, respecting him as a **** makes him unhappy), he still wants to make achievements. It's a thing to take out. I have a sense of accomplishment. I have a bright face when I say it.

But reality sometimes really hits the face.

Just like now, apart from advancing to obtain spell slots and preparing targeted spells, he can't think of any way to face the dilemma in front of him.

Giant insects and dominating animals are not good for the spirits. Even if the cat's elegance doubles the effect time, the ghost can't run out of the ruins of the mountain city.

The flash technique is okay, but it is a zero-level spell, and can only flash once. Zhao Wenrui feels that using this technique is just like using a whip to pump a hungry lion, which will only make it more bloodthirsty and rage.

The golden and green light of the body shone continuously, and the rich breath of life affected the nearby plants, and the plants that had just grown branches and leaves, swaying their postures, grew madly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and stopped until half-human height.

C Kane 'looked' at this scene across countless universes, shaking his head gently with a smile.

I do n’t know if it ’s a birth defect, a certain attribute is low, or it is rejected by the law of the universe. , Want to laugh to the end, can only rely on other methods to remedy.

This time is the same, even if the experience value is enough to rise to the legend, it is useless, because the ruin of the mountain city in Zhao Wenrui's mouth is simply a giant tomb, the tomb of an ancient god.

Through these days of investigation, the Payroll has a certain understanding of the world.

There are quite a lot of gods in this world, which are divided into four categories.

The first category is called the primitive gods, which is plain primitive gods. It is a natural **** born shortly after the birth of the universe and during the period when the three strange substances are still rich. Similar to the Godhead of the Marvel Universe, Igor, the father of the Star Lord, barely counted.

The second type of deities, called old gods, were created. Similar to the Tenjin group in the Marvel universe, a considerable part of the Tenjin group was created by one of the five creation gods in the Marvel universe.

The third kind of gods, called ancient gods, like the old gods overthrow the original gods and replace them, they also opened a new age of gods by destroying the old gods.

As far as the world is concerned, the time when the ancient gods left is not considered a rescue. At the same time, it is also the most capable group of gods, just like the restoration of the dynasty, from time to time, some shocking eye movements are made.

What Zhao Wenrui is facing is an ancient **** who is accumulating strength and is ready to make trouble. He squats on such a crater, but he fails to notice that it is Zhao Wenrui's bad luck.

The last category is the new god. But most people will not add the word "new", only those believers of the ancient or old gods will be distinguished by the name of "new god", with a certain derogatory meaning.

As for the original gods, most of the civilized species in their active era have not yet appeared or are in a very primitive state, and they do not interact with them, so basically no one knows, even the new gods have knowledge Those who are clergy-like know a little or two.

Zhao Wenrui did not know that his opponent was so good. Of course, he was even better in terms of background, and the investigation team had already been working. It ’s just that C Kane wants to squeeze his value, depending on his sufferings, so he mainly has to carry it by himself. If he despairs, gives up, and waits for death, C Kane will certainly come forward to teach each other to be a man, but he Losing value, even if part of the memory is cleared, is actually the same as death. After all, the person who reopened his life is no longer the person he is now.

Zhao Wenrui raised his level to 13 in one breath, because at 13th level, he can get a 7th-level spell slot.

To be honest, Zhao Wenrui of this level is very hurt. Mainly cost-effective.

Let's talk about investment first, the experience value is basically exhausted, don't need to think about the second battle position, even to upgrade to level 5 is not enough.

Then analyze and obtain.

From the perspective of spell slots, starting from 7th level, the six zero-loop spell slots have reached the upper limit, and the upgrade will not increase. If you want to increase it, think of other methods, or use magic to get something amazing.

The upper limit of the spell slots of the 1st and 2nd rings is 5, so when the level is increased to 13 and 9th level, there is 1 more spell slot each.

The 3rd-level spell slot is also 1 longer, but does not reach 5, but 4 instead.

The 4, 5, and 6 ring spell slots are each increased by 2, which are 4, 3, and 2, respectively.

