Perhaps it is because of the relationship between terrestrial organisms, or perhaps because of the physiological structure. When most people are nervous, they will look left and right, pay attention to their feet, but rarely look up.

Cassius they did not pay attention to the top of their head in time this time, mainly because they did not expect the shadow squid to be able to go to heaven.

Of course, from the perspective of Zhao Wenrui, it is not heaven, it is just an avatar.

The body is the roof of the pavilion, and the tentacles are naturally the pillars supporting the pavilion.

So now they are facing the mobile thunder trap.

Speaking of the shadow squid, Zhao Wenrui also had a problem with it only by accident.

Specifically because of grievances.

The poly-relay array he created, after carrying out all-round grid-type discharge, can greatly weaken the threat of ghosts in the area, making it easier for him to collect the grievances of resentment.

The Thunder's electromagnetic force can be transmitted to a farther range.

The result was felt by the shadow squid cubs of the safari.

It may be a bit indistinguishable from the difference in electromagnetic force, thinking that its mother hunted in this area, or with the idea of ​​being greedy and cheap, in short, the shadow squid came to gather within the scope of the Retarta to devour the grudge .

Zhao Wenrui is naturally very unhappy. He works on his own, others pick peaches, and is still so greedy. He only chooses good food, and wastes the waste. With his frugal character, naturally he is not used to it?

But Zhao Wenrui grew up watching shows like "Animal World", and combined with the knowledge of Druid, he has a good understanding of the habits of animals and plants.

He did not act hastily, but secretly observed and analyzed. He just let the shadow squid pups drink for two days before laying a special marking trap, and successfully let the shadow squid pups say.

Facing the punishment of the Punishers this time, Zhao Wenrui activated this mark, successfully crystallizing his purified resentment, seduce the shadow squid pup, blocked him from the gun, and also attracted the adult shadow squid.

It can be said that he has worked hard to build a cluster tower and the grievances he has harvested are crystallized. Even 80% of the food consumed by the cubs is consumed, but at a critical moment, a temporary thigh is used to defend the enemy. This transaction does not lose.

Cassius and others are more disadvantaged. The shadow squid, which can release the Thunder, has no concept in their memory.

In fact, this is also caused by the particularity of the gods wasteland. Many creatures here have mutated and formed a very unique ecological circle. The shadow squid is relying on the ability to discharge and hunt in the ruins of the mountain city on the shadow plane. If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be possible to develop such a huge figure.

I do not know that frequent lightning bombardment is a range blow of the shadow squid, but only as a thunder pool trap. The disciples also hope to escape from the sky by carrying the attack by leaving the area.

But he rushed more than 100 meters in one direction, but saw no reduction in lightning, and the magic fog was still lingering around in his body. The disciples immediately realized that the situation was wrong.

Although they have not yet realized what the specific cause is, they are the killers.

A flash of flame gleamed in Khashura's eyes, and the detective penetrated his armor and pulled out a piece of **** skin, which was his own skin, which was inscribed with holy spells by special means.

"Dedication!" He shouted out one of the virtue of the Church of Justice.

Other disciples also took out the holy sachet from the secret place (according to personal habits), squeezed the holy medicine into the mouth, chewed and swallowed hard.

Immediately afterwards, unprecedented light erupted from all the disciples, and the energy purity was significantly improved, basically turning from golden white to pure golden.

At the same time, Khashura also completed the cast.

‘Sword of Justice Verdict! ’

If this powerful magic spell of the leap is cast independently, he will inevitably evacuate all his powers, including vitality.

It can be performed in the context of the life link, and the situation will be much better.

Of course, it is still necessary to burn life. This is also the reason why the disciples swallow holy medicine.

The holy medicine is made of rare materials. It burns life while the user can play a combustion-supporting effect, allowing the combustion to be more full and generating more extraordinary power.

If it is used at this time, it is not a whole, which is equivalent to reducing the loss of vitality.

