Infinite Terror of Others

One hundred and seven: Those who see the curse will die two times

(I want to die by my own skin. I can tolerate the 600 salary during the probation period. I only have two days off a month. I have done a lot of work when I first arrived. I am not used as a human being, but as a talent! There are many talents for those who are capable. After all, I asked myself, if I don’t have an amazing talent, why bother to make things difficult for me? I haven’t been able to sleep much in the past two days without talking about updates. Seeing that this great opportunity of forced promotion has been wasted, I can’t help it... Today Even if I don't sleep, I will write a chapter. Please understand my difficulties. I am deeply grateful. Thank you again to the readers who support this book! I said this book will never be TJ. A gentleman believes in integrity between heaven and earth. Book!)

To be honest, Zhang Xun saw the invisible horrors of others because of his psychic sixth sense that was beyond ordinary people, and the extreme fear arose spontaneously, and he wanted to escape crazily based on instinctive self-protection. If it were normally no more than two stories high, he would definitely be fine based on his reaction. But at this moment, his speed increased to his own limit, and breaking through the solid window glass of the White House made him dizzy. He fell heavily on his back to the concrete floor. The spine is not as elastic as muscles, and all the impact and weight almost paralyzed him.

You can imagine the scream when it landed. But there was absolutely no time for him to breathe now, so Zhang Xun eagerly got up from the ground. The corner of his eye was scratched by broken glass, and red blood oozed out.

He has now left the White House, with a green field behind him. The scenery here originally seemed pleasant during the day. But when darkness fell, all the sounds of the wind, including the caressing of the trees, seemed full of hostility.

Escape? He will undoubtedly show his back to the enemy. Unless the wolf retreats with certainty, it will never flee in confusion. Zhang Xun got up from the ground at the same time. His eyes were already locked on the window he had just escaped from. Not only that, Zhang Xun pricked up his ears and carefully searched for possible abnormalities around him.

Many pieces of broken glass were still hanging on the window frames, resembling the fangs of monsters. But at this time, it was extremely calm there, and nothing strange happened at all. But Zhang Xun didn't turn around and run away immediately. Instead, he still kept his eyes fixed there, and his limbs gradually moved backwards in the opposite direction.

At this moment, Zhang Xun suddenly frowned, and a sense of crisis filled his whole body. He could smell the air flowing behind him decreasing a lot in an instant, as if it was blocked by a figure.

Do those supernatural powers just move like ordinary people? The existence of those things is not only anti-physical, but also a forbidden area in science.

Zhang Xun trembled all over and made an extremely difficult turn very quickly and in an inhuman way. The survival of wolves depends on fighters all the time. Even if they die fighting, they will never recognize people for slaughter.

And when Zhang Xun was about to deliver the final blow, he saw clearly that the person coming was Zou Hang. At this moment, Zou Hang did not focus on Zhang Xun in front of him. It is true that Zhang Xun is very aggressive, but he is not a threat. Zou Hang was confident that he could flash elsewhere at the moment of its attack. Zou Hang stared thoughtfully at the place where Zhang Xun had broken the window just now.

In fact, he didn't eat dinner at all. Zou Hang's current system is no longer adapted to that kind of food. After leaving the blood bank of the hospital, he did not go back to the White House to sleep. Instead, he watched quietly from a distance by the beautified garden outside the White House. Because he had already guessed the secret of the dream, and now besides confirming his inference. He stood aside, looking forward to those self-righteous people. Looking forward to Bai Yu paying the price for what he has done.

But just now, maybe it was just a blink of an eye, Zhang Xun's action of rushing out of the window was not caught by his high nervous reaction. But at the same time, he was keenly aware of a strange atmosphere. A bone-chilling chill came from the window. Zou Hang's feelings are always correct, and Zou Hang will be loyal to his feelings even if they are incorrect. However, he didn't know whether that feeling was groundless. On the other hand, Zou Hang was also a little firm in Zhang Xun's actions.

But even Zou Hang's own senses are now incomparable. His sixth sense is very strong. He couldn't detect anything wrong with the focus of his eyes. After all, it can be said that he has been strengthened much more than ordinary people, but he does not have the peculiar attributes of Yin and Yang eyes.

Zhang Xun's original attack did not start, but at this moment he was very annoyed by his impulsiveness. Maybe all this is very short, all played out in two or three seconds, but in an emergency moment of life and death, this kind of carelessness is absolutely fatal. Zhang Xun once again made a very fast turning movement that exceeded the limit of his own speed. Of course, his target was locked in the direction just now.

do not know why. During their short time together, Zou Hang found that he and Zhang Xun were able to communicate with each other through strange feelings, and thus understood what Zhang Xun knew and felt in his heart. Maybe this strangeness is the magic of nature, or more likely, it may be that the real Eye of Sin left a slight 'side effect' when it failed. While feeling Zhang Xun's extreme fear and fighting spirit, Zou Hang also understood that Zhang Xun might have a wolf nature, and that he might have noticed a blind spot that he had never been able to see. So when Zhang Xun turned around and stared at the window, Zou Hang instantly flashed in front of Zhang Xun at ten o'clock, with one red and one green pupil, just like a low-light detector. In this dark, moonless night, the gleam of atmospheric light is seen clearly.

