The action was blocked, but Gao Yi did not have any big emotional fluctuations, and handed over the [E-level physical healing agent].

Li Zhaozhao, who was sitting on the single sofa, took the medicine, looked at it seriously and said:

"What kind of medicine is this? Why is there no label and no ingredient list?"

It must be said that he is worthy of being a good student, and he still has basic vigilance.

But Gao Yi had already thought of an excuse for this:

"This is a nutritional product, which has not been released yet. I got it directly from a doctor friend."

Of course, this explanation is indeed a bit suspicious, and Li Zhaozhao's eyes revealed obvious distrust:

"Which doctor dares to take out a medicine that has not passed the review? This color looks..."

"Hey, Zhaozhao, give it to me, Xiao Gao will not lie to me."

Fortunately, at this time, Granny Chen came to the rescue.

She shook her head slightly, wiped her hands on her apron, and signaled to give her the medicine.

"Grandma, you have to be more careful, there are a lot of scammers out there now..."

Li Zhaozhao is the stereotypical "good student", with short hair that doesn't need much care, speaks seriously, and often sighs.

If he wears round-frame glasses, he can basically replace the image of the "class monitor" in 80% of film and television works.

But Grandma Chen doesn't care at all, and she keeps reminiscing:

"It's okay, Xiao Gao is a big reporter, I was almost cheated by that Jin Huang security before..."

"Jinhuang Security." Gao Yi added at the right time.

"Yes, if Xiao Gao hadn't stopped me, I would have been fooled..."

This is true. The first time Gao Yi went to that fraud company, he saw their flyers at the landlord's house.

[Buy peace of mind for you and your family, fully automatic home protection device...]

To be honest, those scammers actually go door-to-door to sell.

And wealthy elderly people living alone like Grandma Chen naturally become the main target.

"What a big reporter, you can't even pay the rent..."

Li Zhaozhao beside him didn't seem very convinced and muttered in a low voice.

"You went to ask Xiao Gao for rent? Alas, didn't I tell you that there are only young people in the apartment, and they all have difficulties occasionally, so I told you not to meddle in other people's business."

Grandma Chen is old, but her hearing has not diminished at all.

When she heard her granddaughter's words, she reacted instantly and frowned and scolded her.

After being reprimanded, Li Zhaozhao lowered his head, and could only be seen pouting there, mumbling something.

"Zhaozhao is also kind, it's okay...why don't you try this nutrient first?"

I don't know if the effect of [Friends of Elderly Women] is too good, or if the favorability has been high enough during this period.

When she heard Gao Yi's words, the landlord's grandmother immediately put on a smile and agreed.

Under Li Zhaozhao's resentful eyes, the grandmother drank the bottle of [E-level physical treatment agent] in one gulp.

Without the time and energy to take care of the emotions of the high school girl, Gao Yi held his breath and mobilized his hearing.

With the addition of [Armchair Detective], the "gulp" sound of the liquid passing through the throat, the slight repair sound of the ribs, and the slight twitching of the muscles were all clearly audible.

The landlord's grandmother, who drank the potion, suddenly relaxed her brows. After a few seconds, she touched the medical fixation belt on her chest in disbelief.

"Grandma, what's wrong?!"

Li Zhaozhao saw that the grandmother had not spoken for a long time, so he hurriedly came up to her and asked in a hurried tone.

"It doesn't hurt at all... This medicine is really effective, Xiao Gao."

Granny Chen's smile returned to her face again, raised her arms, and pressed her shoulders again.

The pain-relieving effect is obvious, and it seems to accelerate the recovery of physical injuries.

Gao Yi made a judgment in his heart and smiled.

It was not enough to just move her arms. Granny Chen stood up and walked around the coffee table:

"Don't mention it, my waist doesn't hurt anymore, and I feel stronger."

"Haha, that's good... But don't remove the strap yet, you can ask the doctor to check it again later."

Seeing the landlord's granny like this, Gao Yi was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

Although he spent a bottle of medicine, he also had a better understanding of its effect.

If so, it should be able to sell a lot of money if it is packaged as a medicine...

Of course, it can't be mass-produced... The drug administration is also a problem.