As the assassin's holy spell was cast, the holy flame on Khashura and others was integrated into a peculiar spout, and then a giant sword, like a spring knife, sprayed directly from it, and issued a powerful and loud clang The sound of the whole world was sheathing.

The real blow was not a giant sword that was sprayed out. This was just a ritual. Then came the true power of the sword of judgment. Countless lightsabers, like a rainstorm, fell diagonally, within a kilometer radius. All areas are shrouded in it.

The shadow squid bears the brunt of it. It is equivalent to being fired by hundreds of machine guns at the same time, and was shot into a sieve in just a few seconds.

When something happened, Cassius realized that his opponent's whole body was above his head, and knew that his killer release mode was wrong, but it was too late.

It turned out that the specific strike method of the "Judgement of Justice" can be chosen. Khashok was unable to accurately determine how the opponent moved the huge trap, so he applied this area-covered indiscriminate strike.

This can be said to be the most safe. Unless the opponent is at or above the legendary level, it will definitely be within the scope of the blow. And if it is really at the legendary level or above, there is a way to govern them, and it will not make such a situation at all.

Therefore, the fundamental judgment of this move is that the opponent's strength is close to them, but they use the skills and environmental advantages to put them together. It is natural to pay more for a moment when you do not break the situation and use hard power.

But if you make a mistake in this process, you have to pay extra.

This cost is a mixed blow formed by the shadow squid's ink sac being exploded and the broken corpse crashing down.

The physical weight and extraordinary erosion are very difficult for the disciples who have consumed a lot of energy and have become the end of the crossbow.

‘Boom! ’The shadow squid ’s skin slams on the ground, and the noise it makes does not match the weight represented by its large size.

This is because the deconstruction of the shadow squid is like a bag of water in a balloon, the weight is on the water, and the skin itself is not heavy.

With the death of the shadow squid and the punishment of the Punisher buried, the battlefield fell into silence, and only the cubs whistled like whales, and spread far away in the wind.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Wenrui appeared limping. Although his left leg with a broken limb appeared to be intact, it actually took at least 48 hours to restore basic functions, and a full recovery would take more than half a month. It is equivalent to stepping on a prosthetic limb with exquisite workmanship. As a sound person, it is not customary for him to use a prosthetic limb.

But he has a reason to appear. The death of the shadow squid will attract all kinds of predators. These shadow vultures, crows, and hyenas almost have such a difficult skill, he does not want to lose his life, but also wants to When the profitable fisherman gains some benefits, then he can only take risks.

When the shadow squid cub saw Zhao Wenrui, it could be said that the enemy was very jealous when he met him. It took a posture of attacking at any time, but in Zhao Wenrui's eyes, it was a typical foreign player.

After some psychological struggles, he finally chose to put away his hostility, as if he was talking to himself in the Mu ethnic language (the druid will grasp it when he joins the job, and the elves and tree spirits can understand and speak): "I know You remember my breath (actually referring to the characteristics of the soul), and I can experience your determination to take revenge. But not now, while I have n’t changed my mind yet, while other predators have n’t appeared yet, you go. "

The shadow squid cub can't understand the Mu language, but the druid's particularity makes it possible to perceive Zhao Wenrui's thoughts. The cub makes a weird cry, and then carefully watch Zhao Wenrui's movements while watching the shadow squid's body After rummaging through it, he quickly swallowed it when he found it, and then released the magic mist, including Zhongyuan.

Zhao Wenrui hummed a few times, and seemed to be ridiculing his cheap superficial compassion, but soon he left these behind him and used a zero-level spell to "call in" (must have an extraordinary binding effect with himself Yes, and within a hundred meters) withdrew the knife, and then walked between the bodies of the shadow squid. From time to time, the stick knife was thrust into the flesh and blood inside the feet.

This is to make up for the knife. Every blow is poked on the disciplinary, regardless of whether it was true death or false death before. After this poker, it must be really dead.

