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Chapter 52 [Western City Strange Things] Loud noise

Weapons are still a big problem.

Since the end of the first dungeon, Gao Yi has been in a state of extreme lack of weapons.

In [Heart Strange Mist], there is also an [Inflatable Giant Hammer] that can be used as a lottery reward.

But unfortunately, as an ordinary prop, it is completely insufficient and its durability is used up on the spot.

After that, in the battle in "Hulong Mall", the problem of no weapons was exposed.

The first robber was solved with bare hands, and the following ones were iron bars, glass fragments... whatever they picked up was used.

There was also a [Super Anti-wolf Spray] to cooperate, but now it has been used up.

Gao Yi also wanted to bring some weapons with him, but this is not an online game. What two-handed swords, longbows, and magic wands can be used.

Most of these weapons require long-term practice to achieve the greatest effect.

After entering [West City Strange Things], all kinds of exploration and inquiries are irrelevant, but once you enter the battle, the problem of no weapons is exposed.

Gao Yi had considered this before. He really planned to leave the archives room and see if he could steal a gun or something from the police station.

Unfortunately, before he could take action, he was pulled into the illusion again.

When he returned to reality again, he had already arrived at this parking lot.

The giant axe passed over his head and hit the iron sheet of a white van, making a muffled sound, followed by a sharp hissing sound caused by pulling.

Gao Yi turned to the left to avoid another round of attacks, and his thoughts were not interrupted at all.

The man in front of him with golden eyes became more and more angry, and every time he swung the axe, he was full of power, as if he had endless brute force.

"Still want to escape?! Want to escape like that day?!"

He roared, stepped forward again, turned his waist and swept the giant axe across.

Relying on the agility bonus of [Stunt Belt] and the "combat power" improvement of [Enthusiastic Citizen].

Although the opponent seemed to have a higher "evolution rate", Gao Yi had a significant advantage in speed at this moment.

He jumped sideways again and dodged another round of attacks.

"The question is, how can we get this man out of his current state?"

Gao Yi kept thinking in his mind, bending his knees, lowering his center of gravity, and waiting for the opponent's next attack in the posture of a tennis player.

Objectively speaking, he has a great advantage in this battle.

Although the man in front of him is strong and has weapons.

But in any case, the clown seems unable to mobilize the active effects of his use characteristics, or other equipment.

The man is simply relying on his body to carry out an unsystematic angry attack.

If you just want to win, it is not difficult to knock the opponent down.

Relying on the active effects of [Stunt Belt] and [Armchair Detective], the instantaneous enhancement can make Gao Yi's combat power soar.

At that time, it should not be difficult to seize the opponent's attack interval and subdue the man directly.

The problem is that both of them have a cooling time and negative effects.

After using it, not only will the combat power drop significantly for a period of time, but it will also lead to a lack of key combat power in possible battles later.

"It would be nice if the anti-wolf spray was still there. I was disgusted when I got it, but now it seems to be the most useful one..."

Gao Yi sighed softly, and was already thinking about other possibilities.

Based on his previous experience when he fell asleep at school.

The loud shouting in the ear and the shaking of the body can be reflected in the illusion.

This is how Gao Yi was woken up before.

The problem is that Gao Yi did try to call the other party during this period, but it didn't work.

Does he have to control the other party closely and then shout loudly?

This is also another big problem. Gao Yi needs to pursue "no injury".

Although he really wants to help the brother in front of him, it doesn't mean that he can accept serious injuries.

The axe in the other party's hand is no joke, even if the [Reckless Arm Guard] provides some defense bonus.

But with the man's strength, it is probably not a problem to really chop off Gao Yi's arm.

Although there is a bottle of [C-level physical healing potion], that thing is rare and expensive, and it can't regenerate a broken limb.

If you can't get close to him directly... create excitement from outside?

Looking around, there were no passers-by in the parking lot at night, and there were a dozen cars parked here and there.

Judging from the dust on the cars and the traces on the ground, most of them have been parked here for more than three months.

Considering the high crime rate and death rate in West City, the current situation of car owners is worrying.

The street lights flickered, and it was estimated that the power supply was not sufficient.

There were some old clothes and burnt charcoal piles in the corner, and homeless people should have stayed here overnight.

Looking into the distance, there were only some low buildings nearby, and the previous police station was nowhere to be found. It seemed that the current location was far away from the city center.

Huge noise and excitement...

Gao Yi pondered for a while, and raised his head after a moment.

Avoiding another slash from the man, Gao Yi sideways and got between two parked cars.

As expected, the opponent, whose attack failed again, quickly got up and strode after him.

Gao Yi, who had already adapted to the opponent's monotonous attack, controlled his body and guided the man with golden eyes to attack him with another horizontal slash.

This time, Gao Yi didn't even need to dodge quickly, because the opponent's giant axe hit the windshield of the car beside him.

At the same time, the huge car anti-theft bell rang.

Before the opponent could raise the ax again, Gao Yi raised his arm guard and smashed open the rear window of the van on the other side with his elbow.

It is worth mentioning that car anti-theft bells became popular in the 1980s and 1990s. They were initially criticized for being too sensitive and triggering frequently.

Under Gao Yi's control, two huge car anti-theft bells sounded simultaneously, completely breaking the long-lasting tranquility of the entire parking lot.

Amidst the violent sounds on both sides, a look of pain appeared on the man's face, and the golden light in his eyes slowly disappeared, revealing confused eyes.

But Gao Yi didn't tolerate him at all. He took the opportunity to knock the opponent to the ground with a flying kick, and picked up the ax that had dropped from his hand.

Regardless of whether the other party is really awake or fake, it must be confirmed again.

"What...what's going on, where is this?!"

The man cried out and fell to the ground, but when he raised his head, he was obviously more confused than in pain.

Seeing that the other party was finally out of the illusion and control, Gao Yi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly:

"Anyway, I'm really hungry. Why don't you go have a meal first?"


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