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Chapter 269 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Beheading

I must praise that the reaction speed of "Yi" is really very fast.

A moment after realizing what happened, it has begun to mobilize the lens again, wanting to rush to help.

Unfortunately, it can't turn around so quickly after retreating at full speed.

Under the perfect use of [Weapon Master], the durability of [Super Want You to Live 3,000] dropped rapidly.

Although the giant hand in front of him is huge, it is still a part of the human body.

When facing the human body, Gao Yi, who has the characteristics of [Serial Killer], can see through all its weaknesses and easily dismember and destroy it.

Those small hands that wanted to rush up to stop Gao Yi's actions were simply chopped off by brute force, while the big hand as the main body of "Slow" was chopped into pieces.

The so-called butchering of cattle is almost like this.

Due to the fracture of the left arm, the range of movement is somewhat limited. Fortunately, [Wailing Ring] blocks the pain, so that Gao Yi does not need to care about the severe pain caused by the wounds all over his body.

In the end, he had already wrapped his legs around the blade inserted into the back of his hand, and wielded the countless weapons with both hands.

Countless disgusting flesh and blood splashed on him, but it only made his desire to kill rise.

[Serial Killer], this feature that had not been used much before, seemed to be gradually changing.

Although this dungeon boss named "Slow" had extremely strong attack effects, at this moment, it was helpless in various senses.

After all, it was a hand...


The cup thrown down by it fell to the ground again, and the sound swept the entire space.

At this time, "Yi" finally mobilized the mirror fragments and flew towards Gao Yi, trying to save the dismembered "Slow".

Unfortunately, the remaining teammates of Gao Yi would naturally not give it this opportunity.

"Bold monster, looking for death!"

Master Baiyun scolded again, throwing out the Zen stick and Buddhist beads together.

The Buddhist beads flashing with cheap golden special effects broke the small fragments in the front one by one, and Alan unzipped the Zen stick and jumped into the air.

The girl wearing a wide peaked cap waved the huge hammer she had taken out in [Mechanical Godcasting] to block most of the attacks.


With the second sound of the cup-block flickering, Gao Yi also raised his arms, and aimed the sword and axe in his hands at the word "slow" in the palm of the enemy's hand, completing the final blow.

Yes, there is also such a word in the palm of this monster, but it has not been exposed before, making people think that the word is only written on the cup-block.

From its struggling and resisting movements, Gao Yi can roughly confirm that the word on the monster is where some kind of core is located.

In this way, the blade that he inserted from the back almost killed the "doubt".

But in any case, the cup-block under him will soon fall to the ground completely.

If I remember correctly, this will be the third round of the cup-block divination.

It is highly likely that, like before, it will produce a hexagram, and at the same time, some bizarre effects will occur.

Last time, this "doubt" was brought over, and this time, it might be a monster again.

That would be too troublesome.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi no longer held back, and went all out to insert the blade into the core of the big hands.

In an instant, the lower body stopped trying to grab Gao Yi's small hands, and the big hands in front of him made a last weak resistance, and then began to gradually dissolve, and the yellow-green pus flowed out.

Since Gao Yi was hanging upside down on this big hand, the pus was about to pour onto him.

Seeing this scene, he didn't have time to pull out the [Super Want You to Live Three Thousand] one by one, so he let go of his hands and fell freely downwards.


The cup and divination fell to the ground completely, and Gao Yi also opened the [Christmas Cloak], allowing himself to glide for a distance and avoid the disgusting liquid that poured down.

I still remember when he first got this equipment, he was still imagining that he would become a thief and a thief, and take away the treasures in the building at night.

Now when he used it, he was actually wrapped in the disgusting mucus of the monster and fell down from the ceiling in a mess.

I can only say that this is the difference between the seller's show and the buyer's show. Jokers are different from jokers.......

The good news is that its slow-down effect is really good. The distance of ten meters did not cause additional damage to Gao Yi.

It seems that Santa Claus's business is not as difficult as imagined.

The bad news is that although there is no additional fall damage, Gao Yi is still seriously injured.

Because he was scratched by glass fragments before and soaked in corrosive liquid for a while.

Now Gao Yi's black trousers are almost turned into shorts. There are only a few pieces of cloth connected by silk threads under the knees, and the exposed flesh is scratched by the sharp nails of those little hands. There are countless blood marks.

The left arm was stuck in the golden Buddha, and it was violently exercised in the air for a long time, and now it is completely unable to move.

The shoulder blade was already a little twisted and deformed, so the broken little finger was not a big deal.

The face was also a place that the [Scarlet Raven Coat] could not take care of. Although the [Mist Mask] also had some defensive effect, it was obviously not enough.

Although Gao Yi did not have a mirror to confirm, judging from Li Yuxing's expression, the situation should not be too good.

What was even more annoying was that the accumulated immunity reduction effect of the [Scarlet Raven Coat] made the damage of these attacks rise to a higher level.

Although the pain shielded by the [Howling Ring] allowed him to attack without regard for his life.

But the flesh could not sense various warning signals, which made Gao Yi ruin his body in various ways.

Not to mention that the negative effects of the [Christmas Cloak] also caught up. Now just lying on the ground, he felt extremely heavy and tired.

"You are really desperate. Come and drink a bottle."

Li Yuxing squatted beside Gao Yi and began to check his injuries.

This is also good news. There happened to be a surgeon next to him.

"Can't drink... negative effects... cough cough."

Gao Yi coughed violently twice, which made him wonder if he had inhaled some glass powder. Now his lungs were burning like fire.

"You are dying... can't drink the potion, right? Wait a minute..."

Shaking his head, Dr. Li said, and took out a... metal rod from his wrist?

"It hurts a bit, bear with it."

He said, without waiting for Gao Yi, who was lying on the ground, to stop him, and suddenly hit his immobile left arm with a stick.

Although there was no pain, Gao Yi subconsciously wanted to stand up:

"You are going to do..."

Before he finished speaking, he turned his shoulder and showed an incredible expression.

The left shoulder that seemed to be completely unable to bear it just now actually recovered like this?

Well, it seems not 100%, but it is almost healed.

Gao Yi raised his head and looked at Li Yuxing who was facing the golden light.

And the doctor just pushed his glasses and put the metal stick back into his wrist:

"Surgery, kid."


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