Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 160 Tentacle [four more]

Everyone followed Lin Yi and walked towards Qinghuaao.

As he walked out of a hundred steps, Huang Rong suddenly said in surprise: "Brother Lin, the wound on your back..."

After hearing what Huang Rong said, everyone looked on Lin Yi's back.

The clothing on Lin Yi's back was already torn. This was cut by his golden sword and black sword when he had just fought with Gongsunzhi. There are blood stains on it.

Looking in from this scratched place, I saw that the five wounds on Lin Yi's back were actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone is amazing.

"The wound heals so fast, it's fun, fun!"

The old urchin repeatedly praised.

Others were also amazed: "Brother Lin, what is your skill?"

"The strange things about Brother Lin are endless!"

"Brother Lin has a great skill. No matter what kind of injury he suffers, he will be able to recover soon. It is amazing!"

Gongsun Lüe listened and looked at Lin Yi too.

When she saw that Lin Yi's wound was healing quickly, her face was filled with joy: "Master Lin, your wound is healing quickly, great."

Not only others, but Lin Yi himself, was also very surprised.

Is this the Self-healing Ability that was just taken out of the golden gift bag?

very good, very powerful!

This kind of Self-healing Ability, even a top-notch master like Guo Jing, is far behind.

In the future, I have another self-protection Ability.

When Lin Yi came to Qinghuaao, in less than a moment, his sword wounds had healed completely, as if he had never been injured.

At the moment at the edge of Qinghuaao, Wu Santong and his two sons, Zhu Ziliu, Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying and others are besieging Li Mochou.

Li Mochou was one enemy six, and he didn't let the wind fall in the slightest.

Her whisk swept away like ten thousand silver arrows, and the five poisonous palms made people afraid to approach, and the ice soul silver needle was even more powerful.

For a while, everyone at the meeting was helpless with her.

When Li Mochou saw Lin Yi, Huang Rong and others arrived, she was also a little panicked.

No matter how powerful she was, she would never be able to rival so many people.

As soon as she jumped, she jumped out of the encirclement and ran away.

"Want to escape?"

Lin Yi sneered, jumped up abruptly, and pursued Li Mochou.

Originally, Li Mochou escaped extremely fast, and in an instant he was nearly fifty meters away.

I am afraid that there is no one else who can catch up with Li Mochou except the old naughty boy and Master Yideng.

But when Lin Yi jumped into the air, his body was like a ghost. He stretched out 50 meters in an instant and appeared in front of Li Mochou.

This is the effect of the air sprint.

Huang Rong and others were surprised again.

"I didn't expect Brother Lin to be so capable."

"I thought Brother Lin was just a good one, but I didn't expect that he was originally not weak in kung fu and light gong."

"I just don't know the name of this light work."

The old naughty boy chuckled and shouted to Lin Yi: "Little Wawa, your light work is on par with me. Come, come, don’t worry about this aunt, come and play with me. I’ll run away from you, chase after you. Even if I lose, how?"

The old naughty boy deserves to be an old naughty boy.

When Li Mochou saw Lin Yi, he was secretly shocked, and he was already a little afraid of him.

You know, Li Mochou has been in the arena for decades, and he has encountered countless powerful enemies.

But her Five Poison Palms and Ice Soul Silver Needle always make opponents jealous.

Even Huang Yaoshi didn't dare to hold her Ice Soul Silver Needle head-on.

But the boy in front of her was not afraid of her Ice Soul Silver Needle and the Five Poison Palms at all. How could this prevent her from being jealous?

But even though Li Mochou thought so in his heart, he was not slow under his hands, and Fuchen swept towards Lin Yimian's door.

But under the dust, three silver needles flashed out and shot straight toward Lin Yi's abdomen.

She had fought Lin Yi once, knowing that Lin Yi's strength was average. Although her silver needle couldn't hurt Lin Yi, it could make him hurt, and she could take the opportunity to escape.

"Brother Lin, beware!"

Huang Rong quickly reminded.

But it was too late.

All three silver needles stuck in Lin Yi's abdomen.

Everyone was shocked: "Brother Lin!"

Everyone knows the power of this Ice Soul Silver Needle. If there is no antidote to this Silver Needle, it is impossible to survive unless it is a super master helping to force poison to heal the wounds.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Lin Yi took out the silver needle without thinking about it, and jumped to Li Mochou, as if he was not poisoned at all.

This surprised everyone again.

Especially Da Wu and Xiao Wu, they had been poisoned by the Silver Needle of Ice Soul, and they knew how badly it was.

Seeing that the silver had no effect at all against Lin Yi now, they were all surprised.

Li Mochou didn't want to fight with Lin Yi, and ran to the woods not far away.

Lin Yi followed into the woods.

However, as soon as he followed the woods, Li Mochou suddenly turned around, and Fuchen swept towards Lin Yimian's door again.

At the same time, under the dust, two silver needles were hidden and shot straight into Lin Yi's eyes.

In her opinion, even if this kid is not afraid of his silver needles, his eyes are everyone's weakness. This kid is no exception.

Her two silver needles were hidden in the dust when they were shot, very secretive.

Even if the King Jinlun came, he might not be able to find it.

However, Lin Yi was always on biological tracking, and he knew everything within a hundred meters of the opponent.

When the silver needle was shot, his arms quickly turned into fiery red, three times thicker.

But this time, there were no barbs on his arms.

Four or five thick blood-colored vines twisted and twisted on both arms, extending to both hands.

His hands did not turn into sharp claws, but after being covered by these four or five blood-colored vines, two twist-shaped tendrils like tree roots were formed.

All of this is a long story, but in fact it only takes shape in a short time.

Seeing that Li Mochou's silver needle had reached his eyes, his left arm slammed in front of his face, and his right arm blasted towards Li Mochou.

Ding Ding——

Those two silver needles shot on the left arm and had no effect on Lin.

The nearly one-foot-thick tendrils formed by five blood vines on Lin Yi's right arm slammed at Li Mochou fiercely.

Li Mochou immediately backed away.

However, she had withdrawn more than ten steps away, and the tendril also extended forward, extending more than ten steps away.

Seeing that Li Mochou could not evade, he could only use his right hand to block.

But as soon as her right hand touched the tendril, it was instantly stuck.

And within this tendril, something strange seemed to get into her body.

She definitely didn't know that this was bioenergy being injected into the body.

She hurriedly took advantage of her internal strength, trying to resist this thing.

But biological energy is not an internal force, how can she resist it?

After these biological energy flowed to her abdomen, it burst out suddenly.

Moreover, this biological energy explosion did not explode in an explosive manner, but exploded more than ten blood vines.

These more than a dozen thick-armed blood vines instantly penetrated Li Mochou's body and spread out!

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