It must be said that this is the most powerful piece.

Because the shortcomings of the druid's extraordinary battle position is that the more high-end, the more powerful skills are lacking.

Correspondingly, the early and mid-terms of the battle are the best.

The practicality, power, and richness of the spell are not lost to other magical duties, but the physical quality is much better than the caster of the same level, and it is more flexible and changeable, and it has a good healing ability. Ability, a natural copy of the pioneer guide, is very popular.

But from the later period, the characteristics of Wanjin oil are proficient and sparse.

The output is no match for a hunter and a thief, the grotesque is no match for a warlock, the control field is no match for a master, the cure is no match for a priest, and selling meat is MT? The same is not a skill ...

Therefore, experts all know that the ten virtues and nine pits, and the remaining one has self-knowledge, will not move forward.

According to this analysis, the druid holy spells of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th rings are the most practical.

Then he should be very happy, after all, it is the most rapid increase in the whole level.

However, his post was not an ordinary druid, but an ashes vow.

The Ashes vows belong to the natural vengeance line, and this ‘revenge’ is not even a word.

There is a special "revenge value", which is more important to the ashes vow than the faithfulness of the faith. It can even be said that the two are the same thing.

The nature of the Druid faith is not a specific god, but the origin of nature.

From a certain perspective, this will make the Druid doctrine extremely interpretive. To put it bluntly, there are many interpretations that can be understood.

Under such a background, it is easy to drill holes.

The Druid sect has a long history, but many years have passed, it is still primitive, and there are many factions. It is very loose, which has a lot to do with this kind of theory.

Looking at the 'Ashes Pledge' from this perspective, you will find that it has absorbed some of the success of other religions, and tried to evolve the original structure of the Druidism into a more organized, disciplined, and standardized Sexual status.

In order to achieve these goals, there is the concept of "revenge value".

A more specific statement is: Whether the faith is pious, it doesn't need you to say anything, it depends on what you do. The value of revenge is the best proof.

The ‘Oath’ in the Ashes ’Oath was born against it. When he joined the office, he swore to swear to avenge nature and punish those who harm nature.

And "ash" means more, meaning to purify, to sacrifice oneself, etc.

In short, the value of revenge is closely linked to the strength of the Ashes Druid.

That ’s all. The Druid who set up this system also has full consideration. It wo n’t go too far, letting the ashes who have not grown up die.

After level 5, there is a requirement, but it can be delayed.

After the 10th level, it can't be delayed anyway, and the contract must be fulfilled. Otherwise, there will be punishment.

These Zhao Wenrui naturally know, after all, the golden finger is very kind, only a lot more in providing information, and never pit him.

Therefore, this is also an important reason why he is stuck at level 9.

According to his plan, he lived here for a year and a half, adapting, sharpening, and solidifying the foundation, saving some belongings, and then heading to a place where people were smoked.

Some people have disputes, there are rivers and lakes, all kinds of bumps and bumps are inevitable, and he will upgrade again when necessary, and at the same time, he will not worry about the value of vengeance.

I think very well.

I really thought very well.

Don't upgrade now, most of them will die after tonight, no matter how good you think, it's useless.

To crush your teeth and swallow into the belly, fighting for punishment, just for a 7-ring spell slot. In other words, only to get one of the 7th-level spells that can be mastered, so as to overcome the difficulty.

The dog's price-performance ratio, pit yourself blood.

Faced with such a hidden feeling, how can he be happy?

After completing the upgrade, he immediately began to master the 7th-level spell.

I can think of it with the roots of the feet. The difficulty of mastering this technique is inevitably expensive. He is constantly losing the San value, and he must grasp it.

He was afraid that he was in poor condition. Like the first night, he could not improve his situation by mastering the spell. If the value of San is too low, it is impossible to successfully master this technique, so without evil spirits, he must be alive and dead.

In order to be guaranteed, he spares no extra cost to experience the value, with the aid of the gold finger auxiliary function, master this technique.

For this reason, Zhao Wenrui felt that he was bad and failed.

