Athena was dressed in full-coverage metal soft armor that shone golden in the moonlight. What is particularly striking is that behind it, there are swan-like metal wings, which are also golden.

"Ah, did you draw the same class?"

Athena under the head armor only showed half of her face and smiled coldly, although the clip sound was not very intimidating. Then the wings behind her spread out and soared into the air!

Athena was suspended in mid-air, and the golden staff had vanished, seemingly in storage.

Immediately, Athena leaned behind her back with her left hand, took out a golden longbow, put a golden arrow on her right hand, and aimed it at the rainforest behind Ning Yuan, and let go of her hand!

The golden arrows were like missiles, shooting in the direction of Ming Yanwei!

Ming Yan shot an arrow in a hurry, and rolled away on the spot.

The golden arrow effortlessly knocked into the Mingyan arrow, castrated unabated, and bombarded the big tree that the ranger was hiding just now!


As if the tree had been hit by artillery, the crown was half off, and the remaining trunk was ablaze.

The golden arrow turned in mid-air, and returned to Athena's hand, bending the bow again!

The sharp-eyed Ming Yanwei discovered that the enemy could fire in bursts, maintain high speed, and launch counterattacks at the same time! But the 160 golden soft armor on Athena's body is not only beautiful, but all arrows cannot break through the defense!

On the side of the river beach, Ning Yuan was fighting with Persephine with the eighteen palms of the dragon descending, while paying attention to the sky, and seeing Athena's familiar equipment, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart:

Athena, Athena, really didn't take the wrong nickname, put on the golden holy clothes, and became a Valkyrie...... Gold Saint Seiya!

That's right, Athena's outfit at this time is the Sagittarius golden holy dress in the zodiac!

Moreover, it can make a weak woman have archery skills comparable to Mingyanwei at once, Athena is not just as simple as wearing holy clothes. It's just ......

Summoned the Sagittarius Gold Saint Seiya Possession!

This girl turned out to be a summoner.

In other words, the Divine Descent, that is, the summoning of the Heroic Valkyrie to possess the body.

Ning Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart.

Persephine in front of him suddenly snorted coldly:

"You're very idle, and you're still paying attention to my sister?" The next moment, the speed of the two-handed big sword suddenly doubled!

Ning Yuan didn't pay attention, and was knocked out by the big sword at once!

After adjusting his body in mid-air, Ning Yuan landed on the ground, and saw that Persephine had also changed his appearance: blonde hair and blue eyes had turned into blonde red pupils, and the tiger teeth exposed at the corners of his mouth were extremely sharp, like ......

"Blood Clan?" Ning Yuan called out softly.

The sister of the twins, Persephine, turned out to be also a blood clan strengthening?

Persephine: "Hmph, I'm the Ancestor Vampire Bloodline Enhancement, don't confuse it with the True Ancestor Sect!"

Ning Yuan was slightly stunned, as a true cultivator, he really didn't have the knowledge reserves of the Ancestor Vampire and the True Ancestor Blood Clan.

But there was no time for him to think, Persephine's eyes that had just turned red became a little dazed again, and the muscles of her arms bulged slightly.

Gene lock!

And it's the second order!

Persephine's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Ning Yuan in an instant, and the big sword was flirting!

Ning Yuan narrowly avoided it, shifted his shape, changed to the position of Persephine just now, picked up a ubiquitous branch from the ground with a toe and held it in his hand.

Knights of the Round Table Lancelot Rule Noble Phantasm! Knights don't die with their bare hands!

The sword demon is lonely and seeks defeat, and the third realm of the four swords in life: not stuck in things, grass, trees, bamboos and stones can be swords!

The supreme realm of ancient Chinese martial arts, flying flowers and picking leaves, can hurt people!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you don't have a flying sword, you sisters will be underestimated?

Open the gong.


Zheng Zha, the earl of the Blood Clan, worked hard to send another black man with great strength into the ruins of the building, and was sitting on the ground panting, his right arm had been dislocated.

At that moment, a sudden sense of crisis caused his body to bounce up automatically, and a flash of light crossed his skin. []

Zheng Zha quickly assumed a one-handed defensive posture, cautiously observing the enemy in front of him: the man was dressed in a doctor's white coat, blonde hair, and armed with two silver scalpels.

"I wanted to persuade you to let go of the captive Yorif, but the Lord God has just informed us that he is dead. It seems that there is an endless ending between us. "

The blonde doctor said coldly, as if to make the other party a ghost.

Zheng Zha's mind thought quickly:

Captured? Zhao Sakura captured that person, and died again, what happened?

In such a distraction, the blonde doctor keenly grasped this loophole, his eyes were white, and the gene lock was opened!

As if the distance between the two did not exist, it instantly appeared in front of Zheng Zha's body, and when it arrived, it slashed at his throat and stabbed him in the heart.

Zheng Zhan instinctively tilted his head back, the five fingers of his intact left hand opened and leaned forward, and he skimmed the scalpel through his fingers with great precision, and grabbed the right fist, but his throat was cold.

The scalpel in the doctor's left hand was originally not enough to attack distance, but he actually withdrew his right hand slightly, and at the same time stretched forward the left half of his body, which was equivalent to lengthening the attack distance of another shoulder!

Zheng Zha, who was frightened, kicked the opponent's left wrist with his right foot, and at the same time kicked back hard with his left foot, narrowly out of danger. The doctor's nirvana knife had almost cut into the skin and touched the throat, but fortunately, his genetic lock had been opened to the second order, and his body instinct and body manipulation ability were excellent, otherwise he would have died just now.

But it was not the time to be relieved, the blonde doctor beat the "water dog" without delay, and Zheng Zha, who was only available with one hand, could only defend the vital point and retreat in embarrassment. I can't stop crying in my heart:

If that black man joins in again, his life will really be left here.

Afraid of something, the ground began to shake, and the black man before he arrived, the sound came first:

"Arrot, he's my prey!" As soon as the words fell, a huge shadow appeared in the corner of Zheng Zha's eyes, and was striding towards him!

Finished. A sense of despair welled up in his heart. In a state of confusion, Zheng Zha stumbled and fell to the ground!

- Luo Li...... I'm sorry......

Things always turn around at the end, when the doctor's scalpel was about to be stabbed, but suddenly the angle was reversed!

"Ding" and "Ding" sounded, and the scalpel collided with the two short swords that suddenly appeared!

The blonde doctor, Arrot, quickly backed away, blocking the black man's path and preventing him from proceeding, while his eyes looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in disbelief.

When did she come?!

Cold sweat flowed from the blonde doctor's back, and this little girl actually concealed her perception, as if she appeared out of thin air.

Who is she?

"Europa, a family of assassins, Doctor Jackal?"

The assassin girl's face was frosty, and she spoke coldly, as if she had a definite answer.

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