Infinite Technology Domination

Chapter 120: future world

"Elysium Space" is booming in the world, and the extremely prosperous technological productivity has continuously strengthened Qin Tian's strength. Only technology in Marvel World is definitely not enough, plus the powerful strength of the monomer is enough, the power of the devil wizard makes him have enough confidence.

The Marvel world in 1972 was turbulent. Qin Tian went to other worlds to find strength, and time was accelerating. It is getting closer and closer to 1973, and the plot to reverse the future is also started from here.

Qin Tian left the Bliss space and returned to the Marvel world. He found that the relationship between mutants and ordinary people became tense, and more and more ability mutants became diverse. Basically, the strength of the first-generation variants is relatively simple, but they are relatively powerful, and they are basically at the power of more than three levels. Qin Tian is in control of his strength and secretly helps mutants. After all, those are also his own strengths in the future.

Magneto Wang and Professor X belong to the fourth-level variants. Neither telepathy nor magnetic field control can be controlled by ordinary people. The time and space of the Marvel world is continuous. Changing the direction of a space and time will have the same effect as the domino. DC World has a famous flash point refutation.

The reversal of the future plot is about to start, although it is still a lot of time in terms of the time of the Marvel main world. But in fact the troubles in the future have arrived, and a storm is about to spread to the universe where Qin Tian is located.

While Qin Tian is in Marvel World Space and Time, development is still improving as before, and now there are opportunities for continuous breakthroughs. In the future timeline, fierce battles continue to intensify, and future enemies will cause great trouble for themselves through the future time and space.

The time and space ruled by the sentinel robot, the world is desolate, and all the land seems to have become a barren land. Countless humans with guns manage the humans or mutants who walk in Mulan camps. The tragedy and end of the mutants are here.

The strength of the mutants that Professor X and Magneto rebelled against was gradually weakening. The extinction of the mutants will soon be soon. The Phantom Cat uses his own power to penetrate the time and change the past, so that the mutants can survive, but it is a pity that they only survive.

? A timeline parallel to the Marvel world where Qin Tian is, but did not intersect. There is no Iron Man, no Hulk, or even Thor in that world, only ordinary people and mutants.

In the parallel future world, sentinel robots have developed to the second generation of robots through continuous research. After embedding the X-shaped gene of the magic woman, the mutant has the power to destroy the mutant.

Russian capital, Moscow, in a hidden ruin.

Moscow is not as quiet and beautiful as it was before. Instead, it is dust that can never be dissipated, as if smog is shrouded in the city.

Broken buildings, collapsed buildings, sporadic flames and smoke all make the air smell unpleasant. Containing the decay of living creatures and the smell of burning buildings, everything is like real hell, a desperate era and an unimaginable future, a parallel world of the future.

In the sky of Moscow, countless sentry robot troop carriers, like cigars, magnetic levitation vehicles scan everything around. In an attempt to discover the mutants, when the X gene was scanned, the hatch of the spacecraft was opened, and countless sentries were dropped in large areas. The mutants revolted and shouted silently, but unfortunately they are still not opponents of the sentry robot.

Sentinel robots are not simple robots, not only that a single sentinel robot is enough to crush ordinary mutants. Nor is it the intelligence and responsiveness of the sentinel robot's artificial intelligence. The reason why the sentinel robot can succeed is because of the strength of the pipeline product.

The power of the Apocalypse or Phoenix is ​​powerful, maybe hundreds of sentinel robots can't deal with it. The horror is that the sentinel robot can get a plan to deal with or transplant excellent genes, thereby narrowing the gap with the mutants. All kinds of written programs can deal with all the mutant battles, so that the mutants have no way to guard the sentinel robot.

The X-Men spaceship gathers the final resistance of the mutants.

At this moment, Professor X felt the situation on the side of the phantom cat with his mental strength. The situation of the mutant is already precarious, but there is no way to stop it.

At this moment, Professor X's face was extremely old, still full of vitality in spirit, and exhaustion and helplessness also covered his face. Magneto had white hair and deep wrinkles covering his entire face, as if it were yellow bark.

Professor X ’s telepathy covered the entire planet, and it was uncomfortable for countless mutants to be slaughtered: "The strength of the sentinel robot has been strengthened again, and our strength has shrunk greatly. Other ordinary humans who resisted have been eliminated, and we are in another The organization cannot afford any resistance. "

Magneto sighed softly, turned his head and continued to ask Professor X: "Charles, what can we do to stop this? If the past can change, the end of mutants and humans will not appear."

My friend asked Charles to nod his head and thought about it carefully: "Katie's ability has reached level 4 ~ ~ able to penetrate time back to the past. I let him test by telepathy, if successful , I can make my next guess. "

"Really? Hope so. The combined resistance forces of the Brotherhood and the X-Men are no longer sufficient to attack the sentinel robot base again." Wan Ciwang sighed, their strength was getting weaker, and the strength of the sentinel robot was more Come stronger.

"Bolivar. Teslak, he studied sentinel robots, almost destroyed human civilization. Now that he has countless sentinel robots to protect, we simply cannot assassinate successfully."

Professor X thought for a while and told the source of all disasters to Magneto. The culprit of Bolivar was resurrected by the sentinel robot again and became the master of the sentinel robot by his own technology. Bolivar himself has also undergone biological transformation and became the head of a sentinel robot.

"Bolivar transplanted all the powers of sentinel robots, and its single strength has exceeded that of Magneto. Without a brain, the control of thinking is controlled by biochips." Prof. X said analytically, that Magneto and the rebels fought Once, the result was actually not as good as Bolivar.

"Yeah! Bolivar is really dangerous. If the former Apocalypse and Qin still exist, the mutants will not face this matter."

Miss Magneto said with nostalgia that although Bolivar hated mutants and X genes, he transformed himself into an invincible sentinel robot through super biological transformation. Even through the power of X gene and technology, he was exposed to the study of time and space. The balance of Marvel's main world is about to be broken, and Qin Tianxin's enemies are about to appear.

"Maybe! If this is the case, we will have other solutions." Professor X showed deep contemplation, and at this time the Iceman and Fireman were in danger.

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