Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 112: The Fourth Level Evolutionary Strikes

In the next few days, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran went around during the day and watched movies in the room at night.

When Zuo Yiran saw Lin Yi watching a movie, he would ask: "Do you like watching movies?"


"I see people watching movies, they all have specific favorite genres, such as action movies, romance movies, science fiction movies, and war movies. But you don't seem to have any fixed genres when watching movies. You can watch everything. You can even watch sports movies. "

"I don't have a specific genre, or as long as it is a movie, I like to watch it."

In fact, Lin Yi's heart is purely wrong.

Watching movies every day, he almost vomited.

But this is also no way.

On September 7th, seeing the school starting tomorrow, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran went to school for a long time to buy some daily necessities for the start of school.

Then the two plan to go back to their hotel.

But when he was on the street, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

Through the induction of biological impulses, he felt that there were four evolutionaries, which seemed to be tracking himself.

Moreover, all of these four evolvers are actually level 4 evolvers.

But Lin Yi is not only not timid, but a little excited.

After being promoted to Level 4 Evolver, he has not experienced combat in reality.

I don't know how I actually fight Ability in reality.

It happens that these four Level 4 evolutionists can let themselves try their own strength.

Originally, the next intersection was to turn right, but Lin Yi said to Zuo Yiran: "Turn left."

Zuo Yiran wondered: "Aren't we going back?"

Lin Yi only said, "Yeah."

Then he pulled the left and the same, turned left and walked away.

Sure enough, when they walked out more than fifty meters, the four Level 4 evolutionists behind also turned here.

The pair went forward more than 20 meters and reached a river.

On both sides of the river is the embankment park. At the moment it is September weather, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature is relatively high. There are hardly a few people in the park.

Lin Yi took the left and quickly entered the woods beside the road.

More than fifty meters behind them, the four Level 4 evolutionists also followed.

One of them was about forty years old, wearing gray short sleeves, a Level 4 evolutionary, shaking his head boredly: "I'll say a few, just this kid, so young, how can he be a Level 5 evolution?"

A bald-headed level 4 evolutionary said: "Maybe he has outstanding ability. Haven't we also seen an evolutionary level 5 in his twenties?"

"Come on, the evolvers are originally rare species, and the evolvers with outstanding ability are even rarer. After so many years, we have only seen one. This kid doesn't look like an evolver with outstanding ability. "

"Also, an evolutionary needs to constantly train hard to slowly improve in strength and eventually advance to the next level. I have never seen this guy train."

"Maybe the intelligence is wrong, this guy is not a level 5 evolutionary at all. But in any case, we will finish the task first."

"Well, first tie back Zuo's successful daughter."

"Everyone spread out and touched them quietly, don't let them run away."

At the same time, in the woods, as the fiery red bio-energy surges on Lin Yi's body, Brother A's suit appeared on his body.

Gray jeans, black leather jacket and a hood.

The double-winged flying dragon pattern on the back glows red in the sun.

The eyes were blocked, giving people a mysterious and weird feeling.

When Zuo Yiran saw Lin Yi put on his suit, he knew he was going to fight again.

She said with some worry: "Lin Yi, you have to be careful."

Lin Yi's biological pulse spread out, and quickly detected the location of the four people.

Those four outflanked from the four directions of south, east, north and west.

Lin Yi pointed to a dwarf flower tree in the southeast and said to Zuo Yiran: "You are hiding there. There will be a bald head coming out of the bush behind the flower tree. Don’t be afraid, bald head will not pay attention to the flowers. Grove. After waiting for a minute, when the bald head came to me, you got into the woods behind the flowers and trees and took a taxi back to the hotel. Don't go back to the room, just wait for me in the room where the front desk clerk rested."

Zuo Yiran knew that in this case, he could only listen to Lin Yi.

"Then you be careful."

She said to Lin Yi, and quickly came to the flower tree, lowered her body and hid.

Then count in your heart.

When he counted to 30, the tree behind the flower tree drilled a bald head from it.

Because Lin Yi said this situation a long time ago, Zuo Yiran was not too scared. She leaned lower, motionless, looking at the bald head from the gap between the flowers and trees.

After seeing that bald head came out, he didn't pay attention to the flowers and trees at all, and walked straight in the direction of Lin Yi.

When Zuo Yiran counted 60 times, the bald head had disappeared in the woods where Lin Yi was.

Zuo Yiran was very surprised.

Lin Yi was in the woods with her just now, and he couldn't see the situation outside at all. How could he know that there was a bald head here?

How did he know that he was hiding in the bushes of flowers and could completely avoid the bald head in a minute?

However, at the moment it was not a time to entangle this, she quickly got out of the flower bush and went into the woods.

After arriving on the road, I took a taxi and rushed to the hotel.

As soon as Zuo Yiran left, Lin Yi was relieved a lot.

He has been in the hotel these days, often using biological pulses to explore the hotel, and there has never been a suspicious situation.

So to a large extent the hotel is safe.

And let Zuo Yiran stay in the room where the front desk clerk was resting, accompanied by several waiters, and would not be seen by people passing by in the lobby. It is impossible for ordinary people to think that Zuo Yiran will stay here and it will be safer.

At this time, four middle-aged people came out of the trees around him.

A bald head, a gray short-sleeved, a black vest, and a woman, wearing a fun white short skirt. She can almost be seen in the wind when the wind blows.

If it is a young woman, wearing such a dress will make people feel happy.

But this woman is in her 40s, and she has a slightly bloated figure, and she is a little sick when she is dressed like this.

When these people saw Lin Yi in Brother A's suit, they were all taken aback.

They looked at each other and asked with the bald head first: "Hey, have you seen a man and a woman? The women are thief and beautiful? The men are just hehe."

Lin Yixin said Nima, what does it mean?

Even if I'm not handsome, but I'm not so handsome, huh?

He pointed to the bushes to the northwest and said, "Just got in."

The four of them looked at each other, and they wanted to chase there.

But at this time, the woman took two steps, but suddenly turned around, showing suspicion, and said, "You don't get hot when you dress like this in summer?"

"Have you never heard of cosplay?"


The woman nodded, expressing understanding.

But after walking two steps forward, he suddenly asked: "It's noon, don't you think it is weird to go to the park and woods to play this?"

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