Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 139: The Fortune Teller (Part 1)

139 The Fortune Teller (Part 1)

The beggars are very fond of meetings.

No matter how big or small the file size is, there is always a meeting.

In other people's meetings, they just sit and talk, but they basically fight whenever they meet.

The two sides are already preparing, and the fight is about to start.

But at the moment, Yang Guo, who was standing on the stage with Guo Jing, found the little dragon girl in white under the stage, and immediately ignored her and recognized the little dragon girl.

The fact that the two met each other made the people present both curious and moved.

Both of them were in tears, overjoyed, and ignoring everyone's eyes, embracing each other in public.

In the Song Dynasty, where Neo-Confucianism was supreme, men and women hugged in public, in the eyes of everyone, it was simply disregard of shame.

But Yang Guo was mad by nature and ignored these worldly visions at all.

After a while, Yang Guo asked, "Auntie, how do you know that I am here?"

The little dragon girl turned her head, looked at Lin Yi, and said: "Thanks to Lin Yi, he knows how to make a divine divination, and first figured out that you had a chance in Huashan. We wanted to rush to Huashan, but were intercepted by Li Mochou. He again Calculating that you will come to the Great Victory Pass, I rushed over. You really are here."

Yang Guo listened and nodded gratefully to Lin Yi: "Thank you Lin..."

He saw that Lin Yi was about the same age as himself, and he didn't know whether he should be called Brother Lin or Brother Lin.

Lin Yi continued: "I, Lin, are also friends. It doesn't matter whether you are young or old. As long as you get along with me, you can be brothers. Let's call each other brothers."

Yang Guo nodded and clasped his fists to Lin Yi: "I can see my aunt again, all relying on Brother Lin's fortune, thank you."

"Brother Yang is polite."

Yang Guo At the moment and Xiaolongnv just met, both of them were very excited.

Except for Lin Yi, they didn't put anyone else in their eyes. The two felt that Zhuangzi was too noisy. Leaning on each other, while talking love words, they left Zhuangzi.

Lin Yi looked at the back of the two, feeling very pleased.

The two finally met.

It's just that the two will experience many setbacks in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi shook his head slightly.

Everyone around just heard that the little dragon girl said that Lin Yi's divination technique was so magical, and some generals would doubt it.

After all, they had never heard of such a strange person on the rivers and lakes.

Especially when they saw that Lin Yi was 16 or 7 years old at most, they didn't believe it.

On the stage, Guo Jing gave Lin Yi a fist and said, "This little brother, I don't know how to call Roar?"

Lin Yi looked at Guo Jing, and saw that he had a wide chest and a tall waist, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his appearance was considered superior.

He responded to Guo Jing: "My name is Lin."

Guo Jing smiled and said, "It turned out to be Brother Lin, so please come up for a comment."

He just heard that Xiaolongnv said Lin Yi's divination technique was so magical, so he deliberately made friends.

At the moment the Mongolian army is overwhelming, if Guolin is really capable of fortune-telling, it will benefit the Song Dynasty without any harm.

Lin Yi nodded, slowly stepped onto the stage, and met Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Behind Huang Rong, stood a man dressed as a scholar with three long beards and a pen in his hand.

Lin Yi took a step, and clasped a fist to the man: "Master Yi Deng has four disciples of fishing, woodsmanship, farming, and reading. Surely you are reading, right?"

Seeing Lin Yi's young age, but speaking like an adult, he was a little surprised and nodded, "Yes, I am Zhu Ziliu."

Lin Yi secretly said in his heart: opportunity. According to the plot of the TV drama, Zhu Ziliu will later compete with Huo Du and is injured by Huo Du's hidden weapon. I took this opportunity to let the people of the world know the name of my god operator. It will be more convenient to do anything in the future.

He glanced at Huo Du who was still standing on the ring, and said to Zhu Ziliu: "Please wait a moment."

Then he whispered to Guo Jing next to him: "Guo Daxia, among the people you know who are here today, are there any clever hands?"