He usually shrank and shrunk, and he was not willing to save money and thrift. The result was a big situation, and it was too wavy, just like a jar and a toss. Inexplicably reminded him of the sentence: "The money saved is used to see the doctor in the end, and I don't say the crime, and I posted a lot!"

This is a typical performance of poorly forced holding silk, no one can complain, if you want to complain, you have to complain about your thinking and mentality. Just like not being good at using money, not being good at using special resources such as experience value, you can't even consume. When you have to consume, you lack experience and let you kill!

"Huh, it's really hurt this time. I'm afraid there will be a big change in the future!" C Kane couldn't help but sigh after feeling the thoughts of humanity.

The deity did not experience such a thing as a "legacy of suddenness, the rich and the poor".

The "Boss" Vientiane door system that the deity faced at the time was a veteran who had to squeeze oil in the stone, and he was very stingy with the samsara.

And the deity is also taking a development route that consumes a variety of resources, so basically it is not overnight, and it is never enough, even if it can later push the world of the task like a BUG, ​​there are many mouths, plus I want to be technically refined, I also want to strengthen the relationship with people, and think of a few more sets of templates to deal with different types of situations, so it is still not enough, and most of them are converted into technology or real estate.

Not to mention that he is a quick-made product, and there are too many skipped links.

Therefore, neither the deity nor he has ever experienced such a thing as "people are short and poor, holding huge sums of money".

As a result, choices that were influenced by consistent qualities such as prudence and thrift, at this point of view, turned into a small family, so that the operation failed to save money and eat big losses.

Although it can also be explained in terms of "pros and cons, everything has two sides", the impact on thoughts is real, too profound, and the impact will be very profound. If the human avatar has the opportunity to grow to his level, it is likely to be a person with another set of cognition.

At the same time, C Kane also realized that one of his core purposes of establishing a 'special trumpet' of human avatar has been achieved.

Facts have proved that human nature is formed little by little under the influence of the external environment, especially those 'first time' and 'previous times' will leave a deep impression on the relevant knowledge that contributes. A pivotal role.

Later, it will be very difficult to reverse, but it is not impossible to do, it depends on the degree of touch.

According to this theory, what kind of person a person will be is the most critical in the first 30 years.

The first 10 years were about shaping basic cognition.

The second 10 years is about shaping the basic three views.

The third 10 years is about shaping mature personality.

After that, unless there is a major event that greatly affects the stimulus, it will only be repaired on the original basis. Even if it is reversed, it will not be large. This can be seen at a glance.

Then, according to this logic, he basically does not need to worry about turning back against his deity. Whether it is him or the deity, if he grows up, he dare not say that in the millennium, the ideas are basically on the same channel, and the key issues will not be too big. Deviations can also be explained by 'complementing' in the details, that is, some of his choices are what the deity wants, but because of various objective factors, he can't choose at all.

Through this test, C Kane understood his own situation and also had a rough understanding of the situation of his superior Black Kane.

All along, he was more worried about Black Kane.

Because Black Kane also has a deeper understanding of the situation of the deity, if he is enemies with the deity, he can really pit it hard.

"It seems that the deity's mentality is the best, the most confident, and I know enough about myself ..."

C Kane thinks this naturally means that when the deity sent Black Kane, the atmosphere gave a lot of secret information.

Don't look at the fact that the deity is sitting in the middle and has the suspicion of nourishment and superiority, but when it comes to experience, it is a great achievement of gathering people.

In this regard, C Kane did not envy much, and more is gratified.

From time to time, the various avatars "post" their feelings, cognition, and mental journey, mainly to support such a spiritually perfect "eternal God Me".

This is the true God in all Kane's minds. From the material level to the spiritual level, they have completely exceeded the upper limit of the human pattern and thoroughly entered a higher level.

This humanity split test conducted by C. Kane himself also indirectly proved that the big plan of the deity is indeed feasible and has achieved outstanding results. Each 'memory post' is a touch on the deity and makes him more and more Tends to perfection.

