Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 137 Ice Soul Silver Needle, Haha

Li Mochou thinks that his Five Poison Palms are very powerful, let alone a lowly martial arts kid, even those top masters, as long as they are shot by his own Five Poison Palms, it will take ten and a half months of luck. Only by force of poison can be recovered.

This kid doesn't seem to have any inner strength foundation at all.

After being hit by the palm of the five poisonous gods, his whole body would be paralyzed immediately, and he couldn't stand up.

Hong Lingbo was more proud than Li Mochou, she knew very well about Master's Five Poison Palms.

When this kid fought with himself, although his claws were sharp, his strength was average. Obviously there is no internal strength.

Now that he was hit by the five poisonous palms, his whole body was naturally paralyzed, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

However, just when the two of them thought this way, Lin Yi stood up casually, patted his chest, and said, "Five Poison Palms? Haha..."

Hong Lingbo was shocked: Many top martial arts masters are very jealous of the Five Poison Palms. Why is there nothing wrong with this kid's martial arts so humble?

Li Mochou was also very surprised, with a narrow smile on his face, and said, "I'm not afraid of my five poisonous palms, this kid is really evil."

Speaking, she waved the whisk again and attacked Lin Yi and Xiaolongnv.

The little dragon girl hurriedly got up and faced her with a golden bell.

The two fought for more than ten rounds, and the little dragon girl was in danger many times.

Lin also saw him, and immediately got up, waved his claws, and confronted the enemy Li Mochou with the little dragon girl.

Li Mochou's dusting skills are really fierce, every silver thread is like a steel needle, and it hits people's eyes, throat and other weak parts. If you don't pay attention, you will be killed by him.

Fortunately, Lin Yi's claws are very sharp. As long as Li Mochou's whisk touches the claws, a handful of them will fall.

If this goes on, if you fight for a few more rounds, isn't the whisk bald?

Li Mochou felt annoyed in his heart. He usually killed countless people. Isn't it annoying to be fought by his junior sister and an inexperienced boy for so long today?

Furthermore, the little dragon girl refuses to hand over the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra. If she can control this kid and the younger sister cares about her so much, wouldn't she obediently?

Thinking of this, Li Mochou swept towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stood in front of him with two claws.

Whisk hit the sharp claws and dropped two more pinches.

But in the dust, three small silver needles flew out extremely concealedly, passing through the gap between the sharp claws, in the middle of Lin Yi's chest.

Lin also felt a pain in his chest, and when he looked down, he saw three silver needles sticking into his chest.

These three silver needles are extremely delicate, engraved with very delicate patterns.

But the needle was bluish-purple, and it was obviously poisonous.

Li Mochou succeeded in one blow, then retreated sharply, stopped the attack, and laughed loudly: "Junior sister, your lover has already hit my Ice Soul Silver Needle."

Hong Lingbo sneered and said: "My master's Ice Soul Silver Needle is more powerful than the Five Poison Palms. The needle is very poisonous, and if touched, it will be poisoned. If it is pierced through the skin, it will be extremely poisonous. It flows into the heart in a short time. Unless you take my master’s antidote as soon as possible, you will ulcerate your whole body and die in pain."

The little dragon girl hurriedly came to Lin Yi, helped Lin Yi, and asked, "Lin Yi, how are you?"

Li Mochou sneered and said: "Junior sister, now your little lover has been poisoned by my Ice Soul Silver Needle. After a while, his whole body will fester and die in pain. You'd better change the Jade Girl Heart Sutra for my antidote. , Otherwise... even Immortal Daluo can't save him."

However, before she finished her words, she saw Lin Yi's right paw turned into a hand again, pulled out three silver needles, looked at it carefully, and said, "What a delicate silver needle, I will leave it as a souvenir."

Said it will be held in his arms.

Li Mochou's heart stunned: This kid is not even afraid of the Ice Soul Silver Needle, which is too evil.

Hong Lingbo was even more surprised.

Even Medicine Master Dongxie Huang didn't dare to pick up the Bingappa Silver Needle with his hands. Now this kid was stabbed by the Bingappa Silver Needle, but nothing happened?

But when Lin Yi was about to put the three silver needles in his arms, he suddenly smelled a sweet smell on the silver needles.

The smell was so tempting, Lin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

I put the needle under my nose and sniffed, only the fragrance was refreshing, and there seemed to be something else? The peculiar smell of women.

Put the silver needle in his mouth and squeeze, nodded and said: "Well, it's so sweet."

Hong Lingbo's eyes widened.

Martial arts people, hearing the Bingpang Silver Needle, are all frightened.

How many martial arts masters died under the silver needle.

It's good for this kid, he's not afraid of the poison of the silver needle, he even put the silver needle in his mouth to suck, is this too evil?

Li Mochou's surprise was only a lot more than that of Hong Lingbo.

She herself has been immersed in the "Five Poisons Cheats" for so many years, using the seven or seventy-nine kinds of poisonous weeds and insects in it to formulate the poison of the Ice Soul Silver Needle, and almost no one can solve it except herself. You should also keep it carefully and avoid touching your skin.

This kid was stabbed by the silver needle, so he didn't need to die, and even sucked it with his own silver needle.

This kid is full of evil spirits.

First of all, his claws are evil, they must be evil skills;

Secondly, he is not afraid of the Five Poison Palms and Ice Soul Silver Needle, which is even more evil.

Lin Yi finished inhaling a silver needle and nodded: "Drug-taking-drug, is this called drug-taking?"

Li Mochou didn't use silver needles and five poisonous palms at the moment, he only used a whisk to take Lin Yi directly.

The little dragon girl came to help, and the two dealt with Li Mochou together.

Li Mochou was a little impatient just now, so Lin Yi and Xiaolongnu could not be cleaned up for a while.

But this time she pressed her heart and made up her mind to clean up Lin Yi, so her every move was even more seamless.

After fighting for another five or six rounds, Li Mochou slapped Lin Yi on the back.

Lin Yi quickly turned around to fight, but Li Mochou's palm technique was also very delicate, avoiding Lin Yi's claws, and patted Lin Yi directly on the shoulder. With this palm shot, Lin Yi's arm must be smashed into pieces.

In a hurry, Lin Yi patted Li Mochou's palm with his right hand.

Li Mochou secretly rejoiced in his heart: This kid actually dared to face himself with him, this is obviously looking for death!

So she sneaked into her internal strength, and her strength increased a bit.

However, as soon as the two palms touched, Li Mochou felt a tingling pain in his palms.

The internal force she had just transported suddenly dissipated, and the power of this palm could not even be used by 10%.

She leaped five steps back, stretched out her hand, and saw that her right hand had already turned blue and black.

In the palm of his hand, there are three tiny needle eyes, and the needle eyes are full of black blood.

Looking at Lin Yi again, he stretched out his right palm, and three silver needles were sandwiched between his three fingers.

Li Mochou immediately understood, and said angrily: "Boy, you are so mean!"

Lin Yi put away the three silver needles again and said something very philosophical:

"Despicable is the pass of the despicable; the noble is the epitaph of the noble."

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