‘Om! "A lightsaber suddenly stabbed from the blood.

Zhao Wenrui had been prepared for a long time, using a scepter to pull the lightsaber away, and then flew out.

'boom! In the burst of light, Khashura jumped from the blood-stained corpse.

"Despicable demons, die!" Let's just say, the whole person turned into a sacred light, and shot at Zhao Wenrui.


In the explosion, Zhao Wenrui was blown out seven or eight meters away, his armor was cracked, and the erosion of the Holy Light was severe after the initial ghost wolf was subjected to fire and fire.

He stood up with a cane knife, looked at Ka Xiu, who had become a scorched body, and gasped, "I didn't expect this." He said that he couldn't help spraying blood again and again. It turned out that this time not only hurt the skin, but also the internal organs and even the bones and bones, which was quite serious.

He had indeed thought about the Punisher's bitter pretend to die, and looked at the opportunity to attack him. But he didn't expect that Ka Hsiu still had that kind of power, nor did he think that in order to hit him hard, Ka Xiu could use the devotion technique so decisively.

What he didn't know was that, after making the slogan "Dedication", Cassio actually had no way out.

In the face of the final choice, Kaxiu, the leader, chose to die first, and then die poorly, that is, paying the "sword of justice" will first draw the vitality of other disciples, and ultimately it is still not enough. It will be him.

In this way, he retains his power to the greatest extent, but this power retention is not to escape from ascension, but to account for the aftermath and counterattack.

Using a special mystery, Khashura has thrown the remnant of the amputation injury of the disciplinary Thurn to Zhao Wenrui (the blood stain) caused by the soul curse to the special equipment of the action team vehicle, so that no matter whether Zhao Wenrui will appear next, As well as whether he will be killed by his desperate blow, they will all be on the pursuit list of the Church of Justice.

At the same time, this achievement is also a real hammer. It can be said that this is the best aftercare option for Khashura and the disciples who died this time.

Zhao Wenrui did not know whether he counted it or not, and he still failed to count the system perfected by the Church of Justice for countless years, and it became inevitable to become a criminal.

He lamented that he repeatedly underestimated the punishment of the disciples. He felt that there was a chance to survive the situation of Khashura at that time, but Khashura resolutely chose to fight hard, which gave him a very contradictory feeling. After all, the punishers confronted the shadow squid, and a series of actions in the later period can be understood as striving for survival. Unexpectedly, it was his turn, but he could die so much and forget his life. How much hatred is this?

To say that Zhao Wenrui is actually a man who forgot to lose his life, has already been hurt like this, and still carried out a search. This is reluctant to escape before the shadow predator who has appeared has chased him.

The predators are very realistic, or what they want is very simple, that is, a glutton, a little trade-off, they chose to eat fast, rather than really chase Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui also had a certain estimate of the ideas of the predators, so he took the risk and took the chest.

Even so, he still feels a loss. In his view, this harvest cannot make up for the loss. Although by means of a plan, eight disciples were exterminated, he uttered a bad breath, and he also removed the local tyrant (shadow Squid), but these good news are basically offset by the bad news of enmity, and these objects scrambled for are not enough to offset his injury, plus the hard-built Jureta was destroyed, and it ’s him Lose a lot.

Zhao Wenrui didn't even dare to go back, but went directly to a safe house that he had built and had not been completely completed.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, a series of safe houses, is the third cave he opened after Shangou Cave Mansion and Qionglong Cave Mansion, a total of four safe houses, this time the most completed.

After arriving at the safe house, he ate all the special soldier food pills he carried with him, then turned wild into a grizzly bear, and quickly hibernate.

Grizzlies are not creatures in the wasteland, but Zhao Wenrui based on memories and bear-like creatures observing the dark area, and finally completed the outline of the transformation model.

The reason why this step can be achieved, in addition to the Druid's bonus in the field of natural knowledge, but also because of the divine spirit in the soul.