What does this mean? At least in the view of C Kane, it means preparing for the battle with all strength, Gao Wei's own loss? It doesn't matter, we have no white waves in recent years, we divided into countless ourselves to develop, to collect, to feel, not to do useless work, we provide a perfect new self, he will fight for Gao Wei again on our behalf!

The big plan was an ambitious big plan from the beginning. Both in time and space, the scale was unprecedentedly grand, in order to get up and fight again. In other words, to climb the position of the true God in my mind.

The story of humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui will continue, but C Kane's attention to it has fallen by at least one level.

Because Zhao Wenrui suffered a great loss this time, and deeply touched, there have been some fundamental changes in cognition, and the advantages and disadvantages of himself have been put aside for a while. For C Kane, at least it means a considerable part of its future Decided to lose usability. Affected by the perception of difference, it becomes inaccurate.

As a result, the value of 'Finding Your Own Personality Missing' value of human avatars will gradually decrease, and at the end there will only be an 'exploratory development of another kind of life, thereby establishing a diversified humanity template library to provide reference and reference' .

With the change of C Kane's thinking, the special nanny of the Huo Huo Huo also received a new set of authorizations. He no longer stared at Zhao Wenrui, but opened it after launching the subunit's shuttle boat. New World Discovery Tour.

The world where Zhao Wenrui settled is one of the three core material planes of the universe.

Just like the core principal material plane of the DND universe, there are the Torrell world, the Aberon world, and the small but important (a lot of stories) gray eagle world.

The entire universe is severely extraordinary, which means that, compared with the active dark old-time dominator universe of salary king Kane and black kane, the star universe of this universe has almost completely replaced the star sea universe in the human cognition of the original world.

In this context, the main material plane is the undisputed darling. The metaphor shows that there are galaxies like there are only three galaxies in the universe, and the three main material planes are the center of the Milky Way, and all the stars surround it. Running.

Such a core world with inextricably linked to the entire universe system, the exploration value is naturally very high. Before the Huohuo was dispatched to explore, but this investment is still a bit small. Now the Salary is personally put into battle and encounters pretending to be a perpetrator. Naturally, Rennes teaches people, so this kind of armed exploration will be more effective.

As for the Scarlet Vanguard with over one hundred Leviathans, their main mission is to be as vast as the universe.

This task is also very important. In order to explore the astral realm of the dark old ruler's universe, Black Kane divided up a very large fleet of evil gold men to do this. C Kane still knows a little bit, so he knows what the Scarlet Vanguard is, relative to the astral universe of this universe.

In the words of the wisdom population of this universe: God is too wide to detect even one percent of exploration.

C Kane said: "As far as the gods in your cognition are concerned, I don't accept it at all, and look at me!"

The Vanguard is just the vanguard, and more red swarms are preparing at Musbelheim. Even Thor, who is not doing business there every day, drinking and farting, is being alarmed, asking if he is busy or full. It embodies the legendary "Thunder God is Mang".

As long as the vanguard has fully established the exploration mode (actually, to find a barren area in the astral world to feed the huge consumption of insect swarms), a large number of red warfare will kill and advance in all directions to push the astral world. Turning upside down.

This is C Caine's plan. For this project, it is his limit not to post the funds himself.

The war he waged was either to solve the enemy or to obtain resources. This project was considered the second kind.

The rough outlook is that the income is still good. Every time you destroy a tomb, you can collect rich information and three strange substances.

But if the investment is too large, it will affect his side's plan to attract potential enemies to lead the snake out of the hole. He naturally distinguishes the light and heavy, so he has enough vigilance in his heart, so that he will not lose the big because of the small.

Just when Zhao Wenrui was deeply abused by an accident, in Marvel 199999, the Green Worms were making accidental abuses.

The first phase of the campaign to destroy the Cree Empire, led by the Green Worm, has officially begun.

In the eyes of C Kane, at this stage, the Green Worm showed restraint. The main strategic intention was to find out the Cree's combat mode and capabilities through actual combat.

