Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 114 The Shocking Lin Yi

They were both Level 4 evolutionists, and Lin Yi was one opponent to four, not only didn't suffer a loss, but instead swallowed two of them.

This aspect is because of Lin Yi’s claws;

On the other hand, because the four people thought that Lin was also a level 5 evolutionary, they were psychologically timid;

Another reason is that Lin Yi's tracking skills have played a vital role.

However, Lin Yi At the moment was thinking that this is not the way to go.

The mastermind behind them is Cheng Donghai. If Cheng Donghai is immortal, the other party will bother himself endlessly. I am always passive. Maybe one day the ship capsized in the gutter.

It is better to take the initiative to attack instead of waiting.

Go to Cheng Donghai’s nest and destroy Cheng Donghai’s goods.

From the memories of the two who had just swallowed it, he knew that there was no higher-level evolutionary on Cheng Donghai's side.

If you take the initiative now, you will be more confident.

However, Lin Yi thought about it for a moment and gave up this plan.

Because although there are no higher-level evolvers in Chengdonghai, there are not a few level 1, 2, and 3 evolvers.

If you go rashly by yourself, it is very likely that two fists will be harder than four hands.

And his nirvana swoop hasn't cooled down yet, in case of any unexpected situation, it is estimated that you will get GG.

Still waiting for a month, the next time I come back from the film and television plane, at that time it is likely to have been promoted to level 5, with the tendril skill, and the mysterious gift pack, and the nirvana is cooling down again. If you try again at that time, the success rate will be greater.

Lin Yi's thoughts returned to the movie.

But after watching for a while, he suddenly remembered something, and said to Zuo Yiran next to him: "It was twice in the mountain village and today."

Zuo Yiran naturally understood what Lin Yi meant, and said, "Don't worry, I will tell my dad. Every time 500,000 yuan, he will soon hit you with 1 million yuan."

They would spend 1 million more to protect her twice.

It sounds expensive, but for their family, it's really nothing.

Moreover, no matter how expensive it is, her life will not be more expensive.

After Zuo Yiran finished speaking, he called Zuo successfully.

After listening to Zuo Yiran's description, Zuo successfully said, "I will let Finance send the money to Lin Yi now. By the way, thank you Lin Yi for me."

Lin Yi relayed Zuo's success to Lin Yi, and Lin Yi said flatly: "It's nothing, it's nothing more than taking people's money to help people eliminate disasters."

At 5:15 in the afternoon, Lin Yi received a bank note on his cell phone that the money had arrived.

One million more, the money earned is really cool.

But this is all done with hard work.

Lin also plans to transfer 100,000 of them to his family tomorrow, and spend the remaining 900,000 slowly by himself.


The next day, which is September 8.

This is the opening day of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the opening day of Lingguang Middle School where Lin Yi was originally located.

The high school should have started on August 31, but because on August 30, it rained heavily in Coal City and the river flooded into the city.

The city hurriedly organized rescue operations.

Fortunately, the danger was not very serious. On September 6, everything in the city was almost back to normal.

That's why the primary and secondary schools in the city just opened today.

The original Grade One and Grade Three should now be Grade Two.

Senior two must be divided into subjects and classes, but on the day of registration, students still go to the original high school third class classroom to register. The head teacher will inform them in the class which class they should go to tomorrow.

After staying together for a year, it is suddenly about to be parted, and the atmosphere in the class is a bit sad.

When almost everyone arrived, someone found that the third row of window seats were empty.

Lin did not come, nor did Avril Lavigne.

But the head teacher didn't seem to notice at all, and talked freely on the podium.

A classmate asked when the class teacher stopped: "Mr. Wang, why did Lin Yi and Avril not come?"

The other classmates also looked at the head teacher, waiting for him to answer.

Teacher Wang, the head teacher, smiled and said, "Oh, Lin is not in our school anymore. He is no longer a high school student, and he is now a student of the Central Academy of Fine Arts."


As soon as the head teacher said this, there was silence in the class.

Even the sound of two flies in the corner can be heard.

The students looked at each other in disbelief.

After a full half a minute, someone said, "Old Ban, are you kidding me?"

"He just finished his freshman year and went to college suddenly?"

"I heard that right? Central Academy of Fine Arts? That's the university I dream of!"

"But Lin Yi never showed any ability to paint, and suddenly he was able to jump twice and be admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts? My God, my outlook on life, world view and values ​​have been completely subverted."

Especially the few students in the class: Hao Shuai, Chen Zhifan and others, At the moment, they feel whether they are dreaming or not.

They struggled to get up early and greedy the dark, and even made up lessons during the summer vacation.

That guy Lin Yi sleeps all day long, is late, absent from school, and is busy with "Wolf Warrior 2" during the summer vacation. People like this are admitted by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, even if they don't even need to go to the second and third year of high school?

What kind of world is this?

Teacher Wang, the head teacher, pressed both hands in the air to calm down the students.

Said: "In fact, I was surprised when I first heard the news. But it was confirmed from the principal that this is indeed true. In short, what we have to do is to bless Lin Yi. At the same time, everyone should be like Lin Yi. Study as hard as you can and try to get admitted to the ideal university in the morning."

Hao Shuai and them all have a black line.

Lin Yi?


There is no such thing as half a dime.

If Lin is working hard, then people all over the world are calling hard.

Is there any reason?

Is there a King Fa?

The world is getting worse!

The head teacher continued on the podium: "As for classmate Avril, she dropped out."


The whole class was surprised again.

Avril Lavigne suddenly dropped out of school?

This is another piece of heavy news.

You know, Avril Lavigne is an alternative among the school flowers.

She is not the beautiful feeling of other school flowers, but very cute, so cute that people's hearts are melted.

Many people are still thinking about whether they can make any progress with Avril Lavigne this semester, squeezing Lin Yi aside. Unexpectedly, she would drop out of school suddenly?

Many students began to ask where the head teacher Avril had gone.

But the head teacher reluctantly shook his head and said: "I don't know about Avril Lavigne's whereabouts. I also thought about persuading her not to drop out, but she couldn't find her home at all."

The head teacher, like the classmates, did not know much about Avril Lavigne.


At the same time, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran had already arrived at the gate of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Lin Yi looked at the big characters at the school gate, feeling a little excited.

University life is about to begin soon.

Come to think of it, college life should be much more exciting and richer than that boring high school life.

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