Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 163 Mission Complete [Seven More]

Lin Yi got up weakly and out of the room.

The house disappeared behind him.

At the moment is twelve o'clock in the night.

Thinking of Gongsun Lue in his heart, he went upstairs in despair.

Opening the door with the key, he lay weakly on the sofa.

When I closed my eyes, Gongsun Lue's shadow was in my mind.

When we first met, her bright smile;

Her posture when she bowed her head shyly;

Her pure eyes;

Her gentleness and kindness;

She jumped into love for herself;


Lin Yi will never forget all of this.

The voice of the system came: "The mission is completed, get 100 evolution points, and the total evolution points are 200 points."

But Lin Yi didn't seem to hear this at all.

The system said dissatisfied: "Hey, it's rewarding you with 100 evolution points anyway, can you cooperate and give some reaction?"

Lin Yi still didn't speak, closed his eyes and said nothing.

The voice of the system came again: "Don't worry, you will enter more planes in the future, and there are more beautiful women."

Lin Yi was powerless: "No matter how many women there are, there is no such thing as a grandson girl."

The system said: "I really convinced you, for a woman, as for? Well, since you are so affectionate, I will see if I can find a way to let you and Gongsun Lue meet again."

This time, Lin Ye heard these words and suddenly said: "Really can you see me?!"

The system said: "That is natural, but I am an omnipotent system, what can't be done?"

"Then when can we meet?"

The system chuckled and said: "Temporarily keep it secret, hahahahaha..."

Lin Yi really has the heart to choke the system.

Fortunately, we can still meet each other, at least there is hope.

Lin Yi immediately became energetic.

At this time, Zuo Yiran got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and suddenly saw Lin Yi appear in the living room. He was shocked and asked, "Lin Yi, do you not sleep in the middle of the night?"

When Lin Yi turned around, she saw Zuo Yiran wearing a silk pajamas.

Although this pajama is not revealing, the chest is still exposed.

After staying on the plane of the god carving for a long time, Lin Yi felt a little impulsive when he suddenly saw such a situation.

Gongsun Lu'e is the kind of classical beauty, and the left is also the same in front of Lin Yi at the moment, but it is a somewhat interesting beauty.

But Lin Yi just took one more look.

After all, he had just parted from Gongsun Lue, and he was still thinking of Gongsun Lue in his mind.

Zuo Yiran saw Lin Yi enter his room and closed the door.

She was a little confused, the expression on Lin Yi's face was very strange.


The next day, Lin Yi slept until 12 noon and only got up.

When he got up, Zuo Yiran had already made breakfast and said to him, "Are you awake? Go wash your face and brush your teeth, and then come over for breakfast."

Lin Yi looked at the breakfast on the table. There were eight-treasure porridge, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and hot steamed buns.

Although simple, it surprised Lin also.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Yiran, a wealthy daughter, could even cook, and it smelled good.

Lin Yi moved his index finger, hurriedly finished washing, then gobbled it up.

Zuo Yiran saw Lin Yi eating so fragrant and in a good mood, and asked, "How does it taste?"

"Well, it tastes great!"

Lin Yi was talking while stuffing buns in his mouth.

"If you like to eat, I will often make it for you in the future."

Zuo Yiran said.

Lin Yi said vaguely, "Maybe I won't be able to eat it in the future."

Zuo Yiran wondered: "What's the matter?"

Lin Yi said: "Cheng Donghai has been making trouble with your father and us, and it is not a problem to continue like this. I plan to take advantage of the eight-day National Day holiday to find Cheng Donghai to completely solve this matter."

He has now been promoted to level 5, and his strength has reached 1,000 jin. And it has a tendril form that can attack from 20 to 30 meters away, as well as air sprint skills and powerful Self-healing Ability. And he also practiced epee under the waterfall with Yang Guo.

In other words, as long as he is willing, he can use 1,000 kilograms of power between his hands and feet.

With so many hole cards, he is confident that he can even leapfrog a level 6 evolutionary.

According to the previous situation, Cheng Donghai is the highest level 4 evolutionary.

In front of a level 4 evolutionary, killing one Cheng Donghai is not a big problem.

Zuo Yiran was surprised: "No! This is too dangerous."

Lin Yidao: "If Cheng Donghai is not dead, he will always send people to trouble you and me. The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light, so we are very passive. It is better for us to take the initiative."

"But he has so many evolutionaries and guns, but you are only one person."

Zuo Yiran shook his head and said.

Lin Yi said, "Don't worry, I'll do what I can. If it doesn't work, I can just run away. With my current strength, I want to go, but Cheng Donghai's group can't stop it."

Seeing that Lin Yi could not persuade him, Zuo Yiran was anxious to himself.

Zuo Yiran's phone rang suddenly.

She answered the phone, and on the other end of the phone was Wang Molin's voice: "The same is true, is Lin also there? I called him several times, but no one answered him."

Lin Yi just remembered that when she was sleeping, her mobile phones were basically set to the do-not-disturb state, and incoming calls did not ring.

He hurriedly answered Zuo Yiran's phone and asked, "Teacher, I'm so sorry, I just woke up. Are you looking for something to do with me?"

Wang Molin said: "There is a calligraphy competition in Shanghai these two days. This is the most important calligraphy competition held every two years in China. They invited me to be a judge, and I plan to show you insights. You clean up the plane this afternoon."

Lin Yi frowned and wanted to refuse.

Zuo Yiran, who was next to him, quickly persuaded: "The teacher is very good to you and me. If you don't go, I'm afraid the teacher will be sad. You go, just so I will follow."

Zuo Yiran was afraid that Lin Yi would go to Cheng Donghai.

This time it takes at least three days to participate in the calligraphy contest.

Excluding these three days, there are only five days left.

Even if Lin Yi wanted to find Cheng Donghai, he still had to fly to Chang'an, and he had to spend time to check Cheng Donghai's residence and defensive situation. There was not enough time.

But she didn't know that Lin Yi swallowed the evolutionaries sent by Cheng Donghai and gained the memories of those evolutionaries.

He basically knows where Cheng Donghai lives, the number of defenders, the number of guns, etc.

As long as one day is given to him, he can manage to become Donghai.

So Lin Yi thought for a while and agreed.

At the moment, Wang Molin’s voice continued: “I heard that this time, Han Shuyan, the dean of Shanghai-Hai Art Academy, who is also a very famous calligrapher in China, also accepted a disciple. That disciple’s ability and comprehension are not comparable. You are poor. You have learned Han Shuyan's skills by 30-40% in only half a year. You can also communicate with him if you go this time."

Lin Yi heard this, but her heart moved slightly: He could learn Han Shuyan's skills by 30-40% in half a year, and most people simply couldn't do it.

Is it possible that Han Shuyan's student is also an evolutionary?

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