Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 30: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Standing on the escalator, Gao Yi casually swiped his phone, but his peripheral vision from time to time had captured the necessary information.

Four people, three men and one woman.

If I guessed correctly, they were all players, and they were experienced players.

When Gao Yi got on the escalator, two of them walked towards the fire escape, and the other two followed slowly from behind.

They were not in a hurry, keeping a certain distance, and they didn't seem to worry about losing.

Keeping a distance is understandable, "players" can sense each other, and those people obviously know this.

But at this tracking distance, they don't seem to be afraid of losing... Is there any tracking method?

Gao Yi frowned slightly, but compared to these four pursuers, what he paid more attention to was the description of the special mission.

[Get rid of the tracking of suspicious players and the Investigation Bureau, and ensure that the real identity is not discovered]

The suspicious players should be these four, so... what is the "Investigation Bureau".

Thinking at high speed, Gao Yi suddenly recalled the words that the two security guards shouted while running on the subway last night.

[The police and the Investigation Bureau will be here soon. Put down your weapons and surrender on the ground! ]

Investigation Bureau?

Are they the same thing? I have never heard of such an organization before.

Combined with the current situation, a guess instantly formed in my mind.

Is this so-called "Investigation Bureau" an official department formed to deal with the sudden appearance of the "player" group?

The task is stated in this way, which means... not only a few players with ill intentions are being hunted, but also official people? !

No, calm down and think about it. Now I am in the transformed state of [Mist Mask]. I am not "myself" at all, and there is no reason to be tracked.

If it is really an official person, then it is likely that they have caught up with those players.

Just as Gao Yi's thoughts turned to this, several people who were obviously a little abnormal walked in from the gate of the mall downstairs and were looking around in the lobby on the ground floor.

Although they were dressed in plain clothes, their posture and steps still exposed the fact that they had received professional military training.

Even if they were not former soldiers or armed police, they had received relevant training.

They were hiding on purpose, but under Gao Yi's [Armchair Detective]'s observation, it was still very obvious.

In other words, they had just chased to this "Hulong Mall" instead of ambushing here in advance.

This was good news, which meant that the entire mall had not yet been completely surrounded.

Gao Yi twisted his neck and looked down at the time.

[8:29 p.m.]

[Mist Mask] still had half an hour left, just the same as the countdown for the special mission.

It seemed that the system also thought that he should escape before changing back to himself.

Gao Yi changed the label settings with a slight movement of his mind.

In order to enhance affinity and make transactions more intimate, [Enthusiastic Citizens] were retained.

Its [Big Hero 6: When doing something righteous, combat effectiveness will be improved] might be useful.

And [Old Lai] was replaced by [Actor] by Gao Yi.

Mainly for the enhancement of his acting skills, he really needs this now.

As for other combat power... Using the active effects of [Special Belt] and [Armchair Detective] at the same time should give him about two minutes of burst time.

But that would also cause Gao Yi to fall into a "weak" state for a period of time, and he could only use it in the most critical and final moments.

Among the system's items and props, there is also half a bottle of [Super Anti-wolf Spray] and [Empowered Nail Clippers] whose effects are unknown.

It's a pity that the previous [Inflatable Hammer] has been scrapped, otherwise it would still be a usable weapon.

Gao Yi deliberately slowed down his pace and walked around the mall.

Behind him, the four players who were following him dispersed again, maintaining a distance of about 50 meters.

Below, the number of people in the "Investigation Bureau" is still increasing, and there are no less than 20 people entering the mall.

According to common sense, there are probably more people monitoring and surrounding the periphery.

Even if only Building A is counted, the internal space of "Hulong Mall" is very large.

Counting only Gao Yi's half, there are at least four escalators, two helicopter elevators, and two fire stairs.

But this level of transportation facilities is a bit difficult to bear the dense flow of people.

The whole mall is crowded with people, especially on the second floor where Gao Yi is now. It seems that there are many clothing stores that are on sale, which attracts many customers at this moment.

Gao Yi is not in a hurry, and he stops outside the store from time to time to watch.

In the corner of his eye, the four tracking players are still behind him, and it seems that they are indeed eyeing his [stunt belt].

In fact, Gao Yi is not without expectations about this. Judging from the situation on the forum, blue-quality equipment is very rare and popular.

Although Zhao Qian once mentioned that "the game does not encourage players to kill each other, in reality, all kinds of props and abilities will disappear when players die."

But wouldn't it be better if others "voluntarily" handed over the items?

Hit a club, kick a few times, say some harsh words, and bully the minority with the majority.

Highway robbery is not divided by region or ethnicity, and it has been a traditional craft of mankind for thousands of years.

Needless to say, these people also think so.

This is why they have been slow to act. They are probably waiting for Gao Yi to leave the mall and go to a place with fewer people.

There is no time limit for their mission. As long as they can grab the equipment, they will win.

But having said that, the seller of that belt actually has money in his hands, wouldn't it be more convenient to just rob him?


Further back, the personnel of the "Investigation Bureau" had already formed a large net, and they seemed to be surrounding the four people.

This is called the mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind.

The only problem is that Gao Yi himself seems to be the "cicada".

The essence of this game between the three forces is the word "mixed".

If you sneak into the other two parties and start fighting, you will be able to benefit from it.

Not to mention, those people from the "Investigation Bureau" actually didn't pay attention to themselves at all. They came to arrest those four people.

From this point of view, if you just need to go shopping, you can wait for those people to fall into the Huihui French Open and leave safely...

Of course, this kind of simple luck never belongs to Gao Yi.

He tilted his head and looked downstairs again. At the exit gate, the [Graduate Student] was being carried out of the mall by two men.

It seems that my seller has been arrested.

Considering what I saw on the "Forum" that "officials will arrest and torture all players."

At the same time, I hope that the [graduate student] will be loyal and will not betray him, and that these people from the "Investigation Bureau" will not investigate the surveillance.

A little bit unrealistic.

Maybe it was because the instructions had changed, but Gao Yi clearly felt that the circle of encirclement was shrinking towards him.

Apparently, he was also on the list to be arrested.

The good news is that now this face and its corresponding [Investigator-Snake] are just vests.

As long as you wait for the [Mist Mask] time to end and then process the corresponding mobile phone number, you should still be safe.

The bad news is that there are now two waves of forces in the mall, with dozens of people watching them, ready to strike at any time.

These two waves of forces are on one side the regular army with unified command and sufficient training; on the other side are the "players" with supernatural powers and vicious attacks.

Unable to help but sigh, Gao Yi once again cursed the goddess in charge of luck in his heart.

Looking at the time, it was already eight thirty-four.

In any case, we cannot wait for those "Investigation Bureau" people to complete their preparations and close the siege.

Gao Yi made a decision, turned around, and entered the "Children's Paradise Area" on the second floor of the mall.

Here, a large number of parents with their children looked exhausted, and their cries and screams played out a children's symphony.

And Gao Yi is here to strike first.


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