Guo Fu, who was next to him, saw that Lin Yi was about the same age as himself, but pretended to learn from those martial arts heroes. He was unhappy and said, "My dad is honest and upright throughout his life. How can he know those thieves?"

Seeing Lin Yi's young age, Huang Rong spoke like an adult, and felt that Lin Yi's expression was mysterious, and she felt that Lin Yi was probably a stranger.

Immediately he said to Guo Fu: "Fuer, don't be rude."

Guo Fu snorted and stepped aside.

Huang Rong said to Lin Yi: "The little girl doesn't understand etiquette and offends the little brother. No wonder the little brother. If we say that we are empty hands, there is a thief in our beggars who is dedicated to stealing the rich and helping the poor." He whispered to Lu Youjia next to him. A few sentences.

Lu Youjiao went right away, with little effort, and brought a lean-looking man in his thirties.

That person had met Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife.

Huang Rong said to Lin Yi: "This thief is called a monkey by our beggars."

Just now after Lin Yi and Zhu Ziliu called Roar, he put Zhu Ziliu aside, which made Zhu Ziliu annoyed in his heart: Whose child, the hero meeting came to make trouble.

Seeing that Lin Yi was only sixteen or seventeen years old, the monkey couldn't help but curl his lips and said, "You are looking for me, something is wrong?"

Lin Yi smiled slightly and approached him and said, "That Huo Du has a small jade bottle on his body, maybe you can get it?"

"Huh, joke, there is nothing in this world that I can't get."

The monkey looks conceited.

"Then fetch it for me, it will be of great use."

The monkey snorted: "You little boy, why should I listen to you?"

Lin Yi looked at Guo Jing and Huang Rong: "If you do what I say, we can win the Song Dynasty in only two games. Otherwise, after three games, I'm afraid we won't be able to win."

When the monkey heard this, he laughed and said, "Yellow-mouthed kid, I'm not ashamed of talking here. Whose kid is this, take him back."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

All the heroes around laughed.

Amid the laughter of everyone, Lin Yi held his head high and smiled, but his expression didn't change at all.

Huang Rong was very surprised, and she lowered her head to discuss with Guo Jing, and then said to the monkey: "Just do what Lin Shaoxia said."

The monkey still respects Huang Rong, the gang leader who has just stepped down. He immediately clasped his fist and said, "Yes, Huang Gang leader."

Speaking quietly flashed into the crowd.

In less than a moment, he suddenly returned to the stage, avoiding Huo Du's gaze, took out a small jade bottle, and asked Lin Yi: "Little ghost, but this?"

Everyone admired the monkey's tricks.

Lin Yi was also very surprised. It took less than a minute before he got it.

It's a thief.

However, on the surface, he still looked as if nothing had happened, smiled and said, "Not for me, for Brother Zhu."

Everyone is very puzzled.

Zhu Ziqi took the jade bottle and wondered: "What is this?"

Lin Yidao: "Later Huo will challenge you. He will use a poisoned hidden weapon to injure you in battle. This is the antidote."

Zhu Ziqi will be suspicious: "I'm not afraid of his challenge, I just don't understand: With so many heroes present, he will challenge me?"

The monkey curled his lips again and said, "Smelly boy, how do you know that Huo Du will challenge Big Brother Zhu?"

Guo Fu also stepped forward and said: "Let you not pretend to be here. If he doesn't challenge Uncle Zhu later..."

As soon as I said this, I listened to Huo Du on the ring: "Wu Lin, the great Central Plains, can't choose a person who dares to compete with us?"

Then his gaze happened to see Zhu Ziliu's pen in his hand, and he couldn't help but smile, saying: "I have heard that the four disciples of Master Yideng are good at fishing, woodworking, farming, and reading. Xiao Wang will come to learn today. ."

As soon as he said this, everyone on the stage was taken aback:

Huo Du actually challenged Zhu Ziliu.

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