Gao Yi's thoughts have been scattered far away, and Li Zhaozhao on the side widened his eyes, looking at the energetic grandma for a while, and then looking at Gao Yi who didn't know what he was thinking.

From the fact that the [Laolai] label didn't increase his experience, it is estimated that his image in her mind has changed from "scammer" to "scammer with real stuff".

In a cheerful atmosphere, Gao Yi chatted with the landlord's granny for a while.

After a pleasant conversation, Gao Yi once again said that the rent would be paid in full before the end of the month, and Granny Chen insisted that the small amount of money was nothing.

In this atmosphere, Li Zhaozhao on the sofa could not say anything, so he had to shake his legs and stare blankly.

He looked at his phone and saw that it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Having made up his mind, Gao Yi ended this meaningless chat, declined Granny Chen's invitation to dinner, and left the room with thanks.

With heavy steps, Gao Yi walked along the stairs towards the gentle bed.

After all, he hadn't slept for forty hours. He had never expected an elevator in his apartment.

I glanced at the system and saw that [Friends of Elderly Women] had been upgraded to level 3 and was not far away from level 4.

"Should I go back and refresh the level of this feels useless."

Muttering, Gao Yi was already standing in front of the door, flipping through his trouser pockets, looking for the key.

At this moment, a crisp sound of footsteps came quickly from the stairwell.

After a slight comparison, the difference in hearing has been greatly enhanced, and it is not difficult to judge that these are the steps of Li Zhaozhao.

It's so troublesome. You don't have to press me to pay the rent. I can help your grandma save a lot of money on medical expenses and skin care products.

Gao Yi thought, and the speed of his hands suddenly increased.

But when he opened the door, the girl was already panting and ran to the third floor and called Gao Yi.

The girl stood still in front of Gao Yi, holding her knees with her hands and breathing heavily.

She no longer wears the school uniform jacket. She probably left it in the room downstairs. Now she only has a light purple short-sleeved shirt on her upper body.

It can be seen that she ran in a hurry.

"Is there a problem?"

Since he couldn't escape, Gao Yi had no choice but to suppress a tired smile again and ask.

"Ha...that..." After finally catching his breath, Li Zhaozhao raised his head and looked at Gao Yi:

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. Grandma told me before that you are a good person. You don't have money because you vouched for a friend... I'm just afraid that she will be cheated again... .”

The girl looked quite apologetic, but it seemed difficult for her to say "I'm sorry" directly at her adolescent age.

"It's okay. Granny Chen often tells me how outstanding you are, and it turns out that it is true today."

Gao Yi sighed in his heart and accepted the job of solving the girl's problems.

I am still sighing in my heart. If I had encountered this a week earlier, my label might not have been [Friends of Elderly Women] but [Friends of Women].

At least the scope of application is much wider.

"Grandma also said that you always help with the cleaning. You are never like some tenants who bring strange women back to spend the night and make a mess."

Li Zhaozhao's words haven't finished yet, and he is repeating the landlady's compliments sternly at this moment.

But just as the two were talking about this, a male voice came from the door.

Pan Tian seemed to have finished washing and was packing his things.

"Hey, Gao Yi, you're back. Where do you keep the wet wipes? We've run out of those in the bedroom!"

Gao Yi turned his head back to the door and looked at the girl's complicated and shocked eyes.

Apparently, some strange misunderstandings were not easy to resolve.


After sending Li Zhaozhao away, he returned to the house.

Pan Tian walked to the living room holding the packed documents and said casually:

"By the way, you guys still post small advertisements."

"Small advertisement? No, at least I haven't encountered it."

Gao Yi frowned and responded thoughtfully.

"Then look at what's on the shoe cabinet. It was stuffed under the door ten minutes ago."

Following the other party's words, Gao Yi looked at the shoe cabinet, and sure enough, he found a small yellow note on it.

The paper is very rough, like rice paper used for calligraphy, or yellow paper burned to the dead.

Of course, what shocked Gao Yi more than the weirdness of the paper was the words on it.

[Noon, tea restaurant downstairs]

[Talk about your "heart-wrenching fog\

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