Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 105 Promotion to Level 4

When Sabretooth just fell to the ground, Cyclops next to him, with the help of the Diamond Lady, jumped next to Sabretooth.

Originally, he was doing well in school, but suddenly he was caught by this Sabretooth and was almost subjected to a live experiment.

He hates Sabretooth.

However, he had always been afraid of Sabretooth before. In his opinion, Sabretooth seemed invincible.

But now with so many people together, especially the omnipotent prophet standing behind them, he finally has confidence in his heart.

His eyes opened suddenly, huh—

Two hot laser beams directed towards Sabretooth.

Boom boom boom boom--

Under the bombardment of this high-burst laser beam, Sabretooth was blasted into half body almost instantly.

The ground around him was blasted out of a large pit with a diameter of five meters and a depth of two meters.

Lin also saw him, and said in his heart: "It's alright, classmate Cyclops, if you continue like this, you will really blow him up, what shall I swallow?"

Fortunately, this Sabretooth is fairly resistant to beating, Cyclops bombarded him like this, but he didn't bombard him to death.

It doesn't even seem to have suffered any major injuries at all.

It looks haggard at best.

He was about to stand up to resist, the Diamond Girl punched his eyes, and his eyes suddenly flowed blood.

The Mutant who knows duplication turned into three duplications, and all three duplications went up together, and Sabretooth groaned.

The lizard next to him rushed over, his tail wrapped around Sabretooth, making him unable to move.

Dozens of other people joined together, you punched me and kicked.

Tangtang Sabretooth, a third-level Mutant, was beaten by such a group of Mutants who looked like trash in his eyes.

In Lin Yi's mind, the system guy actually said: "It's too cruel, you Mutants, you are so utterly conscientious. There is nothing to destroy your humanity. Plug his eyes, I say you, kick him, oh my footwork Why is it so smelly, go down. You can poke at him, oh, yes..."

The insult of the system made Lin quite speechless.

After more than ten minutes of doing this, Sabretooth was already dying.

There is no good place all over the body.

Even both arms were removed.

But At the moment Sabretooth doesn't hurt anymore. Instead, it looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

He lay on the ground, looking at this, looking at that, smiling jokingly: "You rubbish will always be rubbish. Lying here will make you unbeatable, just a bunch of scum. Even Mutant is just a variant. The scumbag. Hahahaha..."

Then he looked at Lin Yi, his tone of disdain even more: "The prophet? Humph, even if you are a prophet, you can't kill me. Hey, I'll give you a chance. If you can kill me, even if I lose!"

The other Mutants also knew about Sabretooth's Ability, and they all looked at Lin Yi helplessly at the moment.

They can beat this Sabretooth until they can't take care of themselves in life, but Sabretooth has a powerful Self-healing factor and can't kill him at all.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently and stepped forward slowly.

Sabretooth saw Lin Yi coming, with a playful smile on his face again.

"Shit prophecy, even if you make more predictions, Sabretooth will not obey you, and will not admit defeat. Unless you can kill me. How about, come and try? Hey, I'm afraid you haven't killed me yet. Give it yourself first. Exhausted, hahahaha..."

As Sabretooth said more and more arrogantly, he even smiled triumphantly.

Lin Yi didn't say a word, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Above the body, the fiery red bio-energy condensed, instantly enveloping Sabretooth.

The next moment, Sabretooth's body seemed to be scorched by the hot flames, melting at an extremely fast speed.

Sabretooth's triumphant smile abruptly, replaced by panic.

A fear of dying that has never been seen before hits my heart.

Since his first transformation, he has almost possessed the Regenerative Healing Factor, so he has not experienced the fear of death for more than 100 years.

But At the moment, his body was melted at an extremely fast speed.

How can this not let him fear.

"What are you going to do?"

"Prophet, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Mr. Prophet, stop! You stop me!"

"Do not……"

In Sabretooth's series of screams, his body turned into fiery red energy and merged into Lin Yi's body.

Lin Yi only felt that a warm current entered his body, and every cell in his body At the moment seemed to possess infinite power.

He couldn't help but scream up to the sky.

But as a prophet, what a lofty position is in the hearts of these young people.

In order to maintain such an image, he still resisted without yelling.

In my mind, the voice of the system came again:

"Oh, not bad. Swallow a level 3 Mutant and get 50 evolution points. The total evolution point is 139. The current evolution points are enough to be promoted to a level 4 evolutionary. Are you sure you want to evolve?"

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

He used to think that he could only get evolution points in the film and television planes, and only in the real world could he evolve.

Unexpectedly, it can also evolve in the film plane.

Without hesitation, he said to the system in his mind: "Evolution."

In the next moment, he felt a heat flow through his body again.

The whole body, the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, including each pore, are extremely comfortable.

I just felt that the body was full of power, but now it is not only full of power, but also that the body seems to be lighter.

The ability to control the body is also much stronger.

At the same time, the voice of the system came in my mind:

"Successful evolution. This evolution consumes 100 evolution points, and the remaining evolution points are 39 points. You are already a level 4 evolver. After evolving to a level 4 evolver, you will acquire a new skill: flying skills."

Originally promoted to Level 4 Evolution, Lin Yi still felt very happy.

But a "flying skill" made Lin Yi a little unhappy.

Because he knows that the flying skills in the game can be regarded as an additional skill in the form of claws.

It just spreads its claws and pounces forward like an eagle. Then the two claws grabbed the enemy in half.

It looks very handsome, but it's useless in reality.

Because Lin Yi himself can perform this action now, it is just ordinary.

And the enemy is not as rigid as in the game. They just need to hide a little bit to the side, won't their flying skills fail?

Moreover, when flying, because you are in the air and your claws are open, it is tantamount to being undefended.

That is a moving target.

"System, do you want to be so bad?"

Lin Yi said to the system dissatisfiedly.

The system chuckled and said, "Although my swooping skills evolved from the swooping in the game, they are hundreds of thousands of times stronger than those in the game."

When Lin Yi heard that the system was bragging, he curled his lips and said, "Bullish is for bragging."

The system still smiled and said: "Don't believe it? Let's listen to the sajia carefully."

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