On the ring, Dalba was taken aback when he saw Yang Guo jump up.

I only think that Yang Guo is quite similar to his brother.

It turned out that Jinlun received three apprentices, Dalba was the second apprentice, and Huo was the third apprentice. The big apprentice died in an accident a few years ago.

After a moment of stunned Dalba, he called to Yang Guo in Mongolian.

Yang Guo naturally doesn't understand Mongolian, but he is talented and intelligent and learns to speak Dalba.

Darba said in Mongolian: "Who are you? Who is your master, please sign up."

Yang Guo said, "Who are you? Who is your master, please sign up."

Dalba said: "My master is the King of the Golden Wheel. I am his apprentice."

Yang Guo learned his tone and manner of speaking: "My master is the King of the Golden Wheel. I am his apprentice."

Dalba said: "I am the master's apprentice."

Yang Guoxue said, "I am the master's apprentice."


What Dalba said, Yang Guo learned a lot.

In the end, the honest Dalba turned around and said to Jinlun: "Master, he is a big brother."

Jin Lun scolded: "He is obviously Yang Guo, how could he be Senior Brother? Senior Brother has died a long time ago."

Dalba is not only simple and honest, but also a hard-hearted one, saying: "The brother has returned to him. He is the brother. I am not the opponent of the brother."

Then, without waiting for the golden wheel to stop, he actually threw a plop, bowed in front of the senior, and said: "I am not the opponent of the senior, I surrender."

Everyone on the sidelines was stunned, what's the situation?

This Mongolian was still clamoring, why did he kneel down to Yang Guo suddenly?

Even Yang Guo was taken aback.

On the stage, Guo Jing and Huang Rong knew Mongolian, and said, "I learned from Dalba in the past, but due to some mistakes, Dalba regards Dalba as his brother."

Everyone was overjoyed: "That's it!"

Guo Jing turned his head and looked at Lin Yi with admiration in his eyes: "The little brother said at the beginning that Yang Guo could defeat the enemy without a single move. I still don't believe it. Now it seems that the little brother is incomparable, and Guo Jing is deeply ashamed. !"

Huang Rong also said to Guo Jing: "Brother Jing, he is so young, he actually possesses the thaumaturgy of divination. It is enough to be worthy of the three characters of god fortune. We are really ashamed of being called little brother."

Guo Jing said: "Yes, I was reckless, so how should we call Roar?"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said: "Guo Daxia Huang Clan leader, you are all martial arts giants, and you don't have a name in the next article, but you are just a rough book of Zhou Yi. Moreover, at the next age, you call me a little brother, I am ashamed to be a little brother."

Guo Jing said: "Since ancient times, heroes have been born young. And heroes are not considered to be young. Then we will call you little brother."

At the moment everyone around saw that Yang Guo hadn't even released his hand, so they asked Dalba to persuade him. They all admired Lin Yi's ability to do things like a god, and they clasped their fists to Lin Yi:

"Brother Lin, we were still suspicious of you before, and I am here to pay you."

"Brother Lin, I also apologize to you, deeply ashamed."

"Little brother, I am so confused, I was really sorry just now."


Most of these people are famous people in the martial arts, but they see that Guo Daxia and Huang Gang leaders call Lin Yi brothers, and they are not divided into ages, all call Lin Yi brothers.

This can be considered a miracle.

The monkey At the moment also gave Lin Yi a fist: "Brother Lin, I used to be a monkey with clumsy eyes. I'm not afraid of you laughing. My monkey has always been arrogant, so I can't help but offend my words."

Guo Fu behind Guo Jing has been targeting Lin Yi since Lin Yi appeared.

At the moment she closed her mouth tightly and said nothing.

Although she was stubborn and self-willed, she couldn't say anything in the face of hard facts.

It's just that she is used to being proud, and asking her to admit her mistakes in public, but she can't do it, so she can only quietly retreat behind Huang Rong.

Lin Yi said to Guo Jing: "Guo Daxia, you will save the dragon girl's life later."

Guo Jing secretly wondered: The dragon girl was on the court in a good manner, and the competition has ended, what danger is there for her to need me to save?

The people around didn't speak either-but this time they didn't speak because they didn't believe in Lin Yi, but because they wanted to see Lin Yi again.

Guo Jing pressed the doubts in his heart and said loudly to King Jinlun: "King Jinlun, we have won two games in three games. Now our Central Plains has won two games in a row, what else do you have to say?"

Jinlun stared at Yang Guo on the stage with gloomy eyes: Good boy, good deeds for me!

He jumped, jumped onto the stage, and shot directly at Yang Guo.

Completely disregarded the competition rules just set.

The heroes on the sidelines had already exploded and cursed Jinlun.

But Jinlun martial arts was so real that no one could get close to him.

Yang Guo was naturally not an opponent, he was forced to retreat steadily.

The little dragon girl also jumped onto the ring, joined Yang Guo's double swords, and used the sword technique of Jade Girl Suxin to fight against the golden wheel.

However, the swordsmanship of the Jade Girl Suxin of the two of them has not yet been achieved, and the last move is not practiced, and in the end they are still forced to retreat steadily.

In addition, the golden wheel At the moment has been ruthless, the internal strength of the body is surging, and the strength between the palms has greatly increased, and he has resorted to the tantric unique knowledge: the dragon elephant Prajna Gong.

Behind him, there appeared a dragon and an elephant, two shadows as high as two feet.

No one who was present did not change their color.

This skill is the power of imitating the dragon and elephant, and it is extremely tough.

In addition, he drives the five wheels of gold, silver, copper, iron, and lead with the dragon-like prajna power, which makes him even more aggressive and domineering.

The temperature in the place where the five wheels flew over was instantly much higher.

The wheel hit Zhuangzi's wall, and the wall was shot out a big hole with a diameter of five meters in an instant.

His five wheels flew out and took Yang Guo directly.

Yang Guo used his sword to block, but how could his sword withstand the wheels driven by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong.

The sword was broken by the golden wheel, and the remaining four wheels all flew towards Yang's chest.

Seeing Xiaolongnu, she quickly grabbed the heart of the Golden Wheel Queen with her sword.

King Jinlun suddenly turned around, and his five wheels flew in again, driven by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung, straight to the little dragon girl.

The little dragon girl came quickly, and these five wheels flew faster.

The little dragon girl can't avoid it.

Among the many heroes present, no one can save her.

At the moment, Guo Jing on the stage slapped the chair, and instantly swept towards the little dragon girl.

Almost in an instant, she arrived in front of Xiaolongnv.

Then his palms drew two semicircles in the air. In these two semicircles, I saw that his internal force overflowed out of his body and condensed into a golden dragon shadow about two feet long.


The golden dragon chanted, the world changed color.

Thousands of heroes on the field are all heartbroken and pale.

There were even those with poor internal strength, bleeding out on the spot.

Lin Yi was shocked by the sound of the dragon's chant, almost spitting blood.

Guo Jing pushed with both palms.

The golden dragon flew straight to the five wheels.

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