Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 173 Shadow Moon Group [Seventeen more]

The two figures who jumped off the wall are also Level 5 Evolutionists.

Lin Yi knew they were coming early in the morning.

Therefore, Lin Yi didn't show any mercy as soon as he shot, and directly shot Bai Qiuheng with a spike, so that it would be easier to deal with these two people next.

The tendrils on his arms, At the moment, is already ready to move.

Lin Yi has used Tendril Ability twice since he obtained the Tendril Ability. As a result, both of them were direct instant kills, leaving the opponent with no power to fight back.

From Bai Qiuheng's memory, he knew that Bai Qiuheng knew these two people, and that they and Bai Qiuheng were in the same organization.

That organization is called the Shadowmoon Group.

And according to Bai Qiuheng's memory, the leader of the Shadowmoon Group is a level 10 evolutionary.

Lin Yi thought to himself that this 10th-level evolutionary might be the 10th-level evolutionary who captured Wang Fan.

As for what the Shadowmoon Group does, according to Bai Qiuheng's memory, this Shadowmoon Group is an assassination organization composed entirely of evolutionaries.

Their team leader is called Shadowmoon, who has been searching for evolutionaries for many years, gathering these evolutionaries together, accepting some assassination missions, and obtaining high rewards.

He frowned slightly, he didn't expect that he would provoke such an assassination organization.

However, as the saying goes, since I have done it today, I will definitely not stay alive.

The two Level 5 evolutionaries who jumped down looked at each other.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

Said one of the higher evolutionists.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently: "If you let me stop, then I'll stop. Then I'm very shameless?"

The higher evolutionary said coldly: "Boy, do you know who you killed?"

Lin Yi sneered and said, "No matter who, dare to stand in my way and die!"

The taller evolutionary wanted to speak again, but the next evolutionary stopped him and said, "Forget it, Bai Qiuheng is going around causing trouble, the group leader wants to deal with him a long time ago. Now he just killed him. Group leader. Let us invite him back, and he must be unscathed."

The higher evolver then stopped speaking and stopped speaking.

In fact, the two people just learned that Bai Qiuheng was going to shoot Lin Yi, but they didn't stop it. They want to see Lin Yi's strength.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi actually killed Bai Qiuheng in seconds.

It was too late for them to stop.

After going back, it is inevitable to be trained by the boss.

The lower evolutionary said: "Your name is Lin Yi, right? Our team leader knows that you are a talent, so I want to see you."

Lin Yi loosened his brows, thought a little, and asked, "Are you from the Shadowmoon group?"

The two looked at each other and both looked a little surprised.

Obviously, they didn't understand how Lin Yi knew.

Their Shadowmoon Group has always acted extremely secretively, except for their internal people and some high-end customers, it is impossible for anyone to know their existence.

But they didn't explain. One of them said, "Since you know us, it's best. You just follow us."

Lin Yi thought for a while and nodded: "It just so happens that I also want to see and see."

Since all members of the Shadowmoon Group are evolutionaries, let's take a look with them.

In the past few months, when Lin Yi became an evolver, he had only seen one, two, or two or three evolvers. This time he had the opportunity to see many evolvers, so he was naturally curious and wanted to see it.

Zuo Yiran gently pulled La Linyi's clothes and said, "Lin Yi, don't go."

Lin Yi then remembered that there was also Zuo Yizhen.

He pondered for a moment, and said to the two of them: "It's okay to go with you, but I have to get her settled first."

The two looked at each other again, and the lower one said: "You as soon as possible, we will find you tomorrow morning."

Speaking, the two jumped onto the walls on both sides of the alley, and they had disappeared.

It was confirmed that the two had gone away, Lin Yi was relieved.

For this Shadowmoon group, he had some expectations and felt a little mysterious.

But at least for now, they don't seem to be malicious to themselves, I'm afraid they just want to attract themselves.

But if you really go to the Shadowmoon group, you can't take the left and the same is true.

In the unlikely event that the Shadowmoon Group is really against him, it would not be difficult for him to escape with his many cards alone. But if the left is also the same, it's not necessarily the case.

That's why he had to settle Zuo Yiran first.

However, Zuo Yiran would be targeted by Cheng Donghai at any time. This was really troublesome.

This Cheng Donghai is simply disgusting to death.

If Cheng Donghai is not dead, he will always protect Zuo and he can't go anywhere.

Although there is money to be made in this way, it is also making money with fate, not a long-term solution.

He had already made up his mind, he would go to the Shadow Moon Group to see it first, and after he came back, he immediately engaged Cheng Donghai.

It's just that how to arrange the left is also true, which really makes him rack his brains.

After thinking about it all the way, I couldn't think of a way.

But as the saying goes, there is no way out of doubt, and there is another village in the dark.

When they returned to the hotel and entered the room, they found that Wang Fan was already in the room for some time.

At the moment, Wang Fan is spreading out more than a dozen heavy books on the floor. Each book is painted with a lot of geometric figures and a lot of text.

Lin also saw him and said with joy, "Why are you back again?"

Wang Fan replied: "I have already touched some knack for combining geometric matrix, but I am not too familiar with it. Now I can only control myself to travel to the place I have traversed before. I just tried it and I returned to the hotel. It happened to be here. It’s very quiet. I went over and took a few books, and borrowed your place to study the algorithm of geometric matrix."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, it just so happens. I'm leaving for a few days. You can take care of Zuo Yiran for me."

Wang Fan replied absently: "Yes."

Lin also saw that although Wang Fan answered with his lips, his thoughts were entirely on the book.

He thought to himself that this nerd didn't know if he didn't care about it.

So he simply closed the book that Wang Fan was looking at.

Wang Fan raised his head and asked Lin Yi: "What's the matter?"

Lin Yi repeated what he said just now. Wang Fan pushed his glasses and said, "It turned out to be such a trivial matter, don't worry. With me protecting her, even if a level 10 evolutionary comes, it won't hurt him. ."

What Wang Fan said was right.

Although his Ability was not used to attack, but with self-protection, it was brilliant.

No matter how strong the attack of the 10th level evolutionary is, he uses a space transfer to directly transfer the opponent's attack to another place. If you can't beat me, what's the use of being more powerful?

It is also true that he protects Zuo, and Lin Yi is also quite relieved.

It's just that this nerd is too easy to indulge in his own world.

Lin Yi exhorted again: "Before I come back, don't do any research. You must protect him, understand?"

"Well, I understand. If you don't come back for an hour, I will protect her for an hour. If you don't come back for 3,600 seconds, I will protect her for 3,600 seconds."

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