In the next half month, Lin Yiji and Zuo Yiran calmly followed Mr. Wang Molin to learn Chinese painting and calligraphy.

Other students need military training, but Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran do not need to participate in military training at all because they are covered by Mr. Wang Molin.

I have to say that Mr. Wang Molin's accomplishments in Chinese painting and calligraphy are really very advanced.

And the experience in teaching is very rich.

Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran really benefited a lot from learning with him.

And Mr. Wang Molin was also very surprised by Lin Ye's ability.

Lin Yi is very accurate at many points that need attention, whether in sketches or calligraphy.

For example, in the simplest horizontal practice of calligraphy, he is much more accurate than many students. The horizontal line written out is very close to the one in the book. Although due to lack of basic skills, the characters are either crooked or slanted. But the points that need to be paid attention to, such as lifting the pen, pausing the pen, pressing the pen, etc., he can remember all the time.

Such a good ability, even Mr. Wang Molin, who has taught students for decades, is full of praise.

Lin Yi knows that this is not because of his good abilities, but that after becoming an evolutionary, all aspects of Ability have been greatly improved.

As for Zuo, she has good foundation and not bad ability.

Although Mr. Wang Molin didn't guide her very much, she could only be regarded as an observer, but her progress was also very great.

So that later, Mr. Wang Molin also changed his mind, and would guide her a few words from time to time.


That day, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran had lunch after class.

Then the two went to the cinema together and watched two movies. One of them is the newly released "Spider-man: Homecoming".

This popcorn movie is still worth watching. Iron Man’s armor and Iron Man’s battle suit for Spider-man are all highlights.

When I came out of the theater, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

The two walked towards their rented community.

At the same time, there were five people on the small road that they had to pass, among the woods.

These five people are not others, but Ning Zhiyuan, the man with glasses, and his roommates.

One of them said, "Ning Zhiyuan, I only found out this morning. It turns out that Zuo Yiran and Lin Yi have already lived together. Are you sure you still want to chase her?"

At the moment, Ning Zhiyuan was no longer depressed before, and a confident smile returned to his face.

"Don't worry, they haven't lived together yet."

"My buddy lives in the community next to the college, and we often see them both back to the community. If you don't believe me, go and check it out, it's in Unit 102, Building 2, Building 2."

When the others heard it, they were a little uninterested.

"I wanted to help Ning Zhiyuan, but I didn't expect the two of them to live together. Then I would chase some hairy."

Ning Zhiyuan still had a confident smile on his face: "I said, they haven't lived together yet."

Others looked at Ning Zhiyuan questioningly: "Why are you so sure?"

Ning Zhiyuan said a little proudly: "I can't see this? If they really live together, why didn't they hold their hands even once? If they really live together, why can't I feel that there is only between couples? That kind of intimacy?"

When Ning Zhiyuan said so, the others suddenly realized: "It's really true!"

"So there must be something hidden in the middle."

"This guy Ning Zhiyuan observes really carefully."

Ning Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Nonsense, I'm also the love sage of the Chinese Painting Academy anyway, if I can't even see this, how come I am in the Central Academy of Fine Arts?"

At this point, someone said: "Shhh, they are all here, everyone quickly prepare."

Besides, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran were talking and walking forward slowly.

At the moment, before and after them, four people suddenly jumped out.

On a hot day, all four of them wore masks and couldn't see their faces at all.

They surrounded Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran, and looked at Zuo Yiran up and down. Hey smiled and said: "Girl, we've been paying attention to you for a long time. Just when we have time today, we will have some fun with our brother. Ah."

Zuo Yiran leaned close to Lin Yi and asked, "Lin Yi, are they evolutionists?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "They are just ordinary people."

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Zuo Yiran was not afraid.

If these people are just ordinary people, Lin Yi can easily handle them.

The few people saw Zuo Yiran not as scared as they thought, and they were also very surprised.

Several people looked at each other, and one of them wanted to pull the left arm.

The other three came over to grab Lin Yi's shoulders, trying to control him.

However, their hands haven't touched Lin Yi yet, bang bang bang——

All three of them flew upside down.

At the same time, the guy who wanted to pull the left arm also flew out.

"Cough cough cough..."

The four coughed and screamed hard, and couldn't even get up.

They were surprised and scared in their hearts.

No one thought that Lin Yi looked ordinary, but he did not expect to have such a skill.

After finishing the four people, Lin Yi said to the dark place in front of him: "Ning Zhiyuan, this kind of naive game, it’s better not to play this kind of naive game in the future. This time I just give you a little lesson. Next time, I promise you. Come upright, go back sideways."

When he said this, his tone suddenly became cold, and his eyes became sharper.

The four of them shuddered violently.

Especially Ning Zhiyuan who was hiding in the dark.

He never thought that he was hiding in the dark, so Lin Yi could still know that it was him.

Is it possible that Lin Yi has any special function?

Thinking of this, Ning Zhiyuan also shuddered violently, without turning his head back, he quietly left.

However, Ning Zhiyuan was not the kind of person who would give up easily. Although he was scared at the time, he felt a lot more settled after returning to the dormitory.

He thought to himself: He was a little too scared and a little flustered just now, and he fled back without thinking carefully. Lin Yi's strength is indeed strong, and he was able to beat four in one go, and easily put his damaging friends on the ground. But just like this, it's not terrible. I also know a few Sanda teams and have learned Taekwondo. If you gather them together, you don't believe Lin Yi can't do it.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out. How could Lin Yi know that he was a group of people?

Specific function?

Impossible, how could there be any special function in this world?

Could it be that who leaked the wind?

definitely, there is another possibility: Lin Yi is guessing.

The more he pondered, the more Ning Zhiyuan felt that he was right.

And the more sure Lin has no special function, the more confident he will be.

The next time I made an appointment with those brothers who had practiced Taekwondo and Sanda, I would beat Lin Yi into a psychological shadow once!

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