Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 125 Zombie Research Institute

Lin Yi swallowed the zombie, and a system reminder came in his mind.

"Swallow a little zombie and gain 1 evolution point, totaling 180 evolution points."

Lin Yi couldn't help retorting in his mind: "Hey, hey, what little zombie, this is obviously a mutant zombie, okay?"

The system replied: "According to your understanding, the guy who grows strange things on his body is a mutant zombie. But this zombie only grows a small bone spur on its arm, and has not really grown Blade and claws. Things, so he is at most a zombie that just wanted to mutate, not really a mutated zombie. A real mutated zombie is ten or even dozens of times stronger than this little zombie."

"Well, you're a system anyway, you love it."

Lin Yi said helplessly.

After swallowing this zombie, Lin also didn't plan to go back.

Because the zombie he just was going to go somewhere, obviously there is something or something that the zombie is interested in.

He came to the direction where the zombie was going before, turned on the creature tracking skills, and walked forward carefully while exploring the surroundings.

At the moment it was getting late, Ning Zhiyuan and the others behind were a little scared in their hearts, what if another zombie popped up around them?

Although they were a little scared of Lin Yi, it seemed that Lin Yi didn't mean to harm them.

In comparison, it is safer to follow Lin Yi.

So a few of them quickly followed.

But he didn't dare to get too close to Lin Yi, and kept a distance of about five meters from Lin Yi.

As Lin Yi probed, he thought to himself: This devouring skill is good, but he can't get the memory of the zombies. If one day devours the zombies and can get their memory, that would be truly awesome.

About three hundred meters forward, the woods are already dense.

Even when a few of them moved forward, they had to keep cutting away the branches and moving forward.

Ning Zhiyuan from behind asked Lin Yi cautiously: "Lin Yi, what are we looking for?"

Lin Yi didn't bother to pay attention to him, and did not answer.

Although Ning Zhiyuan couldn't help his face, he didn't dare to say one more word.

Others are not familiar with Lin, so they dare not speak any more.

In case one is not good and annoys Lin Yi and kills them easily, then they are really too late to regret it.

At this time, Lin Yi stopped in his footsteps.

The others also stopped hurriedly.

Lin also used his biological tracking skills to find that there was a small hole 100 meters ahead. This hole was not too big, only about forty centimeters in diameter.

Over one meter of grass grows above the entrance of the cave, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to find this place.

Lin Yi's brows condensed, and he quickened his pace a bit, walked more than a hundred meters, and came to this cave entrance.

I saw that although the entrance of the cave was covered by weeds, there were also several areas on the weeds that were overwhelmed. It seemed that some animals crawled out from here.

The people behind followed.

As soon as they saw Lin Yi came, they slashed the grass straight away and stared at the opening of the cave, and they were very surprised.

Obviously, in this dense forest, the small cave under the cover of weeds, even if it arrives in front of the eyes, most people may not be able to find it.

Lin Yi found it a hundred meters away. Isn't this a bit too scary?

Lin Yi looked at the hole and probed inside with biological tracking.

According to the reflected biological pulse, he detected that the hole was very deep, about 80 meters. Moreover, the cave turns seven and eight turns, and the terrain seems to be very complicated.

At the end of the cave, a hall appeared.

The decoration of this hall looks very technological. Even the door of the hall seems to have a face recognition function.

In the barren mountains, under the ground, there is such a hall with a sense of science and technology.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, and felt that this hall was like a laboratory in those science fiction films.

This small hole should be the air hole in the laboratory below.

As for the zombie just now, it is very likely that it accidentally escaped from the stomata.

Thinking of this, Lin also planned to go down to find out.

The few people behind saw that Lin Yi was about to get in. They looked at each other a few times. In the end, the one who was more daring to practice Sanda, followed Lin Yi and got in.

The hole is slanting downwards, head down and feet rushing up, it is a bit difficult to get up.

Lin Yi said to those people as they crawled: "You can follow me, but you must listen to me."

Those people nodded in response: "I see."

In their eyes, Lin is also someone with a special function, and even some special abilities, they dare not listen.

The vent is not straight, and it makes four or five turns in the middle before finally reaching the exit.

This exit is sealed by a fine barbed wire. Looking down from here, you can see the hall with a sense of science and technology.

There are not experimenters in white coats walking back and forth in the hall.

The people behind Lin Yi were very puzzled.

"Underground laboratory?"

"I'm going, why is there an underground laboratory here? What is it for?"

"It feels like a science fiction movie."

Lin Yi glanced back at them, and the few people quickly shut their mouths.

The ventilation ducts are interconnected on the ceiling of the laboratory, connecting most of the rooms. Only those rooms that need to be sealed have no ventilation ducts.

Lin also crawled forward slowly along the ventilation duct.

After passing through three or four rooms, I saw that there were white coats in those few rooms.

Some were beating something in front of the computer, some were busy dissecting the corpse in the room, and some seemed to be preparing some kind of medicine.

The white coats who came into contact with the corpse were all wearing chemical protective clothing and chemical protective helmets on their heads.

After crawling forward for a while, there were about four or five people in this room.

These people have blood red eye sockets, deep eye sockets, trance, like sleepwalking.

There are blood-red cracks on their left or right arms, and white bones can be seen in the cracks.

In some people's cracks, you can see some small horny bone spurs.

In one of them, the bone spurs had grown to more than a foot long and turned into sharp claws. However, this sharp claw is only a semi-finished product, and it is not fully formed.

Obviously, these people are all zombies.

Those white coats are studying a certain kind of virus and may even be studying chemical weapons.

When Ning Zhiyuan saw this, all of them were shocked and horrified.

"Are they developing biochemical weapons?"

"Or, they are studying some kind of virus that can transform people into super soldiers?"

"My goodness, this only happens in science fiction movies, and it's actually happening here."

Lin Yi whispered: "The world has changed. It's not what you used to know. Be mentally prepared."

After speaking, a surging of fiery red bio-energy on Lin Yi cut through the barbed wire in front of him.

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