The silver moon shines brightly, and the time in this horror world may be just before autumn, around the Mid-Autumn Festival. The full moon that reflected the bright light broke through the dark clouds that blocked her light. Silver spreads all over the earth, making the night no longer just black. And in this section, the moment the moonlight reached the window, Zhang Xun almost collapsed as if suffocated. In front of the broken window, under the window sill, a little boy seemed to have been standing there for a long time.

What is the relationship between the full moon and the wolf? Science has a say in influencing hormones. According to legend, there are myths about the moon goddess inspiring wolves. But neither of them can explain the magical relationship between Yue Yuan and the wolf. But no one can deny the connection between the two.

There was nothing there just now, Zhang Xun saw it clearly. Under the light of the moon, it seemed as if the moon god had given Zhang Xun a notice of imminent death, giving guidance and warning. But it may be too late now. When Zhang Xun saw those dark pupils, he could already feel that he was going to die. In other words, death can be more happiness. Zhang Xun's eyes were filled with fear. My heart was completely broken, and I couldn't stand firm no matter how hard I fought or killed. Everything was replaced by infinite terror. Maybe there is still a trace of reason left, screaming for help. But at this moment, he felt like he could no longer control his body, as if every inch of his body was paralyzed by fear. This sense of powerlessness is what wolves fear most. Fighting can choose death. And now he can no longer choose his own death.

Zou Hang's back was facing that direction. But even if he looked directly, if he didn't want the power of the supernatural shape to be seen, then he would only be able to see the broken glass shards and the darkness in the corridor, or feel a hint of cold crisis. But at this moment, Zou Hang looked through Zhang Xun's eyes, and what he noticed was the infinite terror in Zhang Xun's heart. This feeling of terror seemed to be contagious, as if it was transmitted through the mind without any physical principles.

Maybe the paralysis of the body is not a skill of the supernatural power, but just a reaction from biological instinct, paralyzing the whole body with the inner terror of that terrifying thing. The vampire Earl's bloodline has always been recognized by Zou Hang as being fearless. But at the moment, this fearless attribute was found to be useless just when Zou Hang sensed Zhang Xun's heart. Zou Hang felt something he had never felt before in his heart, fear! That is infinitely terrifying! At this moment, it was as if Zou Hang could feel a pair of eyes looking at Zhang Xun from his heart. The object originally perceived by Zhang Xun can actually change.

But maybe this non-intuitive feeling and Zou Hang's character can be neutralized.

Zou Hang closed his eyes tightly in an instant! Ignoring the message of fear conveyed from Zhang Xun's heart, and the chaotic struggle and cry for help in Zhang Xun's heart.

(Is this the feeling of fear?)

Anyone who sees it will die. Please close your eyes when it gets dark!

Zou Hang turned towards the source, still closing his eyes and not listening. A slight chuckle.

Smiling can defeat terror. But this is nonsense!

Zou Hang's thinking was not as broken and chaotic as Zhang Xun's. Zou Hang was somewhat infected by the terrifying information. But it can be said that his intentions are strange. UU Kanshu His idea is inherently strange. There was no explanation for fear in his dictionary. This feeling cannot be expressed vividly. Zou Hang's feeling about his own fear was more of joy than panic.

If we don’t regard terror as terror and ignore terror, will it still be terror? Not to mention infinitely terrifying!

"This time the horror world is more relevant than the previous missions!" Zou Hang murmured to himself. The reason why he said the mission was a horror world, but the horror missions Zou Hang had experienced before did not make him feel at all. Any feeling. Zou Hang's joy now is even more because he is relieved about his previous decision. He expected Bai Yu and others to be pleased with the results of equivalent exchange for their actions.

Zou Hang closed his eyes. It was the inspiration he got from Zhang Xun's actions! This time he felt a little excited, the excitement of facing unknown and new things.

(The first point is to resist the paralysis caused by fear. Close your eyes!)

In fact, all of this happened so quickly. Zou Hang's mental activities and thoughts were under the influence of his own powerful neural response attributes. But it's another two or three seconds. But at this moment, the surrounding atmosphere changed. A terrifying attack came closer. What Zou Hang could feel was that the moment he closed his eyes and turned around, the biting and cold breath suddenly approached... -

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