Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 157 Swallowing Gongsun Zhi [One more]

Gongsunzhi's weapon was a golden sword and a black sword.

Also known as yin and yang double-edged.

The golden knife is a serrated short knife with a thick back and a wide blade.

The black sword is a black long sword with a light body and looks extremely flexible. The blade emits a faint blue light, naturally extremely sharp.

The golden sword is heavy, but it is a sword move when used;

The black sword is light and swift, but it hacks and slashes, but it is a sword move.

However, sword moves are mixed with sword moves, and sword moves are mixed with sword moves.

This is the yin and yang inverted blade method.

Once Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv paired their swords together, they both suffered a big loss under this golden sword and black sword.

Gongsunzhi wielded the golden knife and the black sword, and took Lin Yi directly.

Lin Yi also waved his claws to meet Gongsunzhi.


The sword and the claws intersected, a piercing sound rang out, and a string of sparks came out.

The two separated at the touch of a finger, two feet apart.

Lin Yi was secretly shocked.

His claws are extremely sharp, and he can cut off the sword easily. Except for Wolverine's Adamantium steel claws, everything else can be easily cut off.

But now it was impossible to cut off this golden sword and black sword, which showed that this golden sword and black sword was not ordinary.

Gongsun Zhi looked down, but was also taken aback.

There are four gaps on his golden sword and black sword.

You know, his golden knives and black swords are not ordinary products.

Ordinary swords, as long as they are touched by a golden sword and a black sword, they will also be broken into two pieces. Now that they met Lin Yi's claws, the two had only met once, and the golden sword and black sword were cut out of the gap.

It seems that Lin Yi's weird weapon is also extremely sharp.

As a result, Gongsun Zhi was more careful.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding-

The two claws and swords intersected for more than twenty rounds.

On Gongsunzhi's golden sword and black sword, there were dense gaps, but Lin Yi's claws were intact.

However, Gongsunzhi's yin and yang inverted blade technique is really powerful.

A sword is a sword, a sword is a sword, and sometimes a sword is a sword, and a sword is a sword, which makes people unpredictable.

Lin Yi's chest and back were cut with wounds by the golden sword and black sword.

Bone is even visible in this wound.

Gongsun Zhi At the moment prevailed. The more he fights, the more excited he gets. He laughed and said: "Smelly boy, your claws are powerful, but under my yin and yang inverted blade technique, they are not much better. You just wait. Take it to death!"


Before he finished his words, his long sword had already pierced Lin Yi's shoulder.

Lin Yi reluctantly leaped back and jumped away.

Gongsun Zhimian was proud, and smiled: "Boy, you have soared in strength after two months, which is really surprising. If you give you another ten years, your achievements will be unimaginable. Unfortunately, that's it. "

Speaking, brandishing a black sword and wielding a golden knife, he pounced on Lin Yi again.

The gaze in Lin Yi's eyes was almost frozen.

He opened his arms and jumped up, like an eagle, toward Gongsun Zhizhi.

Gongsunzhi couldn't help but smile in his heart: This kid is really messed up, and the door opens, completely undefended. Well, I will send you to the West!

Thinking like this, his black sword slashed straight at Lin Yi's neck;

The golden knife pierced Lin Yi's chest.

Originally, with these two blows, he was bound to kill Lin Yi.

However, the next moment, he was taken aback.

Ding Ding——

Two soft sounds, sparks flew everywhere.

His golden sword and black sword indeed slashed Lin Yi, as well as Lin Yi.

But it seems to have cut the hardest stone.

His golden sword and black sword were even bounced back.

Lin Yi was in an invincible state when he flew, how could his sword be hurt?

At the same time, Lin Yi's arms slammed forward, and his claws were about to close.

Once closed, Gongsunzhi will be cut into pieces of meat.

He hurriedly put the sword on both sides of his body, trying to block both claws.


This time, his sword could not stop it.

Lin Yi's claws cut off his sword with ease like cutting tofu.

When he flew, Lin Yi's claws were sharper than Adamantium. How could it be blocked by a mere golden sword and a black sword?


Lin Yi's claws closed quickly.

Gongsun Zhi widened his eyes, lowered his head, and watched in disbelief that his body slowly shifted into several large pieces.

"How can this be……"

He said the last sentence of his life.

A fiery red energy gushing out of Lin Yi's body, immediately wrapped Gongsunzhi and swallowed it.

At this point, Gongsun Zhi's death pervert finally died.

Lin Yi only felt that there was a flow of heat flowing through the body, and every cell of the body seemed to be moisturized by this heat flow.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in my mind: "Swallow first-class masters, get 100 evolution points, and total evolution points 292 points."

Lin also couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

The system once said that 300 evolution points are required to advance to level 5 evolution.

There are only 8 evolution points left now.

His task has been completed, as long as the plot is over and he returns to reality, he will be rewarded with a bonus evolution point.

But Lin also couldn't wait.

Regardless of his physical pain, he quickly swept towards Yanai.

Just find a few more soldiers in the Valley of Unfeeling to swallow them, and you can get more than 10 evolution points.

Thinking of this, he quickly ran toward the hall.

At the moment, Huang Rong and others were in the hall, trapped by the fishing net array.

These fishing nets are made of special materials, and there is nothing to do with swords. Coupled with the sharp blades on the fishing nets, it is even more difficult for them to escape.

Guo Fu said anxiously: "Mother, think of a way, I don't want to die here."

Although Master Yideng is extremely martial arts, under this fishing net, there is no alternative.

You know, the old naughty boy was taken down by this fishing net last time.

Qiu Qianchi sat on the main seat of the lobby and laughed loudly: "Huang Rong, I finally took you. You killed my eldest brother back then, and today I will avenge my eldest brother!"

Gongsun Lue was kind in heart and couldn't bear to see so many people being killed by the fishing nets. He persuaded: "Mother, let them go. They came to the valley just to find the unfeeling pill, and they didn't have any malice. Besides... Besides, the uncle It's also self-blame, and can't blame others."

"shut up!"

Qiu Qianchi shouted sharply.

Her voice was hoarse, there was no hair on her head, or even eyebrows. There is also a scar on the wrinkled face.

The eyes stared like this again, it was almost like a ghost.

Gongsun Lüe bit his lip and said with courage: "Mother, my second uncle has said so, don't you believe it?"


Although Qiu Qianchi had broken hands and feet, her sleeves were agitated by internal force and slapped Gongsun Lue.

With her internal strength, if she was slapped this time, how could Gongsun Lue stand it?

At the moment, Lin also arrived.

With one step, he jumped to Gongsun Lue's body, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Qiu Qianchi's skirt.

"Qiu Qianchi, you have been so hard on your daughter!"

"She was born to me. If I want to fight or scold me, it's up to me. You kid don't want a dog to take a mouse!"

He said to the people next to him: "Come on, surround this kid with me too!"

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