Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 119 I like this young man

"Deputy Dean Wang, why are you here?"

The teacher looked respectful to the old man.

At this time, several students heard the teacher call the old man Roar, and they all remembered.

"Deputy Dean Wang!"

"It turned out to be Deputy Dean Wang!"

"My God, this is my idol!"

"It was only after seeing Vice President Wang's Chinese painting that I made up my mind to apply for the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts."

Some students were a little puzzled, and asked, "Deputy Dean Wang? Who the hell is it?"

"I'll go, Deputy Dean Wang doesn't know, are you sure you have learned painting?"

"Deputy Dean Wang is so famous, don't you even know?"

A pretty girl's eyes were shining brightly, and she whispered to other students in the same discipline:

"Deputy Dean Wang, surnamed Wang, and named Mo Lin. Vice Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Professor, Ph.D Supervisor; Deputy Curator of China Art Museum, Vice Chairman of Chinese Artists Association, Director of National Art Museum Professional Committee, Director of Chinese Oil Painting Society, Zhonghua Chairman of the Calligraphy Association, Dean of the Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute... In short, etc. His level of Chinese painting and calligraphy is absolutely top in the country. He has made outstanding contributions to both Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting. There are 108 books in his life. He has compiled many of our textbooks."

A student next to him added: "This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is: Vice President Wang’s painting costs millions of dollars, and the characters are sold by the ruler, and a square foot is more than 200,000 yuan. 6 No 6 , Just ask you 6 not 6?"

Those students who were not clear before, at the moment also had flashes in their eyes.

"It turns out he is Mr. Wang Molin!"

"My sketching was first practiced according to his "Basic Sketching Techniques"."

"Anyone who studies painting and calligraphy doesn't know Wang Molin? It's just that his current outfit is completely different from the previous photos."

"I don't care, I want to follow Mr. Mo Lin as a teacher!"

A classmate said, "Do you think anyone can worship Mr. as a teacher? Mr. Mo Lin used to be a Protege, but now he is getting older and his health is not very good. And painting skills have been passed down. So now he only plans to accept a closed disciple. I heard that the conditions are very harsh. First: must have excellent ability; second: if you have not learned how to paint, it is like a blank sheet of paper; Three: You must be younger; Fourth: You must have the steadiness of an adult. Do you meet all these requirements?"


"Hey, if I had known it a long time ago, I would not learn from other teachers, and went all the way to Mr. Mo Lin."

These people were whispering, and some of them were displeased. They turned their heads and glared at them, and said, "Don't quarrel with Vice President Wang."

Everyone quickly shut their mouths and consciously made a way for Wang Molin.

Wang Molin stood still and watched Lin Yi painting from five meters away.

Sometimes, you can see more clearly from a distance than from a close distance.

The more he looked, the brighter his eyes.

He could clearly see that this young man was drawing a sketch for the first time, but the first time he drew a sketch, he could reach this level. This can only be described in four words: Tianzong Wizard!

excellent ability;

I haven't learned much to paint.

This already meets two conditions.

It's just that he feels a bit pity. Since this young man is already in his freshman year, he is almost 19 years old and 20 years old, a little older.

If you are sixteen or seventeen years old, it's best.

However, how many of the 16 or 17-year-olds are as stable as a mature person?

Thinking of this, Mr. Mo Lin sighed slightly.

Is it true that your own skills are really going to be lost?

At this time, Lin Yi had also finished the last stroke, learning what others looked like, writing the date next to it, and then signing his pseudonym: Lin Yi.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He stepped back a few steps, looked at his work, and nodded in satisfaction.

I didn't expect that I could draw a sketch like this the first time I drew it, which is already very good.

It seems that after being promoted to level 4, the improvement of observation ability and other aspects will still help me a lot.

Then he glanced at Zuo Yiran next to him, and saw Zuo Yiran staring at himself in a daze.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Zuo Yiran also came back to his senses and said, "Unexpectedly, you can paint so well the first time."

Lin Yi scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "It's just painting blindly, painting blindly."

When he said this, he suddenly felt that the classroom was so quiet?

Looking back, he was shocked.

I saw everyone staring straight at themselves.

This made Lin Yi immediately think of the scene where the protagonist Awakening came and found dozens of zombies staring at him in the zombie movie he watched last night.

"What is everyone watching me doing? I'm not that handsome yet, am I?"

Lin also made a joke.

Then he saw an old man in the classroom, and he felt a little strange.

But I didn't care too much, and asked the teacher: "Teacher, is it time to end the get out of class? Then I will go to the short training class next class."

The teacher had a black line and said that you, you guy, deliberately slapped me in the face in front of Deputy Dean Wang, right?

She could only bite the bullet and said: ", I misunderstood you before. I didn't expect your drawing ability to be so good."

Lin Yixi said, "So, I can paint well? Teacher, please comment for me. This is the first time I paint, and I don't know how to do it in many places. I will guide you in your class."

The teacher smiled bitterly and said, "Associate Dean Wang is here, how can I dare to behave in class? Or ask Vice Dean Wang to guide you?"

Lin Yi realized that this old man was a deputy dean.

He uttered a loud voice and said, "So the deputy dean also knows how to paint."


Everyone in the audience has the urge to spit blood.

What does it mean that the deputy dean also knows how to paint?

Is he the best painter in the country?

Even in the international arena, they are all very famous.

Of the textbooks your kid got, six out of ten were written by others.

You kid really took the deputy dean to be a painter.

Zuo Yiran quickly explained: "Vice President Wang is the first person in the painting and calligraphy circles in China."

Lin Yi was a little surprised. He glanced at Wang Molin again and said, "I thought that the deputy dean was just a leader, directing others to do things, and he couldn't do anything."


Everyone spouted a mouthful of old blood in their hearts again.

The teacher's face is about to become ashen.

Lin Yi said unclearly, "Aren't many units doing this now?"

"shut up!"

The teacher scolded: "How can you talk to Vice President Wang like this!"

The other students held their breath one by one, and did not dare to say another word.

They said to their hearts that Lin Yi was dying.

This guy dares to say that, Vice President Wang, does he not want to be in the Academy of Fine Arts?

Everyone looked at Vice Dean Wang in fear.

Unexpectedly, Deputy Dean Wang was stunned for a moment, but suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha...this young man, interesting. I like it!"

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