This time, Zhao Wenrui was going to use this divinity again, because the punishment of the captain of the punishment, Ka Xiu, poured a lot of divine power into his body, causing continuous erosion and destruction.

Zhao Wenrui thinks that if he uses the power of shadow, he will become a battlefield and will be ruined. Because the erosion of the Holy Force was too deep, it is really necessary to start a full-scale war, which may cause permanent damage and even completely destroy his body.

To this end, he considered using a softer solution. That is absorption.

He didn't expect that the swallowed golden fingers in Marvel 199999 would still work. There are two main points he absorbed.

First of all, the power of shadow is naturally included, and then victory is also included. In theory, the druid's body is not repulsive to any extraordinary power. The key to limiting the containment of extraordinary power lies in the container and technology.

Needless to say technology, the container refers to the characteristics of the body.

Zhao Wenrui is very confident in his body characteristics, as is the technical aspect, because as early as a few months ago, he began to substitute Taoist Yin-Yang theory into the battle, hoping to get inspiration and breakthrough.

Although there haven't been any significant results so far, at least it has proved that this idea can be implemented.

It is precisely because of this dependence that Zhao Wenrui feels that in theory those holy forces can be absorbed.

For this reason, he even thought that the freezing method in {Biohazard codename Veronica} to suppress the rate of virus fusion hibernation is a similar operation. He hopes to slow down the metabolism and make the absorption process softer.

At the same time, the prosecutor Andos, who received the blood sample of the demon, also received Cassou ’s end-of-life information. The information composed of memory can explain the beginning and the end of the whole incident. Unfortunately, Wenrui Zhao was vigilant enough, but he never To show people the truth, otherwise it will be easier to hunt in the future.

On the side of Andos, the "Spirit Armed Force" and the Divine Crossbow have been used to wipe out the ghost warrior born with the eruption of the power of shadow.

Andos took into consideration the enchantment of their team, and the demon's threat was not lifted. In addition to the various threats from the tomb of the gods, he finally decided to pick up the best grievance crystals to harvest and then withdraw. Even the punisher planned to control the Shenwei armed forces to give Khashura to collect their relics.

But even so, in the process of harvesting the crystallization of resentment, he still met with the higher-level strange twisted by the Holy Spirit.

This strange thing was originally awakened by Zhao Wenrui who did n’t know it, and they awakened it again with their brutal and violent operation ~ ~ Eventually, two of the Shenwei armed forces were damaged, one In the case of complete loss, Andos and his party evacuated helplessly.

Andos, who has too many calculations, still can't do a life-and-death struggle like Cassow to find a result. He originally wanted to harvest a batch of grievances, and go back to make a better job.

As a result, the operation, which was suspected of luck, failed again.

Andos can only stop the loss in time, and he has probably thought about how to fool this game.

"It can only be surrendered to Cardinal Cologne. The death of Cassius and others can be voted for, but most of them can't get a good position. Next, I am afraid to have to take risks and find ways to make money, fill holes and fill holes." ...

Time flies, winter comes spring and spring enters March.

Zhao Wenrui, who was so hungry that he was out of phase, woke up from hibernation.

The hunger made him basically lose his ability to think, and his brain was full of food.

At the same time, he drove the "Large Stride" and "Cat Elegance", all the way back to the dome, and directly pulled off the mad pork on the meat rack, swallowing it. After eating 15 pounds of air-dried meat and pouring 5 or 6 liters of water, the next step was jogging for 4 hours.

With a happy excretion, this round of emergency metabolism was finally completed.

"Alive ..."

Zhao Wenrui urged that his hibernation was almost inadequate due to poor skills and preparation.

Now the breath is slowing down, but it takes ten days and a half months for a complete recovery.

Fortunately, the divine power that eroded the body was really absorbed by him a little bit. But the result is not as balanced as he expected. Instead, he strengthened and activated the bloodline, and now his gold finger's property panel clearly shows that the goddess, not the original human.

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