Lin Yi first drew the general framework of the cube.

With this frame alone, Zuo Yiran was surprised.

I saw that this frame is close to the big and small, which is in full compliance with the principle of perspective, and the degree of the close and far is very accurate.

Generally, people who are new to sketching are either unable to draw the perspective relationship between the near and far, or they are not accurate enough to grasp the near and far. The sketches drawn are either very exaggerated or very dull.

But what Lin Yi, a beginner drew, is not much better than his own after three years of practice.

After a few seconds of surprise, Zuo Yiran hurriedly lowered his head to draw his own sphere.

Time is running out.

A few minutes later, when she looked up, she was surprised again.

I saw that Lin Yi had already drawn the gray and dark sides of the cube, even half of the shadows.

"So fast?!"

Zuo Yiran couldn't help but said softly.

Looking down again, I saw that Lin Yi's left hand was constantly waving on the paper, and only a rustling sound came from the paper.

Lines flowed out on the paper.

These lines are connected into one piece, which is the shadow of the cube.

The speed is so fast that Zuo Yiran's eyes can't be seen.

This hand speed is too fast, right?

Moreover, if the hand speed is too fast, the drawing will inevitably not be so accurate, and the weight of the line cannot be grasped.

But at such a fast hand speed, the lines he drew should be thick and thick, and thin and thin. The light is light, the heavy is heavy.

This can no longer be described by genius.

Soon, Lin Yi had finished drawing the cube.

Zuo Yiran compared Lin Yi's cube with his own, and found that his cube was slightly off. The layman may not be able to see it, but those who have practiced for a few years can still find it by looking closely.

The cube drawn by Lin Yi is exactly the same as the real object.

Zuo Yiran doubted whether Lin Yi had studied before.

Naturally, she couldn't think of it. Lin Yi was promoted to Level 4 Evolution. Whether it was hand speed, observation and other aspects of Ability, it was several levels better than ordinary people.

Although he has never practiced, the geometry of the sketches he drew are almost exactly the same as the real objects, at least in terms of light and shadow changes and composition.

And this is exactly what the sketch needs.

After Zuo Yiran was surprised, he was secretly happy for Lin Yi.

Didn’t these classmates just gloat, what else are you talking about this time?

Thinking of this, she said to Lin Yi: "Now it's time to draw a sphere. One thing to note about this sphere is that its light and dark changes are gradual. Its light and dark dividing line is not as obvious as a cube..."

Lin Yi listened to Zuo Yiran's words and began to draw the sphere.

Still draw a rough frame first.

The frame of the sphere is very simple, just a circle.

However, it is not that simple to draw this circle, and it is impossible without a period of practice.

At the moment, the teacher turned around, looking at the paintings of these students, and when he saw the paintings well, he stayed for a while. Seeing poorly painted ones, they will leave soon.

When she came behind Zuo Yiran, she saw that the cube drawn by Zuo Yiran was very suitable. The light and dark changes are very strong, giving people a very three-dimensional feeling.

The only fly in the ointment is that this cube is slightly off.

Maybe the time is too rush, she drew a little too fast.

Now Zuo Yiran is drawing a sphere, and he has a good grasp of the composition and the changes in light and shade.

The teacher nodded.

After reading Zuo Ye, the teacher looked at Ning Zhiyuan again.

I saw that Ning Zhiyuan's sphere was half drawn, whether it was a cube or a sphere, the drawing was very realistic.

And the technique is extremely sophisticated, apparently I have been practicing for several years.

The teacher didn't know that Ning Zhiyuan was actually a sophomore.

She nodded and said, "Well, this classmate's basic skills are very solid. It seems that he has done a lot of work before. Keep working hard, I believe you will definitely make a difference in painting in the near future."

Ning Zhiyuan was praised by the teacher and secretly felt refreshed.

He could feel that there were changes in the eyes of several girls.

The other boys in the class were also secretly envious.

He glanced at Zuo Yiran next to him without a trace.

After the teacher finished complimenting Ning Zhiyuan, he planned to return to his position.

When passing by Lin Yi, he inadvertently glanced at Lin Yi's drawing board.

Looking at it this way, she couldn't take her gaze back.

I saw a cube sketch on the left side of Lin Yi's drawing board.

Whether it is the composition, the change of light and shade, the perspective relationship or the use of lines, this picture is very well grasped.

I can't pick out the slightest flaw.

This look is drawn by a veteran who has drawn sketches for many years.

Look at the sphere drawn by Lin Yizheng:

I saw that the circle was a very positive circle, almost as if it were drawn with a compass.

Lin Yi is using lines to draw the dividing line between light and dark on this circle.

His right hand is extremely fast, and he feels that he can swing out afterimages.

The lines didn't seem to be drawn, but flowed out of his pen.

These flowing lines quickly joined together, forming gray surfaces, dark surfaces, shadows, and reflections.

Every point is very accurate.

If seeing Ning Zhiyuan's paintings feels like art, then seeing Lin Yi's paintings is completely enjoyable. When he draws, it gives people a very smooth and comfortable feeling.

The astonishment in the teacher's heart was beyond the reach.

She asked herself: Maybe the sketch I drew would be more three-dimensional and more vivid than this classmate's. But I can’t paint his smooth feeling, especially when he can grasp the points so accurately at such a fast hand speed. I can’t do this, and I can even say with certainty that many painters It may not be possible.

Thinking of this, she looked at Lin Yi's profile: This is not a zero-based student at all. Did he just pretend it?

But when I see him painting, in addition to the smooth lines, the changes in light and shadow, etc., he grasps very accurately, other aspects are very rusty. I am totally a layman.

Obviously, he is indeed a zero-foundation student.

But a student with zero foundation can draw to this level the first time he draws a sketch. The word genius is no longer enough to describe him.

It can be described as "Wizard of Heaven".

Thinking about this, the teacher has been standing behind Lin Yi and never moved a step.

The other students saw that the teacher had been standing behind Lin Yi, and the expression on his face gave people an unpredictable feeling. They all thought to themselves: This guy must have painted so many times that the teacher can't stand it anymore.

But if you can't stand it, then don't look at it, because Teacher Mao still has to stand behind him?

Is it possible that the teacher has a tendency to be abused?

In doubt, someone took a few steps and glanced at Lin Yi's drawing board.

Looking at it this way, he was standing there like the teacher, unable to move or look away anymore.

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