In order not to expose its core information as much as possible, Green Worm deliberately did not have the cheap, classic and classic main war worms, but let a Leviathan mother ship build humanoid war worms and matching ships. The ship, constructing the branch of the worm, posing as a wise race that has just entered the interstellar age, and then with the newborn calf not afraid of a tiger, friction with the Cree.

At present, the main friction point is Arcturus, which is located in the middle of the second cantilever of the galaxy, where there are a large number of jumping points, which is considered to be an important hub star field.

The Cree also had a big face and occupied this place. When the indigenous civilizations on Arcturus lived well in their childhood, they set up fulcrums one after another under the banner of helping backward civilizations end their ignorance.

In the end, it was said that these indigenous foods will not change, and the roots will rot. Joining the interstellar family in the future is also a disaster for everyone, not a blessing, and then it will be extinct on behalf of the interstellar alliance.

This matter has passed for more than 100 years. Now Arcturus is already an important colonial star of the Crees in this star field. There are about 500 million Crees living on this planet as large as Mars, including space. The universe in the universe or something.

Of course, there are not only Cree people living and working here, but also other intelligent populations. The total population of the two vassals alone is over 2 billion.

Simply put, when it is called an empire, it has two characteristics. 1. It is extremely expandable. 2. There are legally privileged classes.

Cree blue skin is valuable, where is the price? One of them is that all blue skins are almost 'daddy', first-class citizens, second-class pink skin, blue skin can be bullied, but if other groups want to bully, blue skin will use it as an excuse to 'justify' The vassal is third-class.

There are slaves in even the second-class people with pink skin, and what kind of treatment is the third-class.

But it ca n’t hold up the productivity cattle, so even if it ’s third-class, you do n’t have to worry about starvation, death, or poor security, turmoil and chaos, you just have to be a dog, but you can get used to it for a long time. The overall quality of the Cree is okay. At least not many people go to the kennel to get a big coat rather than find pleasure.

On this day, an ugly-looking, grasshopper-like ship came out of a jump point, and it was very fast, ramming, destroying an ice-collecting spaceship driven by a vassal on its route.

Is this okay? The Cree's dog was not bullied by anyone.

Moreover, the owner of the Grasshopper Starship has a very bad attitude, and it can even be said that the export is not inferior. They claim that they are hunting important fugitives and ask the civilization here to cooperate with the inspection.

After hearing the news, the Cree Governor was full of anger and said: "This is where I came from, I do n’t know the height and thickness of the vagrant. I just felt that I was a cosmopolitan grandfather at ~. , Obviously lack of practice! "

With this idea, things are simple. The two sides broke down in three or five sentences, and then started.

The Cree's battleship commander once mocked the other party's primitive, even without a long-range weapon, would he want to hit with a sharp head?

In a word!

The Grasshopper Starship really ran into it, but before that, the battleship commander had no face, because the strikes launched by the Cree warship, no matter what kind, could not cause enough damage to the other party.

The Cree Commander naturally knows what this means.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Cree to show off. The Cree's ship, no matter how maneuverable, could not escape the other party's high-speed impact. Eventually forced into the front!

In the next battle of porting, the Cree lost a lot of luck. Their tactics and fighting skills are not at all opponents of the three-axe humanoid monsters. It is useless to form defense. There is nothing left but messy.

Cree communication is naturally very developed, and the frontline battle was watched immediately after the battle.

In this case, the Cree Governor failed to let go of his arrogance, or, he was worried that he would have a bad influence, and he would be tempted by Shangfeng and lose his position as Governor. So he swollen his face as a fat man, and ordered the assembly of troops to fight.

This was clearly in the midst of the green worm, and the grasshopper star ship slipped away with a harsh word.

Then he didn't show up for ten days.

Just when the Cree thought that the other party understood their own power and would not come, more than 30,000 grasshopper fleets appeared, and a net-like rush into the storm, forming a tide of death, sweeping the entire Arctic Star field.

The Cree Governor who saw this scene was dumbfounded at the time, and the first sentence he suffocated after a while was: "Go and invite accusers!"

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