Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 107 Deadpool

The setting sun is like blood.

Under this bloody setting sun, the river also looked like a river of blood.

The west side of the cooling tower was also reflected blood red.

Lin Yi began to climb up the ladder on the cooling tower, so as not to be able to reach the battlefield for a long time because of the heat.

As he crawled, he complained in his heart: "Why do you have to put the battlefield in such a high place? It will take a long time to climb up."

The system chuckled and said, "You don't understand this? How can you pretend if you are not tall? How can you look like they are awesome if you are not tall?"

Lin also thinks about it.

At this time, the system said: "By the way, I forgot to tell you something just now."


Lin Yi asked as he crawled.

"My awesome version of Poop, isn't it awesome?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, that's it."

"Isn't there any limit to such an awesome swooping skill? Impossible. The limitation of my swooping skill is the cooling time. After each use, it takes one month to cool down before it can be used again."


Lin Yi directly sprayed out.

His hands also stopped climbing, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Let me go, can you still pit the system? There is no cooling time for the swoop in the game. Besides, your cooling time is too long, right? One month? Why don't you have a year?"

The system thoughtfully said: "One year? Well, this suggestion is pretty good, so change it to one year."


Lin Yi couldn't help but cursed, and then he could only be softened: "Don't change it. One month is one month. But one month is really a bit long."

The casual voice of the system said, "Is it very long? Don't you think. What's more, as your level advances, the cooling time will become shorter and shorter. After you reach a certain level, you can make unlimited moves. When the time comes, the air will not last every second?"

"Well, it's pretty much the same."

Lin Yi finally got some comfort.

After more than ten minutes, he finally climbed to the top of the cooling tower.

Standing on the top of this 130-meter-high cooling tower, the wind blows, and I feel a little shaken.

Lin Yi could barely stand firm after adjusting to it for a while.

At this time, Lin Yi inadvertently glanced down, and saw that Wolverine was running out at the exit of the factory below.

The vest on his upper body has been scratched and his trousers have been torn in several places.

On the chest, three stab wounds with deep bones looked shocking.

Although the three stab wounds healed quickly, it can be seen that Wolverine was miserably abused by the mysterious man.

Next to him, Silverfox also ran out.

Behind them, inside the factory gate, a figure slowly walked out.

The distance is too far, Lin also can't see what this person looks like, but he clearly knows who this person is in his heart.

Wolverine ran to the cooling tower closest to him, that is, under the cooling tower where Lin Yi was, and said to Silverfox, "You find a place to hide first."

"And you?"

Silverfox asked worriedly.


Wolverine saw the huge amounts of the cooling tower and said, "I can't beat him on the ground, but on the cooling tower, maybe I can try it."

"No, it's too dangerous."

Silverfox stopped.

Wolverine said firmly: "No, if I don't do this, you won't be safe."


"Nothing but, no time."

Wolverine glanced at the figure following far away, then climbed up firmly.

Seeing that Silverfox couldn't stop Wolverine, he had to find a place by himself and hid behind a pillar.

Wolverine climbed faster than Lin, and it only took 5 minutes to climb to the top of the cooling tower.

When he climbed up and saw Lin Yi, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Mr. Prophet, are you here too?!"

But then he laughed at himself: "You are a prophet. It is not strange to know anything that happens anywhere and where you appear."

Then Wolverine looked under the cooling tower, the figure following him.

Lin Yi said to Wolverine: "Look at your left."

Wolverine still has some doubts, take a good look at what the left is doing?

But the next moment, the figure under the tower suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already on the left of Wolverine.

Wolverine sighed helplessly.

I thought it would take a few minutes for this guy to climb up, but I didn't expect people to teleport directly.

It was only at the moment that Lin Yi really saw this guy, that is, the mysterious man, for the first time.

I saw that this person was a bald head, with ugly scars on his face like rags sewn up. There are no eyelids in both eyes, and there are big eyeballs in the blood-red eye sockets.

His mouth was sewn up and looked extremely ugly.

This is definitely the ugliest monster Lin Yi has ever seen.

On his fists with both hands, two Adamantium Blades that were more than a foot long and gleaming came out.

Lin also knew that he was the perfect weapon newly developed by Stryker.

Stryker has extracted a lot of Mutant genes, such as Cyclops, Mutant that can teleport, and Self-healing factor of Wolverine...

Then he injected all the mutant genes of Mutant into the body of a Mutant named Wade.

Wade has all these Mutant Ability.

In the past, Wade was a guy who talked all the time except for eating.

Stryker was so annoyed with this, so he simply sewed his mouth.

The current Wade has a much stronger Self-healing Ability than Wolverine and Sabretooth, Cyclops laser light, teleporting Ability, Wolverine Adamantium bone and Blade.

Stryker called him-Deadpool!

That's right, it's Deadpool.

But this is not the little bit of a bit that everyone is familiar with.

According to the explanation given by the director of the film, this Deadpool is another Deadpool in a parallel universe.

At the moment, the Deadpool's Blade was unceremonious and cut to Wolverine.

Wolverine quickly blocked it with steel claws.


With a crisp sound, the knives and claws intersected, and a series of sparks came out.

However, the power of Deadpool was far stronger than that of Wolverine. With this blow, Wolverine retreated more than five meters, almost falling from the side.

Thanks to his slow response, he grabbed the edge of the cooling tower with both hands, and he hung there.

Deadpool walked towards Wolverine, lifting his foot to step on Wolverine's hand.

Lin Yi quickly reacted in her mind as to whether to use the awesome version of the flying skills.

However, he thought that his flying skills had only one chance, and Deadpool could teleport.

If by any chance he was dodged by his teleportation, then he would not have any chance.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi could only press the thought of swooping first, then condensed his claws, and threw directly behind Deadpool.

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